Magic 201 - Cover

Magic 201

Copyright© 2024 by irish Writer

Chapter 5: Sunday Afternoon

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5: Sunday Afternoon - Years ago, Reluctant_Sir posted a very interesting story about a young man who became a Mage, and then a Wizard. But the story didn't stop just there. So, WITH HIS PERMISSION, I have taken this story a little farther down the line. Hopefully I can attempt to copy the quality that he began this story with. Thank you all, and YES, I do have his permission.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Paranormal   Magic   Sharing  

Once the girls had left to get to Cindy’s father’s house to then go to formal services, I scurried around to clean up before driving back home. (I still had school on Monday, remember). So when the phone rang in the condo, I picked it up and found Pete and Grace were there.

“Hank, do you have a few minutes? Jeff and I were talking, and we would like to come down and get your opinion on a few things”.

A few minutes later, Jeff and Pete were both at my door, along with Paula. Paula looked seriously distraught.

“Hank, we noted that the girls had left, and we wanted to talk with you about a few things. And it partially concerns Paula”.

“Hank.” Jeffery started off, “The fourteenth Amendment formally addresses a whole set of Citizenship rights. Among those were this issue of Indentured servitude called Slavery. Even Georgia acknowledges that slavery as defined is not legal for citizens of this country. Yet, Paula insists that she has an obligation to you based on her status as a slave. Can you help me reason with her about this?”

“Come on in. I think we have a lot to talk about.” I said as I motioned them all through the door.

“So, Jeffery, what do you know and what has Paula told you about her history?” I asked once everyone was seated.

“I know she was born in Atlanta, of American citizens, she attended Duke University has a master’s in business administration. I did that background before our first meeting a month ago. I also know that she has limited debt, lives here with you as a partial comp for her job and apparently is extremely successful. What someone with her talent is doing in a backwater town like Augusta is peculiar, but I don’t know all the ins and outs of what her arrangement is. What surprises me is her insistence that she is your slave and cannot leave here without your specific instruction.”

“Ok Jeffery, how did you come to this conclusion. That she is a slave. Or more importantly, my slave.”

“She told me. And then she begged me to not bother you about it.”

“OK. Pete, have you told her about Abigail Anders?”

“Abigail Anders? That’s the woman we were supposed to be initially investigating. Some other agency was tasking the FBI to locate her and to uncover her business interests.” Jeff said in a huff.

“Ok. Jeff, Shut off your Cell phone, please. Peter, you left yours upstairs, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Why do you need my cell phone turned off?”

“So, I don’t blow it up in ten seconds.”

Jeff looked at Pete, who said “He blew mine up the last time he did this shield thing.”

After Jeff turned his phone off, and put it on the coffee table, I continued. “Jeff, this is a long and complicated tale that has wandered around the world, literally, and left me with the care and delightful company of this wonderful young woman that you are dating. I know that Pete has probably told you to not hurt her, I will be a little blunter. Don’t hurt her. Oh, and it looks as if you will need a new phone.”

The phone that he had put on the table began to glow and melt across the table. “I think you didn’t quite turn it all the way off. I’ll buy you a new one later.”

Looking at the puddle that was the blackberry he had, Jeff froze for a moment, and then looked at me with shock in his eyes. “Magic.” I said.

“Now. With the eavesdropping out of the way, we can continue. Last year I attended my first gathering of Mages. One event that I suggest you go to as well as Pete’s apprentice. If you get control in time. While I was there, a bit of a scuffle broke out with a group of Mages who were intending to rebel against the Council. I was in the middle of that fight which only lasted a few moments.”

“Jeff”, Pete said. “The reason that fight lasted only a few moments was that the Power Wizard here put-up shields that reflected spells with evil intent back onto the originators. Mike Newell was a Mage with over fifty years of combat experience and was using a powered artifact that the Council had given him. Hank’s shield reflected all of it’s intent back onto Mike and reduced him to ash in seconds.”

“Yes, aside from that, the main thing was that Abigail Anders was found guilty of supporting the insurrection and given the choice of being stripped of her magic, death, or being sent away. Paula, do you feel strong enough to hear this?” I asked.

