So I'm a Faun Now - Cover

So I'm a Faun Now

Copyright© 2023 by Writer D

Chapter 9

The next morning, Aeta stirred from her sleep, her mind registering that she was being held close, and she could hear the soft breathing of another. That’s when memories came to her mind, of her, Tomoe, and Eliyen, as well as the Otherworlders and some reincarnations who had left the Verdantwood Provincial Capital to found a new settlement and a new home. Hikaru, her long-time crush and now official girlfriend, was sleeping in the same bed as her, causing Aeta to smile.

Aeta and Hikaru slowly woke up together in the cozy room of their cabin. The sun’s rays streamed in through the window, casting a warm and inviting light. Aeta smiled as she looked at Hikaru, who was still sleeping peacefully. Her heart swelled with affection for her girlfriend.

Gently, Aeta leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Hikaru’s forehead. “Good morning, my love,” she whispered, hoping to rouse her gently.

Hikaru stirred, her eyes fluttering open, and a warm smile graced her face as she saw Aeta. “Good morning,” she replied with a yawn. “I could get used to waking up like this.”

Aeta chuckled. “Me too.” She wrapped her arms around Hikaru, pulling her close for a morning hug. “We have a big day ahead. I was thinking that today, we could introduce Aurora to an adventurer party. She’s been training hard, and I think she’s ready.”

Hikaru nodded in agreement. “That sounds like a great idea. We could head to the Provincial Capital and see if there’s an adventurer’s guild or a party looking for a new member.”

With a plan in mind, the two girls got ready for the day, and soon, they were setting out towards the Provincial Capital, with Aurora following closely. They arrived at the bustling city and made their way to the adventurer’s guild, hoping to find a suitable party for Aurora to join.

The desk clerk looked up as the three entered, and gasped. “Lady Aeta! Welcome to the Adventurers Guild, Edurith branch!” she said enthusiastically as she saw the daughter of the Provincial Lord. “How may I be of assistance, my lady? and who are your companions?”

Aeta smiled warmly at the desk clerk’s enthusiasm. “Thank you for the warm welcome,” she said. “I’m here with my girlfriend, Hikaru, and this is Aurora,” Aeta introduced her companions. “We’re looking for a party that Aurora can join. She’s an experienced adventurer and can be a valuable member of any team.”

The desk clerk nodded, her eyes filled with curiosity as she took in Aurora’s appearance. “Of course, Lady Aeta. Let me check if there are any parties currently seeking new members.” She quickly scanned through her records and spoke into a communication device. A moment later, she received a response.

“Yes, there’s a party called the ‘Azure Seekers’ that’s been looking for a new member to join their ranks,” the desk clerk informed them. “They’re currently located in the Adventurer’s Haven in the city. Would you like me to contact them?”

Aeta nodded. “Please do. Let them know we’re coming to discuss the opportunity with them.”

The desk clerk swiftly made the arrangements, and they were directed to the Adventurer’s Haven, a meeting place for adventurers within the city, where the Azure Seekers were currently stationed. Aeta, Hikaru, and Aurora headed there, excited about the prospect of finding a suitable party for Aurora.

Aeta recalled, mostly from her brothers, Theren and Cyren, that the Adventurers Haven was a tavern-based establishment, The idea of a tavern though reminded her of another idea she’d had, of a mobile base of operations inside a carriage, that used parts of a tavern.

As they made their way to the Adventurer’s Haven, Aeta couldn’t help but ponder her idea of a mobile base of operations within a carriage. The concept intrigued her, and she silently mulled over the possibilities it could offer to adventurers. With her inventive mind, she considered the practicality of integrating parts of a tavern into a mobile unit.

Upon arriving at the Adventurer’s Haven, Aeta, Hikaru, and Aurora were greeted with the lively atmosphere of the place. Adventurers were gathered at tables, sharing stories and making preparations for their next quests. A bartender skillfully juggled mugs while serving drinks to patrons, and a bard played a lively tune on a lute in one corner.

As they looked around, Aeta wondered if there might be adventurers among the patrons who would be interested in her idea, as well as joining the Azure Seekers.

Aeta led the way to the counter where she greeted the bartender, who immediately recognized her as the daughter of Lord Augustus, the Provincial Lord.

