The Pledge Mistress - Cover

The Pledge Mistress

Copyright© 2021 by Edward EC

Chapter 1: An Offer from Dr. Burnside

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: An Offer from Dr. Burnside - College sophomore Lisa Campbell and three classmates spend the summer pledging the 4-Beta Sorority. The 4-Betas have rough hazing rituals that include public nudity, spankings, sexual training, streaking adventures, lots of physical exercise, and dominating male pledges. Lisa learns to become a leader as she guides her companions to become accepted as full members of the sorority.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Enema   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Nudism  

Lisa Campbell woke up at 8:30 in the morning. Without bothering to get dressed she opened her drapes and looked out over the campus from her dorm room window. Her shapely bare body was visible to anyone walking around below, but it was summer break and the campus was almost completely empty. Not that it mattered. The university, all 50,000 students and faculty, had seen plenty of Lisa last fall. There was no point in being modest, and in fact, from Lisa’s point of view modesty was an inconvenience.

The young woman contemplated the steam rising off the grass in the bright hot sunshine. Today was May 23rd, but from the looks of the weather, it seemed more like July 23rd. Another scorcher, she thought to herself. Shit. It’s not supposed to be this hot, this early. Must be that fucking global warming they’re all talking about.

Lisa was not a fan of hot weather, which was why the promise of a hot day put her in a bad mood. It also was one of the reasons she had decided to study in Chicago instead of California, which was where she grew up. She much preferred the savagely cold winters of the Mid-West to the scorching summers of California. Not that it made any difference now, because it was hot all over.

Lisa forced herself to snap out of her mood and glanced over at Ken, her current boyfriend, who was still soundly asleep. She decided to pull the sheet off him to have a better look at his body and the results of last night’s round of punishment and sex. Lisa felt a vague mix of trepidation, curiosity, and satisfaction as she contemplated how badly marked up he was. His wrists and ankles had rub-marks where his cuffs had dug into his skin, there were small bruises on his chest and shoulders from where she had pinched him, and she could make out part of a handprint where she had slapped him hard across the face.

However, all of that was nothing in comparison to the condition of his bottom, which was a solid mass of dark welts and bruises. She lightly ran her fingers over the skin, fascinated by the swollen condition of his entire backside. Yes, last night she had worked him over pretty good. She had not planned to go that far with him, but as sometimes happened when she was disciplining him, Lisa’s emotions and enthusiasm got the better of her. She had punished him with four implements in a single session: a small leather paddle that normally was used more for sexual arousal than discipline, then a belt, then a wooden paddle, and finally a riding crop. He cried and struggled against the cuffs as she hit him many, many times with each implement. She had worn herself out on him, but afterwards, when she unhooked his cuffs and let him up, he wore himself out on her.

Lisa was quite sore herself, but not from punishment. Her vagina ached and her labia and clitoris were raw from Ken’s attentions. Lisa’s boyfriend had incredible sexual energy, but that enthusiasm was of no use to anyone if he was not first stripped, humiliated, and beaten. Ken was a true masochist; only a severe whipping could bring out the sexual animal in his soul.

Last night had been good, really good. After the punishment, he had made love to her three separate times, in three different positions. Yes ... Ken knew all about positions and how to prolong a good orgasm. Oh yeah, that guy was a real love-machine for any woman who knew how to turn him on and which buttons to push. Lisa had learned that secret back in January and had enjoyed her nights with him ever since.

Lisa’s bladder was full, and she decided that she might as well get cleaned up since she had to go to the bathroom anyway. The young woman put on a pair of shower shoes, grabbed a towel, and walked out into the empty hallway of her dorm. She was the only resident remaining on her floor, since everyone else had moved out a week before when the semester ended. She went to the women’s bathroom at the end of the hallway, pissed, and turned on the shower. She stepped in and winced as the soap burned the raw skin between her legs. The cruel burning from the soap settled one issue, that no, she most definitely would not try to shave today.

Wow, she thought to herself, we really did over-do it last night. Well, that’s good. There’s nothing in life like a good fuck. Enjoy it while you can, ‘cause you only live once...

Lisa dried herself off and studied her reflection in the mirror. She was pleased by her appearance (she always thought she looked her best after a good round of sex), but also was on the lookout for imperfections. Sure enough, she found a couple of blackheads to pinch out of her cheeks. She cleaned them out and returned to her room, enjoying the feel of the cool air of the hallway as it blew against her body.

She entered and saw Ken still asleep in her bed. Hmm ... time to get him up. She twirled the towel, stepped back, and flicked him on the rear with a fearsome SNAP. He jerked awake from the painful crack on his welt-covered skin. He instinctively rolled over and nursed his latest injury with his hands, exposing himself from the front. Lisa addressed him with her normal bedroom vocabulary:

“OK, Bitch-boy, get up! Get your little fag ass out of my bed or I’m snappin’ your balls!”

