Follow My Leader - Cover

Follow My Leader

Copyright© 2015 by Zipper D Dude

Chapter 2

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Let's all follow the big guy.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Science Fiction   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

Mike turned away from his departing friends, disappointed but not entirely surprised. He'd lost Bridget, but the sights at the pickup – the first he'd been in – would keep him in fantasy fodder until he could find a new girlfriend. He saw Shane walking towards him. "You're the only one of the four of you left behind," the big Marine told him, "so I'll warn you. Don't talk to anyone about the office. It's just an office, you're not interested in it at all. You don't know what happens there and you don't care. Understand?"

"Yeah, I'll keep quiet about it."

"Very quiet. If you try to talk about it you'll start to feel queasy; carry on talking and you'll puke, so don't. We never do extractions from there, ever, so there's no point in telling people anyway."

"OK, I'll stay shtumm," Mike said. "I do have one question though." Shane nodded. "What were you doing out and about? Hayden spotted you, so other people might notice you as well."



"Shopping," Shane confirmed. "Replicators can only copy stuff; they can't make anything original. There's a bunch of useful stuff on Earth that people don't bring with them when we pick them up. I was shopping for things people need, to give the replicators a template to copy from."

"Ah. That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation."

Sally really liked her new body; she looked young again, under thirty! She hadn't wanted to change herself too much in case it bothered the twins. She could tell that they'd been upset by suddenly moving away from their father and joining Hayden and Abbie. If she made too many changes, then they might think they'd lost their mother as well as their father and she certainly didn't want that. Hayden had agreed – apparently he'd been told the same in his sponsor lectures. Maybe she could roll herself back to twenty-five once the twins were more used to things? Hayden would probably allow it, he seemed to want everyone to be happy with their looks.

Hayden was trying his best, but he couldn't replace Ray. With Ray she had all those years together and Hayden could never match that history. The sex was nice though. Hayden was a lot more energetic than Ray had been recently; things had calmed down a lot between them over the years. Hayden was a nice boy and she would probably come to love him in time, but there was still the shadow of Ray hanging over their relationship.

Sometimes Ray came to the pod for a visit; that was difficult. The twins were happy to see their father again, but for her it was a reminder of what she had lost and how stupid she'd been to lose it. With her new looks and new firm tits she was competitive with his younger women! Before, she'd been worried about not being able to compete, but with the magic of Confederacy medicine, she looked young again. She definitely hadn't been thinking straight at the extraction.

Sally did her best to put it all behind her. It was her own fault and she couldn't undo the past. She still had the twins, she got on well with both Hayden and Abbie and she enjoyed the sex, even with Abbie! She met Ray and Lauren occasionally. So far she hadn't met Ray's other three concubines – probably deliberate on Ray and Hayden's part. She couldn't blame them really, not after her idiotic performance at the pickup.

Life had taken a turn for the worse, but it wasn't unbearable. She'd made her own bed and now she'd have to lie in it. At least both her families, old and new, were away from the Swarm.

Mike walked into the office. This time he was expecting the receptionist to have her breasts on display, so he wasn't dumbstruck like before. He still looked, of course, but this time he was able to speak as well. "Could I make an appointment to see Ethan Gustafson, please."

"What about, sir?" she asked.



"Shopping," Mike confirmed.

"Shopping, then. How is four o'clock tomorrow?"

"Four is not good, I have a lecture that finishes then. Half-four would be better, to give me time to get here from college."

"Very well, Mr. Howarth. Mr. Gustafson will see you at four-thirty tomorrow."

He hadn't told her his name. Perhaps she recognised him from before or else they were reading his CAP card again.

This time Ethan showed Mike into his office, not the conference room. "You wanted to talk to me about shopping," Ethan began.

"Yes. I talked to Shane after the extraction. He got noticed when he was out shopping to get stuff for replicators to copy." Ethan nodded. "I can do the shopping and I won't be noticed the way Hayden noticed Shane."

