Magic 201 - Cover

Magic 201

Copyright© 2024 by irish Writer

Chapter 2: Halloween Redux

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2: Halloween Redux - Years ago, Reluctant_Sir posted a very interesting story about a young man who became a Mage, and then a Wizard. But the story didn't stop just there. So, WITH HIS PERMISSION, I have taken this story a little farther down the line. Hopefully I can attempt to copy the quality that he began this story with. Thank you all, and YES, I do have his permission.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Paranormal   Magic   Sharing  

Halloween is a time for young kids to do “Trick or Treat”, for older kids to be complaining about taking their younger sisters and brothers out to “Trick or Treat” and for teenagers to be trying New Tricks with each other’s bodies. At least that was what last year was.

This year was a repeat of last year. Like last year my dates were Lynn and Bernie, two juniors who had matured greatly into striking young women.

This year was going to be a (hopefully) peaceful repeat of last year without the ‘Willie James” confrontation drama. Instead of a magician, this year I was going as a Wizard. High peaked hat, and a long foam rubber shaft (to keep the teachers happy) and long grey robe. And a beard and sandals. Lynn and Bernice went as Fairy twins, with long wings and in skin-colored jumpsuits. (Not too realistic.)

Oddly enough, Little Willy James and Alicia were here as well. Since the VoTech school didn’t have room for dances, they were able to get tickets to our school’s events. They left the baby at home with the grandparents (Little Willie’s) to be able to get out for the evening. This meeting was a lot friendlier than before.

“Hank, I have to thank you. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I need in life, and frankly, Alicia is everything I can imagine as needing. You were right, making her happy makes me totally satisfied with life.” Little Willie said as he reached to shake my hand.

“Willie, I don’t have any bad feelings about you. If Alicia is happy, then Bernie, Lynn and I are ecstatic. It was about people, not race.”

“I know that. You know, getting into VoTech was the best thing to ever happen to me. The metal shop, machine shop and architectural drawing classes are amazing. I really enjoy crafting things with my hands.”

“That’s great, Willie. You know, artisan crafts make a good part time endeavor. I know some people doing metal artwork and sculptures in Augusta. If you like we can maybe do some stuff with them next year to give you an outlet for art as well as mechanical craftsmanship. You can never have too few ways to make an honest dollar.”

“I’d like that, Hank. I really would.”

While this was going on, I kept getting message blurbs from Bernie and Lynn. “Alicia is totally stoked. The baby is healthy, and Willie is a doting father every evening. He burps her, rocks her and darn near does everything except nurse her. And she is totally thankful for you helping Willie get straight”.

“Great. Let her know I am talking with Willie about doing some metal sculpture work later. Do we have any human artworkers looking to relocate part time?” I asked Paula.

“I don’t know. We can ping Arno this weekend as we start to finish up the economic trade stuff” Paula replied.

“Oh shit. That’s this weekend. Yikes. OK.”

“I’ll catch up with you later, Willie. And I’m glad you and Alicia are doing so well.”

The dance went well, and nobody loaded the punch, so it was a pretty good all around. Big thing for me was that I got to just be a kid. And there was peace for Alicia. And the geas on Little Willie had settled and he had adjusted. All around, this was a wonderful last Halloween.

The morning after the dance was when things started to get complicated. First thing in the morning, knocking on my door were two men in suits. Now suits on your doorstep is not a common occurrence in Groveton. Bernie was right behind me as we were getting ready to start our day and I had just reached out to Peter for help in jumping to Augusta.

“Good Morning, gentlemen, How may I help you?” I asked when I opened the door.

“Good Morning, Is your father in?” the taller of the two asked. “We are looking to speak with Hank Lambert”.

“Hey, Kid. What’s up? Need Do you have an iMage for me to shift to?”

“Not just yet. Couple of guys in suits are looking for me, but they are asking about Dad. Can you stay available?”

“Sure. Need me to Drop In?”

“Might be good. Look to be in the Kitchen, I’m at the front door.”

“I’m Hank Lambert. And you are?”

The shorter of the two seemed to react to this quickly. “We’re looking for the owner of H Lambert, Jewelers. Are you the owner?”

