Dragon Daughters - Cover

Dragon Daughters

Copyright© 2021 by Uncle Jim

Chapter 6

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Dallas and Doreen go to Miami looking for a friend they believe has been abducted. What they find is a lot more than a simple kidnapping, but not something that they can't deal with being Dragons. They have a good bit of fun along the way.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Magic   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Size   Revenge   Royalty   Transformation   Violence  

The following new characters appear in this chapter:


Detective, Captain Harper’s assistant, a large heavyset man

Captain Harper

Operations officer in charge of the shooting situation, 5’-11’’ tall, 175 pounds, 50 years old, gray hair, brown eyes


Sniper, fat man, 6’-3’’ tall, 270 pounds, appears to be 32 years old, has long, shaggy, dark hair


Ben’s son, Dragon Security employee, 5’-11’’ tall, 165 pounds, 25 years old, black hair, dark eyes, broad shoulders, very good looking


the third manager, an older man, 5’-9’’ tall, 170 pounds, 47 years old, dark hair and eyes

With Aleshia now safe and being taken care of, we decided to have a little fun and relaxation of our own while down here. Actually, Doreen was the one who wanted to have some fun, as she appeared to be seriously interested in Keith.

“He’s so shy and has a huge Talent. I just want him to fuck me until I can’t move,” she told me with a giggle. Of course, there is a problem with being a Female Dragon, especially with being a Female Dragon who isn’t pregnant, but who likes and wants sex with a male Dragon or near Dragon. The problem being that all of the Ley Line Magic will collect around you to protect you while you’re having sex, and supposedly getting pregnant.

This had been a real problem for us in Atlanta with all of its Ley Lines, and we had needed to stay away from all of the near or almost male Dragons who worked for our parents. We had needed to go a long way outside of Atlanta to have sex with any of the near Dragons. We had become very familiar with towns like Gainsville and Dahlonega to accomplish that, as there were no Ley Lines there.

Here in southern Florida, the problem was much less serious. There were only a few Ley Lines here and most of them weren’t that strong. So for the first couple of days of our vacation, we went to Miami Beach to relax in the sun on the sandy beach. However after a bit of swimming, we quickly discovered that the sand, sun, and the beach can be very boring to people who are used to being up and doing things. We cut our trips there short after the second day.

While there are a huge number of hotels near the beach and the ocean, they are all expensive and privacy was a bit difficult to find otherwise. This led to only a bit of sex, usually after dark, much to the disappointment of all of us.

“There is a lot more privacy west of Miami,” Keith assured us on the second day at the beach. “There are the Everglades and the Big Cypress National Preserve plus other places, and they aren’t that far from Miami,” he continued.

“The best way to see them, and all of southern Florida is in a convertible,” Bill assured us.

“We should rent a convertible and go see them,” Doreen agreed, as she played her fingers up and down Keith’s chest. That’s what we did that afternoon, and the next morning we were ready to go see them. There was a LOT more privacy as Keith had assured us, and we found plenty of places to get our bells rung over the next couple of days. In fact, we nearly wore our guys out, but Doreen and I felt great.

On the fifth day of our vacation, we were returning to our hotel following another day trip outside the city. We had actually seen the place we had gone to see today. It was about 7:00 in the evening, but it was still very light out when we were stopped by the police at a barricade across the street. They were turning people around. Doreen, who was driving, had been complaining about the slow traffic for a number of minutes. She pulled right up to the barricade and the officer there.

“Why is the street blocked?” she demanded. “We want to return to our hotel,” she finished.

“Sorry, Miss, but there is a shooter on an upper floor of one of the hotels. He has already killed three people and wounded several others. No one can get near him, and all of the streets in this area are blocked off to keep people out. You will have to turn around and wait elsewhere,” the somewhat harried policeman told her, pointing back the way we had come.

“Go ahead and turn around,” I told Doreen who frowned at me, but did as she had been told. We had only moved back up the street a short distance before I had decided what we were going to do and told the others.

“Keith, when we stop, you take over driving. Go back to one of the fast food place and get something for all of us to eat, as there probably won’t be any room service at our hotel when we get there,” I told him, as he was sitting in the front with Doreen, while Bill and I sat in the back.

“You can stop here, Doreen,” I told her shortly. Those behind us honked at being delayed, but I ignored them. “We’ll get out here, and the guys will get some food. They’ll meet us at the hotel later,” I told my sister and the guys. Doreen had stopped the car and we got out. The guys drove off.

“What are we doing?” a somewhat upset Doreen asked as a bit of smoke drifted from her nostrils.

“I spotted a police command vehicle and a SWAT vehicle parked just a bit further up the street from the barricade. Let’s go over there and find out what is going on,” I suggested.

“You think they will just allow us through the barricades?” she asked in a doubtful voice.

“Us, probably not, but when our Dragons appear at the command vehicle, I’m pretty sure they will talk to us,” I told her with a smile.

We joined hands and cast the transfer spell for a line of sight transfer. Our appearance just outside of the two vehicles startled the officer on watch there, but he didn’t have time to ask us any questions before we changed into our Dragon forms, which shocked him even more.

Open up in there,” Doreen shouted in a loud Dragon voice after rapping vigorously on the door. It was vigorous enough to put dents in the armored door. The door swung open a few seconds later.

“Who the hell... ?” a large heavyset man started to say before seeing the two of us standing there in our twelve-foot-tall Dragon forms.

“Ah... !” he continued after a number of seconds.

“We want a briefing on the problem and to know why you haven’t gotten it under control before now,” I told him in an aggressive voice, while Doreen just blew smoke from her nostrils and gave him the evil eye.

“You’re Dragons!” he exclaimed in shock.

“Of course, we are Dragons. Who else would look like us?” Doreen demanded.

