Sue's Fourteenth Birthday - Cover

Sue's Fourteenth Birthday

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Sue is a pretty teenage schoolgirl who, if anyone had asked, would probably have said that she was fairly happy with her life. On her fourteenth birthday, she gets some lovely, thoughtful presents from her family and a surprise gift of lingerie from an unknown benefactor. Things will never be quite the same for Sue again.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Brother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Doctor/Nurse   ENF  

I guess pretty much all girls notice that men and boys look at them differently when they start to go through puberty, and it may all be in my head, but I seem to get it more than most.

I started getting little breast buds when I was about eleven or twelve and at that point, my nipples got, and remain, incredibly sensitive, which means that a lot of the time they are at least partially erect. They seem to be a source of fascination for an awful lot of men and even some women.

My height shot up at about that time and my breasts grew rapidly until now, with my fourteenth birthday coming up tomorrow, they are a C-cup, which is not huge, but is bigger than most girls my age and they look larger than they are on my 5’ 2” 85lb frame.

I try hard to ignore the stares, and I don’t dress in such a way as to encourage them, but it does make me a little uncomfortable. It seems to be worse when I am wearing my school uniform for some reason, even though my skirt is a sensible length: just above the knee, and I wear my blazer over my buttoned-up blouse in all but the hottest weather.

What I find most disturbing is that it even happens in my own home. I’ve caught both my fifteen-year-old brother Nick and my Dad staring at my boobs or my ass when they thought I wasn’t looking.

Talking to my girl friends at school they all seem to have the same experiences to a lesser or greater degree, and just say that that’s the way men are, and you just have to get used to it.

The next morning we get up early and I open my presents. I get a lovely silver necklace from Dad. I try it on and the 26-inch chain means that the beautiful silver bee hangs just between my breasts. Everyone insists that I undo the buttons on my blouse so that they can admire it properly and Mom says it looks lovely and that I should keep my blouse like that.

From Mom, I get a bottle of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Spray which I try on my wrists and it smells fabulous. Mom says I should put a little on my neck so that I can smell it all day, so I do.

Nick gives me a small parcel and, when I rip it open it is labeled ‘Waterproof Electric Razor for Women’. I’m puzzling over why Nick thinks I need one of those and look at him quizzically.

“For your legs,” he says and we both look at my legs which are covered with fine blonde downy hairs and that I’ve never shaved in my life. I look back up at him and he gives me an exaggerated wink which Mom and Dad completely miss, thank God. I feel my face burning as I finally realize what it is he thinks I might actually want to shave.

“Thanks, Nick, that’s lovely,” I say through gritted teeth while glaring at him furiously.

“Thank you all so much. You’ve been very kind,” I say, genuinely touched but also trying to distract Dad who is staring at the razor with a confused look on his face.

“We’re not quite finished yet,” Mom says, getting up and reaching behind the couch. “This came in the post yesterday, I don’t know who it’s from.” She picks up a large parcel wrapped in brown paper and hands it to me.

I take the parcel and look over the outside to see if there are any clues as to who it’s from, but there’s nothing. I rip open the brown paper and inside is another layer of pink wrapping paper but there’s still no indication of who sent it. I tear that open and realize quickly that it’s loads of sets of underwear in plastic bags; still no card or anything.

“Ooo, they look nice,” says Mom. “Open some up.”

I open the first one that comes to hand and, when I hold the panties up, they are tiny, not the size, but the material: the small triangle of red satiny fabric would barely cover my pussy. I pick up the matching bra, kind of knowing beforehand what I’m likely to find, and, sure enough, the lacy bra has half cups that would leave the tops of my breasts completely uncovered.

“Try them on!” Nick almost shouts with glee, his face red with excitement. Dad is silent but he has a strange expression on his face: almost hungry.

“Don’t be silly Nick,” Mom admonishes him, but she is smiling as she says it. “Anyway, it’s time you two were off to school.”

“What did you get for your birthday?” asks Melanie, when I get to school.

“I got this necklace I tell them,” I tell them, pulling the chain out from under my collar.

“Well let’s see it then,” says Miranda, and I have to undo several buttons so that they can see the little bee.

My friends all admire it closely, which is a bit disconcerting having their faces so close to my chest. Then Miranda comments on my perfume saying how lovely it smells as she sniffs at my neck.

“That was from my mom,” I tell them.

I wasn’t aware of it until then, but it turns out I have a very sensitive neck and, when they all insist on putting their faces close to, and sometimes touching it, I find that I am trembling faintly and I have a distinct tingling in my pussy.