The bartender, recognizing Aeta, gave her a polite bow and a warm smile. “Lady Aeta, it’s an honor to have you in the Adventurer’s Haven. How may I assist you today?”

Aeta returned the smile and began to explain her purpose in visiting the Adventurer’s Haven. She expressed her interest in meeting experienced adventurers who might be intrigued by a unique venture and asked the bartender if they could assist in introducing her to potential recruits for the Azure Seekers.

The bartender pointed Lady Aeta to the table closest to the fireplace, the group had a Gnome Tinkerer, Dwarf Engineer, Merfolk water mage, and an Elf archer, in addition to a human she recognized from Astral Academy, and a Centaur. Aurora stepped forward, followed by Aeta, with Hikaru following as they approached the table.

Aeta and her companions approached the group of adventurers sitting by the fireplace. As they got closer, she greeted them with a smile. “Good day, fellow adventurers. My name is Lady Aeta, and I come with a proposition for those who seek unique challenges and are not afraid to delve into the unknown. I understand, that your group is known as the Azure Seekers.”

Aeta introduced Aurora, emphasizing her remarkable capabilities and the possibility of adding a special asset to the team. She also explained her origins that she was created by her, and how she was strong like Ogres, and as durable as dragons, due to the Mountain Ogre Muscles, and Dracomail, which she used alchemy on dragon scales.

As Aeta presented her proposition and provided additional information about Aurora’s unique abilities, the adventurers at the table exchanged glances and muttered to each other. The Gnome Tinkerer leaned forward, his eyes bright with curiosity, and spoke up.

“Well, Lady Aeta, I must say your offer is intriguing. We’ve been known for our explorations, and having a creature like this could open up new possibilities. We are, however, a close-knit group, and we make decisions together. We’d like some time to discuss your proposition and consult with our members. We’ll get back to you with our answer.”

Aeta nodded in understanding, and they exchanged contact information for further discussions. She thanked the adventurers for their time and returned to her table with Hikaru and Aurora, hopeful that the Azure Seekers might gain valuable allies on their upcoming journeys.

Hikaru ordered some drinks for the three of them, thinking that they could enjoy what the Adventurers Haven had to offer on the menu.

As they enjoyed their drinks and some of the tavern’s delicious dishes, Aeta, and Hikaru, engaged in casual conversation about their future plans and potential quests. It was a pleasant and exciting time, contemplating the adventures that lay ahead with the possibility of new allies in the Azure Seekers.

“This will be interesting, on one hand, you’ll be off on adventures, but on the other hand, you’ll actually be home with me.’ Hikaru said to Aeta with a smile. Indeed as a puppet remotely controlled by Aeta, Aeta could be in two places at once.

Aeta smiled at Hikaru and gently squeezed her hand. “It’s the best of both worlds, isn’t it? I’ll get to experience the thrill of adventures with my fellow adventurers while also being here with you. I couldn’t ask for more.” The prospect of joining the Azure Seekers and having Hikaru by her side filled her with excitement and anticipation for the future.

Hikaru smiled and nodded as she squeezed Aeta’s hand in response. “I’ll be sure to support you, and of course your beautiful Aurora every step of the way too,” she said “In fact, while you’ll bring magical knowledge, I think I might be able to help with Flora and Fauna knowledge, that would help the group too.”

Aeta’s heart swelled with affection for Hikaru. She was truly lucky to have her by her side. “Your knowledge will be invaluable, Hikaru. Together, we’ll make an amazing team, and I couldn’t be more excited about our journey with the Azure Seekers.” She gave Hikaru a loving look, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Hikaru smiled at her before her attention was diverted to the approach of a dwarf engineer from the Azure Seekers. She greeted Aeta, Hikaru, and Aurora, before she spoke. “we’ve decided to accept Aurora, we’d be fools not to, plus, our human comrade reminded me, that my cousin told me about you, Lady Aeta, you were the first non-dwarf to create a golem.” She said.

Aeta returned the dwarf engineer’s smile with gratitude. “Thank you for accepting Aurora into your ranks. I believe she will be a valuable addition to your team. And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well. Yes, I have an affinity for golems and magical constructs. I’m thrilled to work with the Azure Seekers on this new journey.” She glanced over at Hikaru with a satisfied smile.

