The Binding Rings - Cover

The Binding Rings

Copyright© 2018 by Sidia

Chapter 1

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A chance discovery changes a young man's life - and not always for the better.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Mind Control   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking  

Jason lay in bed, procrastinating and putting off starting the day. Summer had passed and the weather was turning cooler. He didn’t feel like going to school anyway. Sometimes it didn’t seem real that he was in his final year.

“Jason! Get up honey, or you’ll be late!” His mother called up the stairs.

Jason sighed to himself and, with a supreme effort, rolled out of bed. He stretched, yawned, and made his way downstairs. His mother, Helen, was in the kitchen, washing up the remnants of her morning smoothie. She was a yoga and meditation instructor, and usually left pretty early for her first class of the day.

“Finally.” She smiled at him as he grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. “I thought I might have to go and pry you out of bed.”

“Sorry.” Jason mumbled in reply, keeping his eyes downcast. He was finding it more and more difficult to maintain eye contact with his mother lately, especially when she was in her workout gear. He had always known she was beautiful, but the older he got the more his changing regard made him uncomfortable.

Helen was dressed in her standard outfit; full length lycra pants, a dangerously low-cut tank top, and an open jacket over the top. She had a figure that the even the women in her class fifteen years her younger envied; curvy in all the right places, and slim everywhere else. Honey-blonde hair framed a heart-shaped face, hazel eyes, and full lips that were aways turned up in a gentle smile. She had Jason young, just out of high school, and to look at her you wouldn’t believe that she was a thirty-six year old mother.

“I’ve got to get going sweetie, make sure you don’t dawdle leaving the house!” She said, waiting for his nod of agreement. “I have an evening class, so I won’t be back until a bit late tonight. I’ll ask Sarah to whip up something for dinner.”

At that, she kissed his cheek and gave him a quick hug. Her soft breasts pressed up against his chest in a manner that made him shift uncomfortably, realising to his horror that his cock had twitched in response. Jason and his mother had always been physically affectionate when he was younger, hugging and cuddling up on the couch. He’d been withdrawing from her in the last few years though; his acute awareness of her body was too much.

As she turned to walk briskly out of the kitchen, Jason couldn’t help but turn as well to watch her go. His mother wasn’t a tall woman, but was perfectly proportioned for her height. The jacket she was wearing didn’t cover anything below her waist, and the view of her well toned ass encased in skintight lycra was hypnotic.

“Enjoying the view perve?”

Jason jumped guiltily, and turned to look at the one person that above all others made his life miserable.

His Aunt Sarah was leaning against the doorframe at the other entrance to the kitchen, a smirk at catching him out marring her otherwise attractive face. He had been so engrossed he hadn’t even noticed she was there.

“What do you mean?” Jason asked, blushing furiously.

“Please. You were all but drooling over there.”

“I was not! You’re sick.”

“So you have a thing for relatives. Should I be worried?” Sarah laughed scornfully. She put her hand on her side and cocked her hip suggestively, standing in a manner showed off her body to good effect.

Jason looked away, flushing again. He had never come out best in an encounter with his aunt. She always knew how to get to him. This was a new tactic though, and he was furious at himself for giving her more ammunition to use against him. It didn’t help that she really was pretty hot, loathe as he was to admit it.

Sarah was more slender than his mother, not as curved. She was also taller, and more tanned. Her features were very similar to her sister’s, but her expression was more likely to be set into a look of distaste than a smile. She was still dressed in what she had slept in, and her rumpled clothes showed off a lot of smooth skin.

“Guess that’s my answer then.” She jeered at Jason. She grabbed the bottom of her top and lifted it above her waist, exposing her toned belly to him. “So who do you prefer, your aunt or your mother?”

“Who’d ever prefer you!” Jason shot back, unthinkingly. He was off balance, with no idea how to deal with this.

“So it’s mommy dearest who gets you going.” Sarah laughed harshly, triumphant. “I’m relieved, but my poor unfortunate sister. I’ll have to decide whether to warn her or not.”

Jason stood there fuming. He was pretty sure it was an empty threat; she enjoyed tormenting him too much to lose such a good hold on him. So he stood there, taking her mocking abuse, paying the toll until she felt like she had rubbed it in enough.

