Allure - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Maxicue

Chapter 8

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A gorgeous ex teen model transfers to Joe's school her senior year. Definitely not in her league, he's surprised when she befriends him. He soon learns it's her world and he just lives in it, but it being her along with the adventures she lures him into makes being led a most agreeable relationship.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Oral Sex  

I awoke to the sound of knocking on the door. “Come in?” I said roughly.

Saul poked his head in. “You said you wanted to join us for workouts?”

“Of course,” I said, glancing at the alarm clock. 5:50 it read.

“Just throw on some warm up clothes if you have them. The work out room is in the basement just past Eddie’s studio on the right.

“Okay,” I said, and he left.

“Shit,” Carol muttered.

“I know,” I said. “But we agreed to it.”

“What’s up,” said a sleepy Miranda.

“Sleep,” I said. “We’ll be back.”


Carol and I quietly dressed in warm up pants and loose t shirts and headed out the door.

In the basement we passed a door with a combination lock. “Vault?” I asked.

Cheryl giggled behind us. “Dungeon,” she said.

“Really?” Carol laughed.

“Yep. We’re a kinky bunch. Especially Saul. If you want I can show you,” she teased.

“Uhm, maybe some other time,” I chuckled.

Everyone except Eddie seemed to be in the large room. It had work out apparatus and a fairly large open area. The wooden floor seemed to have some give. It reminded me of the dance studio Mel and I had trained in.

“Ooh, a dance barre,” said Carol, immediately going to it and stretching.

“We have dancer friends,” Saul explained.

“One in particular who likes the dungeon,” Cheryl giggled.

“Stop teasing our young friends,” Moe scolded her.

I decided to stretch with Carol.

“We start with Tai Chi,” Saul announced. “I’ll show you the moves.”

“Okay,” I said, and Carol nodded.

Our dance training seemed to help us remember the movement.

“Good,” Saul said. The others started doing Krav Maga moves, which seemed familiar. “Let me show you,” Saul said and did. Not exactly the same moves. Simpler ones. Again both of us got it pretty quickly, so we moved on to others. “You want to show us some of your moves, Joe?”

“Sure,” I said and did. The first time instructing, and though I was anything but advanced, I found I enjoyed it. “Like any martial form,” I explained at the end, “it has its Kata, but I think we tend towards actual contact.”

“We tend to avoid that,” Moe said. “Except for on the weekends when we don’t have to deal with bruises at work.”

“Makes sense,” I chuckled.

“Some of us stay and use the exercise machines,” Cheryl told us. “The more sensible head up for breakfast.”

“Breakfast sounds good,” I smiled. “Carol?”

“I’ll go check on Miranda.”

“Good idea.”

We headed out. I noticed Moe heading the opposite way. “Where’s she going?” I asked Cheryl.

“For a smoke,” Cheryl said.

“Do you think she’d mind if I joined her?”

“She’ll enjoy the company,” Cheryl replied. “There’s a door that leads out to the alley.”


“See you soon Joe,” said Carol, giving me a quick kiss.

I found Moe on the sidewalk, smoking.

“Oh hi,” she smiled.

“Hi,” I smiled back.

“You don’t smoke do you?”

“Nope. I wanted to ask you about Carol’s audition.”

“She’s definitely photogenic. She showed me her head shot.”

“I know. And I know it’s not easy being an actress...”

“This is more like modelling, but I think she’ll work fine.”

“You do?”

“No guarantees, but she really does look like the family we’ve been looking at. What’s worrying you?”

“She had a tough time in Hollywood. Lots of rejections. But like I said...”

“What kind of auditions?”

“It started out with her agent insisting she’d be right for the part and ended up being cattle calls.”

“Knowing Hollywood, it probably started at cattle calls. There’s a lot of fresh faced beauties like her out there.”

“I know, but...”

“Saying that, I think she has a unique look.”

“You do?”

“She’s cute and innocent looking. And yet she’s got this intelligence about her. Something Hollywood probably wouldn’t get at least at first glance. Second glance maybe, because I think it’s something stars have. An interesting inner life.”

“I agree, but I’m biased.”

“She told me she never modelled.”


“I think I can hook her up with someone who can help her before the audition. But it would mean a couple afternoons away from the workshop.”

“She’s mostly in the workshop because of me.”

“You two are really cute with each other. You kind of remind me of me when Saul and I started out.”

“I’d think Miranda would remind you of you more from what I heard.”

Moe laughed. “True, but I always liked girls too, and especially when we’d be with Saul.”


“Really. Pretty much from the start. You heard of Chandi?”

“Her name.”