With that, Aurora stood to rejoin the others in the Azure Seekers group. Aeta could only smile with excitement. “with that done ... I should check and see if my gift, their new mobile base of operations is ready, want to come?” She asked Hikaru.

Hikaru nodded, her curiosity piqued by the mention of a new mobile base of operations. “Of course, I’d love to see it. Lead the way, Aeta,” she said with an eager expression.

With a hand in hand, the two left the Adventurer’s haven and walked to where the carpenters were. Aeta greeted the head carpenter and asked about her project, and the two were escorted to what appeared to be a noble’s carriage. Aeta walked towards it and stepped in. “oh wow” she said as she saw how much bigger it was on the inside rather than the outside just like she’d planned.

Hikaru followed Aeta into the noble’s carriage, her eyes widening in amazement as she saw the spacious interior that seemed to defy the outer dimensions. “This is incredible, Aeta! It’s much bigger on the inside. How does it work?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

“Space magic, it can affect the space of a location like an interior, which, according to the masters of Astral Academy, is preferred rather than some outside location. Plus, there are a lot of people in Azure Seekers, so they need lots of room. “this area is going to double, as a meeting place, and a place for travelers to rest.” she said and began leading the way to the other parts. “space for a workshop, perhaps blacksmithing, and bedrooms are through there. In addition to bathrooms, and storage space.” Aeta said.

Hikaru continued to explore the carriage with Aeta, admiring the clever use of space and functionality. “This is going to be such a valuable asset for the Azure Seekers. It’s like a mobile base of operations, and it’s all thanks to your innovative ideas,” she said, impressed. “I can see how this will make their adventures more efficient and comfortable.”

As they continued to explore the various sections, Hikaru asked, “Do you have any more exciting ideas or projects in mind for the future?”

Aeta grinned at her “Exactly, a mobile base of operations is right!” she said “I’m grateful they’ve accepted her.” She admitted with a happy smile on her face. “as for exciting ideas or projects, mostly on continuing to help build our settlement. Now that I think of it, we probably should meet up with the other Otherworlders, and Other worlder reincarnations, and come up with a name for our settlement, eventually.”

Hikaru nodded in agreement. “Building our settlement and making it thrive should be a top priority. And coming up with a name for it will give it a true identity. It’s an exciting journey, and I’m happy to be a part of it with you.”

As they explored the mobile base further, Hikaru couldn’t help but appreciate the amount of thought and effort Aeta had put into it. “You have a remarkable talent for combining magic and engineering. I’m excited to see what other innovative projects you come up with in the future.”

Aeta could only smile at her as she spoke. Meanwhile, back at the Adventurers Haven, Aurora Steelheart, walked with the Dwarven Engineer she learned was named Runa, back to the table with the other members of the Azure Seekers, she greeted the Gnome Tinkerer, Elven Archer, Merfolk Watermage, Centaur, and the Human mage in the group. “i’m grateful that you’ve all accepted me to join your group,” Aurora said, her voice similar to Aeta’s but higher pitched.

The members of the Azure Seekers nodded and smiled, welcoming Aurora to their group. Runa, the Dwarf Engineer, spoke up, “We’ve heard a lot about your unique abilities, Aurora Steelheart. We’re thrilled to have you with us, and we look forward to the adventures we’ll share together.”

The rest of the group expressed their excitement as well, and the Gnome Tinkerer, named Fizzle, couldn’t contain his enthusiasm. “This is going to be incredible! With your strength and Lady Aeta’s magical prowess, we’re going to take on some of the most challenging quests and discover ancient artifacts.”

The Merfolk Watermage, Aeliana, added, “We’re like a family here, and you’re now a part of it. Welcome to the Azure Seekers!”

Aurora smiled at Aeliana with gratitude. “thank you! I like the sound of that!” She said then turned to the group. “by the way, as we speak, Lady Aeta is preparing a gift for you, in gratitude for accepting me, something she-i hopes is helpful.”

The Azure Seekers looked at Aurora with curiosity, intrigued by the idea of a gift from Lady Aeta. Fizzle, the Gnome Tinkerer, couldn’t help but ask, “What kind of gift are we talking about? Lady Aeta always has fascinating ideas.”

