Vengeance Is Mine - Cover

Vengeance Is Mine

Copyright© 2017 by Liz-n-Rick

Chapter 5

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Meredith Mackagen has lost her family and seeks help from a supernatural source.

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Hypnosis   Magic   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Horror   Paranormal   Oral Sex   Squirting  

The sun in my eyes woke me up. I was lying in bed and felt the warm rays of the sun on me. My mind drifted back to the dream I had. The dream I had last night was so real. I remembered exactly what she looked like, and for a lack of a better word, she was perfect. The way she walked was so alluring and desirable. “She’s a dream Meredith, that’s all,” I said to myself. Still, there was a feeling of desire that hadn’t been there before. She intrigued me and I wanted to know more about her, but as I said earlier, she’s a dream.

Sitting up and looking around for a minute, feeling no aches or pains and my body, I felt like I’d been reborn. My mind was clear, and sharp. I jumped up out of bed as fast as I could. Unfortunately, since I had no idea of my strength yet, I managed to jump high enough to bounce my head against the ceiling. Following that up, I landed in a heap on my floor giggling.

“And for our next act, Meredith and her traumatic brain injury.” I said out loud as I sat up. Hannah was laughing in the back of my mind.

“Don’t worry Meredith, I promise to only laugh for a few minutes,” Hannah said to me. I giggled some more as I got up off the floor. I do have to admit that being able to jump all the way to my ceiling is pretty cool.

Walking into my bathroom, I turned on the water. I leaned over the sink, pulled my hair back, cupped my hand, and let the water puddle in my hand. I’d seen daddy do that so many times that it was second nature to me. When I stood up, the mirror showed me what the finished product was after everything that I had endured over the last however many days I had endured.

Daddy and I loved to run through the woods behind our house. In addition to that, he and I used to spar some in the basement. He’d taught me all of what I knew about Ju-Jitsu, Krav Maga, and boxing. I was always active and never sedentary. But what I saw in the mirror surprised even me. My face was more defined than it had ever been. My cheekbones were more pronounced now than before. My lips were full and had a slight pout to them. I had broken my nose camping with my parents when I was 12 and it hadn’t healed right. Any evidence of a break was gone. My eyebrows were perfect. They were thin and completely matched my hair color. My hair ... My hair was darker than before. It was more lustrous, full-bodied and hung down almost to the small of my back. As I ran my hands through it, I noticed what looked like blue streaks in it. I didn’t think there was a hairstylist alive that could do my hair like it is at this point.

I stepped back from the mirror and looked down at my body. My breasts had increased in size. My brain brought memories forward and told me that it wasn’t a huge increase. Touching my stomach, I felt the muscle under my skin. They weren’t quite a 6 pack, but it was close enough. The tingling sensation I felt in my pussy forced me to look down. Instead of the strip I usually kept, I was completely bald. When I touched where my hair used to be, I sharply inhaled again and thought I was going to cum right there. I looked down at my legs and I saw a pair that looked toned like a runner, but with definition like someone that climbed a lot.

I smirked for a second and decided to give myself a little test. I took two fingers and ran them across my pussy from back to front. What I felt when I touched myself was incredible. I had gotten my fingers halfway to my clit when I came. My knees buckled and I let out a cry of passion. I smelled my pussy and my pheromones in the bathroom. It wasn’t quite an earth-shattering orgasm, but if I hadn’t grabbed the sink on my way down, I’d be on the floor right now.

After I stood back up, I put my two fingers in my mouth and sucked. As I put them in my mouth, my eyes closed, and I smiled relishing the flavor. Describing the taste was impossible. I tasted like nothing I’d ever had before. I’d eaten a few pussies in college. NONE of them tasted as good as I do. “Oh My, I could get addicted to that,” I said out loud.

“That’s exactly what it’s supposed to do. In fact, when you take a thrall, you’ll have them drink from you the same way I did you. Don’t worry about that right now, you’ll learn to do that soon.” My mistress said. I hadn’t heard Hannah come upstairs, she was standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face. She was wearing a pair of white yoga shorts, a black tank top, and a pair of running shoes. “You appear none the worse for wear Meredith. Tell me, how do you feel now?” She asked me.

