Dragon Daughters - Cover

Dragon Daughters

Copyright© 2021 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 4

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Dallas and Doreen go to Miami looking for a friend they believe has been abducted. What they find is a lot more than a simple kidnapping, but not something that they can't deal with being Dragons. They have a good bit of fun along the way.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Magic   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Size   Revenge   Royalty   Transformation   Violence  

The following new character is learned about in this chapter:


Rafael and Romero’s sister, Black Magic Witch, not seen in this chapter, only mentioned

We drove close to the location of the hotel that Rafael had given us before parking the car in an alley between two buildings. Then we walked to the hotel and observed it from across the street and several buildings away.

“If we use the street entrance, it will create a commotion,” I told Doreen after several minutes spent observing the entrance of the hotel. We had seen one man go inside, and two men come out. They had driven away in a pickup parked near the hotel. They hadn’t seen us, as we were using an invisibility spell.

“Yeah, this isn’t the kind of place that women would visit, at least, not willingly,” she agreed. We could see that the building was four stories with a flat roof.

“Perhaps the roof would be better. The air conditioning and other things will be up there, so there should be an entrance to the building from there,” she continued.

“Let’s back off and find someplace to change and then take off,” I agreed.

Returning to the alley where we had parked, we changed into our Dragon forms and then followed the alley to the next street. This street was totally dark with no working street lights for several blocks and was wide enough for us to take off from. After circling the building several times to check out the layout of the roof, we landed separately because of the restricted space. The moon had set earlier that evening, so no one saw us. There was an entrance to the hotel there, but the door was locked. It wasn’t Dragon proof, however, and we were soon inside and descended into the building.

The halls on the upper floors were only ten feet high, and we shrank to that size. Doreen took the doors on the left side of the fourth floor hallway and I took the right. The first couple of rooms on my side were empty. The fourth room had a man asleep on the bed, but he was alone. I used a spell to ensure that he would stay asleep. The fifth and next to the last room on my side had a man in it, and he was slapping around a young woman, but it wasn’t Aleshia.

I slipped into the room without making a sound and moved up behind him. I had needed to shrink to eight feet tall to get into the room. He slapped the girl again while cussing at her, and she fell back onto the bed.

“Want to try that with me?” I asked as I dug the claws of my right hand into his neck.

“You like to beat on females, well I’m right here. Let’s see what you can do,” I told him. He whirled around, and I punched him in the face immediately, breaking his jaw before dragging my claws down his front tearing open all of his clothes, and leaving bleeding claw marks in his skin. He was so terrified, he couldn’t even scream. I dropped him to the floor after using a Witch spell to knock him out. The young woman was also staring at me in shock and horror.

“You speak English?” I asked her. She blanched in shock.

“Si, Senor Dragon,” she replied shortly.

“I’m a female Dragon, honey, but you probably can’t tell that. Believe me, another Dragon definitely could,” I told her but didn’t smile. This didn’t seem to reassure her.

“You stay in here until we finish cleaning up this floor. Then we’ll get you and any other women out of here,” I told her. She was looking down at the guy on the floor.

“Don’t worry, he won’t be moving for many hours,” I told her to a look of relief.

Out in the hall, Doreen was waiting for me.

“Three assholes in the six rooms, but only one woman. She’ll be okay in a bit,” she told me.

“I still need to check on the last room,” I told her. Opening that door revealed a bed with someone on it. Moving into the room and over to the bed, I found a young woman there. There was a man passed out on the floor near the bed. He had several needles in a case with him. One look at his arm, showed that he was a junkie. Leaving him on the floor, I checked the woman on the bed. It was Aleshia, but she wasn’t in good shape.

“Aleshia ... Aleshia,” I called quietly and shook her shoulder.

“No, no more,” she pleaded in a weak voice, as her arm fell out of the bed. I could see that it had numerous needle tracks. It appeared that the passed out guy was here to give her another shot, but he had injected himself first and passed out.

“Doreen, I’ve found Aleshia,” I called, and she looked in the door. There wasn’t enough room in here for the two of us and any furniture, so she remained in the hall.

“What’s that on the floor?” she asked looking into the room.

“Looks like the guy who was here to shoot her up again, but he injected himself first,” I told her, as I bent down and removed one of the full needles from the case, and injected its contents into the guy’s arm. If it killed him that was okay with me.

“We need to get Aleshia out of here,” I told Doreen next.

“What about the other women here?” she asked.

“Yeah, there is that,” I agreed with a sigh.

“Which is the cleanest room up here?” I asked.

“Third room on the left,” she told me.

“Let’s move Aleshia and the other two women in there and cast a ward around it, while we clean out the rest of this rat’s nest,” I told her, as I carefully picked up Aleshia. We moved all of the women on this floor to that room before descending to the third floor.

“You two watch our friend, Aleshia. We’ll be back up here after we clean out the rest of this place,” I told them before casting the ward around the room.

The third floor proved to be inactive except for some men asleep in its rooms. We made sure they would remain asleep before going down to the second floor.

