FAL — Part 6: Aftermaths of an Explosion - Cover

FAL — Part 6: Aftermaths of an Explosion

Copyright© 2022 by Buzios

Chapter 8 : A Birthday Dinner

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 : A Birthday Dinner - There is a major incident, accusations are implied, retributions are exacted, and James receives the support from family and friends he needs in his new life. It is nice, however, to become rich!

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Petting  

The following days went fast: I finetuned my presentations to NT and worked on the AT project, interviewing some people inside and outside the company. It was interesting, but I sensed that I would not be successful. I discussed it with Allan, and he agreed that the internal struggles were too strong to come to a satisfactory close.

Jenny’s management course had been delayed by a week; we started our running, and to my dismay, Jenny ran me into the ground. As my revenge, I took her to my martial art classes, and she came home complaining that I was not the gentleman she had met first. I had hit her! Maureen smirked, as she had been going to these classes for a while now and had managed to avoid most of the body contacts. A guy at one of the classes tried to hit on the girls, but I convinced him that they were forbidden territory for him. When he tried to get angry, the sensei took him aside and pointed out that I was a 5th Dan black belt; that made him turn around and go home.

The weekend was fun. Maureen decided to eat in a nice restaurant in the Blue Mountains.

At night I received another fashion show; I did not know where they got all these outfits. Maureen appeared in a long dark brown silky two-tiered gown that hugged her body tightly; there was a less transparent part that covered part of her front, but not her side, and a minor detail on her almost non-existing back. The remaining part looked like smoke dressing her body but showed everything she wanted to display: a long slit on both sides let her long legs come out whenever she moved. The very generous V décolleté drew my eyes immediately to her proud breasts. The areolae were almost visible, but her nipples stood out, asking to be touched. All I could say was “WOW!”, but there was a little dark brown g-string, however, and I frowned.

“Local rules, you wench! How dare you!” She smiled and took it off: very slowly and in a way that her pussy was all the time visible, wet and glistening. She smiled, satisfied. “I wondered what you would say!”

Jenny had decided on a different style: a transparent bustier that covered her breasts from the nipples downwards and sideways. As with Maureen, she covered her body with a narrow dark grey transparent strip, starting just half an inch over her nipples and going all the way down to the floor. Her back was also covered similarly. When she came to kiss me, it swirled around her body, showing her lovely pussy with the dark heart (she was reluctant to shave it), and when she bent forward to pick up a glass, her breasts jumped out. “Oops...” she said but grinned, satisfied with my reaction. She turned around.

“Local rules, oh Lord and Master!” Her pussy was also ready for action, and some creamy drops were visible within her folds. What had these two done in the bedroom to come out ready to offer themselves?

It was a night to remember. Making love to Maureen and feeling her soul touching mine, and to Jenny, seeing her absolute trust and love. They even gave me a bit of a sideshow, kissing and touching each other but always looking at me. Maureen and I concentrated our caresses on Jenny; she would be gone for two weeks, and we wanted her to remember the love she had received – anywhere and anyhow – and the love she would be receiving when she came back. When she was satisfied with the attention and visibly exhausted, I took her in my arms, and Maureen joined us, the happy union of three content people, being one.

We slept well and, in the morning, Jenny had to leave earlier. The van would arrive soon, taking her and her colleagues to the airport. She gulped down some toast, and when she had to leave, she came back, kissing and crying at the same time.

“James, will you forgive me that I will not be here for your birthday on Thursday? Maureen has my present for you: I know that you’ll like it. And you promise that you will call? And Maureen, make certain that he will not be alone! And that he has his dinner? You know that he likes the Pinot Noir. And could you think of coming and visiting me the next weekend? Promise that you love me?...”

She stopped for a moment to breathe, and Maureen stepped in, laughing.

“Darling, he is a grown-up man, and I’ll take care of him. Remember that I’m his wife! Don’t worry: when you’ll come back, he will still be here and will love you; I promise you this. But you’ve to leave, darling, the van is waiting. I’ll clean up.”