She eventually turned to head back to her room, satisfied that she had got the best of him for today. “Have a nice day at school.” She called over her shoulder as she left. “You fucking pervert.”

Jason kicked a rock on the path as he walked to his school. It had not been a good morning; but then again that wasn’t unusual. He usually tried to ignore all the snide comments Sarah directed his way - he’d certainly had enough practice over the years! But she always kept at him until she managed to get under his skin. The look of smug satisfaction on her face when one of her barbs successfully hit always made it worse.

She’d been like this with him as long as he could remember. It was just his mother, aunt, and himself that lived in their large house; plenty enough room for them and more. But Sarah somehow contrived to make him feel unwelcome in his own home.

His mother was a deeply caring person, however she was completely oblivious to what was going on under her nose. Teaching yoga and mediation made her a very spiritual person, and she liked to believe the best in people. She knew abstractly that Jason and her sister didn’t get along, but didn’t think it was any more than that. Sarah always made sure to behave around her sister, unwilling to lose her free room and board.

And that was the base for all her unpleasantness.

Jasons mother, a promising student, had fallen pregnant with him right after finishing high school, ruining his grandparents plans and expectations of her going to college. The boy who had knocked her up had skipped town, and had never contacted her again. Helen’s parents were moderately wealthy, and had been more concerned with the apparent shame and stigma of having an unwed pregnant teenage daughter on their hands, than what she had wanted.

Nonetheless, they had ensured that their daughter was well provided for, to the point of overlooking the needs of their younger daughter Sarah. Sarah was almost ten years younger than Helen, and grew up watching the every need of her older sister and her child met, while she had to earn everything for herself on merit. It was sort of a tough love approach; their parents did not want the same thing to happen to their other daughter, trying to instil a desire to be self-reliant in Sarah. Unfortunately it also fostered a deep resentment and bitterness within her.

This was only increased when their parents passed away in an unfortunate car accident. Apart from a fund to pay for her college, all the rest of their estate was left to Helen and Jason. The majority of it was held in trust for Jason for when he turned twenty five, and the rest, along with the luxurious house that they all currently lived in, was given to Helen.

Jason only barely remembered them, they had died when he was seven. They had turned into doting grandparents in the end, evidenced by how much they had left to him. It wasn’t his fault that they had left so much to him. It wasn’t his mothers fault either. Helen had made sure to make Sarah welcome, telling her she could live with them however long she liked. Jason could tell that the charity rankled his aunt, although not enough to stop her from taking advantage of it.

So she was mostly pleasant to her older sister, never going far enough to jeopardise her place in the house, playing the part of the helpful younger sister, looking after and babysitting her nephew until he was old enough to look after himself. But when it was just Jason and her, she made sure to take out her frustrations on him. The older he got, the worse it became; morphing from unkindness and neglect to outright hostility.

Jason sighed to himself. Sometimes he couldn’t wait to move out.

When he arrived at school, he was greeted by the person that made it possible for him to get through all the abuse heaped on him by his aunt. He had been friends with Emma since they were both kids, growing up together and sharing everything. She had often been the one to listen to him vent about what he endured. Her home life wasn’t great either; her dad was constantly in and out of work - so he always had a chance to return the favour when she had a bad day.

“Morning Jason! Almost didn’t think you were coming today.” Emma called out in greeting. She was sitting on the front steps to the school, waiting for him.

Jason couldn’t help but glance at her rounded thighs, exposed indecently high in her seated position by the short skirt she was wearing. Indeed, he noted that a lot of the guys walking past into the school were getting a good look from the corner of their eyes. Emma had bright red hair, pale skin, and blue-green eyes; along with her attire she was quite a striking sight. Jason often thought that if they hadn’t been friends for so long he would have been too intimidated to go up and talk to her.

“Well staying home was definitely not an option today.” Jason said, a note of bitterness creeping into his voice unintentionally.

“Oh.” Emma said softly, getting up and giving him a searching look. “Rough morning?”

“Something like that.”

“Sarah being a bitch again?”

“Careful, I might start thinking you’re a psychic!” Jason said, attempting to make a joke out of it.