The snarky smile on the face of the taller one gave away his emotions. “Yea, Kid. Are you the owner of the stores in Augusta?”

“I’m here, kid. Do you need me?” Peter asked mentally.

“Not yet. Let me do some digging”.

“Yes. I am the owner of H Lambert, LLC. And you gentlemen are?”

“We’re from the FBI. Do you mind if we come in?”

“Yes I do. What do you want?”

“We want to talk with you. Either here or in Augusta. Your choice.” The taller one replied.

“I think tomorrow, In Augusta, with my lawyer is my choice. What time and what address?”

“I think there and now is our choice” the taller one replied with some heat.

“Gentlemen.” a voice from the kitchen preceded Peter Gill. “Is there some confusion?”

“No. This young man is going to accompany us. And you are?”

“Peter Gill, Philadelphia Homicide. And do you happen to have a Warrant, summons, or subpoena dated for today and signed by an officer of the Federal Court? And since he is still a minor, I will be glad to accompany him pending his attorney’s appearance.”

“This is for information only. No need for your involvement” The shorter one replied.

“Well, I heard an offer to meet with you and an appeal for an attorney before you had any interrogation. So once again, do you have one of those blue documents handy? “Peter replied. I noticed he had brought a cup of coffee with him.

“Look, this is just a friendly chat. Nothing of an interrogation.” the taller agent replied. “We are just looking to get some information”.

“Guys, there are no friendly chats with law enforcement. No Paper? No Request for Service? There’s no reason to be here.” Peter announced.

“Actually, Guys, I think maybe you should call my attorney and set up a time, a date, and an agenda. That would be much more productive. Here is her card.” I said while reaching into my wallet. “Call any time after nine. Now I must get to school. If you will excuse me.”

Hank handed Natalie’s card to the shorter of the two men and asked them for their cards. “So, I can tell her who to expect to hear from.”

After the exchange of cards, and the departure of the two suits from his doorstep, I looked at Peter and asked, “I wonder what’s going on?”

In the car, the taller of the two sat in the passenger seat. “Well, that was unexpected. First, we run into a teenager instead of an adult, then we get blocked by some cop who happened to be there, and then shuffled off with a lawyer’s card and told to call them for an appointment. What the fuck is going on here?”

“Something isn’t quite right. This was not what I expected. This kid was too cool, and the cop was too quick to be there. And I don’t think I have ever been given the bum’s rush that fast before. It was almost like they were waiting for us.”

“Well, we can call the lawyer when we get back to town. I wonder what we will get then.” Charlie said to his Seatmate.

“Well, kid, I guess you got some interest stirred up. “Peter Gill continued. “I wonder what and who? I think you better be careful. Check in with me during the day, will you? Grace and I will be out shopping for stuff for the apartment, and setting up the move so I can get with you quick. So much for retirement. “Peter said, sipping his coffee.

“Well, we will find out later. Do you need a refill?” I asked.

“Not yet. But do me a favor, keep me informed. I don’t need to tell you to keep quiet without a lawyer, and not let anyone bulldoze you. And try to not kill them if they push, please? Paperwork is a bitch.” Peter added before walking into space.

“I swear, Peter, I have to learn how to do that. You just took a half step and disappeared”. Hank said mentally.

“Don’t sweat it. You will get it. It’s like anything else, you get it suddenly and its old hat.”

I figured that I needed to ping Natalie Bensen, (my lawyer) and let her know that she was going to get some calls.

School was school. After the morning’s excitement, it wasn’t that exciting. Business Statistics was the most complex part and where I needed to pay the most attention. Learning to dissect a operation and look at each of the component parts, figure out the cost benefit for quality control, and the costs that rippled up and down the production chain was the biggest thing. I realized that being a businessman was a lot more then I knew up to now. I was going to have to get Paula to give me some crash training. And I got a new respect for what she brought to the table. Maybe I could build her self-image up some and get her out of the slave mentality. I still felt that “owning” her was wrong, but I didn’t want to break her.

Lunch was interesting. Bernie and Lynn saved me a seat, and Cindy Taylor, another senior, grabbed the seat across from us. She was pretty, blonde, buxom, and full of energy. “YOU really set the standard as the Wizard, Hank. The robe, sandals, staff, and high hat really set you apart. Where did you get the idea for that?”

