The Bull - Cover

The Bull

Copyright© 2021 by TommyByk

Chapter 1

True Sex Story: Chapter 1 - True story of how I, serving in the BDU-clad US Army of the Eighties, stumbled ass-backwards into becoming what is now known as a “Bull.” Back then, I was just a lucky, talented guy who ended up getting paid to satisfy couples. And I sure as hell had no idea what that would lead to over these past decades.

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Reluctant   Heterosexual   True Story   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Light Bond   Rough   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

So first off, let me be clear. This is not a ‘How to Become a Bull’ guide. Rather, this account is simply the result of a lot of folks having asked me how I became a bull over the decades. Some because they were curious, while others wanted to become one. Some have heard parts of my story, but to the latter group, I could give no real advice. The truth is; it was blind luck. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. No magic. No training. No answering an advertisement in a sketchy paper.

Yes, newspapers; not websites. I have been a bull since the pre-internet years, which makes it all the more incredibly lucky now that I reminisce. In any event, bear with me as I share my tale. I must provide a little background to set the stage. It may be a bit long, but it is important.

Obviously all names have been changed. The rest is as true as my memory permits. Also, since it’s as good an account as I can recall, there are a variety of activities, including some male-male, male-dom, and brief anal play. If that’s not your thing, I understand, but that’s what happened.

Back in the 1980s, I was on active duty with the US Army and stationed in central Germany. It was the height of the Cold War and rolling out at all hours was routine. Sometimes we’d go to the field for a day; sometimes two weeks or more. While we never knew when a unit would go to the field, the one thing we understood was that as soon as it did, what today would be called “hot wives” flooded the clubs. Although, in truth, many of them weren’t that hot. However, to a lonely single GI far from home, well, it was a smorgasbord of easy pickings. Plenty of women wanting to get laid; seeking full penises that were looking for a warm hole with no strings attached.

But none of that attracted me and I stayed away from the “fuck-a-wife” meat market. Instead, I spent my free time working out or keeping busy in other ways. Okay, I read a lot of porn - magazines, not websites. No web yet, heh. However, one Friday evening, my buddies were heading over to the club to celebrate a good friend’s birthday. It wouldn’t be packed, since the other units on the Kaserne had returned from the field. So, I let them drag me along.

As soon as we stepped into the smoky, dimly lit establishment, which was filled with GIs of both sexes doing what young club-goers did, I found the bar. After scanning the room and seeing where the rest sat down, I ordered for us and joined them. The night of carousing, off-key singing and general happy mayhem went on until the atmosphere changed. A low buzz ran around the room and I looked up to see several well dressed, older women sashay into the room. They clustered before peeling off or being peeled off by GIs. A unit must have rolled out on alert.

So, I was in the meat market anyway, but I shrugged and continued to celebrate, until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. After turning, I saw a female GI, drunk, swaying but with an enormous grin on her face. She wore a skintight dress that showed off her substantial bosom and shapely, toned physique. I sighed. While shyness was never a problem for me, she smelled of beer—not a good sign. But I was bored and at least the brunette was reasonably attractive, although make-up helped her a bit. Also, she was not one of the wives.

Anyway, she looked at me before glancing over her shoulder at a table surrounded by several other female soldiers. They were all laughing and gesturing for her to dance with me. By then, I was also being egged on by my buddies. The drunken soldier asked me to dance. After sighing, I smiled and stood before taking the staggering young woman out onto the dance floor. As wasted as she was, she couldn’t dance. Heck, she could barely swagger. But what she definitely could do was grind against me. And that got me a raging hard-on. Her eyes widened and her lips parted when she felt it continuing to swell between us.

One thing I had going for me, and I tell most bulls this right up front, is a large penis. It’s not ridiculously long, nor a fire plug, but it is on the larger size of the spectrum. As one woman later said, it could get to every single place her husband couldn’t.

To use it well, though, took experience and patience, neither of which I had right then. But it would most definitely permit me to make love to a woman with an intensity she usually had not experienced. Combined with my tall, muscular build and a lifetime dedication to fitness, I could also last a very long time. One day, but not then. Back then, in the club, I was just a kid with an aching erection.

Anyway, I digress. The young drunken soldier looked up at me with glazed, beer-bottle eyes and licked her lips while her groping hand tried to gauge my size. As I flashed a nervous smile, she gulped before losing her balance and stumbling. Without a word, I whisked the soldier to her table and sat her down.

“You should feel the size of his dick!”

To my great embarrassment and the wild-eyed shock of her friends, the words flew from her lips just as the music died. Gasps and tittering erupted from the surrounding tables, and my face heated. I dashed away.

“What does any of this have to do with becoming a bull?” you are thinking. Well, advertisement for us is word of mouth. At that point, no woman in the club knew much about me, but they damn sure now knew I was well-hung. And, as one of my future clients would say, they could also see I was ‘easy on the eyes.’ So, even as I hurried to my friends, a woman intercepted me. Now, I am not exaggerating nor is this the rose-colored memories of an older man; she was an exquisitely, achingly gorgeous woman. Her deep blue eyes glimmered at me from a finely sculpted face framed by a well-styled blonde mane. Her glistening, full, red lips parted to smile at me as she slid her hand onto my arm. Enthralled, I melted with nothing but a sigh. Without a word, she led me onto the dance floor.