Ethan agreed. "That's a good point. Sometimes I do a shopping run, for just that reason."

"You're normal height, but you look too good. You look enhanced, while I don't. I look really ordinary, so I'd blend in a lot better. And I already know about this place, so you won't have to let anyone else in on the secret." Mike had rehearsed his arguments before coming here.

Ethan changed tack. "What's in this for you?"

"Money – I have beer to buy and a student loan to pay off. And a better chance to get extracted."

"Money isn't difficult. We can't add any extra to your CAP score."

"I know you can't, but being around you guys has to do my chances some good," Mike pointed out.

"We won't let you know about extractions in advance; too much of a security risk. Hayden was a sponsor, so we wanted him, and we'd already scheduled that pickup at L'Épice and Love for within the hour anyway. Getting two extra sponsors, including a seven, was a bonus for us."

"I'll take my chances. Even if I don't get extracted, the money will be useful."

"OK," Ethan nodded. "You're hired. We'll courier you a debit card to buy stuff with. It'll have some extra on it for yourself. You're still living in Upwood Road?"

"Yes," Mike confirmed.

"We'll send you the list of things we want. One piece of advice though. Don't buy all of it in a few shops, spread yourself around. You want to confuse your trail a bit. Some of the Earth First people might start to wonder if you make it too obvious."

"You have this pretty well organised," Mike observed.

"You're not the only person we have doing our shopping for us. We've done this before."

No Rolexes. That disappointed Mike a little. He'd had fantasies of swanning into an up-market jewellers and casually ordering two dozen Rolexes. No such luck. All the things on his shopping list were the sort of stuff a student might want: some specialist foods, greeting cards, children's toys – 'a present for my little sister'. A lot of educational stuff as well. They were obviously being careful about what they wanted him to buy, nothing that might attract attention. Some other lucky guy was shopping for Rolexes. The main thing he noticed was a lot of stuff for babies and children. That figured; the colonies were doing their best to out-breed the Swarm, so there were lots of children in the colonies to look after, educate and keep amused.

He didn't even have to go out shopping for some of it. He could order it over the net and have it delivered – another way to cover his trail as Ethan had advised. Different models of children's bicycles seemed popular. Obvious really, lots of children taken with their mothers and not many bikes. Evidently Darjee kids – or were they chicks? – didn't ride bikes.

Mostly he'd go to the office to drop off stuff. Sometimes they sent a courier or Ethan turned up in a car to collect directly from his place. The two girls sharing the flat upstairs saw Ethan one time and were trying to pump Mike for details. "He's married," he told them. Almost true; the receptionist, Jasmin, was one of Ethan's two concubines. She alternated with Misty, his other concubine, on reception.

That was another disappointment, Mike had to keep his hands off both of them. Jasmin had the tits, Misty had the arse and he couldn't have either! If he stepped out of line, then he'd get the push. The extra money was too useful to pass up and there was still an outside chance he'd find a sponsor.

Shane wasn't there any more; the Marines never stayed more than a week or two. Ethan was permanent, though the office wasn't. The Confederacy would pick up a short lease, less than six months usually. Then they'd move somewhere else on another short lease. Staying in one place too long might attract too much attention. Every time they moved they changed the name on the front door as well; more camouflage. The local Earth First party was holding regular demonstrations outside the official CAP testing centre; keeping the office low profile avoided that.

"Ray and Kerri are at the door," the AI announced.

"Ask them to wait," Hayden said. Turning to his older concubine, he ordered, "Sally, go to your room and wait there until I tell you." Sally seemed to have settled down since arriving on board the colony transport, but there was no point in taking needless risks at this early stage. Better to keep her away from Kerri.

"Yes, Hayden," she said as she got up to leave. The twins, Colin and Mona, put down their tablets and looked up, waiting for their father to arrive. They were quieter than Gail, Hayden's sister. Perhaps because they had each other, so they didn't need other people to amuse them. Back on earth, Gail had needed to get either Hayden or Lauren to play with her, so she'd needed to work harder at it.

