Lessons - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by rlfj

Chapter 3: Back Home

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: Back Home - Several generations of women, and the lessons they pass down, generation to generation.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Romantic   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

“Wait ... what ... you gave Uncle Bob a blowjob right there in the living room?” exclaimed Bethie.

“Sure did! We had a lot of fun in the living room that weekend,” admitted Kate. She hadn’t given her niece a complete breakdown of the weekend, but she had told her how it started.

“Oh my God!”

“Bethie, it’s not that big a deal. So, I gave your uncle a blowjob? It’s not like it was the first I ever gave him. What’s the difference what room I do it in?”

“It just sounds so, I don’t know, weird!”

“There’s that word again, weird. Sex is many things, but it is not weird. In fact, considering the seven billion people on the planet, it seems pretty popular,” commented Kate. “Hell, ask your mother if she’s ever sucked off your father in the living room, see what she has to say about it.”

“Aunt Kate! I can’t do that?”

“Why not? She’s my big sister. Who do you think taught me about sucking a cock? Well, I mean there was also your Grammy. I learned some from her, too.”

Bethie stared at her aunt as if she had just grown a second head. “Grammy?” she asked weakly.

Kate shrugged. “Well, she didn’t teach me any techniques, so to speak. She just told Jenny and me the important stuff.”

“The important stuff?”

“First, watch the teeth. Never bite him. It ruins the mood. And second, always swallow, never spit. Momma told us both that if a man cums in your mouth to always swallow, no matter whether you like the taste or not. If you spit it out, it’s like you’re spitting him out, you’re rejecting him, and no man wants to be rejected. On the other hand, feel free to drink some water or something afterwards. Guys know that some women don’t like the taste, and if you swallow their cum anyway, it shows how much you like them.”

“You mean ... Grammy and Grampy? Oh, shit!” Bethie suddenly looked nervous, swearing like that in front of her aunt.

“Another thing, you’ll probably want to remove your top, in case some of it gets away from you. You don’t want cum stains on your clothes when you come home.”


Kate didn’t seem to care. She simply said, “Remember those lessons. The next time your boyfriend wants you to suck his cock, go for it. Take off your top and your bra and make sure to swallow. If any gets on your tits, just lick it up and smile. He’ll think he’s died and gone to heaven! And don’t bite! Never bite.”

Bethie shook her head in disbelief. She didn’t know which was crazier, that her parents were sexually active or that her grandmother had taught her mother and her aunt about giving a blowjob! She shook her head and looked at her aunt. “Uh, are you going to tell Mom any of this?”

Kate smiled. “Yes, but don’t worry about it. She and I have already chatted about you and your boyfriend. It won’t be a problem.”

“What? No!”

Kate took Bethie’s hand and squeezed. “Don’t worry! I only talked to your mother. Dads usually aren’t too sane about this sort of thing.”

Her niece moaned. “I am so dead.”

Kate simply laughed.

Bethie simply wondered about that conversation for the next twenty-four hours. It was her father who came over to pick up her and her brother Billy. When they got home, she looked around the house for any evidence that her parents had been doing something other than in their bedroom. There was nothing obvious, no underwear hanging from the chandelier, no dirty movies cued up in the DVD player, nothing out of the ordinary.

On the other hand, when Bethie led the way into the house, her mother was on the phone, and it took only a few seconds to realize that she was talking to her sister. The Mulvaneys and Maggiores lived only fifteen minutes away from each other and the two women talked every couple of days. Their parents, the Boltons, didn’t live much further away, being only twenty minutes out of town on a few acres of what had once been a farm, now subdivided.

“Yes, they just got home ... no, that’s fine ... really? That is so funny! ... Bye ... got to go ... bye!”

Jenifer Kay Mulvaney hung up the phone and smiled at her children. Billy had gone into the kitchen and made a beeline for the refrigerator. “What, Aunt Kate not feeding you?” she asked.

“Mom!” he protested.

“Nobody gets snacks until you help your father clean the garage.” She pointed towards the utility room and the door that led to the garage.



Bethie followed her brother towards the garage, but Jenny grabbed her first. “Kate told me the two of you had a nice talk and that I should talk to you as well.” She pulled Bethie into the family room and sat down on a barstool. Bethie climbed onto the one next to her.


“Come on, kiddo, she told me everything you talked about. So, want to ask me anything?”

“Uh, not really.”

Jenny smiled. “Too bad. I guess that means I get to ask the questions. When is your next date with Todd?”

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