Aurora smiled, not giving away any details. “You’ll see soon enough. She said it’s something that will be beneficial for our group, especially during our adventures.”

The group chatted and shared their excitement about the upcoming gift, bonding and making Aurora feel even more welcomed among the Azure Seekers.

Aurora learned that there were in fact two members not present, a Beastkin Shaman, and a Fire Elemental Sorcerer. Turns out they were all in telepathic communication which aided them in deciding on accepting her to be a part of the group.

Aurora was pleased to learn that the Azure Seekers used telepathic communication to make group decisions. It showed how well-coordinated and close-knit the group was. As they continued to discuss their future adventures, Aurora couldn’t help but feel a sense of belonging among her new companions. She looked forward to the challenges and bonds they would develop as a team.

Finally, through Aeta she got the sense that the gift was ready, so Aurora spoke to her new comrades. “it’s ready, shall I take you there?” she asked them.

The Azure Seekers nodded in agreement, and Aurora, under Aeta’s guidance, led the group to where the gift was located. She had them gather around the mobile base of operations, the noble’s carriage with its magically enhanced interior space.

As the group approached the carriage, Aeta was already inside, ready to reveal the surprise. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you your new mobile base of operations,” she announced, her voice filled with enthusiasm. With a flourish, she opened the door, revealing the spacious interior that could serve as a meeting place, a rest area for travelers, a workshop, and more. The Azure Seekers couldn’t hide their awe and excitement.

Aeta continued, “This is my way of showing my appreciation for welcoming Aurora into your ranks. I hope you find it useful in your future adventures.”

The group expressed their gratitude and amazement, and they began to explore the new mobile base with excitement and anticipation of the adventures they would embark on with this fantastic addition to their team.

Aurora walked towards the comfy armchair at the back of the tavern and sat comfortably on it, as Aeta showed off their new base. Runa seeing the space, pulled something out of her pocket, and in the space for engineering work, a brand new station appeared. “Dwarf magic, we can make things easily carried like that, but this is going to be perfect. We’ll be adventuring in style and comfort.’ Runa said. Aeta nodded “Your bedrooms will also take your physiology in mind as it adjusts itself to your comfort.”

The members of the Azure Seekers were in awe of the new mobile base of operations. Runa’s engineering station was an excellent addition, and Aeta’s accommodation for different physiologies impressed them further. The sense of excitement among the group was palpable.

Elven Archer, Kayora, spoke up, “This is truly amazing! Lady Aeta, we can’t thank you enough for this incredible gift. It will undoubtedly enhance our adventures and make our journeys even more comfortable.”

Aeta smiled at Kayora’s words and nodded, pleased to see how much the Azure Seekers appreciated their new mobile base. “I’m glad you like it,” she replied. “I hope it serves you well on your adventures. If there’s anything you need or any modifications you’d like, don’t hesitate to ask.”

The members of the Azure Seekers continued to explore the mobile base, excitedly discussing their upcoming missions and plans. With their new headquarters, they were more prepared than ever to face the challenges that awaited them.

Aeta demonstrated how to operate the mobile base, showing them the rune in the driver’s area and how it summoned the creatures to pull the carriage. She explained its functionality and ensured that the Azure Seekers were comfortable with using it. With their new mobile headquarters fully operational, they were ready to embark on their adventures with the enhanced support and comfort it provided.

Aeta and Hikaru returned to their cabin, where they celebrated the successful day and shared their joy over Aurora’s acceptance into the Azure Seekers. They spent the evening together, discussing their future plans, their adventures, and their newfound happiness. The warm and cozy cabin provided the perfect setting for their intimate moments and bonding, strengthening their relationship as they looked forward to a bright future in their magical world.

Aurora was introduced to the last two members of the Azure Seekers, the Beastkin Shaman, and the Fire Elemental Sorcerer, as they finally arrived at the carriage. Although they had been in telepathic communication earlier, it was the first time they met in person. Aurora greeted them warmly and made sure they had everything they needed for their upcoming adventures. The group was now complete, and they were ready to embark on new quests and challenges together.