"Open the pod door," Hayden ordered the AI.

As soon as he entered, Ray directed Kerri to Hayden's bedroom. Hayden nodded for Abbie to join her as planned. Once the two concubines were out of sight, Hayden used the AI to tell Sally to return to the main room. Leaving Ray to meet his former family, he joined Abbie and Kerri.

Family get-togethers weren't usually this complicated. Ray was either on his own or with Lauren and Gail when he visited. When Hayden went down the corridor to Ray's pod, to visit his mother and little sister, he was either on his own or with Abbie. The two sponsors were keeping Sally away from Ray's other three concubines. Sally and Lauren still got on well, despite having exchanged husband and son as sponsors.

Sally now looked in her late twenties, her caesarian scar had gone, her skin looked younger and her breasts were much firmer and more self-supporting – Hayden had modelled them on the receptionist's pair. She felt less of a threat from other women because she now saw herself as more able to compete. She missed Ray, but his regular visits seemed to take the edge off that. The twins certainly enjoyed it when their father came over.

When Hayden arrived in his bedroom, both concubines were naked and Abbie was licking Kerri. The younger girl answered his unspoken query, "We decided to get started." Abbie had her tongue in Kerri's pussy so she couldn't talk.

"Stop that for the moment, girls. Better to have Abbie's lesson first, then you can go back to what you were doing. Once you've finished I'll be ready for a second round."

Kerri was here to teach Abbie to give better blowjobs and to learn more about pussy-licking in return. Ray had been right at the extraction when he'd praised Kerri's oral skills. He'd loaned her to Hayden once and she was superb! Abbie was good, but Kerri was Olympic class. However, Kerri's cunnilingus wasn't that good, so Ray wanted her to learn from Abbie. With four concubines, and only one of him, his women had to look after each other sometimes.

Hayden stripped and sat on the edge of the bed. The two women knelt in front of him while Kerri explained the finer points of sucking a dick. Abbie listened attentively; she knew she'd need to explain all this to Sally later.

The first part of the lesson didn't last long; Hayden soon erupted down Abbie's throat. He could tell that Kerri's advice had helped, Abbie had definitely improved.

He rested, recovering, at one side of the large bed, while Abbie resumed demonstrating how to lick a pussy for Kerri. By the time Kerri had recovered from her third loud orgasm, Hayden had revived and the BJ lesson restarted.

Mike slipped quietly into the office. Nobody paid any attention to him, there was an election van driving down the street with loudspeakers blaring, "VOTE FOR EARTH FIRST!" The distraction let him enter unnoticed. He had a few things to deliver, not as many as usual, but they'd asked him to come in today specially.

He left the shopping with Misty at reception and went through to Ethan's office.

"First, some bad news I'm afraid, Mike," Ethan told him. "With Earth First looking certain to win the election, we're closing most of our unofficial offices like this one. No need to shop for us any more and you can keep all the money left on your card. No more after what's already on it though."

"Couldn't I deliver to the CAP testing centre?"

"We don't think it would be safe for you. There are continuous demonstrations there now and it's only going to get worse after EF wins. Chances are the new government will tell us to close all our official places in the UK, so you won't have anywhere to drop stuff off. I'm sorry, but keeping you on would be too risky."

Mike wasn't completely surprised. He'd already begun to wonder what would happen after the election. EF had promised all sorts of anti-Confederacy actions if they won and for once he believed the politicians' promises.

"That was the bad news," Ethan told him. "Now follow me."

Ethan led him to the conference room. There were two strangers sitting at the table: a white guy in a blue uniform and a black woman in a grey coverall with blue flashes. Mike knew enough to realise that blue meant this guy was in the Fleet Auxiliary. His being in uniform was very unusual. None of the Confederacy people working here ever wore a uniform, only business casual; the point was to blend in and not be noticed.