“I can’t describe how I feel with words. I hear your voice and feel your presence in my mind. It’s ... comforting. When I look around me, my vision and hearing is so much more acute than before. The best way to describe it would be that I see and hear life in ultra-high definition.” I told her. “I won’t lie, when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself.”

“That was the whole point behind the change. When you bound yourself to me, you gave up your old life and started a new one. My intent was to change you enough so that only people that you’ve known for years would even stand a chance to recognize you. You’re taller, you’ve toned up a great deal. Your breasts are a cup size bigger to match your size. But your curves are proportionate to your build. In short ... You’re a walking wet dream.” Hannah said to me.

I was looking in the mirror at myself while she spoke to me. She’s right about the walking wet dream comment. But I was curious about my eyes changing color. “Mistress, why are my eyes now your color? They were hazel like my father’s.”

She told me that her eyes were now my eyes because of the bond we shared. “Think of this as added sex appeal. There are maybe a handful of women that have violet-colored eyes. Besides, when you learn more about my powers, you’ll be able to change your eye color at will.” My mistress paused for a moment looking at me. “Do you feel up to a bit of shopping? I need to get you some clothes that will fit the new you.”

“Mistress, while Michael and Allison were very well off, I haven’t had a chance to go through their finances yet...” I told her.

She reached over and touched my shoulder. “Meredith, when you’ve lived as long as I have, you learn a thing or two about living, money, and always having it available just in case. I have more than enough to take care of you. Besides, you’re going to be doing my bidding, this is my privilege to clothe you as I see fit. I won’t have my servants looking like a millennial reject teenybopper from Spencer’s or Journey’s.” Hannah told me.

I bowed my head before I spoke. “Mistress, I am honored that you would do this for me. But I haven’t proven myself to you. I’m not worthy of your gifts yet.”

She lovingly put her hand on my cheek. “Meredith, do you remember back when I told you that mother told me that you were special to her?” Hannah asked me.

“I do. It gave me the strength to know that aside from you, your mother was looking after me. I look forward to meeting her in person sometime in the future.” I replied to her.

“Mother would be doing the same thing for you. Accept the fact that you’re getting new clothing today.” She told me.

“Yes, Mistress...” I replied with a grateful tone.

“Besides, part of this trip is learning about what you can do with your new body. You’ll be learning about your new abilities today while we’re out. You’ll earn your gifts, both physical and magical, today. Will this work for your sensibilities my dear Meredith?” I felt like this was a lesson that I needed to learn and that I needed to remember it for the future. But I recognized what she was saying. She also told me that the place we were going was a perfect place to learn some of the things I could do.

“If I may ask, why is it that I feel so turned on right now?” I asked her.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Did you forget? You serve a succubus. I STAY turned on. And now ... so will you.” She told me.

I stood and looked her in the eye and thought about that for a minute. I had always loved sex, but this was an entirely new level altogether. Right now, I felt like I could take the entire Auburn football team and be ready for UGA’s team immediately after they were done. “I’m strangely ok with that,” I told her.

I stood up and walked back into my bedroom and put some leggings and a t-shirt for our trip to town. I was going to wear a bra, but then realized I didn’t have any that fit, so I put a tank top on underneath my t-shirt. I looked at my mistress as she walked downstairs. I grabbed my keys off my desk and walked downstairs.

“We’re not taking your car, we’re taking mine, Meredith.” She said to me. Hannah had changed her clothing and was wearing tight jeans with a white, almost see-through, halter top and open-toed ankle boots. She grabbed her cell phone and what looked like a small wallet off the foyer table. I’d have never guessed that she’d need a cell phone. To say that she had a nice car wasn’t even close. There in the driveway behind Allison’s Lexus was a brand-new red F Type Jaguar convertible. “Can you drive a stick NIECE Meredith?” she asked me.

“Of course, Aunt...” I heard her in my mind tell me she was my Aunt Gaynor. “Gaynor, I learned when I was 14,” I said to her. She tossed the key to me as she walked out the door. From the feeling that I was getting from our link, I got the impression that she wanted to feel out the area for any kind of magic. She also wanted to use her power to sense out if there was anyone around that was watching us. I had put my hair in a ponytail when I saw the top was down. When I started the car, she hit the touch screen and put on some music. Rob Zombie’s “Dragula” was playing at an extreme level.