“She’s almost my girlfriend, though I never see her enough. But, though she’s in love with me, when Saul’s there it’s just ... better. Like I said, Saul and I have shared a few women over the years, but that dynamic, that ... love, just makes it really intense.”

“Hunh,” I said.


“Maybe Miranda’s like you more than I thought. Like you said about you and Saul, Carol and I have been with other girls almost from the beginning. I was hesitant about it...”


“Just ... it’s really important for me to make sure the girl feels loved. That she...”

“Gets her orgasm before you.”

“Kind of basic, but yeah. It’s the connection though. I mean not exactly literally, but...”

Moe laughed. “No I get it. That must be what Saul sees in you, because he’s like that as well.”

“With ... pardon my saying ... all those women?”

“Believe it or not, it doesn’t matter. We always feel loved by him. And I guess it’s infectious, because we love each other the same way. So Carol is the one encouraging you to have threesomes.”

“Pretty much. Even though it works surprisingly well, it’s not exactly what you’re talking about.”

“How is it different?”

“Because even with another girl, it’s always about Carol and me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure. We get to pleasure the girl, both of us, and they pleasure us in return of course, and that’s great, but...”

“It’s ultimately about you and Carol.”

“Yeah. She likes playing with girls, but she likes playing with girls with me there a lot better.”

“And vice versa?”

“I suppose so. In a way though it’s more exciting seeing her excited by our ... guest, than it is me having another girl to fuck.”


“Except I think Miranda might be different.”

“More like I’m talking about with Saul.”

“Yeah. Before ... We’ve been with three other girls.”

“Including Essie.”

“Including her. And like Essie, with other girl, it wasn’t about love. We know Essie’s in love with Saul.”

“Of course.”

“Another is my friend Mel.”

“I’ve heard about her.”

“Yeah. It’s kind of weird, but at this point in Mel’s life, she’s not interested in love.”

“So had you fucked her before?”

“Quite a lot actually.”

“And you’re sure she’s not in love with you?”

“Sometimes it gets pretty intimate, but no. Our relationship is completely compartmentalized. We’re friends or working partners or lovers, all distinct. Obviously I’m not like that. Two Carols actually. My first love was named Carol too, weirdly enough,” I laughed. “But with Mel ... I accept that we have sex, and separate the other aspects of our relationship just as she does. With Maryanne, who was the first, I think she actually worried she might be falling for me which countered her very belief system, that Hollywood has too many hot sexy people to stick with one and not enjoy the plentiful variety. She’s a devout nymphomaniac. But, and I don’t want to toot my own horn, I think she just really liked having sex with me.”

“Joe the young stud,” Moe chuckled. She tamped out her cigarette, her second. “I’ll make arrangements and talk to Carol.”

“Thanks. Don’t worry about the timing, because really she’d much more want to get a career going to be involved with the workshop.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

We went in for breakfast: scrambled eggs, fresh ground coffee, fresh squeezed orange juice, hash browns, wheat toast. Great. Miranda joined us. Moe talked with Carol. I talked with Miranda.

“Would you mind if I made your short story into a one act?” I asked. “Betty suggested I try to write something longer and use one of my stories. Yours is better.”

“But it’s pretty internal,” Miranda pointed out.

“I’ll just have to create friends,” I shrugged.

“One of them asking, ‘What’s got into you,’” she giggled.

“Something like that,” I chuckled.

“Have at it,” she shrugged.

Cheryl, Liang and Essie rushed out the door. Cheryl to her contract lawyer job, Liang to her editing of books, and Essie to a work/independent study summer thing at Columbia. At seventeen, she already had the credits of a junior. Her twin brother would be a sophomore at eighteen, but Essie was obviously a whole level higher of precociousness. Definitely a genius.

Moe smirked when they left. “The perks of owning your own business.” Then left to shower.

Soon enough, Saul and my two ladies and I needed to get ready as well.

During the walk to Hunter, Carol told me, “I need to call Moe at lunch. I might be missing the afternoon session.”

“I know,” I said. “Moe and I talked.”


“Sorry, but you’ve had a lot of disappointments.”

“And you told her?”

“I just wanted to know if you had a real chance.”

“First of all, I’m well aware of the frequency of disappointment in my business. Second ... never mind.”


She smiled. “I like that you’re protecting me, even if it’s not necessary. And you are my good luck charm.”

“That doesn’t necessarily mean...”

“I know, but if nothing else, Moe’s getting me a coach for modelling could very well lead to an agency, since I imagine the woman would have connections. Your charm continues, Joe.”

“Good,” I smiled back.

The workshop went much longer the second day, and I found the discussions invigorating. Intelligent and rarely cutting, though the blond dandy tended towards that. I thought he and the gay novelist were suited for each other. And they were even if the blond was a poet and not a prose writer. The blond wasn’t much older than me, but Saul was sort of doing a bit of underage loving, although Essie’s maturity made her much more suitable, despite her age. And who was I to say?

