Taking the Class: Part 4 - Cover

Taking the Class: Part 4

Copyright© 2020 by Ivan_Ronical

Chapter 25: Tuesday Afternoon, 2:16PM

Horror Sex Story: Chapter 25: Tuesday Afternoon, 2:16PM - The year is 20XX in a world where people possess supernatural abilities. The day is Saturday, and a trio of high schoolers are now waking after a night spent surveying one of the world's wettest regions. Alaina and Will adapt to their new situations, but how will they cope when revelations lead them to question not only the events of the past few weeks but who they are as people?

Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Romantic   Horror   Humor   Oral Sex   Slow   Transformation  

Messaged Mom to say we were going out for a few hours, dropped off the campaign proposal with Dr. DaSilva, checked in on Ms. Perez ... Hopefully Will can figure out what’s going on with her. She definitely seemed a little off. I think.

The president of the student council pushed through the doors and exited her school. I didn’t hear Laura get called down over the P.A. at the end of the day. Mom said she was gonna talk to people at school ... I guess it makes sense; if they were gonna do something big like give her a pass on her last couple weeks of missed assignments that’d probably take more than a couple hours to push through with all the teachers. It’s not like they’d refuse. Would they? She frowned for a moment. No point in worrying about it. If anyone can help with this, it’s Mom. Yeah, Mom can do anything.

Alaina walked along the sidewalk past the last few remaining buses, heading towards the faculty parking lot. It’s such a nice day! I barely have to warm myself at all. Good thing, too, since I might end up passing out if I did.

Laura waved to her from a short ways away as she came into view, and Alaina tripped over her own feet. Fuck, I thought it was over.

“Hey, you,” said the older girl when Alaina neared, moving to the rear of the vehicle to meet her. She grinned.

I love her smile. Alaina swallowed, her own grin feeling wild and uncontrolled.

“Ready to go?” Laura asked.
“Yup!” Alaina lost herself entirely in the other girl’s eyes for a moment. So pretty. Did she take off her makeup? Natural Laura is so wholesome-looking.

“I, um ... I didn’t really think to ask earlier, but you’re okay with this, right?” Laura asked with raised eyebrows.

The horny girl blinked. “What?”

“Well,” Laura said, suddenly bashful, “it’s a lingerie shoot. So you’ll, um, be seeing a lot of me. I don’t want it to be weird or anything—”

It was all Alaina could do to not drool or nod desperately. “No, no,” she said, trying not to sound thrilled at the prospect, “it’s fine, don’t worry about it. I want to be there for you.” This is going to be torture. Maybe I can sneak out later and meet up with Will for a quickie or something. I don’t think I’ve ever been this horny for so long without it being from that Quirk.

Laura brightened and stepped forward, enfolding the smaller girl in a hug. “You really are an awesome friend, Alaina,” she said softly.

Alaina didn’t want to smash her face into the taller girl’s sweater-covered boobs where they were exposed by the jacket. She really didn’t. She gently nuzzled them. She respected them. I don’t know why I like her boobs so much. Is it really just because they’re so big? Tiff’s are big, too, but not this big. I feel a little bad thinking about this when she thinks we’re having a moment, but it’s been like, seven fucking hours since I got my last fix. Ugh, I can’t believe I’m addicted to boobs. This is almost as embarrassing as a foot fetish, isn’t it.

She grudgingly pulled back after a long moment which still felt far too short to her. “I really like you, Laura,” she said, trying not to blush and mostly succeeding. “I still feel like I barely know you, though, so I want to do what I can to fix that. I hope we can spend more time together.”

Laura’s cheeks turned pink. She reached up and swept a few strands of long hair back, allowing her fingers to twirl around their ends for a moment. “Um, we’ll have a lot of time to talk on the drive?” she said shyly. “It’s about half an hour, and you can ask me anything you want.”