“Great song, I take it you’re a fan?” I asked her.

She handed me my sunglasses and told me, “I’ve seen Rob Zombie six times in concert.”

I put the Jag in first gear, and we started making our way to the Mall of Georgia to spend some money.


Meredith was having a great time driving up the road. The supercharged V8 that came with the car was purring beautifully all the way down the interstate. Meredith was smiling as big as she could. She’d earned it with all that she’d gone through over the last three days. To say she looked hot behind the wheel was an understatement. I knew from looking at her memories that she never wore a lot of makeup. To be honest, she didn’t need ANY now. I felt a new confidence in her that hadn’t been there before. I could tell that she was more than happy now.

She was glad to drive the car; she was remembering when Michael was looking for a new car for Allison and they’d looked at something like this. She had test driven it with her dad but decided that Allison would want the Lexus instead. Truthfully, she knew why I wanted her to drive. I was looking for anyone that was watching her. I had told her some details about The Order, but not many specifics. Meredith had a huge smile on her face as she drove down the highway. She was probably driving at least 20mph over the speed limit when blue lights came on behind us. She frowned and managed to get over and stop on the side of the road.

Meredith started to say something to me in her mind, but I told her to be calm. “Listen to me quickly Meredith, pull your glasses halfway down your nose and give him the sultry look.” She did exactly that and pulled her shirt down a bit. The T-shirt she was wearing looked like it was about to burst. “Make sure he notices you’re not wearing a bra, and then try to blow some of your breath on to him, just a little bit.” She said she understood.

The young officer came walking up and his eyes were almost coming out of his head. Meredith had her head on her hands leaning on the door and was just looking at him. “I’m sorry officer, I was listening to music and got carried away. How fast was I going?” She asked him. I could feel her arousal spike looking at him. She wanted him and was letting him know she did. Meredith leaned back and let him see that her nipples were hard, and she wasn’t wearing a bra. I thought the cop was going to have a stroke right there.

“Ma’am, may I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance please?” He asked. As she handed him the things he requested, I sent a message to her through our link. “Lightly touch his hand and lift up out of the seat like your shifting your hips,” I told her.

She passed him her license and all the info he wanted. When she touched him, he kind of looked confused for a second. Meredith came up out of the seat about 6 inches, moved her hips a bit, and then settled back down. “Sorry, I had to change positions, Men in uniform are a weakness of mine.” She said to him. When she sat back down, she blew hard enough for him to breathe in her scent.

The officer looked a bit confused. He looked at her license and insurance.

“Meredith, tell the cop that you apologize for having the radio up too loud and you’ll turn it down and stay below the speed limit.” She did and he just looked at her like he had no clue what he was doing. He shook his head to clear out the cobwebs and to cover himself; he said, “No problem, just keep it below Mach 2 please.”

We drove on and Meredith asked me, “Did I just do all that to him? Did I use your powers on him?”

“Yes, you did,” I said to her. I started to explain about how her breath would have minor mind clouding effects. “Don’t think of it as a ‘go-to’ weapon. It’s more of a ‘Get out of minor trouble quick’ type thing.”

She was pleased that she had her first taste of my gifts to her.

We got to the mall and walked into Macy’s. Meredith was looking at a skirt and a top to go with it. She admitted to me that she was completely out of her depth for clothing like this.

“I’ve been wearing shorts, jeans, and t-shirts since high school. I was homeschooled, so I didn’t have a prom. I’m out of my depth here.” Meredith said to me.

“That’s why you have me, Meredith. We’re here to get you some clothes, but more so, we’re also here for you to learn and practice.” I told her. “You’re going to use my gifts and your body this afternoon. I’m going to teach you about some of the methods you’ll use seducing someone in plain sight. Reach into yourself and tap your power. I looked at her and she had closed her eyes. “Visualize it as water flowing through your mind. Touch the water and feel how it flows through your body and answers your call.”