Carol ended up missing the afternoon session. I was happy for her but missed her. In her absence, Tanya swooped in. “Where’s your other half?” she asked.

“An important appointment,” I told her.

“Have you read my play?”

“Not yet. Sorry.”

“Do you have it with you?”

“I do.”

“It’s nice out. How about we walk up to Central Park, and we can read it there.”

I noticed Miranda hovering. “Miranda?” I asked.

She looked disappointed. “I’ll get a ride home with Mom.”

“Excuse us a second Tanya,” I said, and moved Miranda to a more private spot. And told her, “Both Carol and I have thoroughly enjoyed your company.”

“Okay,” she smiled. “Me too.”

“She’s got this great opportunity.”

“I heard.”


Miranda giggled. “I’m still a bit sore anyway. Tanya?”

I looked at the thickset black woman looking at me. Then back at Miranda and into her eyes. “I’m never cheating on Carol. She’ll always be there when we make love. Always.”

“And other girls?” Miranda asked.

“To tell you the truth, I’m not sure, Miranda. It’s always been fun, especially for Carol.”

“Right,” she smirked.

“Of course I enjoy it too.”

“I’d hope so.”

“And we’ve done this before.”

“Obviously with Essie.”

“But Miranda, honestly, it’s been different. I genuinely like you, and I’m pretty sure Carol feels the same.”

Miranda nodded. “What do you think that means?”

“I don’t know. Not yet. We need Carol in this conversation.”


I glanced at Tanya looking more and more impatient. That didn’t make me want to hang out with her more. But, at the same time, I kind of liked her, and, to be selfish, I could definitely learn things from her.

“Let me ask you something,” I requested.

“Go ahead.”

“I definitely want you to join us, and I’m basically certain Carol does too. But...”

“You might like to keep playing with others.”

“I know you probably don’t believe me, but it’s really up to Carol.”

“You really are that pussy whipped?”

“Pretty much.”

We laughed.

“Fine,” Miranda said. “I’ll try not to be jealous. But...”

“Go on.”

“If this keeps getting more and more serious... ?”

“I’d like that too, Miranda. Just us three.”

“No,” she realized. “I’ll be heading to Hampshire.”

“Of course,” I muttered.

“You really do like me.”

“I do, Miranda. Maybe not at the level of Carol, but...”

“Of course not. Summer fling?” She raised her hand.

“Summer fling,” I chuckled and shook it.

“You should go to Tanya before she rips me in half,” Miranda giggled. Then gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and dashed off.

“What was that about?” Tanya asked me.

“Not really your business Tanya. But let’s put our cards on the table. I’d like to be your friend. I’d love to have you show me Harlem. But just friends and colleagues. Nothing more. If you don’t want to hang out with me, I’ll understand.”

“Just give me time,” she smirked.

“It’s not me you need to seduce,” I told her.

“What does that mean?”

“Carol likes girls, and likes me playing with them too. She makes the choice.”

“I kind of burnt that bridge, didn’t I? She’s cute but I’m not built that way anyway.”

“So Central Park?”

“Sure,” she grinned.

I didn’t think I had her convinced.

Saul approached us. “Ready?”

“I’m actually going to hang out with Tanya. We’ll be heading to Central Park. Could you let Carol know?”

“Of course. You want her to meet you there?”

“That would be great.”

“So where do you think you’ll be?”

“At the boathouse or around the lake,” Tanya reluctantly told him.

“I’ll let her know,” Saul smiled. “Good session you two.”

“It was,” I agreed. Tanya nodded.

Tanya and I had a really good time by the time Carol joined us. Nevertheless I was very glad to see her. We embraced and kissed. “You guys still working?” she asked.

“Maybe Carol could read, so you can hear better,” I offered.

“Sure,” Tanya smiled. Trying to be nice?

While Carol read through the script, Tanya and I talked. “I think you should develop the man better,” I suggested. “If nothing else, it would increase the dynamics between them. Increase the conflict.”

“I know,” Tanya admitted. “But it’s almost like you attempting ebonics.”

“You need more of the man’s perspective,” I suggested. “Can you tell me what you think his background might be?”

“You mean make him flesh and blood like you do?”

“He can’t help being flesh and blood, unless he’s a puppet.”

Tanya nodded.

“There’s two women,” Carol said.

“I read them both when it was the three of them,” Tanya explained. “And when it was just the two women, Joe took on the secondary roll.”

“Would you rather read the second woman, or just listen?” Carol asked.

“When it’s the three of them, I can read the second woman,” Tanya decided. “We’ll try that.”