"Corporal Bill Knight and his concubine, Rhaelyn," Ethan introduced the two strangers. "Mike Howarth."

Ethan left, while the corporal gestured for Mike to sit down. Bill was good-looking of course. He appeared about mid-twenties, but if he'd been through Confederacy med-tubes then his appearance didn't mean much. Rhaelyn had a wide smile and natural-looking straightened hair. Unsurprisingly the Confederacy version was a lot better than the Earth-technology equivalent. Her coverall didn't show any detail, but there were obviously some boobs to equal Jasmin's under it.

"I have a problem, Mike," the corporal said. "How much do you know about how things are for ships' crews?"

"Nothing," Mike told him.

"Right. I get to take one of my concubines with me when I'm deployed." He glanced at Rhaelyn. "That leaves my other six women at home without me. When I get back from a cruise they practically kill me." Rhaelyn giggled at that. "I'm looking for a solution. I've been authorised an additional male concubine to stay home and keep the other six happy while I'm away."

Mike could hardly believe what he was hearing. This guy had seven concubines! And he wanted Mike to keep six of them 'happy' while he was away. It sounded like wall-to-wall sex. "And you think I might do?" he asked.

"I need someone and the people here suggested you. The AI says you're a good fit, better than I could expect from whoever might be on-site at a random pickup, and better than some newly minted fourteen-year-old back home. Are you interested?"

Hell yes Mike was interested! "Yes, I'm certainly interested." Add in some decent beer and it sounded like paradise. Six concubines! That was as many as Hayden and Ray combined. "One question, though. What about gay sex?"

"Not with me," Bill said. "I'm straight. If you want some of that, then you can use the town brothel. They have some men working there."

"No, I'm not gay," Mike explained. "I just wanted to make sure."

"Understandable," Bill nodded. "Rhaelyn, see what he's like."

The black concubine smiled, stood and took off her coverall.

Holy fuck! She was gorgeous! Rhaelyn had Jasmin's tits and Misty's booty – the girl with everything. Taking the hint, Mike stripped as well. There was obviously a test drive in the offing. He was going to have to be careful not to cum too soon.

She walked him through fondling her tits and licking her pussy. He'd done both before. He knew he'd need to impress his sponsor – his female sponsor – if he ever got into a pickup, so he'd practised with Bridget. Rhaelyn wasn't Bill, but this was effectively his test drive. She liked him to be harder on her nipples than Bridget, so he quickly adjusted his style to suit her. He had to treat her as if she was a potential sponsor.

When the time came for the main event, she lay back on the table. "Could I do you from behind?" Mike asked, hopefully.

"You like my ass?" Rhaelyn responded with a grin.

Mike nodded, "Yeah. I really want to get my hands on it."

"OK, it's yours." She slid off the table, turned and bent forward.

Mike couldn't resist fondling her cheeks. "Wow! That's a hell of an arse," he complemented her.

She giggled. "I love the way you say that. Your Brit accent makes it sound so sexy."

Mike immediately put on a fake upper-class accent, "Would madam mind if I inserted my shaft into her feminine opening?"

"Why no, milord," she replied, getting into the spirit of the thing. "Please proceed."

She was tight, wonderfully tight. Rhaelyn certainly had Bridget beat; she had all the muscles and she knew how to use them. The fake accents disappeared and they were both reduced to grunts and, "Yes, yes, yes!" She was so good that Mike came first. He could see she was close, so he reached down for her clit and got her off as well. This was a test he did not want to fail.

"Well?" Bill asked his concubine. Mike jumped; he'd been so involved with Rhaelyn that he'd forgotten Bill was watching.

"He's fine," she told her sponsor, with a smile for Mike.

"Any more questions, Mike?" Bill asked.

"When can I start?" Mike said eagerly. Bill and Rhaelyn both laughed.

Mike had never seen the office transporter before. It was in its own windowless room, with a secure lock on the heavy door. Ethan was there to see the three of them off.

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