“It follows everything I tell it to, and I can feel it at my fingertips ... What is that I’m smelling?” She asked me. “Remember we talked about the first seizure that you’d go through?”

She looked at me puzzled. But I felt her go back in her thoughts to the first spasm. Meredith remembered the feelings of pain, but finally understood was I was telling her. She looked at her wrists a bit closer and found that her pores were a bit bigger on her wrists right behind the palms of her hands. After that, she touched her neck right under her ears and felt the pores there.

“Yes, Meredith, you see them? Reach out your mind and touch them, just a small bit.” I instructed her. “Feel how they react to your will?” I asked her. “I want you to go over the counter where that sales lady is standing, and I want you to release some of your pheromones and see what she does.”

“Yes, Han ... I’ll go do it. Thank you.” She caught herself but I was a bit upset by that. But it helped a bit that she was thinking on her feet and adapted quickly.

Meredith walked over to the counter and asked the woman if she had a specific size of jeans. I felt her release her pheromones and just exhaled so that her breath would carry them over to the saleswoman. I watched as the woman started to sweat. Meredith was asking her something else about this season’s tops, and the woman started to shift her hips around a bit. I smelled the arousal on her. The sales lady’s nipples had started to get very hard and her bra almost couldn’t handle it.

“Thank her for her help and let’s go try some other things.” I watched as Meredith thanked her and walked back to me. “Well done Meredith, you have a good command of you power.”

She stopped me and bowed her head. I knew what she was going to say to me before she said it. “I will accept whatever you decide for my disobedience of your rules back there. You instructed me about that, and I failed you.” She said to me.

“We have things to accomplish and you have things to learn. I will decide your punishment when we’re finished.” I very curtly told Meredith. She nodded her head in understanding and we walked on.


I screwed up, and I knew it. She told me she’d decide my punishment later, and I’d count on that. My father taught me that when you make a mistake, you admit it, take your punishment and move on. His wisdom has served me well and I wasn’t going to go against it now. At the moment though, it was on to look at clothes and start learning to use what she’s given me.

We walked into Victoria’s Secret and I smiled a HUGE smile. I closed my eyes and breathed in the pure sex smell in there. All of the arousal, both male and female, that was in there, it was almost overpowering. She smiled, winked at me, and we walked in.

There were a few guys following their significant others around and dutifully carrying the things their better halves were going to buy. One guy was sitting off to the side of the dressing rooms just watching the women. What a pervert, I’d deal with him in a bit. I looked around and spotted “Her” on the other side of the store.

She started to look at some boy shorts and then I heard her in the back of my mind. “I want you to walk over to the counter and ask to be measured. When you get an associate to help you, I want you to do the same thing you did to the other saleswoman, but I want you to release just a fraction more and capture her mind when you do.” She told me.

“How do I capture her mind?” I asked.

“You’ve touched your power a bit ago and felt it react. It will do what you tell it to. In this case, when you look her in the eye, will your power to enter her mind and bend it to your will. Practice on the little redhead walking towards you before you ask to be measured.” She told me.

The redhead walked up to me and asked if I needed help finding anything. When I turned around, I looked in her eyes. She froze because I had literally thrown my power at her like a spear.

“Very good Meredith, a bit much, but good first try.” She told me with a laugh. “Now pull it back and try it again with a little LESS force.”

I pulled the magic back to me and watched as she shook her head and apologized for zoning out. “No problem, I’m sure it’s a long day for you,” I told her.

“It has been and I’m working...” She started to say, but I had lightly pushed the magic into her.

“Excellent Meredith, that was almost perfect. Now release her and thank her for her help.” She told me.

I did just that and suggested that maybe she needed some coffee, to which she replied that she thought it was a great idea. Smiling, I went over to the first clerk I could find. Her name was Michaela and she was probably the most attractive black woman I’d ever seen. She was about 24, light skin, with long natural hair with naturally hazel eyes. Her small B cup chest fit her very well. She was wearing Capri pants that were a bit too tight for her posterior. She was one of those women that didn’t need to wear makeup because her skin tone was perfect. I walked up to her and asked her if she could fit me and that I wasn’t sure what size I wore. I also told her I was a bit embarrassed with the size of my “assets”, so could we do it in private. Michaela said she didn’t know if they had anything to fit me, but she’d be very happy to help out. I felt “Her” in my mind watching through my eyes at what I was doing.

