The Easy Way - Cover

The Easy Way

Copyright© 2022 by JRyter

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - The Easy Way: A high school senior loses his dad a few days after graduation, and two weeks before his eighteenth birthday. He has an older brother he looks up to, now more than ever. After learning about his inheritance, he decides to get away for a few weeks before making any serious plans about his future. Before he leaves town, a major change occurs to his travel plans.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Hispanic Female   Exhibitionism   First   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student  

Jackie picked up my phone and told me, “Ian, they’re at Monroe, and need directions.”

“Call and tell them where we are and how to get here. We may load our bikes on the trailer and drive most of the night, if they’re agreeable, and both of you feel like it.”

Kelly told me, “I wish we were there now, lying naked out on the beach.”

“Well, I’ve got to tell you, I’m nervous as hell. I’ve never met Jennifer, and I’ve never even so much as spoken one word to Jessica Beale.”

Jackie told me, “But - you are Ian Easy - you love women - and women love you. Just be yourself as you reach out to hug them as soon as they get out of your car. Make them feel welcome, and make them feel wanted and appreciated. Exactly the way you will when your three Parker women meet us in Brownsville tomorrow.”

“She’s right, Ian. Even though you’re young, you have a smile that melts cold hearts, a personality that wins friends, and a beautiful body that makes women want to be more than your friend. The fact that you’re a young millionaire, never enters into your friendship with others, unless you let it...

“Besides that, you’ve already made love to five of the seven women you’ll have with you for at least a month on the beach,” Jackie told me.

“Thanks ... I know you’re both right. I just need a little confidence, and be more like Rogers and my brother Reybern.”

“Just keep being you, and never let anyone change you. You are a woman’s dream come true, just like you are, and you’re only eighteen,” Jackie told me.

Then she added, “I’m sure both of you know, we’ll have to be very careful at certain places on the beach and not get too friendly or they will give us a citation, and may even tell us to leave.”

Kelly told her, “As long as we get to swim and play naked in the sun during the day, we can do our other fun stuff in the dark.”

“We’ll need to get a tent large enough for eight of us. We can stop by a sporting goods store and get the tent, with all the supplies we’ll need. We may need to lease a 4-Wheel Drive SUV, then leave the Camaro and bikes in a secure parking place in Brownsville.”

I could hear my Camaro rumbling along the winding road into the camping area. We were standing next to the gravel drive when they stopped.

Kelly and Jackie have their bikinis on, but neither of them have tied their tops, letting them drape down over their naked titties, leaving more exposed than they cover. They were laughing when they saw their friends in the car, both with bikini tops on.

Jackie walked toward the driver’s side and Kelly pulled me toward the passenger side as both doors opened.

Jessica Beale stepped out, and for a second or two, I thought she wasn’t wearing the bottom of her bikini. Then, I saw the small blue patch in front and realized she’s wearing a thong. I’ve seen thongs and I’ve seen two close friends wearing thongs at our pool. No one can wear a thong bikini and tiny halter top any better than Jessica Beale. She’s lost some weight, and now she looks no older that Jackie and Kelly.

She’s smiling at me as I opened my arms and started toward her. She laughed and ran straight into my arms.

“Ian, I am so thrilled to be here with you and our friends. Thank you for inviting me, and for bailing me out of that stinking-ass motel.”

“Jessica, you are even more beautiful than the last time I saw you, just a few months ago. I love your hair longer like this, and I love your tan. I can tell you’re tan all over because you’re as near naked as you can be and still be legal in public. Hug me and hold me tight. Already, I love my friend and I want you and me to have some serious time together later. I’m going to help you get back on your feet and I’m going to help you get that spunky attitude back, that I remember you having as you walked with your head up ... as all the boys and girls in high school looked at you like you were royalty. And believe it or not, you were royalty when you believed in yourself.”

“Ian, I was only around Waymon Rogers for a few minutes before we left, but I’ll never forget what he told me... Let your friend and mine, Ian Easy, take over and help you get your self esteem back. You are much too beautiful to have a worried look on your face. Love him if you need to, but let him be your best friend and he will make you see daylight when there is nothing but darkness around you.”

“Rogers, and my family go way back. He and Dad were best friends, and they’ve invested a lot of money jointly over the years. He’s the one I always look to for any advice on law, or money matters, now that Dad is gone.”

“I read in the paper about your dad. I thought of you and wished at the time I knew you well enough to call or come see you. You have always been one of my heroes and I could never tell you how much I admired you for your athletic abilities and your casual, sincere kindness to others.”

“Thanks, Jessica. I hope it’s alright for me to use your first name, since we’re standing here nearly naked together.”

“The next time I have my arms around you, I want a kiss like you kissed Jackie and Kelly.”