“Yes, Hank. I am yours now. I was taken away from her because of her behavior and her abuse.” Paula answered in a small voice. “I realize since the day you accepted me that I was not to be treated as such by anyone ever again.”

“That’s right. No one has the right to abuse you. Jeffery Gibbs, you want to remember that.” I said. Maybe a little too coldly and matter of fact, but Paula needed to hear that I was still her protector.

“Jeffery, you also need to understand that Paula’s background was of two hundred years of generational slavery. Her great however many great grandparents were bred as slaves here in this country, as much as the Africans were. The difference is that Abigail kept close management of her property for the entire time up until last year, when the insurrection broke out. The Mage assigned to take over her area inherited over two hundred mentally bound slaves in his region. Of that population he has had the devil’s own task at getting them to voluntarily integrate into society without being prostitutes or enslaved to others. Some he couldn’t. A couple of them, like Paula, were only comfortable with a structured environment where they could provide their services and recognize that they were being compensated. My greatest challenge is to get them to be the open and free persons I see them as.”

Stopping at this point, I looked at Paula. No sign of distress yet. I looked at Pete, and I saw a smile around his eyes. Maybe I was just on the right track here.

“Now, Since I have told you more of Paula’s story then I own, I want to ask what the heck has caused the distress that I saw in her eyes when she came in. Who did whatever to cause that look of anguish to come over her beautiful face?”

Paula spoke up in her quiet voice. “He wanted me to leave with him.”

I turned my eyes to Jeffery. I figured that I should let the man explain himself.

Jeffery, obviously uncomfortable, said “I was talking with her about what can happen if my assignment changes and I have to move. How would she feel about moving with me. I am junior enough in seniority that I could be moved at any time, and if I wanted to get really involved in financial criminal investigations, I would have to go to New York or Chicago or even back to Quantico. And that I want her to go with me when I do.”

“That’s a pretty strong level of attachment you are looking for, Jeffery. I realize I am a kid, driven by hormones, so I don’t feel that asking you about your intent for asking such a commitment after such a short time. Is it reasonable to ask her to commit to you after just a month?”

“I know what you are saying, and I realize that it’s weird. Almost as weird as talking to a teenager about it. How can you know all of this at your age?” Jeffery asked.

“When you figure that out, can you tell me? I know an entire Mage and Wizard community that would like to know the answer to that question”. Pete said aloud.

“Let’s just say that commitment has a whole new meaning when you dump the life expectancy of a Wizard or a Mage on it.” I said. “First, Jeffery, do you feel your situation here is that transient that you could be expected to move in very short order?”

“The Atlanta and Augusta SAC both like me and my work in this section of Georgia has been pretty good. The only brick walls we have run into that didn’t have any dents were with H.A. Lambert LLC and it’s companies. Everyone threw in the towel on you. I can see why, having met Paula and Natalie. I guess you run all your stuff by them first before you do it. Or at least if you do something, you clean it up so carefully that no one can ever find out what it was. I know that I could probably stay here for as long as I wanted. But financial investigations are what I really do well.”

“Career wise what would you like to do after the bureau?”

“After the Bureau? Retire to be in a rocking chair. We have mandatory retirement at 55 for agents.”

“Ok. And what will you do for the next two hundred years after that?”

Pin Drop. After a few moments, Jeffery asked “Two Hundred Years?”

“You and Peter should have the age discussion. Suffice it to say that you are looking at a lot longer lifespan then you had originally expected. Unless you get hung on a stake and burned. But back to my initial question. You are asking Paula to make a commitment to you that will pull her away from her home here after a very short courtship period. And that commitment cannot be broken by her, and if broken by you may kill her. And you wonder at the level of reaction that has caused her. I think I have given you some information to think about, and that you should talk with her about her ability to commit to you going forward. And if you both have confidence in the commitment you want to make, then Paula, you have my Blessing.”

Paula’s reaction was to sit for a moment, and then to spring across the floor to my arms and start to cry on my shoulder. It took all of us by surprise, but I was smart enough to reach around her and hold her while she sobbed.