Michaela grabbed the measuring tape and we went to a dressing room. She asked me to raise my hands. As she wrapped the measuring tape around me, I looked her in the eye and “sprayed” just her with just a bit more pheromones. As she suddenly looked up at me and her nipples stood all the way out from her chest. I smelled her juices from her pussy as she got wetter.

“What did you do? What’s happening to me?” she asked me.

“Nothing that you don’t want to happen,” I said to her as I willed my magic into her. When her eyes had glazed over, I moved her hands to my breasts. I leaned forward and lightly kissed her on the lips. I watched as she closed her eyes and let herself enjoy what was happening.

“Tell her to lick your nipples.” I heard in the back of my mind. After I told her to do that, she grabbed my shirts, pulled them over my head. Then she took both my breasts in her hands and started to suck and lick on my nipples. I hadn’t noticed before, but my nipples were bigger and MUCH more sensitive now, than they were before the change. I tried to stay quiet, but it was difficult. She was a natural at this. She licked up and down on them, changed and went side to side. I looked down at her to see she was still looking at me. She started to suck on my other breast now. Her mouth covered my areola as she sucked. She was taking her tongue and flicking it all over my nipple. I watched her as she pulled back for a moment. My nips were huge! They stuck out almost an inch from my breasts. I heard “Have your way with her but pay attention when I speak to you next Meredith.”

Without me telling her to, she slid her hand down the front of my leggings. Her finger moved through my wetness and massaged my labia. I was soaked to say the least. I told her that was nice, and she continued. She was rubbing my clit next and doing a VERY good job of it. She ran her fingers side to side for a minute, and then changed to up and down. I was getting close and I was ready to orgasm.

“Meredith, I want you to reach into your mind again and feel your power. Let it come to the surface, and right before you orgasm, lightly project it to her again.” I heard her say to me.

I had her get down on her knees and take my leggings and g string off. I had one leg on the bench seat so she could get to my slit better. She was sucking on my left labia while rubbing the right one. Her face was covered with my juices. Soon after, she stopped that and I told her to push 2 fingers into my pussy, and for her to find my G spot. She didn’t have much trouble finding it. She ran her nails lightly over it a few times, and then started to rub circles in it. My orgasm was getting closer, so I found my arousal and pulled it to the front.

“Right before you start to cum, release your power and let it flow into her. CONTROL IT and make sure it doesn’t get too far into her.” She told me. “This is how you take someone’s life force.”

She latched onto my clit, sucking on it hard. That sent me over the edge.

As I came and I released my power and pushed it into Michaela. I felt a type of suction coming from her. I was even hornier now. As I took from her, I felt even better, almost like I had 2 orgasms instead of just the one. “STOP Meredith, that’s enough. Take anymore from her and she’ll be sleeping the rest of the day instead of just feeling flush and a bit tired.” She said to me.

I released Michaela and she stood up waiting for me to tell her what to do next. I got my clothes back on and looked at Michaela. “Reach into her mind and just release her. Think of it as a mental snapping of your fingers.” I was instructed. So, I did exactly that and she snapped right out of it.

“Are you ok? You look a bit flushed.” I asked her. She looked at her surroundings and then looked back at me. “I’m more than fine.” She said as she smiled. “I hope you got all the ... information ... that you wanted.” She said in a seductive voice. “Because I got more than I wanted, and I might need some more later.”

I gave her a peck on the lips. She smiled and lightly kissed me back. I made sure that I cleaned up my mess as I slowly kissed and licked my fluid off her face. Damn I taste great!

I took a hold of her face with my hands and kissed her lightly for a couple minutes. “Yes, the information was perfect, and excellent customer service was given, best I’ve ever had here. I’ll be asking for you the next time I’m in.” I said to her. Both of us were smiling at each other. Michaela was happy; “She” was happy, and even more so, I was happy.

“Please call ahead to make sure I’m here. I love giving ... personal service ... to MY customers.” She said with a seductive grin. I gave her a quick and light kiss on the lips and we both walked out.