Reluctantly she left, and Maureen looked at me. “My love, she really has it for you! Thank God that I know you and the bond we’ve just for ourselves. I know her; she’ll never do anything that might hurt us. You are a very lucky man!”

I nodded and hugged her. “I know, love, I know!”

The week started slowly for me; lunch with the AT brothers, more interviews, and the continued search for information for NT. Long internet research on logistics companies worldwide - size, financial statements, ranking against the competition, and international operations, everything mattered if you were to go on a nationwide campaign to conquer the world. It was surprising how much information was available.

One night Maureen came home rather upset because she had lost a big customer to her most significant competitor. It had offered a slightly higher price but better interstate logistics. It took some time to cool her down, and then she called Eileen. The conversation took a long time, but she returned, still unhappy but willing to cool her disappointment. I told her that these things happened in the real world, and there were deals you lost and deals you won. Hadn’t she signed quite a lot of contracts recently? This was just a little step back and one she could learn from.

Thursday was my anniversary, and I was woken up by my dear wife first kissing my lips and then sliding down to congratulate George. He was happily surprised with the attention and responded with pleasure, making her gulp down all my seeds. She came back up with a very satisfied smile, like the cat that had just swallowed the canary. “Good morning, my love, and happy anniversary!”

She lifted herself up and, smiling, offered her breasts.

“Your breasts also want to wish you a happy anniversary; you have always been tender with them, giving and taking pleasure, taking care of them during the night, never letting them sleep alone, making certain that they are kissed for a good night and kissed again for a good morning, so that now they want to give you an extraordinary good morning and happy anniversary.”

She held them up to my lips, and I accepted them with love. I remembered the first time I saw them in their splendor and kissed them with awe, and I knew I would never have enough of them. I spent a long time feasting on them, and suddenly Maureen shuddered; she had a small orgasm just by being kissed.

Then she drew them away and settled on my hips. “Now it’s your time, darling.”

She lifted herself, grasped my shaft, and placed it in front of her labia; opening her lips, she guided it into her and lowered herself an inch. Little by little, with tiny little flexes of her hip, she sunk deeper and deeper, and I felt her muscles give way. The sheer silky wetness of her made it seem effortless, and a growing smile showed as I filled her up; she blew me a kiss when I was in her as deep as our bodies allowed. I clutched her to me, stroking her back and long luscious hair; her eyes showed her love for me, affectionate, tender, even sensual. Her breasts responded to my caresses, firming her nipples to hard tips, especially when I cupped her mounds and twisted the areolae with my thumbs.

There were no rough touches or pinches, but only gentle strokes and caressing of each other’s body. Our kisses conveyed the deep feeling we had for each other. Rising up, I pulled her head down so my tongue could slip between her lips; she sat there, fully impaled on me as our kiss deepened. Our tongues twisted and turned, and my need increased each time she sighed. Pulling her legs around me, she hugged me, and then she began her tiny little flexes of her hips. I saw her staring at me: her huge green eyes were filled with love. She smiled and began to move in earnest. I followed her rhythm, and wave after wave of pleasure crested over us. Then I felt her tighten up, and I let my excitement free roam; I pushed up as she pushed down, and her fluids exploded around my shaft as I filled her up, and we came together in a glorious climax. The entire room was filled with our tangy heat. This close, it was a deep, pungent fragrance like no other. God, if I could bottle it...

Maureen opened her eyes. “Wow! When you make love to me, you take me every time to higher levels, my love.”

I agreed with her.

“Yes. Even considering that I am a superior part of the human race of true-blooded Arian descent, I occasionally surprise myself. But having you in my arms makes this feat easy.”

She grinned. “I’m glad you’re so modest!” She leaned forward to kiss me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and she went back to kiss me deeply. When we parted, I told her: “You see, I do it to you every time.”

“Humility doesn’t seem to be one of your strongest virtues, but I love you in any case.”

“Remember Countess – nobility upper class!”

She hit me, but then she came back and kissed the spot where her fist had contacted. I needed to be careful in the future, as her martial arts classes provided her with quite some punch. She slowly withdrew and looked down where our fluids were leaking out. She wiped one finger through the mess and licked it. “As always, darling, we combine well in everything!”