“It came with the job description. Don’t you know I am a real Wizard?” I replied. “I can put a spell on you like I did these two ladies.”

“Sure you can. Maybe if you have more game then show.” Cindy continued. “I do seem to remember that Alicia and Big Willie both said you were not typical. So, what’s with the shift to business school stuff. You weren’t interested in that before.”

“He’s got to make money to support our habits” Bernie interjected. “We don’t come cheap. Someone has to fund the costumes.”

“Yes, “Lynn continued. “Do you think Fairy wings come cheap?”

Federal Building, Augusta.

It wasn’t until afternoon that Charlie got around to calling the number on the card. And he wasn’t really prepared for the answering light and friendly voice that said, “Good afternoon, H. Lambert, LLC. Carla speaking, how may I direct your call?”

“Hello. My name is Charlie Baxter, and I’m Looking for Ms. Bensen or her assistant. I’m with the FBI and we evidently have to schedule an appointment with her to talk with Mr. Lambert.”

“No problem, Mr. Baxter. We have a tentative meeting scheduled for you in our meeting room at 1030 Broad Street on the second floor in the conference room for tomorrow at ten o’clock, with coffee, muffins, water, and other incidentals. I assume three of you, with a Mr. Gibbs and possibly a third. The meeting room is reserved for two hours. Will that be enough?”

This was not what I expected, Charlie thought to himself. “No, that’s fine. I look forward to sitting down with Hank and getting our questions vented.”

“Yes, we know you have some concerns. Can you please fax to us a list of your questions, we can prepare answers in advance to help accelerate the process of resolution to your concerns. I believe that it’s on the back side of Natalie’s Business card.” Carla smoothly added.

Charlie quietly said “Thanks, I look forward to that. I guess I will see you tomorrow.”

Hanging up the phone and turning to his partner, “Jeff, I got ambushed. I called this lawyer’s number, and it was not what I thought. These people are on the ball. They’re better prepared than we are.”

“I just got off the phone with Philie PD. They told me that this Peter Gill is a thirty-year homicide detective with a eighty three percent conviction rate, and a one hundred percent closure rate. And his Close without indictment rate is due to Gang Violence. And is moving to Augusta when he retires. He’s using up his vacation and comp time and has already left. And the Chief of Ds gave the highest recommendations possible about this guy. He has 4 distinguished service medals in his jacket. He never wanted to get higher than a third-grade detective. And his kids are both in college.”

“Ok. So, we ain’t dealing with amateurs. Just Wonderful.”

At four PM, a sharply dressed man was brought to the office by the Chief of Station. “Gentlemen” the COS said” I have someone who wants to talk with you.”

“Hi. I’m Jerry McAlister, Justice. I heard you were talking with Natalie Benson?”

“Ok, I’m spun. What do you know her from?”

“She was clerk for Justice Sirica in Atlanta before she moved down here to do corporate work several years ago. And She is sharp as a knife. We tried to get her to come to Justice, but she didn’t want to work the hours. She’s with some real estate big shot who moved into Atlanta.”

“Well, she’s working for some small-time guy who is a POI here in Augusta, at least that was what we got directed to look into from Stephenson’s office.” Jerry said. “This whole thing is starting to stink like a dead fish.

“Listen, If this is who I think it is, Natalie is no small-time girl. She was in the top in her class at Duke, Cum Lade, and she is a JD. I don’t know what her interest is here but be careful. She is sharp, and books no BS. If you try to run a game on her or her client, she bites.”

“Well, we are meeting with her tomorrow morning at ten, to talk about this H.A. Lambert outfit. Want to come along?”

“Sure, if there is room.”

“SO, Natalie, How do you want to handle this?” Hank asked.

I saw Natalie felt a little uncomfortable. But only for a moment. I had to get her to feel like she was in charge. So I stopped and listened. She came up to the challenge almost immediately.

“Show them the agenda, give them the paperwork, and then ask why they are still here?”

Peter Gill laughed. “Natalie, I’ll set the stage with Carla, and you run the circus. This should be fun. I’m just glad I am on the opposite side of the table this time.”