“Yeah, there’s no other way I could have guessed that.” Emma said, a concerned tone in her voice. “What did she do this time?”

“Uh, nothing much.” Jason coughed uncomfortably. There was no way he was going to get into what had actually happened this morning. “Just the usual unpleasantness.”

“It’s the last year.” Emma said bracingly. “We’ll head off to college, and you can get away from that bitch.”

“There’s still the rest of the year to get through.” Jason said wryly. “Still, it’s a nice thought.”

“It’ll be okay.” Emma said, putting her hand on his arm. “I promise.”

Jason twitched at feeling her warm palm against his skin. He suddenly wanted to take her hand in his, to pull her close. He looked down into her lovely face that was set in a concerned expression. Her lips looked so soft.

“Thanks Em. I appreciate that.” He started walking up the steps, chickening out and breaking the moment. “Come on, we better get to class.”

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. It wasn’t a great day for learning - Jason was mostly lost in thought, thinking about everything. His teachers had to keep telling him to pay attention, snapping him out of the funk he was in. He felt like he needed to get a lot off his chest, but he couldn’t talk to anyone about this; not everything anyway.

His growing fixation and awareness of his mothers body. Was that normal? Surely not. But maybe it was normal for someone whose mother was as hot as his? It wasn’t like he was peeping, trying to get a look at her! It was just that when she was there, in front of him, he couldn’t seem to not look. He missed being close with her, sitting on the couch together, watching a movie. He just didn’t trust his body to not react to her.

And Emma. When had he realised that he might want something more than to be friends with her? She had always been his closest confidante; they had shared everything together. But suddenly, almost overnight it seemed, she had turned from the skinny, sexless, best friend, into - there was no other word for it - a babe.

She hadn’t changed how she acted though, staying the same person he had always known. Jason knew she was getting asked out by guys, but as far as he knew she hadn’t taken anyone up on any offers. Jason wasn’t unpopular at school, but neither was he popular. It was mostly his own doing, he mostly preferred to be by himself. He was content with being friends with Emma, and she seemed to be of the same mindset.

Jason periodically psyched himself up to ask her out, or to attempt to steer things in a different direction, but he always chickened out. He was too scared of ruining what they had. After all, if he didn’t have Emma to talk to, he might go insane with bottling up all the crap he endured from Sarah.

This morning was a nice twisted addition to the dynamic he had with his aunt. He despised himself for it, but he couldn’t help but admit that his body had reacted when she exposed her belly to him. She was a fucking bitch, but she was a sexy fucking bitch. The lurch of his cock when she teased him with her body, made him feel sick and knotted up inside. He definitely didn’t want to go back to that.

The last lesson block of the day brought a welcome distraction. Jason always found art class relaxing, being able to lose himself in his projects. And of course he, along with everyone else in the studio, got to enjoy watching the new teacher, Karla. Alabaster skin, hair so blonde its almost white, fine elfin features. It seemed like everyone had a crush on her, and Jason was no exception. It was her first year of teaching, and she was twenty-three. She always dressed professionally - probably to ensure she was taken seriously despite her youth - but even dressed down she couldn’t hide her appeal.

Today she had a grey, nondescript skirt on, going down to her calves. Coupled with a long sleeved shirt, and covered with her art apron - on the surface at least you would think there wouldn’t be much to admire. Unfortunately for her, she could only accomplish so much by dressing down. Today, everyone’s attention was focused on her behind, and how her bubble-butt filled out her skirt.

Jason let the time pass, enjoying the work and the view. Towards the end of the lesson, he was aware of a group of guys at another table beginning to mess around. It was close to the end of school, and they were clearly bored and wanting to go home. He didn’t pay much attention to them, but he soon became involved against his will.

There was a sudden sharp pain just above his right eye, and Jason clutched at his face, lowering his head to the table. Someone had thrown a small ball of clay; on purpose or not, he didn’t know and it didn’t matter. Jason explored his face gingerly, still hunched over on the table; he could hear Karla angrily shouting at someone in the background. It didn’t feel like it had hit his eye at all, and didn’t appear to be bleeding. It was very close though.

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