She looked at the clock. “Darling, I’ve got to leave at eleven o’clock to sign a contract but will be back at one. Do you want me to come back and pick you up for lunch? Peter has asked me to arrange this with some of your former colleagues, or do you want to meet at the restaurant? Peter selected the Quay.”

I preferred her to pick me up; today, I wanted my own private driver. I was also surprised about Peter’s choice, as the restaurant was quite pricy. I remembered that it was excellent; he probably wanted to show off his oenological knowledge to impress Maureen. She got up and looked back when she was close to the bathroom door, but I had waited to see whether she remembered, and I whistled. “Of course, my love, local rules!” She came back, and I concentrated on my good morning kisses, but she withdrew her beauties from my lips. “I want to make breakfast for you, dear, and there’s not time enough to fool around. Relax, and I’ll call you.”

She left, and I lay back, reflecting on the luck I had had since I arrived in Australia. I had the most beautiful woman in this world as my soul mate, I had Jenny as my love, and even Eileen had graced me with her passion. It could not be better.

Maureen called me, and I dressed rapidly. She had prepared the table for a very VIP breakfast: Dom Perignon, Grey Goose vodka, waffles, eggs and bacon, tea and coffee – whatever I wanted was there. She was standing at the table, looking at me in her glorious nudity.

“What do you want, darling? Breakfast or me? Anywhere? Now or later? I’m yours, my love.”

I took her in my arms and hugged her; it was so wonderful to feel her naked body glued to me, with her eyes shining, her lips open wanting a kiss, and her breasts pushing into me. I lost myself in her eyes, and only when her lips touched mine was I able to return to this world. The kiss was tender, and she stepped back. “What is your decision, oh Lord and Master? Breakfast or me?”

Looking at all the work that had gone into her preparations, I decided on breakfast; if we started now, she would not leave on time to her office. A rational decision, but a stupid one! I compensated, however, and pulled her on my lap when I sat down. It was difficult to pour the champagne that way and get the toast and eggs even more. She decided to sit on my lap facing me and then fed me. One bite for me, one for her, one sip for me, one for her, and so on. When a glob of jam fell on her breast, I used the opportunity to get the birthday special: clean your woman with your tongue. She enjoyed this, and more and more jam dropped on her body until I stopped it.

“You either stop doing this and be able to get that contract signed, or we’ll go back to bed, and I’ll finish you there. Decide, my love.”

Now she had to make a rational decision and visibly was upset. At that moment the phone rang, and she had to get it: it was Jenny.

“Darling, I love you. Happy birthday, darling. Do you know that I love you? Do you love me? Did Maureen make breakfast for you? Did she get everything you wanted? Did I tell you that I love you? The course is very interesting, but I miss you, my love.”

Then she had to breathe, and her voice slowed down. She told me about the course, that she missed me, that she missed Maureen, and in the end, she had to stop because her coffee break had finished. “I’ll call you tonight, my love!” and she hung up. Maureen came back to my lap, but the phone rang again, and this time it was Eileen. She was a bit more rational and less emotional, but it was clear from her words and her emotions that shone through her words that she loved me and missed me a lot.

Maureen looked at her watch, then at my lap, and at her watch again. “I have five minutes, so use them, James!”

She sat back on my lap and offered her lips and breasts for my use. The five minutes passed too fast, and suddenly she jumped up. “I have to run, darling. Would you do me a great favor and clean up?” and off she was to change. I looked at the champagne, the Grey Goose, the smoked salmon – all just promises, promises! But that is life; you cannot have everything you want.

She came back in her austere office dress: white blouse with her pendant between the first two buttons already open. Her hair was in a ponytail, a bit of blush on her cheeks, a narrow dark skirt going just above her knees, and dark brown sandals with high heels. A power suit and a powerful woman. One final kiss: “By the way, I’ll pick up your present this afternoon; it took me a long time to assemble it!” and off she was.