Pulling in front of the 1030 address was a bit unusual. A very imposing man was sitting in a chair directly on front of the entrance with a sign in his lap saying “Reserved for Justice Department Visitors” with tall traffic cones and tape blocking off two parking spots in front of the building. (Hank had asked that an Ogre be sent through the gate to provide “a monument of strength and comfort.” Orgenaut volunteered. He hadn’t been out of the mountains in over three centuries and was curious about what was going on. Wearing his guise, he looked like an ordinary but very large human. Hank had provided him with a four-carat Powered amulet to make sure he has plenty of Power for the guise and his shields. Orgenaut had initially said he didn’t need it. But once he saw what a good shield combination could do, he wanted one.)

Charlie Baxter suddenly felt some misgivings when he noticed that the large and imposing man immediately pulled in the traffic cones and moved his seat out of the way of the entrance to the 1030 address. While he didn’t offer to help, it was obvious that he was more than just a doorman. “Gentlemen, If you will follow me, please. Your car is safe here.”

The trip through the arched entrance to the J.B. White building was quick, and the elevators were at the end of a short hallway. The doorman ushered them into the elevator and said simply “Please Press 2.”

When the door opened, Charlie looked at Jerry McAlister and tilted his head. “Jerry, after you.”

A short walk out of the elevator showed office doors on the left, and a set of glass doors and windows showing a conference room on the right. Seated inside were two ladies, and two gentlemen, all in business attire. One of whom was Hank Lambert.

“Gentlemen, I hope you had no difficulty finding the place” the older of the two women said by way of welcoming. “Jerry, I didn’t expect to see you. How are things in Atlanta?”

Responding to Natalie Bensen, Jerry took the lead. “Fine, but the beauty has decreased with your departure. How in the world are you back here? Didn’t like the big city?”

“Not at all. I found my niche here doing a lot of different local and international commercial work, as well as a lot of real estate work. You know I was in the Atlanta metroplex, but when Hank offered me this position, I came back to my old stomping grounds. I love free enterprise.”

Turning to the two FBI agents, Natalie continued “And you must be Charlie, and the big guy is Jeff. How are you liking Atlanta? Or are you both here in Augusta?”

Both agents were uncomfortable. This was not how the FBI usually interviewed Persons of Interest (POIs). Both actually felt that they were being interviewed.

“Gentlemen,” Peter Gill said “We have hot coffee, some wonderful, cold sweet tea, some various finger snacks and some pastries on the table here. Please help yourself.”

“Actually, we want to ask a few questions first.” Charlie tried to gain some control.

“Actually, first, we have an agenda for you to look over and if there are any additions you have, then we can delve into those areas. Why don’t you look at these first?” Natalie smoothly interrupted while passing out agenda sheets.

“First” Natalie continued, “in this first file folder we have the corporation and License Documents for H. Lambert LLC, a Delaware corporation that has banking done through the local office of SunTrust and import and export documents through the US Customs Service for overseas point to point exchange to Brazil.

In file folder number two, I also included the Banco Del Amazonia agreements for the overseas company that we do our exchanges with and the signature and prospect agreements.

File folder number three are the leasing, purchasing, and cooperative declarations for the condominium spaces in the residential floors as well as the City Tax records for each space. Please note that some of these spaces are available for purchase if you have any interest. Membership in the Coop association is mandatory, and they have monthly meetings.

File folder number four is the License and operating permit for the H. Lambert Jewelry store, which is opening in two months.

And folder 5 is the H Lambert Arts and Crafts spaces that are opposite the Jewelers.

File folder number six is for the business of Yana Marenko, Clothing design, who is doing her internship here as a free agent of Camile Sassoon in France. Now her business is interesting. Suits custom fit that allows for “expansion” as men age, gain weight, or have changes in stature. They are a bit expensive.”

Charlie and Jeff looked at each other, while Jerry looked at the folders in front of him. “I notice all of the business elements are here. But I believe that we have some questions for Hank.” Jerry temporized.

“Oh, I’m sorry. That is the personal representation issue. That is this folder. First is an order of Guardianship that allows both Peter and I to act as adults in any encounter where adults are needed to provide for protection for Hank, and a notarized copy of a Georgia State order that requires my and or Peter’s presence in any informational or other questioning where a custodial adult may be appropriate to include. And I do want you to know that Hank fully appreciates your interest in his business.”

