The Fiery Doctor - Cover

The Fiery Doctor

Copyright© 2021 by somethin fishy

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - The story of a young doctor who learns to love again.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Doctor/Nurse  

When the police and ambulance arrived, they were also amazed at how calm both Emily and Kat were. The police of course recognized Adam right away for they had a series of run-ins with him but could never get anything to stick. His hot-shot lawyer parents would have him out of jail before charges could even be filed. Now Adam’s parents wouldn’t be able to help him. The police did caution, Kat and Emily, that Adam’s parents would probably try to file some kind of lawsuit against them and that they should be ready.

Kat walked to the safe room and made two copies of the security footage from around the house that night. It clearly showed Adam sneaking up to the house and breaking in. Kat put one copy in a safe and gave the other copy to the police. She also stayed behind, while Emily and Mark went to the hospital so that she could take pictures of all the evidence the police found and give her a statement. After the police were done gathering evidence, Kat put all the pictures on a flash drive and put that in the safe as well. This safe wasn’t an ordinary gun safe. It was well hidden in the wall of the safe room. It was also lined with a copper screen to further protect the stuff inside from electromagnetic interference for this was where Mark and Kat stored all of their most valuable electronic records. With this done, one of the police officers gave Kat a ride to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, the officer received word that Katelynn was to be taken to the station. This just floored the officer. This was a stand your ground state and Kat had killed Adam in a clear case of self-defense. Kat wasn’t surprised based on what she had been told about Adam’s parents and what she had been able to find quickly on Google about them.

“I’m so sorry about this Katelynn, but there’s a request to take you to the station for further questioning.”

“Don’t be sorry, was any of this BS your idea?”

“Well, no.”

“I just ask that you please take me to the hospital first so I can check on my dad and so I can tell mom what’s happening.”

“Ya, I suppose I can do that. After all, we’re almost at the hospital now.”

“Thank you very much. Oh, you probably should come up with me, I’d hate for you to get in trouble.”

Kat and the officer walked into the hospital and quickly found where Mark was at. When they walked into the waiting room, Emily was pacing back and forth, still covered with Mark’s blood. When she saw Kat, she ran over and gave her a fierce hug.

“Thank you, Katelynn. It looks like your dad will pull through with only minimum complications. If it wasn’t for you, he and I would be most likely dead.”

“Well not to burst your bubble Mom, but I’ve got some bad news for you.” At this Emily just gave Kat a quizzical look. “It turns out that Adam’s slime ball parents got some strings pulled and I’ve got some more questions to answer downtown.”

“Wait. What? Did you just say what I thought you said or do we have a serious miscommunication problem?”

“Yep, I’ve got questions to answer. Adam’s parents can’t stand to look bad so they feel the need to silence anyone who has had problems with their son. Which is everyone unlucky enough to have been around him. But don’t worry Mom I’m sure that I’ll be able to get this cleared up and if nothing else I’ll call you. I love you, Mom.”

Kat and Emily hugged again. Then Kat went with the officer down to the station. There Kat met Adam’s parents for the first time and the mystery of how Adam became so fucked up was solved. His parents were worse.

“Oh, this is going to be fun” mumbled Kat under her breath. She was led into an interrogation room where a detective and a child advocate were waiting for her.

“Hello, I’m detective Van Der Griff, Susie. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Schneider.”

“And I’m Mrs. Collis with child services. I’ll be your legal representation.”

“Hi. I wish I could say the same thing, and please it’s Kat. Calling me Miss makes me feel old.”

Susie snickered at this, “OK Kat it is. Please have a seat. Do you know why you’re here?”

Kat just gave her a fishy look.

“Why would I waste time guessing when you’re going to tell me anyway?”

Susie and Mrs. Collins were a bit taken back by this. They had been told by some of the cops, who knew Kat, that she was extremely intelligent, but both of them had underestimated this young woman.

“Well, you’re here for the murder of Adam Hall. Plus, a couple of weapons charges.” Kat just continued to look at Susie without moving a muscle. “Ok then,” said Susie clearing her throat “You and the victim had a bit of a history, did you not?” Again, Kat just continued to stare at Susie without flinching. “Are you going to say anything?” Demanded Susie. She was starting to get annoyed with this girl. “You know the longer you don’t talk the longer that you’ll remain in here. You’re not going anywhere until I get to the bottom of this. So now what can you tell me about your relationship with Mr. Hall?” Kat finally moved a muscle when she closed her eyes, settled a bit in the chair, and started to doze off. “HEY” yelled Susie.

“Ok fine what do you want to know?” asked Kat in an even tone and closed eyes.

“I already asked you what I want to know.”

“Answer for your questions” here her council stopped her but Kat wasn’t having it and ignored Mrs. Collins completely. “We went to school together; well, I went to school he went to scope out girls to prey on. He tried to talk his way into my pants and I shot him down and called him out for what he was. A narcist parasite that doesn’t have the balls to approach a lady the way he should so he has to try and force them to do what he wanted them to do. Now a question for you, why bother questioning me when you already know what’s going on?”

“Just routine. How did you get the gun?” Again Mrs. Collins tried to stop Kat, but Kat kept right on going.

“It was a Christmas present that I keep it in my safe for just such emergencies.”

“You keep it?”

“Yep, you got a problem with a young woman defending herself. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not near as muscular or as tall as most men are. Hell, that fuckhead threw my step-mom halfway across their room and she is bigger than me. A firearm levels the playing field and in a defensive situation tips the balance in my favor unlike anything else.”

“You know it’s illegal for you to have access to firearms, right?”

“It’s also illegal to break into someone else’s house and attempt to murder the people in it. So, what your saying is that I don’t have a constitutional right to defend myself. The last time I looked there was no age limit as to when my fundamental rights would kick in. Just an age limit on voting and holding office. We bout done here? I would like to get back to the hospital.”

Kat then stood up and walked out. As Kat walked out, Susie was going to protest but she couldn’t find the words. Never in her career as a detective or as a cop before that, did she ever meet someone as cold and smart as Kat. On her way out she bout ran into Emily.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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