Confessions From a Boarding School Pupil - Cover

Confessions From a Boarding School Pupil

Copyright© 2022 by Drax

Episode 51: Cumming in the Cleaner

Pedo Sex Story: Episode 51: Cumming in the Cleaner - Welcome to the “Confessions From Boarding School” series. The stories contained here-in will be detailing the sexual adventures and shenanigans I got up to and involved with while I was at and after I left boarding school.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Pedophilia   Rape   Reluctant   Romantic   Teen Siren   TransGender   School   Cheating   Incest   Daughter   Uncle   Niece   Nephew   Grand Parent   Rough   Spanking   Harem   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Massage   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

After my brief kiss with Dr. Hellruy, I spent the rest of the day surfing the net and playing games until tea, which consisted of sausage casserole, bread roll, and chocolate sponge for dessert. After tea, I was not feeling terribly well so I decided to call it an early night and fell asleep a short time later. Sometime later, I was woken by a sharp pain in my gut. At first I thought it was from what I had for tea, but this didn’t feel like a sour stomach or food not agreeing with me. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom where I promptly threw up. I left the bathroom and went back to bed, hoping that I would feel better; I did not. I had to get out of bed no more than 5 minutes later as I had to puke yet again.

As I left the bathroom, one of the nurses came in as she heard me cussing the fact that I’d puked yet again. “Are you OK Mr. Wilson?” She asked, to which I replied “No, I feel really sick and have thrown up twice now and my gut really hurts”. The nurse saw that I was sweating rather heavily and took my temperature. “You’re burning up” she said “You have a fever”. She stepped into the hallway and called out “DOCTOR, PATIENT IN ROOM 4 IS SPIKING A FEVER”. What happened next I don’t remember fully, the only thing that remember was that I saw was a shape moving about at the side and foot of my bed and noises like muffled voices. I then passed out and remembered nothing of what had happened next.

When I woke, I was pleased to see Dr. Hellruy checking my charts. “Welcome back to the land of the living” she said with a smile. “What happened?” I asked “Why did I pass out...”. She smiles warmly and says “It was my fault”. I frown and ask “Your Fault? Did you poison me to keep me in hospital”. She shakes her head and replies “No, its not time for that yet. It was accidental as I’d used some channel number 5...”. It all made sense now as I was allergic to that perfume. “I’m sorry that I accidently made you sick” Dr. Hellruy says “My other half gave me some and I had to wear the dam stuff”. It was an honest mistake so there was no need to be angry. “That’s OK” I reply “It was a simple mistake”.

“Is there anything you need?” Dr. Hellruy asks, to which I reply “I wouldn’t mind a cuddle with a hot doctor”. She smiles and says “While I would love to; I have rounds”. To say I was disappointed would be a half-truth, but I understood that she had rounds and that had to take precedence over sneaking a quicky with her teenage fuckboy. “There is a woman on the website you could see” Eliza tells me “She could be ideal for a quickie or a cuddle until I’m available”. I hand her my iPad and ask “Show me”. Eliza takes the iPad and logs onto the website and brings up her picture and hands it back to me. The picture was of an admittedly good looking Latino woman in her late forties.

She was posing in her bathroom wearing a one-piece bathing suit that was pulled up tight between her impressive looking bum cheeks. “Her name is Jennifer” Eliza tells me “She’s a cleaner here at the hospital”. I looked at the picture and found my cock slowly getting hard. “She’s nice” I say to Eliza “Do I meet her here or the office?”. Eliza replies with “You can meet her at the office if you take it easy”. I reach out and pick up a cup to get some water, Eliza helps me up. “Thank-you” I say with a smile as I pour myself a glass of water. “You are welcome” she replies “I’ll go ahead and sort your appointment with Jennifer”. She takes the iPad and taps the screen, she waits then taps it again.

“Done and done” she says “You’ll meet her in the office in a half-hour”. I smile and reply “Thank-you”. She puts the iPad back in the drawer and says “You’ll like Jennifer”. I nod and say “I’m sure I will; but she’s not you”. Eliza smiles and says “You’re such a charmer; I’ll be back this afternoon to check on you...”. I smile at the thought of being able to get back inside Dr. Hellruy. “I look forward to seeing you later” I say with a smile as she opens the door, to which she replies with a smile “And I you”. She winks at me then leaves the room. Once I’m alone, I sit up and down two more glasses of water, which helps clear my dry throat. I get my iPad from the drawer and look at he picture of Jennifer.

I had to admit that she had a really nice looking ass that I could not wait to get my hands on and hopefully get my cock up it. I looked at the clock and saw that I had 15 minutes before I was due to meet Jennifer at the office. I got out of bed, put my lanyard and sandals on. I put my iPad back in the drawer then headed out. And as usual, I felt the gaze on my bum from the nurses at the nurses station; which was always nice. I made my way down to the shop where I grabbed a coke that I downed on the way to the office. I checked the time and saw that I had 10 minutes left before I was due to meet Jennifer. I decided that waiting outside the office might seem a little suspicious so I went into the office.