“So, Hank, how did you manage to finance all of this?” Charlie looked to gain some information.

“Well, I got into the ego and estate jewelry business a little over a year ago, and I have declared all income on both Federal and State levels. When I saw the opportunity to get into the real-estate market here, I jumped in, and I had made friends through the jewelry sales which gave us all an opportunity to develop a high-end store. Atlanta is becoming so pedestrian that other Georgian’s and South Carolinians are looking for something different. And so we banded together here to form a artists co-op that wealthy southerners can come to buy artworks or antiques as well as jewelry. And we are opening up a Estate portion of our business that will look for goods that are to be re-entered into the marketplace for new owners. I think that is in folder four. Or maybe Folder five. Anyway, it’s in one of those two.”

“So, where exactly did you find the financing for all of this?” Jeffry asked. “I ask because that’s the first thing investors usually go looking for.”

“I am afraid that is covered under the articles of the incorporation. That’s in folder one.”

This is going to be a very short field trip, Jeff thought to himself. These two agents were just sandbagged, and I was as well.

“Well, Natalie, your old boss said you were always the most prepared clerk he ever had. Are there any suggestions you care to make for us to explore while we review all of this?”

“Sure, Jeffery. You probably want to look at the transfers between Brazil and here at SunTrust. I know that there is a big “Where is the money coming from?” buzz in Washington these days, with with the problems you have with BCCI in Miami. But you will find all of those were carefully reported on the date of deposit. You also want to look at the merchandising agreements that the Brazilian clients signed when they posted their goods for sale here. And note that only transportation was involved in advanced payment. When the goods are sold, the proceeds less taxes and our twenty-five present surcharges are then transferred to Brazil.” Natalie continued with a smile. “I suggest you gentlemen have a seat and do your due diligence of review. Coffee is on us.”

“Thank you, I think we will be taking these with us and reviewing at our office” Jeff stated.

“I don’t think so. Since you are here in an investigation without warrant, summons, or subpoena, you can look at these private commercial documents here, with our cooperation to explain any questions you may have. You may take any notes using our provided TOPS focus notes binders. You may not take photographs of our documents. You may not take our personal documentation out of this room to any other location without formal signed warrant.” Peter Gill stated.

“And that’s why we got all of this here for you. We want you to know we are cooperative in your investigation. However, given the leaks that the Justice Department has had in the past, and considering the value of the material here, we will not release it outside of our own control without legal warrant AND documented receipt of custody.” Natalie said with a smile.

Natalie continued with “Now, any legal Issues you need explanation of you can address directly to me. Organizational and operational issues you can address directly to Paula. Security and transaction information you can address to Peter. For scope of business, Hank can fill you in, providing that you are not asking about plans for the future as those are still proprietary. And here are some notebooks you can take with you. I hope you are familiar with the Cornell Note System, this will probably make recall easier after you leave. I know it did for me when I was in Law school. We have more if we fill these up. Oh, and gentlemen, I assume that you know that all information shared here is considered confidential unless it is within the scope of a warrant pending any indictment. Jeff you still like crème in your coffee?”

The two FBI agents were shocked. A US District Attorney had just been lectured on the rights of property in Georgia, and all three of the visitors knew that she was right.

“Well, I’m glad you provided comfortable chairs.” Jeff replied. “I think I’ll have some of that coffee.”

The next three hours were frustrating for the senior investigators. Cool, calm, concise and apparently well-rehearsed, none of the questions yielded any information outside of 1. Hank Lambert was a very polished young man, 2. Lambert Jewelers LLC was a very successful business entity doing business with Brazilian and American buyers and sellers of fine items of value and 3. All Taxes, tariffs, levies and duties were paid in cash upon presentation of billing.

Also, Abigail Anders, the movement of their former partner and his company to Atlanta, and all of the other “interesting” items that the DOD NTAC wanted to have answers to were not forthcoming. And the clear message was that there was no reason to further inquire with the person of Mr. Hank Lambert or his business associates.

