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Story tags (to do or not to do)

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

Okay, I'm probably going to end up doing what I think best anyway, but I would appreciate people's feedback. I do listen when making decisions.

I'm writing a short story that's a Western. I'm struggling with some of the story tags โ€” whether to include them or not.

1. The MC's mother was a prostitute and she grew up in a brothel. It comes up in a flashback, but the story is not about prostitutes or prostitution โ€” so I'm not planning on having the "prostitution" tag.

2. It's a Western so there's another flashback where there's a gunfight where 3 people get shot and die. Also in the scene, one man is rough with the MC (14-yo married female at the time). But I was not going to use the "violence" tag. That's all the violence there is in the story.

3. There's a scene where the bad guy steps on another man's gunshot wound and presses it. But I'm not planning on having the "torture" tag. It's one instance in the entire story.

4. The mother catches her son fucking a sheep (this one is not a flashback). There's no description of it other than his pants are down, he's holding the ewe's tail up, and humping his hips. When the mother screams, he falls down with his hard cock sticking out. I'm not planning on having the bestiality tag.

But readers are adamant about their squicks. Torture. Violence. Bestiality. Are those a reader would not forgive me for not warning them? But, on the other hand, I'd hate to have someone looking for a torture story and be disappointed because it's not a torture story. Same with bestiality or violence. They can hold that against me as well.

So whatcha think?

Grey Wolf ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I would probably skip the ones you mention, for the reasons you mention, but you might add a quick foreword in which you say 'Tags X Y Z P D Q' may apply but appear briefly and are generally incidental to the plot. If those bother you even in brief references, this is a warning.'

That, or use the intentionally vague 'caution' tag.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

1) If the flash back doesn't show the mother or other women actually engaging in the business of prostitution, the prostitution tag is definitely not justified. Even if it was, for just one scene in a much larger story I wouldn't include it either.

2) It's a very rare western that includes no violence. The violence tag here would be redundant.

3) I would need more context. This sounds more like a kick-em while they're down moment than anything I would call torture.

4) This one's a close call for me. It's on stage and at least strongly implied even if not graphically presented.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

4) This one's a close call for me.

Yeah, I know. :(

Replies:   Grey Wolf
Grey Wolf ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

It's a close call for me, too, but I suspect 'bestiality' is an 'interest' tag as much as it's a 'squick' tag. The tag might attract a bunch of readers who would be very disappointed, while keeping away a bunch who wouldn't be that irritated.

The problem with 'squick' tags is that many people would be fine with the scene as described - they just don't want to read about ongoing bestiality in detail. Some people don't even want it alluded to.

Basically: we're putting much too much work into one little tag that might mean 'once, in passing' or 'on every page, in detail' with no differentiation between the two.

Hence a foreword that clarifies, perhaps.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Grey Wolf

The tag might attract a bunch of readers who would be very disappointed, while keeping away a bunch who wouldn't be that irritated.

My exact thought.


Paladin_HGWT ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

It's a Western so there's another flashback where there's a gunfight where 3 people get shot and die. Also in the scene, one man is rough with the MC (14-yo married female at the time). But I was not going to use the "violence" tag. That's all the violence there is in the story.

There's a scene where the bad guy steps on another man's gunshot wound and presses it. But I'm not planning on having the "torture" tag. It's one instance in the entire story.

I don't think that All Westerns imply Violence (without needing a Tag). You have three different instances of violence, including Death by violence. IMHO you should have a Violence Tag. Now if you just have a character speak about their deaths; however, I infer you describe the events. Even if only in a flashback.

As described, the other tags are unnecessary. In particular, as described the "torture" is reasonably covered by the Violence Tag.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


You have three different instances of violence, including Death by violence. IMHO you should have a Violence Tag.

Sounds like the best compromise to me.

I'd skip the 'prostitution' and I'm undecided about the bestiality. Fans would expect something far more explicit, but it could represent a significant turn-off for those who have a squick about bestiality.

Minor issue - isn't writing about bestiality illegal in some legislations? Might some readers technically be breaking the law by unwittingly downloading a story containing bestiality?


DBActive ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

As a reader I don't think you need any of the tags listed.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


As a reader I don't think you need any of the tags listed.

*big sigh of relief*

You're my new best friend. :)

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


As a reader I don't think you need any of the tags listed.

It's minority sets of readers that authors have to worry about - the potential 1-bombs give them a disproportionate amount of power.


REP ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

No matter what you do, someone will get upset.

My personal guideline is that if the story's scenes contain a significant amount of an activity applicable to a code then the relevant code(s) should be listed. However, certain activities have multiple codes, which include a general code and specific codes. If multiple specific codes apply, I would list the general code.

For a long story with numerous types of activities, It may not be possible to list all of the codes due to Lazeez's 50 code limit. In that case, I would only list codes applicable to the main activities in the story.

When it comes to listing codes for squicks, there is no way to win. Personally, I don't want to offend a reader. However, the people who might be offended by a specific activity need to take responsibility for reading stories that may contain the type of activity that bothers them. That is especially true of readers who don't check codes and don't read Introductions/Forwards. They need to avoid reading stories that have sexual content, or if they continue to do so, don't complain about encountering something they consider a squick.

If an author tried to list the code for every possible squick in one of their long stories, they would exceed Lazeez's 50 code limit. Besides, how is an author to know that a reader will be offended by an activity that is commonly accepted as "normal" in stories that describe sexual activities. SOL does not have a list of reader squicks. However if there was such a list, most readers would not enjoy a story that avoids all of the squicks on the list.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


certain activities have multiple codes, which include a general code and specific codes. If multiple specific codes apply, I would list the general code.

Reading this, what comes to mind is "incest" (general) and say "mother" and "son" (both specific). I think listing the general one only would lose potential readers who do a Category Search on the specific one(s).

akarge ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

If this is a multi chapter story, you could place a tag at the top of the chapters containing the specific bit. I would definitely ignore the prostitution. The other stuff would depend on how much detail you go into.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


If this is a multi chapter story, you could place a tag at the top of the chapters containing the specific bit

It's a short story that's broken into scenes. I'm not sure if I'll call them chapters or just use scene breaks. The whole story will be posted at one time even if choose chapters. It really is a short story.

DBActive ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I think what is really need is a set of new codes for the authors who can't spell correctly or who don't understand the most basic rules of grammar.

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