I was more than a little surprised to see that Jennifer was already in the office waiting for me. “Hello” Jennifer says “You must be Jay; I’m Jennifer”. I shake her outstretched hand and reply “Indeed I am; its nice to meet you”. She looks me up and down and says “Eliza said you were good looking but not this cute...”. I smile and reply “And you look so much better in person compared to your picture”. She did indeed look better in person though she did still look good in the website picture. “So, what do you want to do first?” I asked, to which Jennifer replied “Let’s just kiss for a while, yes?”. I nodded and then I asked her “Where and with or without clothing?”.

She smiles and says in response “The couch and fully clothed, at least to start with”. We moved over to the couch and sit down. We get close and Jennifer leans in and kisses me gently; we then wrapped our arms around each other as we lay down. The slow, passionate kissing feels good and is sometimes a welcome change of pace from the mad passionate kissing. “This is just right” Jennifer says, breaking the kiss “This is just what I need”. I frown and ask “What do you mean?”. She tells me “After a stressful day at work, I need to just cuddle up with someone, but I’m single”. It then made sense, she was glad that we were just cuddling at the moment as she did not have a man in her life.

“Well, I’m glad I can help you” I say with a smile “I must say that cuddling with a beautiful woman is something I’m good at”. I know that last part sounded and was cheesy, but it was the right thing to say. “I’m glad that you agreed to meet me” Jennifer said “Cuddling with you is so relaxing”. I smile and reply “I’m glad that you like me; and cuddling with a beautiful woman is always fun”. Jennifer looks at me, kisses me gently and says “Let’s get undressed; I want to feel your naked body next to mine”. I nod and reply “Never argue with a lady”. We get off the couch and start to undress; as I was in my pyjamas I was undressed way before Jennifer was.

“Wow ... Jennifer says as she gazes at my naked teenage body “Eliza told me you were good looking but not THIS good looking”. It was always nice when Eliza told other women about me and how good looking she thought I was. “I’m glad you approve” I said, to which Jennifer asked “Can I see your bum?”. I turned my back to Jennifer, who stepped up behind me and ran her hand across my bare butt. “This is just perfect” She says, rubbing my bum gently “You have such a nice bum for a teenager”. I turn back to face her and see that she has stripped down to her underwear and for a woman in her late forties she looked fantastic. “I can tell you like what you see” Jennifer said with a smile, indicating my erect cock.

I smiled and replied with “However could you tell?”. She steps back and takes off her bra, freeing her impressive cleavage from containment, she then slid her panties down her legs and was now as naked as I was. We sit back down on the couch where we resume kissing, this time our hands roam freely over each others naked bodies. As we kiss passionately, my rock-hard cock brushes against Jennifer and it felt good. We kiss for a few more moments, before Jennifer breaks the kiss and asks “Can we try this standing up?”. I smile and reply “Of course we can”. We get up off the couch and stand near the bed. “You are so hot” Jennifer says, and before I can reply she wraps her arms around me and we resume the passionate kissing.

I put my hands on her waist then slid them around onto her back and then down onto her ass which I squeeze gently. We stand-up kiss for a few moments, before Jennifer breaks the kiss and says to me “You are so hot, I just want to hold you and not let you go”. I smiled and replied “As long as we’re here in this room, you don’t have to let me go”. She pulls me into a gentle hug and wraps her arms around me, taking hold of my bum and fondling it, and I did the same to her bum. As we stood there in a naked embrace, I realized that Jennifer could want a relationship with me. I did not have long to think about this as Jennifer reached down and gently took hold of my cock, squeezing it gently.

“I think this is the best cock I’ve seen in years” She says “The rest of you is just as good”. I looked at Jennifer and smiled, saying “You look just as good”. She smiles and says, “Thank-you”. We then moved to the bed and get under the covers. “This was so much fun” Jennifer says as she cuddles up to me “This is just what I need”. I slip my arm around her waist and down onto her bum, which I squeeze gently. “There is nothing wrong with naked kissing” I tell her “Whatever you want to do is what we’ll do”. She is silent for a moment, then asks “Can we just cuddle?”. I nod and answer “Of course we can”. I have said previously that I do so enjoy naked cuddling and when I’m tired it can help me drift off to sleep.

For the next few minutes, we just laid in bed wrapped in each other’s arms, and it felt so relaxing. I so wanted to get up inside Jennifer’s ass but I decided to wait until she said she wanted me to fuck her. “Do you not mind being with a woman my age?” She asked me, catching me off-guard. “Why would I mind?” I asked in response “You are a genuinely hot woman so why would I mind laying with you?”. Now as you all will be aware, I had been asked this question many times before by older women I had laid with. I had not cared about their age the first time I laid with an older woman and I did not care about Jennifer’s age now. “Let me ask you the same question” I said “Do you mind laying with a boy as young as me?”.