“But you aren’t authorized... !” he started to say before he was interrupted by an older man from inside the vehicle.

“Let them in Harris. Maybe they can do something that we can’t. We aren’t getting anywhere presently,” the older man told the man blocking the door.

Both Doreen and I could see that the interior of the command vehicle wasn’t tall enough to accommodate us even in our eight-foot-tall Dragon forms. We both changed back to our Human forms as good looking young women but not ourselves, using a glamour, before entering the vehicle. This shocked both men that we had seen as well as the two technicians also in the vehicle.

“I’m Captain Harper,” the older man told us.

“You can call us Dallas and Doreen. You couldn’t handle our Dragon names even in Gaelic, let alone in the Dragon language,” I told him.

“Yes, all of the police departments nationwide learned about Dragons from the Atlanta P.D. a number of years ago,” the Captain told us with a grin.

“As to the situation here, we have a shooter holed up in a room on the 27th floor of the hotel down the street. He or she has already killed three people and wounded seven others. Fortunately there weren’t any other people on that floor when he / she / they started.

“Both the stairs up to that floor and down to it from the roof had explosives planted on them, and he or they blew them when we tried to get to them. The elevators are similarly booby-trapped. Our SWAT people have removed all of the people from the upper floors, and police squads have emptied the lower floors. We considered rapelling down to the floor he is on, but we don’t know if there are any booby-traps on that floor, or how many people we would lose,” the Captain told us. Doreen and I just smiled.

“Pull your people from the two floors above his and the two below. We’ll deal with him if it’s a he, or her if it’s a she, or them if necessary,” I told him.

“He’ll hear you coming if we send you in on a chopper. He fired at the last few flights to evacuate the residents of the upper floors. They needed to approach the building from the back side to avoid being fired at,” he told us.

“You forget, we have our own transportation. He won’t see or hear us until we are ready to take him out, Captain,” Doreen told him with a smile.

“We would like to take him alive if possible,” the Captain told us.

“We’ll remember that and try to accommodate you,” I told him but was sure we would administer a little Dragon justice before releasing him to the police.

“Is there anything that you need to do this?” he asked. We both just smiled at him.

No, thank you,” Doreen told him, but I had a thought.

“Could we have a small radio so we can call you when we have the shooter or shooters subdued?” I asked. One of the technicians handed me a radio.

“We shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes to a half hour or so,” I told him before we exited the vehicle.

“Let’s move over a couple of streets, so he won’t see us take off with the intervening buildings,” I told Doreen, and we walked away from the police vehicles and made our way across two streets to a distant one where we could change back to our Dragon forms at the twenty-five-foot-level and took off, startling the police at the barricade behind us.

In the meantime in the command vehicle, Harris was addressing his Captain.

“You know that they are the ones who caused all of the trouble less than a week ago. How can you allow them to intervene in police business?” he demanded in an upset voice.

“In case you haven’t noticed, Harris, the last week has been very quiet, since most of the gangsters and the hoods have been in hiding and are worried about being next on the list of whoever took out the main drug dealers and the sex slavers. If they can remove this problem for us, maybe, the others will stay in hiding. Also we won’t lose any people. If they should be killed, we won’t be any worse off. In any event, it’s still light out and the media covering this will get plenty of footage of them,” the Captain told him with a smile.

We flew up over a thousand feet or so to get above most of the tall buildings in the area. It was easy to spot the hotel where the killer was, as there was a helicopter on the roof. After circling it a couple of times to check it out, we swooped down and landed one at a time on the roof. The police there just waved to us, as apparently they had been warned about our arrival.

We needed to shrink to the twelve-foot-tall level to get into the hotel’s upper floors, and we then took the stairs down to where they had been destroyed. There were a lot of floors to bypass. The stairs were totally missing for two floors above and below the floor the killer was on. This wasn’t an impediment to us as it had been to the police, but we did need to shrink to eight-feet-tall to access the hallway.

Once in the hallway, we cast the transfer spell to the hallway below it. From there we would transfer to the hall on the floor where the sniper was located. We both extended our Magic senses to check the hall below us for booby-traps and other problems first.

“Nasty, very nasty,” Doreen said on checking the area.

“Yes, he has claymore mines set up in the hall facing in both directions from the room that he is using. There is also one in the room facing the door. These will need to be dealt with before we transfer down there,” I agreed.

“They sound like something that the Timeless Zone could handle,” Doreen said with a Dragon grin.

“Yes, the two in the hall first,” I agreed, and we each took one of the claymores and cast the spell for that one to send it to the Timeless Zone.

“Who gets the one in the room?” Doreen asked when we had finished.

“You can have it, as you seem to enjoy that sort of work,” I told her. The third claymore quickly vanished.

“Are we ready?” she asked next, and we both transferred to the hallway of the floor that the sniper was on. Again, we both used our Magic senses to check the rooms near the one he was using, but found no one alive there, or any other booby-traps.

“Do we open the door?” I asked nicely.

“Why give him any warning? Let’s just transfer through the door, but in our twelve-foot-tall form,” she told me, and we both checked our wards to be sure they were at full strength. They were, even with all of the Magic that we had used. We both then transferred into the room.

The room off the hall was a disaster of empty boxes and packaging. It would appear that all of the containers that the various explosives and other things had arrived in had been left in here so the booby-traps wouldn’t be detected before they were activated. Much of the original packaging was military and some of it appeared to be quite old. There was other civilian packaging for explosives and other things there also.

We had been in the room for nearly a minute observing everything when there was the sound of a large caliber weapon being discharged from the second room of the suite, the one that looked out on the street.

“He is still firing. It’s definitely a he,” I told Doreen.

“There are explosives in there with him, but they are hand grenades. I cast a ward around them so he can’t reach them,” she told me. “Are we ready?” she added.

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