I don’t know why, but seeing her get all shy like this makes her seem even sexier. I wonder if I kissed her now whether she’d blush even more. Really tempting. I’d just have to stand on my tip toes and move a—Wait, no. No! Argh! “Sounds good,” Alaina said, quickly averting her gaze from the blonde siren. She headed to her side of the car, pulling her keys out of her bag and unlocking the doors so she could deposit her bag into the back. Laura opened the rear door on her side and set her bag down, then began taking her jacket off.

Oh no. Alaina got into her seat on the driver’s side and strapped in, then pulled her spare scrunchie out of the compartment in the center armrest and threw her hair into a quick ponytail. I’m going to crash. I can already tell. She looked over as the other girl lowered herself into her seat. How is she so thin, too? It’s not even fair. Her stomach looked... She realized she’d been staring at her favorite boobs for too long and looked away. She turned the key and started the car once the passenger side door was shut.

“Alaina, um...”

Alaina looked over once more and gawked. How did I not notice that this morning?

The tall, voluptuous blonde was pulling her seatbelt across her substantial bust. She clicked the buckle into place and squirmed uncomfortably. The belt was pulled tight across her breasts, visibly compressing them through her sweater. “Is there a way to change the height for the belt?” she asked, looking to the redhead in the driver’s seat with an awkward smile.

Don’t stare, don’t stare, don’t stare, okay, just a little. Alaina stared.

“It’s kind of rubbing against my nipple,” Laura said, trying to squirm out of it on her left side.

“Y-yeah,” Alaina said, unable to stop sneaking glances. They’re so big. “You pinch the top of the belt end up there, and then you should be able to lower it.” She pointed, keeping her finger firmly in her own seat’s bounds to avoid temptation.

Laura turned her head to look up behind her. “Oh, I see it!” She reached up, turning her right hand back over her wrist at an uncomfortable-looking angle in an attempt to reach the end of the belt. “Um...” She tried reaching over with her left hand, but the belt restrained her movement too much. She looked back to Alaina with a hopeful smile. “I can’t really ... Can you get it for me?”

Alaina swallowed. “Yeah, um, of course...” She slowly unbuckled her own seatbelt. Just going to reach up and squeeze that part at the top of the belt. Nothing else. Just a normal thing I’d do to help out a completely platonic friend who I have zero interest in seeing naked. Or sleeping with. Or kissing for hours and hours. She took a breath and started reaching across the other girl’s seat.

I wish my arms were a little longer. Her questing hand stretched just under the other girl’s face, and she felt a hot breath on her wrist. Oh fuck, I almost came from that. What the fuck. She leaned on her left hand on the center armrest after a moment in order to reach the last little bit—

Her pivot hand encountered another hand under it when she put it down, and she attempted to jerk away in surprise. The resulting moment of failing to retain her balance ended with her pitching across the cup holders between the seats, burying her face into the blonde girl’s denim-covered lap.

Her right hand, however, flailed a little as she tipped over, and landed on Laura’s chest. She squeezed reflexively. Just a little. Purely on instinct. I had to!

“Oh my!” Laura exclaimed. “Alaina, are you okay?”

Alaina’s face was bright red. I can’t let her see how much I’m blushing! She felt a hand stroking gently along her back and shivered.

“Sorry,” said Laura, “I was trying to keep my hands out of your way.”

Alaina felt a hand slide under her shoulder, lifting upwards. She inhaled, sending a dizzying amount of the other girl’s delightful perfume into her nose. Her hands came around under her, and she pressed down, managing to only grope the blonde’s legs a little while she brought herself up. May as well while I’m here... She looked to her right, still intent on lowering the seatbelt.

Laura’s face was inches away, her brow creased in concern.

Their eyes met.

Alaina stared at the other girl’s lips. I could. She’s right here. She blinked. No. Stop it. But she’s right here... Her lips parted ever so slightly. No! She reached up with one hand and pinched the end of the seatbelt, dropping it down on its track, then levered herself up and back with Laura’s gentle assistance. “It’s okay,” she said, facing forward. “I’m a little clumsy, that’s all.” She strapped herself back in again and looked back over. “How’s that?”