“Those two tell tall tales on me ... Would you be embarrassed if I kiss you right here in front of our friends?”

“Kiss me, and I need to tell you too, I want more than a kiss, when we have the time and can find the place to be alone.”

“Kiss me, Jessica. We don’t have to hide from our friends to love each other.”

With my arms wrapped around her, I pulled her closer. I felt hands on her back and I knew someone was loosening the strings on her top. I felt the tiny strips of material that were barely covering her nipples, as they were pulled out to let her naked titties press against my chest.

If she had been completely naked, we probably would have fucked right here.

“IAN! You, Dear Friend, almost got fucked right here next to your race car, in broad open daylight! Kiss me again the same way - when we put your cock in my pussy.”

“The first time, or each time we have my cock inside your pussy?”

“Each time. I need you, I love you and I owe you for what you have done for me and my friends.”

“I don’t want you to ever - feel like you owe me for anything. Love me as a friend, and love me - for me. Not for any other reason, and I’ll love you as long as we live.”

“Thank you Ian. Now, you need to turn around and love your newest friend the same way. She has fallen in love with you just from her uncle’s love and respect for you ... Well, maybe I did brag and tell a few stories about you until she was nervous about meeting you, but Jennifer Rogers is here simply because she wants to meet the man called, Ian Rae Easy.”

She kissed my lips then grabbed my shoulders, spinning me around to face the most stunning young woman I have ever stood face to face with, and she’s only inches in front of me.

“Ian, I’m so nervous I’m shaking, but I need my hug - and a kiss, if you’ll let me be your friend, along with all your other friends”

“Jennifer, from the first time I heard your voice on the phone, I knew you were a beautiful young woman. My friends told me all about you and I wished I was back there so I could meet you in person. When I do get back home, I’m going to see your uncle so I can shake his hand and hug him myself for letting you come meet us like this. I’m nervous as hell myself, but if you’ll let me hold you, I want to kiss you and feel your beautiful, sexy body next to me.”

“I’ve only kissed one boy, and when I saw you kiss Jessica, I knew that jerk who kissed me, didn’t know shit about kissing ... Kiss me just like you kissed Jessica, and please, let me be one of your closest friends.”

As soon as our lips met - we locked up like magnets. I felt the strings being loosened on her bikini top. Then, she sort of wiggled her upper body and I felt her naked titties against my naked chest as someone pulled her top out from between us. There was no way I could control my cock. I was hard as a railroad spike and there was nothing I could do but enjoy the feeling.

I pulled back to look at her. “Jennifer, if we go any further, we may be arrested ... Lean back and let me see those big beautiful breasts of yours. Already, I’m in love with them and I would love to love them forever.”

“Ian, Jessica and I talked a lot on our way down here, and she told me how much she has always admired you. Not just for your looks, but for your personality and your courtesy toward the teachers and other students. When I saw your pics, and especially those naked pics, I wanted you so bad I was shaking. I know you have other women friends and I have to tell you with all of them close by, I love your choice of women.”

“Does that mean you won’t be embarrassed to swim naked with us in the gulf?”

“I’ll strip my bikini off and swim naked in that lake with you right now, if you ask me to. Please, don’t let me make a fool of myself around you. You are so much more mature than anyone I have ever been around, even adults and young men older than you. All I ask is, let me be a close friend, and your lover too, if you happen to want me that way.”

“Let’s be friends for now, same as all of our friends. By the time we get to South Padre Island, we’ll know if we want more from each other. I need to tell you, if we were close friends already, I would have you naked inside that pop-up tent over there. I want you that much, and I’ve wanted you since hearing your voice on the phone, before I saw the first pic of you.”

“I can hardly wait to be naked with you. You make me want you in ways I have never even dreamed of wanting a man ... Oh, and before I forget, I met a friend of yours back home. This was yesterday - long before you and I talked on the phone the first tine, and she mentioned that you have a new Harley and that your brother told you to take off a month or so, since you just graduated.”

“Did you not know Traci prior that?”

I wasn’t sure where this is going and I hope nothing was said that would fuck up my chances to become closer to this beautiful, sexy young woman.

“Yes, but it was a few years before, when we were in school together ... Anyway, she told me that her sister is a year younger than you, but she wants to meet you too, and be friends with you this summer.”

“I know Carli and Traci really well. I also know Marie Parker, their mom really well. They live around the block from me.”

I was afraid to ask any more questions and decided to let this drop, unless she takes it further - which she did.

“Traci and I saw each other at the post office and we were just talking about old times when she told me she has been trying to get your brother to let her be his friend. I was ready to leave, and when I walked out, she did too. I heard her phone beep and I started to walk away, just as she laughed and shouted. She told me to look at what Carli had sent her...

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