Aurora learned that Runa, and Fizz would be in the back working, and the mages and shaman spent time meditating, so Aurora and Kayora moved to the driver’s area and as Aurora and Kayora took their seats in the driver’s area of the carriage, they summoned the creatures that would pull the carriage. With everything in place, the Azure Seekers were on their way to new adventures, ready to explore and face the challenges that awaited them. The journey ahead was filled with possibilities, and Aurora was excited to be a part of this group of skilled adventurers.

The smooth and stable movement of the carriage surprised those inside, including Kayora. It was clear that the design and magic behind this mobile base of operations were well-crafted, ensuring a comfortable and steady ride even as they traveled. The group settled in for their journey, ready to face new challenges and make the most of their adventures.

“By the way, I didn’t mention it before, but Hikaru mentioned to me, rather to Lady Aeta, that she has some knowledge of Beastiary, and Herbs, that she can transfer through to me, once we have some idea of what we face,” Aurora told Kayora as she expertly controlled the carriage.

Kayora nodded in response to Aurora’s explanation. “That’s great to hear. Having knowledge of beasts and herbs will undoubtedly be useful during our adventures. We can always use additional information to help us navigate unfamiliar territories and situations. Please let Hikaru know how much we appreciate her expertise.”

As they continued on their journey, the group’s excitement for their upcoming adventures grew. The mobile base of operations was proving to be a fantastic addition to their travels, making life on the road much more comfortable.

“I have done so, and according to the map, where are we heading? to a dungeon or something?” Aurora asked Kayora.

Kayora looked at the map and replied, “Yes, we’re headed to a nearby dungeon called the Whispering Caverns. It’s known for its intricate underground maze and a variety of magical creatures that dwell within it. We’ve been tasked with exploring and mapping the area, as well as retrieving some rare magical crystals that can only be found in those caves. Our client believes they can be used in various enchantments.”

The party had accepted this mission a few days earlier, and they were excited to put their new mobile base to the test while exploring the mysterious caverns. The journey promised to be filled with adventure and, hopefully, plenty of loot.

Through her link with Aeta, she heard Aeta tell Hikaru about where they were headed and asked Hikaru about what they’d find there, that Aurora could tell the Azure Seekers.

Hikaru nodded as she listened to Aeta and Aurora’s conversation through their link. “Well, the Whispering Caverns are known for a wide variety of magical creatures, including elemental beings, spectral entities, and even some unique plant-based creatures. It’s also said that the caves are filled with echoes and whispers, hence the name. Some adventurers claim to have heard strange voices or even had visions deep inside.”

Hikaru continued, “The mission is to explore and map the caves, collect any valuable magical crystals, and possibly deal with any hostile creatures if they pose a threat. It’s considered a challenging but rewarding adventure, and I’m sure Aurora and the Azure Seekers will do great.”

Aurora, with the information relayed, nodded in agreement. The Whispering Caverns sounded like a place with potential for exciting discoveries, and she was eager to join the group in their exploration.

Aurora turned to Kayora “Hikaru says that The Caverns are known for a variety of magical creatures, and that we should be on the lookout for elemental beings, spectral entities, and even some unique plant-based creatures. She also said, according to lore, that it’s filled with echoes and whispers, hence the name. Some adventurers claim to have heard strange voices or even had visions deep inside.” She then added, “Plant creatures should be simple enough with fire magic, but these other creatures might be difficult.”

Kayora listened attentively and nodded. “Thank you for the information. It seems like we’ll need to be extra cautious and prepared when we venture into the Whispering Caverns. Spectral entities can be quite tricky, and elemental beings can vary in temperament. If we encounter any of these creatures, we should prioritize assessing their intentions and use our magic wisely.”

Aurora’s awareness of the situation made Kayora feel more confident in the journey ahead. Together, they would face whatever challenges awaited them in the Whispering Caverns. “I shall follow your lead of course, since you are more experienced as an adventurer,” Aurora said to Kayora.

Kayora appreciated Aurora’s willingness to follow her lead. “Thank you, Aurora. We’ll make a good team. Remember, it’s important to trust your instincts and use your abilities wisely. We’re here to support each other. Let’s keep our comrades in the Azure Seekers safe and return with valuable knowledge and treasures from the Whispering Caverns.”