The other girl unbuckled her seatbelt, adjusted it under her breasts, and then re-buckled it. She gave the redhead a bright smile. “Perfect! Thanks, Alaina!”

Alaina blinked again, momentarily dazzled. Her mind recalled the—Nope! Stop it! She shifted the car into reverse and backed out of her parking spot, then started along the school’s driveway towards the exit. “So tell me where we’re going. What type of shoot did you say this was, again?”

“It’s at some small studio they use,” Laura said, before she gave a brief explanation of the route they’d take. “I’ve got it on my GPS.” She pulled her phone out from between her legs.

I wanna feel my face against them without her jeans in the way. “Cool.”

“It sounded like it was going to be shorter than I thought, too,” Laura said. She shifted in her seat, then reached up behind her to adjust the fit of her seatbelt slightly. “It’ll be mixed glamour and high fashion, which means there’s going to be some sexy poses and some goofy-looking ones.”

The car came to a stop at a stop sign.

Wait a minute. Alaina glanced at her passenger out of the corner of her eye. She definitely just reached up and adjusted her seatbelt height on her own. She began driving again, her mind sluggishly chugging along through its fog of arousal. And right after I changed it, she unbuckled her seatbelt. She could easily have done that and then had plenty of room to turn around. Now that I think about it, this almost feels familiar. I was too distr—

“I’m really glad you’re going to come with me,” Laura continued. “It’ll feel way better having you with me.”

“Will I need to do anything?” And then she keeps saying things like that. It’s supposed to be innuendo, isn’t it? Fuck, Alaina, are you serious? I can’t believe I forgot again that she can sense all my emotions. It’s just so easy! She’s so distracting! And she never reacts to anything like I’d expect her to if she really can do it.

The tall, blonde girl crossed her right leg over her left and moved her hands up near her knees. “You could help me a little bit, if you want?”

Help? Maybe she wants someone to help her undress for different outfits. “Oh?” Don’t get distracted! She definitely adjusted the seatbelt this morning, too! I remember it! How did it even get that high again? Unless—

“There’s usually some downtime between sets, or between outfits,” Laura said. She reached up with her left hand and swept her hair back.

The action drew Alaina’s eye, at least until the traffic light changed.

“I need to be feeling really good in order to get my poses just right,” the lingerie model continued, a small smile on her face, “so I was thinking maybe...”

Alaina swallowed, her grip tightening on the wheel. Really good? As in, she wants me to... A scene formed in her mind with her kneeling in front of—

“Maybe you could tell me some funny jokes?” Laura finished, turning an especially wholesome smile on her younger friend. “Or stories. You know, stuff to keep me in a good mood.”

Alaina’s mouth opened and closed a couple times, but no words came out. It has to be intentional. There’s no way she could be this clueless. There’s no way a lingerie model would be accidentally walking around with a string from her underwear hanging out over the side of her jeans.

“What do you think? If you’ve got a bunch of homework or what—”

“I’d love to help out,” Alaina said with a grin. Fine. No touching. Definitely no touching. But if she wants to tease, I’m not gonna just sit here and take it. “So you need like, a fluffer?”

“It’s not—”

“For your mood, I mean,” Alaina gave herself a mental pat on the back. She has no idea who she’s messing with.

Laura’s head tipped forward as she laughed. “Oh, I get it,” she said, smiling brightly. “Yeah, I guess you could call it that. So you’ll be my fluffer today? Keep me feeling good during the shoot?”

Alaina blinked. That’s not even fair. You can’t just take my tease and use it against me. She squirmed in her seat a little as fragments of a related daydream involving a lot of kissing flitted about. “Sure,” she said after a moment’s pause, “I can handle that. Seems like you should be pretty easy today.”