After a few minutes, I whispered in Paula’s ear “I think you and Jeffery should go back to your apartment, and talk. It’s a beautiful Sunday, and the rooftop is open. Then we can talk later.”

Placing her in Jeffery’s hands, I ushered them out the door. Peter was still sitting in the chair. “Do you have anything stronger to drink then Coffee?”

Three fingers of scotch later, we were both mulling over the day’s events.

“This is a hell of a Thanksgiving weekend.” Peter said. “How did Cindy take to meeting everyone? Is she going to be your new battery?”

“Only for the school year. She wants to go to Duke to Medical school. She’s kind of like Maggie and Carrie. They are looking for a friend with benefits not a boyfriend. Though I don’t know how things are going since she found out her father came home a day early. He’s a minister, and probably going to be interested in what she did this weekend. Which is why I sent her home with the girls instead of driving her myself.”

“Not interested in shotguns, eah?”

“After Alicia last year, I’m not interested in any new relationships that are long and complex. Besides, Bernie and Lynn keep me well drained. And occasionally Wendy Peters gets together with me for a revisit. But she’s a Mage herself, and I know better than to think that she’s a long-term thing. I guess I have recognized that there are different relationships with normal people and with Mages. The element of lifespan just gets in the way.”

“My wife Grace is a Mage as well. We have celebrated over one hundred years together. We met right after the war between the states. In Virginia. Jeffery and I have not had that talk yet. Age and reference to relationships is hard to explain. How did you get it so early?”

“I was thinking about Maggie, my sister. I could extend her life, but after talking with Lady Eisenham and Lady Drummond, both of them with over five hundred years, I had a real reset in age expectations. I’m still trying to figure it all out.”

“Well, when you do, let me know. It’s hard watching your kids grow old and die.”

The drive home was quiet. Not quite lonely, although I did miss the conversations. I couldn’t help but hope that Paula and Jeffery would manage to come to a good relationship. It would be a heartache for Jeffery to know that his partner was going to grow old and die while he remained young. That was what bothered me.

But thinking about the future you cannot change does not help you work with the here and now. I no sooner got home before the telephone rang.

“Hank. I need your help. My father wants to meet with you. Bernie and Lynn were here and we got to talking about the weekend and he has some questions for you. Serious stuff. Religious stuff. And his sermon at church today was kind of antisocial.”

All of this came out in a rush. Like Cindy was on a timeclock. Okay, I thought to myself “Cindy, I can be there in ½ hour. I have to unpack and I would like to get a drink and use the bathroom.”

“Please Hank, come as quickly as you can. My Mother is already packing my clothes to ship me to some convent in Pennsylvania.”

“Ok. Two quick questions. One, do you want to go? And two how old are you?” I asked in quick order.

“I turned eighteen last month. That was how I was able to go to the Halloween dance. My father put his foot down and I stepped on it. Now he wants to send me to this academy instead of my admission to Duke.”

“Ok. So how can I help?”

“Just come over here quick, please. He’s ranting a bit.”

“Ok. I’ll be there.”

Driving is a great way to let you think if you have the ability to do so. In our neighborhood there isn’t enough traffic on a Sunday afternoon to worry about crazy drivers. After the mess I heard from Pat about his life and spending time in a wheelchair, I figured that getting into a crash was not the thing I wanted to do on a Sunday afternoon. My thoughts were “What the heck am I doing about this now?”

When I got to the modest cape cod traditional house I walked to the front door and knocked. It was answered by a tall grey haired, and very distinguished man. He kind of looked like Ogrenaut in a butler costume.

“Yes, how can I help you?” he asked.

“Hello, I’m Hank Lambert. I believe that Cindy Taylor called me and invited me over.” I said quietly and I hoped respectfully.

“I’m Robert Taylor III, and I am wondering what my daughter is doing consorting with an atheistic apostate such as you.”

My snark reared its ugly head and I had to beat it down to avoid giving an answer to this insult. So I didn’t say that most people actually meet me before they form judgements. Instead, I answered with “May I come in? Or would you rather send me away from the porch?”

Motioning me to come in, I saw three things. First, Cindy’s overnight bag was sitting on the floor. Next to that were two large suitcases. Very Large. The kind you have that have wheels on them. Small steamer trunk sized. Probably pretty heavy.