With their preparations and knowledge shared, they continued on their journey toward the Whispering Caverns, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

After a few hours, they made it to a massive cave, in which the Whispering Caverns are said to be. As they stood at the entrance of the massive cave, Aurora observed the imposing darkness that seemed to swallow the entrance whole. The Whispering Caverns lay ahead, shrouded in an eerie, mysterious ambiance. The torchlight they carried flickered, casting faint shadows on the cavern’s walls.

Kayora, now back on her feet, nodded to Aurora and the rest of the group. “Alright, everyone, keep your senses sharp, and stay close. We don’t know what we might encounter in these depths.”

Aurora led the way as they ventured into the Whispering Caverns, the torchlight revealing intricate formations on the cave walls and an echoing hush that added to the mystique of the place. Their journey into the heart of the cave had only just begun, and the challenges that lay ahead would test their mettle as adventurers.

Aurora noted its quietness as they just entered the caverns, and wondered when the whispering would start and when would they see what was inside the cavern. But as she stepped forward, she started hearing its sounds, which sounded like something being shaken, but not quite as she led the way.

As Aurora ventured deeper into the Whispering Caverns, the strange sounds in the cave intensified. The echoes of strange rattling or shaking grew louder, and it became clear that something was nearby. The torchlight revealed nothing out of the ordinary at first, but the shadows danced eerily on the cave walls.

Kayora kept her bow at the ready, and the rest of the group prepared their respective skills and spells. The group moved cautiously through the cave’s winding passages, their eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of the source of these unsettling sounds.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, and it was only a matter of time before they would come face to face with the creatures that called this cavern home.

As Aurora stepped forward, as the others prepared her hand moved to her sword hilt, just so she was ready as she walked forward. Suddenly, the torchlight revealed a spider, that skittered by seeking shelter of a small hole, away from the danger of the Azure Seekers, clearly, the elemental beings, spectral entities, and plant creatures leave the spiders alone in this cavern. She watched the spider find its refuge and didn’t bother it further. It seemed that not all the inhabitants of the Whispering Caverns were a direct threat to the group, which was a small comfort in this mysterious and eerie place.

As they continued to explore the caverns, the occasional whispers and echoes filled the air, creating an eerie ambiance. Aurora remained vigilant, her hand still resting on her sword, ready for any potential encounters with the more dangerous creatures that might lurk within the shadows. The journey through the Whispering Caverns had only just begun, and she knew there was more to discover in this mystical and unpredictable place.

Suddenly, the group stopped, as before them, little holes in the ground erupted with steam, and for a moment, Aurora saw something, a figure in its aftermath, before it disappeared. “you all saw that correct?’ Aurora asked her party.

The group members exchanged glances and nodded in response to Aurora’s question. They had indeed witnessed the brief appearance of a mysterious figure within the steam. The Whispering Caverns were clearly filled with odd occurrences and unexplained phenomena.

“Stay alert,” Kayora cautioned. “We’re not alone down here, and it’s not just spiders we need to be cautious of. Keep your senses sharp, and let’s continue forward carefully.” Aurora remained vigilant, knowing that the caverns held more surprises, both dangerous and intriguing, waiting for them to uncover.

Aurora stepped forward once more, ever watchful for what might be in the cavern, other than the steam being. From Aeta, she knew that elemental beings were more than just the four basic elements, Steam, a combination of heat and water, had to exist in a being form too. The cavern tunnel grew larger as they went.

The cavern tunnel’s expansion added a sense of mystery and wonder to their journey. Aurora’s heightened senses kept a lookout for any signs of elemental beings or spectral entities that might lurk in this area. With each step, the tension in the group mounted as they ventured deeper into the cavern.

As they preceded, a low, echoing sound began to permeate the cavern’s air. The soft whispers, like a distant conversation, created an eerie atmosphere. The group had entered the heart of the Whispering Caverns, where the secrets and mysteries of this underground world lay waiting to be discovered. Aurora moved forward cautiously, leading the way through the ever-enveloping darkness, guided by torchlight and the quiet murmurings that surrounded them.

Aurora’s heightened vision took note of the more rocky nature of the walls, and tried to identify the rock types, as she glanced around. Suddenly the party saw what appeared to be kids, running, and in some cases being scared, but when the Shaman in the group stepped forward they disappeared, making it seem that these were but spectrals, of what they had been warned about. Likely reliving some long-lost last moment.

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