With that she pulled the towel back and positioned it, ready to strike if Ken did not get out of bed immediately. He moved very fast, jumping up and standing at attention before Lisa had the chance to snap him again. He was horribly sore from last night’s adventure and that first towel snap had been pure agony. He definitely did not want another one at that moment.

In spite of how things might have looked to someone not familiar with their odd relationship, Lisa really was not being cruel to Ken at all. She was just giving him what he wanted. His penis began to stiffen as he stood straight, quietly anticipating either more punishment or more sex. Lisa reached down and gently massaged him, then dropped the towel and rubbed his swollen backside. She touched her breasts to his shoulder and gently began rubbing up and down with her nipples.

“Yeah, I bet you like that, don’t you, you fucking little pervert? I oughta snap you some more, shouldn’t I?”

“I like it...”

She slapped him hard across the face.

“God, you’re disgusting! Turn around, sicko! Bend over and spread ‘em!”

Ken complied, exposing his battered backside for yet more pain and abuse. Lisa picked up the towel and delivered a loud SNAP right at the base, very close to his sphincter. He jerked and went hard immediately, his penis bobbing up and down from a very hard erection. She snapped him viciously a second time, but then stopped.

Lisa, in spite of her own on-going soreness, could never resist a good hard-on. She tapped his shoulder, went on her hands and knees, arched her back, and lewdly exposed herself to her lover.

“Fuck me, you creep! You’d better fuck me good or I’ll really give you something to cry about!

There was no need for any further foreplay. Ken positioned himself, grabbed Lisa’s thighs, and plunged in. Lisa’s body broke out in a sweat and she gasped. Now she would be really sore and would need another shower, but that didn’t matter. What mattered for her was the sex and the orgasm of the moment. Ken, his entire body aching from last night’s beatings, moved aggressively as pain and soreness combined with pleasure for a truly exquisite release of semen and energy into Lisa’s lovely body. This was really, really good.

Lisa returned to the empty women’s bathroom, this time with Ken. As much as she might have wanted to do something more to him, there no longer was any time. She had an appointment and already would have to skip breakfast to make it. However, she and Ken took their time as they gently soaped each other’s injuries and sore spots, showing care and tenderness that had been totally absent just a few minutes before in her room. She lathered up her hands and softly spread some soap on his purplish ass, then rinsed it off. She finished by gently kissing each side of his swollen bottom and patting it.

He was equally gentle with her, very lightly soaping her raw pubic area to get the KY and semen off her body. Again she winced, because the soreness between her legs was worse than ever, but in a few minutes both of them were clean. They toweled each other off and prepared to face the day. They returned to her room to get dressed.

Ken dressed in his usual loose fitting shorts and university t-shirt, plus a battered pair of slip-on shoes. He wadded up his underwear and stuffed it in his pocket, because there was no way his injured backside would stand any tight clothing pressing against his skin. Even wearing the loose-fitting shorts was pushing it.

Lisa pulled a summer dress over her head and put on a pair of flip-flops. That was it; she planned to go out completely naked under the dress. It didn’t matter, because she knew she’d be taking the dress off again in a couple of hours or so. Once her clothes came off, she had no idea how long it would be before she would be allowed to put them back on, so it made sense that she wear a single piece of clothing that was not likely to get lost.

Ken’s day would be much easier than Lisa’s. He had to visit one his professors and check up on a summer project. He then would go to the library to pick up some books and later kick back and recover from last night’s punishment. Hopefully he would turn in early and get a good night’s sleep.

Lisa, on the other hand, was nervous, which partly explained why she had gone overboard punishing her boyfriend the night before. Today she had two appointments that promised to be the beginning of two important turning points in her life.

The first appointment was with her economics professor, Dr. Ruth Burnside. Lisa was not sure what the appointment would be about, although she suspected it was something related to her career in the university. She did not know what Burnside wanted from her, but hoped that it was related to the recent departure of Cecilia Sanchez, the professor’s former student aide. Maybe Lisa would be offered a job, which would be great, given that she was still paying out-of-state tuition and had been thinking about taking out a student loan.

Following the appointment with Burnside, Lisa faced another activity that would fill up all of her free time that summer: she was about to become a sorority pledge. The experience of becoming a pledge was guaranteed to be grueling and painful, as well as demanding of her time and energies because of the sorority she had chosen. She was not pledging with one of those wimpy rich-bitch sororities, but instead the Four-Beta Sorority, the sister sorority of the infamous Tri-Alpha Fraternity. The Four-Betas were just as tough on their pledges as were the Tri-Alphas. Lisa had heard stories, now was the day she would find out for herself what the Four-Betas really expected of her.

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