I finished my proposal for the Aberdeen brothers, and later Maureen came back, smiling happily. I had dressed up already, and she drove us to the Quay. To my surprise, all of them were there. Peter, Jim, Sam, all the colleagues I had tortured to get results but had also nourished to improve and get a career. Most were still in the company, but it seemed not for a long time. They greeted Maureen with a big grin.

“Hi, Countess!” Maureen looked at Peter “squeak, squeak...” and he blushed. It was fun to see them, and we talked about good and bad times; it seemed that Mr. Smythe was not very popular. He had already selected his favorites, the climate in the office was very negative, and everyone had already sent out CV’s and some had received offers. They were good people and competent; it was a pity how one person would bring the company down. I was happy that Maureen had to drive when we left, as she and Peter had selected good wines. When I mentioned the expense, she smiled.

“James, I paid for everything. I wanted you to meet your friends – and they all came!”

We arrived late at home, and there was a big carton at the door. Maureen took a deep breath.

“Finally, it arrived!” and asked me to take it inside. It was heavy, and the rattle when I picked it up seemed to indicate wine bottles. She asked me to go and have a shower or do anything that would give her time to arrange the present, and obviously, I obeyed dutifully. When she called me back, there was a box on the table with a big bow around it. She looked at me.

“Open it, darling. I hope you like it.”

I pushed the bow and the box opened.

There were 12 bottles of red wine, and when I took one out, I was surprised. ‘Penfolds Grange Hermitage 1996’. The next bottle was a Grange 61, and I looked at Maureen. There were bottles with vintages from 51 to 2007 – a wonderful present, and I could imagine how much time Maureen had spent to get the box together. However, I did not want to know the money she had spent. The money she had, but the thought was so much more important!

“Do you remember when I saw you first at Peter’s house? I didn’t want to talk to you, and you brought that bottle of the Grange. That wine will always be my favorite because it brought us together, and this present represents the best vintages produced. An outstanding wine for an outstanding man, my husband. These wines will be for special evenings! Happy birthday!”

She stepped forward and embraced me, offering her lips for my kiss. “I love you, and I’ll always be yours – anyhow and anywhere, darling.”

It was an incredible moment; I fell into her eyes and met her soul. It happened again: there was a grey mist around us, and I heard a whisper.

“You have done well, my children. Your path is clear, and you will always be happy as long as you love each other. Remember that your other lover is also part of you, and you will have to love and protect her, too. You three will have children one day, and then you will also have the responsibility to make them happy. Stay true to each other!”

We looked at each other; ‘the three of you’? That was a sanction that assured our future, as long as we were faithful to each other. Maureen looked at me and nodded.

“The three of us...” and I repeated, “The three of us...”

We would discuss this soon - I kissed her, but there was suddenly another presence close. I looked at Maureen, but she only smiled. The door opened, and Eileen came in, smiling broadly.

“Do you believe that I would not be here for your anniversary?” She was in a business outfit, similar to Maureen’s earlier. However, she had opened another two buttons, and her pendant was swinging freely between her proud breasts. She saw me looking and grinned.

“Woof, Woof.” She pushed Maureen aside and embraced me, kissing me with her tongue looking for mine.

After a while, Maureen coughed... “Hey, Mom, I’m here, too!”

She looked at her daughter. “Yes, good afternoon. If you want to take my luggage to the bedroom, I would appreciate it.” and turned back to me, hugging me even closer. Her arms closed behind my shoulders, and she gripped me with all her force.

“James, you don’t know how much I missed you, but this day was a perfect excuse to cancel all my commitments, and I shall be here until Sunday night!” and with a mischievous smirk, she added “and we’ll have lots of fun!”

One more kiss, and she turned to Maureen. “Hi, daughter. Please excuse me, but at this moment, James was more important.”

She hugged Maureen and looked at the wine bottles on the table. “Oh, a Grange. Good vintage. And this one – oh, this is even better! Maureen, what a wonderful present! I’m certain that this wine will never stop letting you remember your first encounter. What a beautiful thought, daughter!”

She wanted to change and called us to accompany her. Her clothes were off in a moment, and she looked at me. “There’s not enough time to do what I want, but tonight...”

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