The well-endowed blonde girl took the next moment to move her arms over her head and stretch, arching her back and thrusting her chest out as she made a happy sound and squeezed her eyes shut.

Alaina swallowed again, stealing glances as she sped along the relatively low traffic highway. Also not fair that she can just do that and tease me better than I can poss----

“Yeah, I’ve been in a really good mood all day,” Laura said. “Especially after sleeping so well. You’re a great security blanket, Alaina.”

The girl who had spent much of the previous night as more of a hugging pillow than a security blanket blushed slightly. “Thanks. I, um ... I had a pretty good sleep, too.”

Laura sighed contentedly with a small smile on her face, and her eyes closed for a moment. “I wish I could sleep that well every night.”

“You can!” Alaina blurted without thinking. She glanced over, her smile once again wild and out of control. “It worked last night, didn’t it? So—”

“Alaina,” Laura interrupted in a gentle tone. “It’s nice of you to offer, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to be my security blanket every night.”


“If I am interested in that,” Laura continued on, her head bobbing lightly to the low-volume pop rock coming from the radio, “I’ll ask, okay?”

Alaina frowned. “Alright,” she said. I don’t wanna push it, but I thought she’d jump at the idea. Why—

“I do really like your bed, though,” Laura said, turning to look out the window. “I like firmer mattresses now. My old one was much softer; how I used to like it when I was younger.”

“What made you change your mind?”

The older girl chuckled with a hint of ruefulness. “Ever had sex on a really soft bed? You just kind of sink into it. There’s no bounce or anything. Not to mention how the angle is wrong for almost every position because you—”

“Wait, what?” Alaina said in a scandalized voice. Her mind ran berserk with the possibilities, and she was forced to cut her imagination off repeatedly to focus on her driving.

“Yeah, like when I’d be on my hands and knees, my front would end up being a little higher than—”

“No, I mean...” I don’t know what I mean! She likes doggy style?!

“Oh! Right, sorry,” Laura said. She looked over with an extremely patronizing grin. “I always forget how Puritan everyone over here is.”

“Technically it’s Victorian,” Alaina said absently, her mind at maximum capacity and split very unevenly between trying not to crash and vividly imagining the blonde temptress sitting on her face. What the fuck is wrong with me! Quirk, please, I need to drive!

“Whatever it is, I hate it,” Laura declared. “I still remember after I moved here, I wore my favorite dress a few days before the end of my sophomore year, and Dr. DaSilva made me put on a shirt because it left part of my shoulders bare.”

“There’s a no-bared-shoulders policy in—”

“I know!” Laura exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air. “It’s ridiculous! If I want to wear a cute dress that leaves a tiny bit of my shoulder exposed, I should get to! Especially if it’s an actual nice day out!”

“You mean like today?”

“What? No, it’s freezing today!” Laura said, giving her a dumbfounded look. “I still don’t understand how you aren’t curled up in a ball shivering wearing that. You’re really not cold?”

“Nope,” Alaina said smugly. She held out her right hand. “See?” She felt slightly cooler fingers touch hers.

“That’s not fair at all,” Laura huffed.

“If you were still cold, why didn’t you say something?” Alaina asked.

“You seemed like you were comfortable, so I didn’t want you to get too hot,” Laura said, pulling her hand back. She folded her arms under her chest.

“Laura, you’re too nice,” Alaina said, shaking her head as she smiled. She reached over and turned up the heat, and then flicked on the passenger side seat warmer. Actually... She turned her own warmer on as well. “You could’ve at least turned on your seat warmer, y’know.”

The other girl went quiet for a minute.

“This is going to sound dumb,” said the girl who’d been homeless until the day prior, “but I really don’t want you or your mom to ever think I’m taking anything you give me for granted.” She stared out the windshield. “I might take stuff that you offer me, but I’ll never make you feel like I need anything. I won’t ever be a burden on you. I promise.”

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