After three boring hours (lunch was brought in) the federals felt that they had enough material to verify from the office. Jerry stopped Natalie while on the way out. “Nat, I know you. Are you sure you want to be working with a group that is under a RICO investigation?”

“Jerry. You are sharp. And someone else is driving you to this. Who is it? George Stephenson? Is he on another of his Witch Hunts?”

“I don’t know for sure. And if I did, you know I can’t answer that. But I don’t think this is going to go away. Are you sure there isn’t any fire here? Because someone smells smoke.”

“Not a single thing. But your people knew that when they started this fishing trip. Hank wants to make sure you have all the information that you need to realize that there is nothing criminal here. We do business, pay taxes. Nothing here to see.”

“Nat. Everyone has something, or else you wouldn’t be here”

“Jerry. I am here because I don’t like Atlanta, I do like where I am living, I have a great company with amazing people, and we are doing some amazing sales. And what we are doing is clearly private business. And I will by God defend it.”

After the departure, Hanks team coalesced in the break room downstairs. “Did I do Ok?” Hank asked.

“Hank, you were perfect. A little too polished but still exactly what was needed.” Natalie said. “And Carla, you are a absolute Gem. I don’t know what Hank is paying you but it’s not enough.”

“Hey there, don’t go poaching my other people. But I do have to say, your answers to questions were exactly on target. I thought that Jeff was going to kiss your feet. You gave him an education on international business that absolutely watered his eyes. I learned a lot too.”

Paula blushed. “Hank, thank you. I never got praise from Mistress for my work.”

“And Peter, Don’t EVER say you are just a Dumb Cop. You obviously knew the digital and financial security cold. You guys are great.” Hank said with enthusiasm. “Let’s clean up and plan on where we want to go to dinner.”

“Well,” Charlie said when the team was in the car” I don’t know who decided to send us on this wild goose chase, but we did get three pleasant hours in nice chairs with a great lunch. I almost felt like I was back in a class in Quantico, but with better food.”

“I learned more about international trade, margins of sale, expenses, and tax impacts then I ever wanted to know. And that lecture on digital security was enlightening. How did a homicide cop get that much information and training? We don’t even have that sort of stuff at the bureau.” Jeffery Gibbs said.

“What I want to know is who is funding and how.” Jeffry broke in.” There is no way that a business can get off the ground and into real estate, antiques, jewelry, fine clothing, and fine furnishings with Southy, Tiffany, connections to Bond Street in London in eighteen months headed by a seventeen-year-old kid.”

“That was covered in folders two, three and four.” Jeffry said. “I’ll check with customs and taxation, but all the item numbers and bill of lading were included. I have a sneaky suspicion that we are not going to find any paper or money trail that leads anywhere. I covered some investigations when I was working with Miami last year and nothing was like this.”

“I’ll check with the condo sellers and see if there is any sign of pressure. But my sense is that this is all too well rehearsed. I think we are out on a fragile limb here.” Charlie said. As much to himself as to anyone else.

“Well, one thing, we have four notebooks of questions, answers, and notation on items to back up 3 hours of effort. We won’t have any problem filling out our activity sheets.

“And I don’t think they will either.” Charlie Baxter said. “These people were too ready, too prepared. And I think that this teenager is either a front, or a 90-year-old financial wizard brain transplanted into a kid. Jeff, how about we do a bit of check at his School and anyone else.”

After a great meal at Ruth Chris, the team was sitting around reminiscing about the day’s events. Peter broke the silence after looking around to make sure no one else was in earshot.

“Natalie. I have worked with a lot of attorneys in the past and testified in a lot of trials. You put a whole new meaning on the idea of mounting a defense. You and Paula did an amazing job. I don’t think I have ever run into an investigation that was led to a door like this before.” Peter Gill said.

“What do you mean?” Hank asked.

“Kid, this is exactly how you want a legal team to work with you. Nat was the ringleader, and each of us were taking on our own specialties, and the questions were lined up and answered with supporting documents from the get-go. Now those poor slobs must either spend time and spin wheels checking the facts we laid on their plate or try to convince their bosses that it is a waste of time.”

“Actually, now things get interesting. “Natalie said. “Now they will shift to try to figure out another angle of attack to get you to answer questions that they didn’t get to ask.”

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