The second floor was nearly deserted. There was only one room with anyone in it. We found the guy we had seen entering the hotel there. He was a white guy and an Anglo at that. He was pumping away on a cute little honey when we found him. He had his dick up her butt and was way too busy to notice when Doreen and I entered the room. She silently moved up behind him while I watched.

When close enough, she spread the claws of her right hand, and then brought her hand up into his butt hard while grabbing him around the neck with her left arm and bending him back. He let out a howl that would have curdled milk, as she dug all of her claws deep into his butt before yanking him out of the young woman. I was sure that she had that long middle claw of hers up his butt to see how he liked it. She dropped him to the floor and kicked him. It really wasn’t necessary as he was bleeding out from the tears her claws had made in his neck. The young woman got up and kicked him also.

“Asshole!” she shouted at him before looking up at Doreen and nearly fainting. I had a question for her, however, and shook her as Doreen moved out of the room.

“You speak English?” I demanded.


“Why is there so little activity up here tonight?” I asked her.

“Most of the women are downstairs. They caught a girl who escaped earlier today, and Romero is going to punish her as an example of what they do to anyone who tries to escape. They sent me up here with this gringo asshole,” she told us.

“So Romero is here. Good!. You stay here until we get back. We’re going to visit Romero and teach him a lesson,” I told her.

Doreen and I returned to our Human forms before going down to the lobby. There was a fat man there behind the check in desk. He was watching a porn flick on the internet and was facing away from us. Doreen cast a Witch spell on him to ensure he wouldn’t move or give the alarm for a long time.

“Where are they?” she asked as we looked around. The lobby only took up a small portion of the ground floor.

“They have to be in the back,” I told her. The ceiling here was twelve feet high, and we returned to our Dragon forms at that height after moving through the door that led to the back area. There were a couple of offices just the other side of the door on a short hallway, but we could see lights and hear people a bit further back in the building. I cast an invisibility spell, as we moved toward the lighted area. We stopped in the hall just short of it to see what was going on.

We could see a number of men around the perimeter of the cleared area. Many of them had a women whom they had restrained. There were boxes, bales and bundles stacked against the outside walls of the building behind and around them. There were several columns visible that supported the upper floor of the building.

In the center of the area, there was a naked young woman tied to a chair. She had already been beaten up as her face was a mess, and her body was black and blue from where she had been struck. There was a man standing in front of her and shouting at the others.

“This fucking bitch thought she could escape from us. She snuck away this afternoon. You see how far she got and her reward. This is not enough. She was also fucked in the ass by all of the men here when brought back, but this is still not enough. You, putas, need a lesson, so that none of you will ever try this again,” he shouted at those assembled in an angry voice, as he produced a switch blade knife. Its five inch blade snicked out when he pressed the release. It was apparent that he intended to use it on the young woman on the chair.

I had already cast a spell to prevent those around the perimeter of the open space from moving. Before the man with the knife could do anything, Doreen moved into the cleared space while canceling the invisibility spell.

“Why don’t you try that against someone who can defend themselves?” she demanded, drawing the shocked attention of all of those in the cleared space, including the man with the knife.

“You must be Romero. You look a lot like your brother, whom we have already dealt with,” she continued as she moved further into the open space.

As shocked as he had been, Romero quickly recovered. Moving back toward the metal chair, he spun it around so the woman was facing Doreen and me. Stepping behind her, he held the knife to her throat.

“I’ll kill her!” he shouted at us.

“What will you do then? She won’t protect your ass,” Doreen asked and smiled showing all of her teeth. Romero appeared to be dumbfounded that his demand hadn’t been met, and we didn’t seem to care if he killed the woman.

There was a rather weak Ley Line in the area of this building, and Doreen and I had been drawing on it lightly since arriving here. We had both built up a good supply of Magic from it. Carefully aiming the center claw of my right hand, I shot a beam of Magic force that hit the knife and hand of Romero. The spasms in his hand and arm swung the arm and knife out from his body and the knife flew from his stunned fingers. Doreen hit the knife in the air with her beam of Magic, sending it off to the wall of the building behind those gathered around the open space. The shock on Romero’s face at this was something to see.

Recovering quickly again, he backed away from the chair and the woman on it, as Doreen continued to advance toward him.

“I told Manuel about the problem with knives, but of course, you weren’t there to hear it. You always have to check to be sure that you have it. Claws are different. You always have them with you, since they are a part of you,” she told him, as she continued to advance, and then showed him her long thick claws.

“Some of you help me,” he shouted to his men, as he continued to back up. None of them moved to do that as the spell held them in place. Several of them tried with no success.

“They can’t help you. I froze them in place earlier,” I told him, as I advanced nearer to him along with Doreen. Romero appeared really alarmed on hearing this. Reaching behind his back, he quickly produced a large powerful revolver. Aiming it at Doreen, he pulled the trigger. Much to his surprise, nothing happened. He pulled the trigger several more times with the same result.

“Mechanical weapons are so easy to disable,” I told him. “I’d already cast the spell to keep them from working,” I added. Romero threw the gun at Doreen as she was the closest to him. She caught it in the air and grinned at him again.

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