The second thing I noticed was that Cindy wasn’t in the living room. Evidently, she was in her bedroom. The third thing was that I was not invited to sit down. Not very polite. I also noticed her voice and that of another woman arguing about something. There was an uncomfortable few moments standing there, being glared at by the older man, and wondering what was next when Cindy came into the room dragging yet another suitcase.

“Young woman, now I demand your choice. Either the bus station and to Pennsylvania to the Reformed church academy, or to whatever hell you wish to send yourself to. And if you walk out that door without my permission, you will never enter my home again. I will not have my position in the church challenged by a harlot’s behavior. And you will gain no support from me or my side of the family ever. And I will fight to keep the monies your grandmother gave to you out of your sinful hands and move them toward the work of God’s people.”

“Hank. Can you help me get this stuff over to Lynn’s house, please?” was all Cindy said. “She said I could use Carrie’s room until school is out.”

“Go harlot. And don’t even bother thinking of going to that school in North Carolina. I will speak to the admission committee and ask that you be stricken from early admission. I will not have a religious organization like theirs disgraced by the likes of you. Go with your pimp boyfriend, you harlot.”

Wow, I thought to myself, this is what the Council meant when they put rule three in place. Nope. Not going to stir the pot here. Quietly I picked up the overnight bag and grabbed one of the suitcases and wandered out to the Jeep. Thank God for a pickup truck.

Turning around I watched as Cindy was shoved out the door and down the steps and her other two pieces of luggage followed. I quickly set a shield around her to keep her from hard impact with the ground, and to keep the luggage from hitting her. Cindy picked herself up off of the concrete, and looked toward the door, with fury in her eyes. Then she picked up one of the suitcases and started toward the truck. I walked past her and grabbed the remaining piece and loaded the two of them into the Jeep J-10.

After loading the truck, I opened the passenger door for Cindy (my father did teach me to act like a gentleman) and got around to the driver side. When I got in and got the car started, I asked her “How can I help?”

Cindy started to cry. I backed out of the driveway and left her alone on the way to Lynn’s house. “I guess you want to know what happened?” Cindy said between tears.

“Not unless you want to tell me.” I said.

“He blew up. He got back here last night and wondered where I was. I didn’t call him until this morning. When I did he said he wanted me home right now and where was I. You heard that this morning. When Bernie dropped me off, I found out that he had called everyone around and was asking where I was. Evidently Bernie’s mother told him off, saying I was in a three way with Bernie, Lynn and and that I was probably pregnant already. Which was good for him and his high and pompous church.”

“So he listened to gossip instead of asking you for the facts?”

“Worse. He went to church today and a couple of the laymen asked him about me sleeping around with women. And one of the Deacons asked him what steps he was going to take to get me back in line. That’s when he called Pennsylvania and demanded my admission. Problem is, he does not control my UMTA account. My Grandmother left money in an estate account when she died, that is administered by her attorney. My father and her never got along. She was concerned that we kids would be pushed into theological prison, that’s what she called it, and never break out. When I got early admission to Duke Medical school, he had a fit. Evidently the school isn’t conservative enough. And since he does not control my estate money, he is hamstrung.”

“Well, what help would you like from me?”

“I need a phone. I need to call my uncle in Philadelphia, and talk with him about the funding for school, and if I can get some incidental cash to cover my living expenses. And I need change of address stuff. And I need to figure out how to keep my father from sabotaging my college admission.”

“You said you had early admission to Duke?”

“Yes. I earned that. Duke Medical school is a very well-regarded institution. I got in and I don’t want to lose it. I’m not just a blonde barbie.”

“I think I may have some ideas to help prevent that.” I said. I wonder if I can sic Natalie on this tomorrow. She is an alumna.

So, we drove to Lynns house, and after I parked, I grabbed a suitcase out of the back o fthe truck. When we went into the house, I said good evening to Lynn’s mother, and she directed me down the hall to what was Carrie’s room. Setting the suitcase on the bed I looked and discovered that the closet was already empty, and that the dresser was already empty. It looks like someone was already for this. I wonder how and what tipped Lynn off?

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