Jennifer’s reply came quickly with “You are the most sexy, handsome, caring, loving guy; why would I mind laying with you?”. I had to admit that it was nice to hear her say that; it was always nice to hear the things they said as to why they laid with me. “If you were not in hospital, would you still want to lay with me?” Jennifer asked “Forgetting about the website and everything else, would you still want to lay with me?”. I squeezed her bum gently and replied “Indeed I would; you are the type of woman any red-blooded boy would have a crush on”. She kisses me gently and says “This is why I like you so much”. I rubbed her bum gently, pleased that she liked me and also because her bum was really nice.

As we laid there in silence with the only sound being that of our breathing, it dawned on me what Jennifer had just said ‘That’s why I like you so much’. It sounded an awful lot like ‘That’s why I love you so much’; which would have been fine if I was looking for a girlfriend, but coming from Jennifer it concerned me a little. As I have mentioned many times before, I was not looking for a girlfriend as having one would put the dampers on my ability to do my ‘Hospital Fuckboy’ job. Now before you all go mentioning Christina and Erica, they were different. Where-in Jennifer was in her early fifties, both Christina and Erica were the same age as me and could actually pass as my girlfriend.

Besides, there was only one older woman who I was genuinely in love with and was proud to call her my girlfriend; Ariadne. But since she had been taken away from me, I’d not found any woman who I loved as much as her. While I’d fucked many hot women since Ariadne had been taken from me, none of them could hold a candle to my former gym-teacher turned girlfriend. After a few moments of silence, I realized that Jennifer had fallen fast asleep. I peeked under the covers at her naked body and smiled, knowing that when she woke I would get to fuck her. As I put the covers back down. I found my thoughts returning to my current relationship status, and Christina and Erica came to the forefront of those thoughts.

I had two hot young 14-year-old girls who both wanted to be my girlfriend. As they were the same age as me, they could easily pass for my girlfriend unlike the rest of the women I saw. But that is not to say I would be opposed to having an older woman as my girlfriend as proven by my relationship with Ariadne. I came close to having a relationship with Leanne, but that fell apart when I found out she was responsible for Ariadne being arrested. Since then, I’d not found any woman I wanted to be in a proper relationship with. I had two hot young 14-year-old girls who both wanted to be my girlfriend. As they were the same age as me, they could easily pass for my girlfriend unlike the rest of the women I saw.

But that is not to say I would be opposed to having an older woman as my girlfriend as proven by my relationship with Ariadne. I came close to having a relationship with Leanne, but that fell apart when I found out she was responsible for Ariadne being arrested. Since then, I’d not found any woman I wanted to be in a proper relationship with. I would be open to having a relationship with Dr. Hellruy, but as she was married that would not happen. We’d just have to settle for keeping up with our ‘fuck Buddies’ agreement, which suited me just fine. But if she left her husband, he left her or they otherwise split up, I would not be opposed to being in a relationship with her.

After a few moments, I found myself repressing a yawn, I did not know I was that tired, and a few moments later, I was taken by the gods of sleep. When I next woke up, I was surprised to see it was 11:30PM; I had never spent this long with a woman in the office. I looked at Jennifer, who was still fast asleep next to me and smiled. I still wanted to get up inside her, but I decided that it was best not to wake her. As I decided to get out of bed and grab a coke, Jennifer rolled over and said “Hey there...”. I smile and say in response “Hello sleeping beauty”. I lean in and we kiss passionately for a few seconds. “That nap was just right” Jennifer says, breaking the kiss “I feel so rested”.

I had to admit that I was also feeling rested, but then again I tended to not need much sleep. “So, what do you want to do now?” I asked, hoping that she said she wanted sex. “I want you” Jennifer tells me “I want you up inside me”. I smile and ask “And how would you like to do this?”. She replied with “I want to be on top”. And as if she knew what I was going to ask, she told me “And before you ask, I do not want you to wear a condom. I want to feel you inside me, not some piece of rubber”. I laid down and Jennifer straddled my waist. She reached down and gently took hold of my fully erect cock and fisted it to her cunt-hole. We just looked each other in the eyes for a few moments, neither of us saying anything.

“Oh wow...” was all I said as she slid down my cock, taking it all the way inside her in one swift motion. With my cock now up inside her, Jennifer started slowly bouncing up and down on my dick. She was taking her time and was trying to make the fuck last as long as she possible could, which was just fine with me. “I never want this to end” Jennifer said as she looked down at me and took my hands, placing them on her waist “I want you inside me forever”. It was then that I realised that this hospital cleaner was more than likely in love with me; which meant that when this meeting was over, I would have to speak to Eliza about getting rid of her at her earliest possible opportunity.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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