The stunning, lithe blonde was in her mid-30s, wore a curve-hugging, mid-thigh print minidress, and moved like a jungle cat. The woman was every curvaceous inch the prototype of a ‘cougar’ before that was even a thing. After I inspected her tight little frame, I caught the knowing gleam in her eyes. When she pulled me closer, I could both feel her raging body heat and smell the subtle, expensive perfume wafting from her.

“Do you like what you see, soldier?” she whispered into my ear as her fingers slid along my trapped shaft. Subtle, she was not.

“Yes, ma’am,” I muttered as I nodded.

“It’s, uh, Kate.” The tip of her tongue flicked across her lower lip, her hand squeezed me and grinned. “You can call me Kate, tonight.”

“Pleased to meet you, Kate. I’m Tom. My uh, friends call me Tommy.”

While her hand slid along my crotch, she looked into my eyes and sighed; her minty breath flowed over me while I chewed on my lower lip.

“Oh my, Tommy. I absolutely want to be your friend. Would you be mine?”

After swallowing, I nodded. And, as soon as I slipped my hands onto her hips, her glistening lips parted. Once I tugged her to me, I led, and we danced for a while, until she leaned onto my shoulder. As she swayed to the music, she caressed me. With a yelp, I flinched when her teeth nipped along my throat.

“My husband’s unit is gone for a while, Tommy. Would you like to come over and have a quiet drink?”

Now, this gorgeous woman draped over me, blasting furnace hot breath and nibbling all over my neck, while Kate’s sharp, flaming nipples poked through my silk shirt. I don’t think I have nodded so quickly in my entire life. I didn’t say goodbye to my friends. I didn’t check out with anyone. I just let her lead me by the hand from the club to her car. The chilly night air swirled around us as her heels clicked across the asphalt.

A brief hesitation took me when I noticed the two child car seats in the rear, but she opened the passenger door and slammed her lips onto mine. While pinning my back to the car, she moaned and groped me. As my hands scrabbled across her back, I returned the kiss. When she rubbed against me, I squeezed her and she growled into my mouth. After pulling away to gasp for air, she stared at me.

“God, I need that cock inside me now, Tommy! Hurry. Get in!”

As Kate raced around the car, I slipped into the passenger seat and listened to the rapid clacking of her heels. When she leaped inside, she flashed me a sideways glance. At first, I thought she was going to speak, but with a moan, her foot slammed down on the accelerator. With a roar and a squeal of tires, her car launched from the parking lot.

It wasn’t until later that I realized the gate guards did not stop us; she had an officer’s decal. Once they waved us through, she flew through the narrow winding German roads, while her lips stayed parted. All the while, she kept glancing at me and I would shoot her a silly, nervous grin. In my mind, this was somewhere between being kidnapped and having the adventure of a lifetime. Maybe both.

No sooner had we stopped in front of a small house on the edge of one of the local villages than Kate clacked up the front steps. Mesmerized by her rhythmic butt as she climbed them, I followed her inside the small home. After she slammed the door, I only had a few seconds to look at the toys strewn around the living room before...

“They are at the babysitters. We’ve got time,” she blurted out.

Still dazed, I saw Kate dash upstairs; her shapely buttocks pumping her long legs as fast as they could go. As I climbed after her, I could hear her panting at the top of the stairs.

For some stupid reason I asked, “I thought we were having a drink?”

Even now, I chuckle at my naivete.

Of course, Kate didn’t answer, having already dashed into her bedroom. So, I ascended the last steps to once more catch sight of her. Silent and gazing at me, she stood by the side of her four-poster bed, which was made of good German dark wood and appeared solid. It was at this point she trembled for the first time since we met. There was no doubt in either of our minds what she wanted. It was also the first moment I felt a swell of bravado and tried my luck. Since I was an expert, having watched enough porn, I croaked out in an awkward, shaky voice.

“Strip for me, you horny little slut!”

Kate’s reaction startled me. At first, her blue eyes widened before staring at me in complete shock for what felt like several long minutes. But it was only a second or two. At her stunned expression, I was already thinking how to get home, since I wasn’t even sure where I was. There were no cellular phones in those days. Then it was my turn to be shocked when she reached behind her neck and unzipped her dress. Like I said above; blind luck. My grin widened as her dress descended, revealing her thin black silk bra, shapely hips and matching black silk panties. Little flowers lined the waistband. Some things one never forgets. I rolled with it.

“All of it, you horny little cunt. Show me those tits!”

Eyes blazing, Kate flushed and licked her lips while her hands reached behind her and released her bra. It slid from her shoulders to land atop her dress. Her tits did not sag at all. Instead, they jutted firm and proud; slight ski slope shapes, large pink areolas, and darker nipples. With an even wider grin, I nodded.

“Very nice, slut.”

“Thank you, Tommy.” Kate’s flaring eyes gazed at me as her little pink tongue flicked across her glistening, parted lips.

“Now. Let’s see the rest, Kate.”

Though keeping her gleaming blue eyes locked on mine, the quivering blonde swallowed and slipped her thumbs into her flowery waistband. Kate sighed, sucking on her lips while sliding them down. Once they hit the ground at her feet, she straightened, quivering under my inspection. I let out a chuckle at the sight of the dark triangular patch on her mound. Then I couldn’t help but glance at the false blonde mane and grin; she paled.

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