I came walking out of the dressing room but didn’t see “Her” anywhere. “Congratulations Meredith, you just took some of her body’s energy into yourself. How do you feel now?” I heard in my mind. “She” walked up behind me and touched my shoulder. I was lost in a feeling of bliss and couldn’t describe what I was feeling, “You feel like you had a meal don’t you?” She asked me.

“Yes, I do, it was an amazing experience. I want to do that some more.” She smiled and we looked at some thongs and other things.

The guy sitting next to the dressing rooms was still there and staring at me. She spoke to me through my mind telling me what to do next.

“Get his attention before you do this, it shouldn’t be too hard since he’s staring at you like you’re a stripper. When you have his gaze, throw your power at him like you did with the redhead, that way you’ll override any of his willpower he might have.” She said to me.

“When I send out my power to someone, should I ‘throw’ it like that all the time?” I asked her.

“It’s not necessary to do it that way every time, but there are people that have strong enough minds that they might break free of your power.” She told me. “It’s not that they have magical abilities, more a fact that there are people that have very strong wills.”

Moving my attention back to the pervert, I looked him in the eye as I kissed my middle finger. When I flicked it at him, I fired my power at him. The smile on his face went away suddenly, and I felt him in my mind. I smiled, as he was completely helpless.

“Give him any command and he’ll do it.” She said to me. I told him to pick his nose. I watched as he took his finger and put it into his nose and started to move it around. “Stop doing that, it’s disgusting.” He stopped and dropped his hand to his lap. “You will walk over to the woman in the blue yoga pants with the American flag on them and her husband. You will offer the husband $10 for ten minutes in the dressing room with his whore. Go ... NOW!” I told him. I released him and he got up and pulled out his wallet and took the money out.

I watched as he walked over and asked to speak to the guy. He made his offer and was promptly punched in the face a few times. When the cops got there, the wife and her husband explained what happened and that he was defending his wife. The cops hauled the pervert off and I went back to shopping.

I was standing at a rack looking at tank tops. When I turned around, “She” was gone. I looked out across the store but didn’t see her anywhere. I walked around the store thinking she might have gone to try something on, but she was gone out of the store.

“Meredith, come find me.” I heard again. The first thing that popped into my head was “Umm, ok. How?” But two seconds later, I heard, “Concentrate on the link and reach out through our bond like you would to reach out and shake someone’s hand.”

I closed my eyes and tried to reach out through our bond as she put it. I felt down the bond to her, but not where she was. I tried to use some of my power thinking that’s what it took. I couldn’t feel anything but her presence in my mind. She was waiting for me to try again, so I did. Only this time I used opposite thinking and tried to use her presence in my head as a guide. I concentrated on linking my mind to hers. Nope, nothing, didn’t feel anything. Then it hit me, “Shake someone’s hand” and I knew how to do it. I extended my part of the bond out like a hand trying to shake another person’s hand. I FELT IT!!!! I felt the bond connect and I knew almost exactly where she was. I grabbed my bags, left Vickie’s, making sure to blow Michaela a kiss on the way out. She “grabbed” it out of the air and made a show of putting it in her shirt, under her bra by her heart. Briskly, bordering on running, I walked up through the mall to the food court. I closed my eyes again and reached for the link. I knew where she was. I walked over to Chick-fil-a and there she was standing in line to order.

When I got there, all she said to me was, “I love their waffle fries and peach shakes.” I looked for a second and she knew what I was thinking. “There’s a joke here somewhere.” She said. “A demon and her servant are standing in line at a Chick-Fil-A ordering?” And we both laughed.

“I’m impressed with you learning so quickly. Your analytical mind serves you well. If something happens to either of us, this is how we’ll find the other. This is also how you’ll find you way to my realm when you learn to shift. Only one other has the same bond as you and I. She’ll be here between 10:30 and 11:00 pm if she’s on time.” She told me. We got her order and sat down at a table. “Meredith, you’ve taken to all my teachings and caught on quickly.” I basked in her pride in my learning. “There is another thing I want to teach you before we leave here. It’s just a quick way to deal with unwanted people when they won’t leave you alone. We’ll do it after we got you set up with new clothes.”

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