Uncle Jim: Blog


Nicolae, Chapters 9 & 10

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

In this week's opening pages, Sara learns several things about Nick and herself plus his and her parents and past. She isn't paying attention for a part of this, and Nick needs to repeat himself. She learns even more then.

A few days later, those from the CIA watching them are disturbed when they don't appear for their exercises.

The reason for them not appearing soon becomes apparent when they go to Nick's cave. Sara is amazed by the cave and its contents and learns more about Nick's past. Nick collects their lunch and they leave after eating.

The CIA's watchers are more surprised when they return to their exercises, and Agent Ray arrives later to question them. He calls the other two agents following that.

In the meantime, Maddy sends her Daughters and their Husbands to Charleston to investigate the presence of Dragons.

Things are starting to heat up and will get even hotter in the next few chapters. I am nearly finished writing the story, but still have several items to cover.

Enjoy these chapters. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, Chapters 7 & 8

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with Nick and Sara arriving at his house. Following dinner, Sara gets settled and also learns more about his past. She needs to decide about her job. They transfer to her place of work, but seeing her boss turns out to be more difficult than they had thought. The police and the FBI are still looking for her, but they overcome the obstacles.

The police and the FBI rush in to arrest them when alerted, but they are too late. Later they discuss the problem and a number of things are revealed.

Later that week, those watching for the CIA are surprised when Nick takes her shopping. He continues to work her into his normal routine, as the CIA watches.

A few weeks later there is another meeting of the three agents. Ray reveals a number of things about Nick to them and us. There are a number of surprises.

Meanwhile, Bob the minor Demon visits Maddy in her kitchen. They confer for some time about the problem developing in Charleston.

After a few weeks, Sara comes to Nick in need of sex. They have an excellent time. Later, we learn more about Sara's preferences in regards to sex.

These are fun chapters. More serious events are on the way. Stay tuned, as the old radio announcers used to say.

Enjoy these chapters. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, Chapter 5 & 6

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with a meeting of three CIA agents who had worked with Nick over time. Part of his past is revealed.

Sara has problems with being followed that develop into a major problem when it is the law following her. Nick deals with them in his own way before transferring her away from work.

Nick's solutions cause the police and the FBI trouble. By the time they arrive at her apartment, she and Nick have removed most of her things, and he has booby-trapped her apartment to embarrass them. Bob, the minor Demon, had been there and smiles at what he has learned.

These two chapters were fun to write and required only a little research. Enjoy them. More next week.

It's time for nominations for the Clitorides Awards again. Check you favorite author or authors stories for eligibility and decide if they should be nominated.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, Chapters 3 & 4

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with those from the CIA, who are watching Nick, discuss why they are there and who he is. His current routine is also discussed.

Nick transferring Sara and hisself to the Charleston Police Headquarters. The detectives don't believe Sara's story. Eventually her Mother and boss arrive and identify her. The detectives believe that she needs to be checked to ensure that she is fully healed.

At the hospital, the doctor doubts Sara's claim to have been healed. Tests are performed that show that she has been healed.

Returning to her apartment, Sara's Mother wants her to go home with her. Sara wants to study Magic, but Nick is busy that night.

That night, the police discover a horrendous mass murder. It makes all of the news outlets.

The following evening, Nick arrives in Sara's apartment to start her Magic studies. Nick reveals some of his history to her.

These chapters were fairly easy and a good bit of fun to write. In them, we start to learn some of Nick's background. More will be revealed as the story progresses. There will be a few surprises.

Enjoy these chapters. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, Chapters 1 & 2

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The first chapters of the new story 'Nicolae' have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

Yes, I know that I'm late, very late getting this story posted, but I had a problem develop on Friday morning. I lost my Internet connection. At first, we thought that it was a minor interruption. To make a long story short, it wasn't. The cable connecting my house to the provider's cable box went bad. The company finally sent a technician to install a new temporary cable on the ground. A permanent cable will be installed later. Today, Tuesday, I finally have internet service again.

The new story in entitled Nicolae.

After being killed by the raiders, Nikshith goes to check on the other villagers. They don't believe he is him as they had seen him killed. On being rebuffed, he sets out to retrieve his sword. He eventually finds it broken and discarded on the battlefield where the raiders were defeated and annihilated. Later he talks to the man who had cut his sword in half. He starts on the long journey to find such a sword.

A thousand years later, Nikshith, now known as Nicolae, rescues a young woman from being assaulted and murdered by three men in a gang initiation. He then disappears with her. The police are looking for her and want her to report to their headquarters. Nicolar coaches her on what to tell them and what to do.

This is a side story in the Ley Line Witch series. The characters from it and another story, 'Little Dragon Lost' yet to be written will appear in the final story of the series 'The Four Queens' when I get it written.

For now enjoy these two chapters. I will be posting the next two chapters on Friday of this week providing I don't lose my Internet connection again.

Keep Well,
uncle jim



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