“Okay,” Carol smiled.

“Do you want me to read business?” I asked.


We read through it like that.

“It’s really strong, Tanya,” Carol said. “Powerful.”

“Thanks,” Tanya smiled. “Let’s try it again, except this time I’ll just listen.”

I noticed her taking a lot more notes the second time through.

“Thanks,” she said after. “Do you want me to sketch out the man’s backstory, and you could maybe make suggestions?” she asked me.

“Sure,” I smiled.

“I should head home,” said Tanya, putting her script and notebook away.

“Where are you staying?” I asked.

“I have a friend who’s got an apartment on the Upper Eastside. Not all that far.”

“We’ll walk you home,” Carol insisted. “And have dinner on the way?”

“You don’t have to.”

“But we want to. Right Joe?”

“We do,” I happily agreed.

I continued having a nice time, and Carol and Tanya seemed to be getting along.

When we dropped off Tanya, she asked where Saul’s townhouse was. When I told her, she suggested how to get there by subway. Despite it being somewhat of a trek, Carol and I decided to walk it. Both of us loved being in Manhattan.

“So what was that between you and Essie after dinner yesterday?” Carol asked almost immediately.

“She told me she liked Miranda, but wasn’t interested in sleeping with her,” I remembered.

Carol smirked. “A foursome would be one too many for you anyway, except with Mel, but she mostly just looked on.”

“And you?” I asked.

“Probably,” Carol decided. “Preferring you, they’d probably be left mostly pleasuring each other. I don’t know how Saul does it with all those women.”

“Moe told me they genuinely love each other as much as they love Saul,” I said.

“And dildos are definitely in play, what with Liang bouncing into the bathroom with hers,” Carol giggled.

“I think she was with Joanne, but you’re probably right,” I laughed.

“So what do you think about strap-ons?” she asked.

“You wearing one or the other girl?” I asked.

“Maybe both?”

“Liang washed it off after doing anal,” I reminded her.

“Oh fuck,” Carol murmured.

“You’ve never done anal?”

“When would I have?” she asked.


“What is it called when both pussy and anus gets fucked?” she asked. A passerby heard her and looked a tad shocked. I shrugged.

“Double penetration I think,” I said.

“Do you want to try fucking my ass?” she asked. “I mean if we go there ... with double penetration, I’ll need to have some experience.”

“Only if you do, Carol. Honest.”

“How about if we talk to Liang about it?” Carol suggested.

“Or Joanne, since she was the one getting anally fucked,” I pointed out.

“Or both,” Carol added.

“Liang said they tended to be ridiculously honest,” I told her.

“So that’s a yes to both,” Carol giggled.

“How did it go with the coach?” I asked a few minutes later.

“Really well. She said I had potential.”

“Potential hunh?”

“Moe said that was the highest of compliments. The woman’s been in the business since forever. She wants me to have a shoot. To create a portfolio. She arranged it for next Tuesday, early.”

“That’s great.”

“She actually talked about Thursday afternoon, but I wanted to make sure I could accompany you to Harlem.”

“Jealous?” I asked.

“Should I be?” she smirked.


“I know,” she said and pulled me into a lingering kiss. Pedestrians around us must have noticed, but neither of us cared.

When it broke and we regained our breath, continuing the long walk, I asked her, “What do you think about Miranda?”

“You mean Randy?” she giggled.

“I do, Sailor.”

“I really like her, Joe.”

“Me too.”

“It felt ... different.”

“It did. I told her it did when Tanya went on attack with you not there.”

Carol laughed. “Not a chance, but I actually do like her.”

“I noticed. But I did tell her she could only get me through you.”

“You did hunh?” Carol frowned.

“She wasn’t interested. Definitely heterosexual.”

“As is Mel.”

“True. But...”

“Mel is Mel,” Carol finished.

“Mel is definitely Mel.”

We laughed.

“So what were you saying about Miranda?” Carol asked.

“I told her how much I like her, and that you probably like her too.”

“I do.”

“The possibility of exclusivity came up.”


“I figured with you, it might develop over time.”

“It might,” Carol agreed. “I can see us both more than just liking her.”

“But she reminded me she’d be heading to Hampshire this fall.”

“Of course.”


“She’s cool with us having other girls to play with.”

“Yep. I think it was a conversation we needed to have.”

“She was jealous?”

“Tanya’s moves on me sort of put that in the open.”

“I certainly would like our relationship with her to continue.”

“Me too.”

“But we still get to be with Essie!” she exclaimed.

We laughed.

When we arrived at the townhouse just after sunset, the long walk affecting us, but was definitely worth it, Saul surprised me. “Melinda called. She left a number. Said for you to call whenever you get in.”

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