That has never happened to me before outside the privacy of my own bed or shower and it shocks me intensely. I laugh self-consciously, thinking crazily that they will be able to tell that I’m aroused, and pull away from them a bit.

When I get home from school Mom is there to meet me.

“Hi honey, I put all your new things away for you,” she says as I head upstairs to get changed.

When I look in my underwear drawer I find that my old bras and panties are gone and only the new sets remain.

I am not happy and I set off to find Mom.

“Where are all my old bras and panties?” I ask her when I find her in the kitchen.

“Oh, I threw them away. They were old and ratty and your new ones are much nicer,” she says. I go the the bin to see if they are in there.

“You could have asked me first,” I complain. She sees me rummaging in the bin.

“They’re not in there,” she tells me. “I put them in the charity clothes bin.” I glare at her.

“Those new ones are very ... small,” I tell her.

“They are a bit smaller than your old ones, but they’re much prettier,” she says. “Have you looked through them all yet? Have you tried any of them on even?”

“No,” I say into my chest because, annoyingly, she has a point.

“Well then,” she replies as if that solves everything.

I go through them and there are ten pairs of panties and five bras. Some of the panties are even tinier than the ones I looked at earlier on, basically just thongs.

I try on a pair of the least slutty ones and look at myself in the mirror. I have to admit that my bottom does look lovely with half of each cheek bare, but the front, which does in fact cover my pussy, doesn’t cover all of my public hair. It’s not that I have a huge bush or anything it’s just that it’s got a bit straggly of late.

Then I remember Nick’s present which Mom has put on my dresser. It is called the Tinge and I open the box and take it out. It feels very nice in my hand with expensive feeling plastic. It has a cap on the top covering a safety razor and when I press the button on the side it buzzes remarkably strongly in my hand. I start to read through the instruction leaflet and I then feel my face burning: although it is a razor, it’s a vibrator as well!

I hurriedly put it back in its box, but just the idea of putting it in my pussy has made it tingle like mad.

I decide to try on the skimpiest of the thongs, just so I know what they feel like. The whole of my butt is revealed but it doesn’t feel as much like I’ve got a permanent wedgie as I’d feared. I decide to keep wearing it while I tidy away my school clothes and make the bed that I didn’t have time to do this morning.

At the end of all that, the wedgieness is pretty much gone and the sensation of the soft strip up my crack rubbing against my asshole is kind of nice. Most of all though I feel almost naked and sexy in a way I never did with my old underwear. I decide that if I should ever go out on a date I might consider wearing one of the thongs but for school I’ll stick to the merely skimpy other panties.

I then try on one of the half-cup bras. They really do show off my breasts very nicely, accentuating my cleavage and showing off the top half of my boobs. It’s then that I realize that none of the lingerie sets are white: they will all show through my white school blouses and everyone will be able to see these sexy new bras.

The next morning I am getting changed and I can’t find any of my school skirts. I check the washing basket and there are none in there so I go to see Mom to find out what’s going on.

“I’m sorry honey, I don’t know where they are,” she tells me, after checking the ironing pile. “Have you got any of your old ones?” My old skirts are from when I was ten. They’ve got an elasticated waist so I could probably fit into them but I was a lot shorter back then.

“They’ll be too short Mom!” I tell her.

“You’ve got to wear something,” she tells me. “go and try one on.”

I stamp up the stairs and rummage around in a drawer until I find one. When I put it on, it is a bit tight but not too bad. When I look in the mirror though it barely reaches to the middle of my thighs. If I bend about halfway over I can see most of my legs and if I bend right over I can see the bottom half of my ass cheeks. I go back down to see Mom.

“That’s fine,” she says firmly. “you look lovely actually. And that bra’s very pretty too by the way. Anyway, you’re going to be late if you don’t go now, so I don’t see that you really have any choice.”

As I leave the house I am acutely aware that the lightest of breezes will lift up the skirt and display my nearly naked ass to the world, so I walk along with my hands by my sides ready to hold it down.

When I get to school I suddenly seem to be the center of attention. I can see people nudging each other and looking in my direction.

To start with I feel like crying, but instead, I decide that the better alternative is just to really own this new look. I put a smile on my face that I don’t really feel, and approach my group of friends.

“Fucking hell Sue. You look awesome,” says Miranda. “I wish my parents would let me dress like that!”

“Actually...” I start to say, but stop myself. “never mind.”

“Aren’t you worried that people will be able to see up that skirt?” Alice asks me.

“Not really,” I lie. “It’s no more than they’d see on the beach is it?” Which I realize is nearly true and actually helps me to relax a bit.

In the end, my choice of panties makes little difference. My ass soon eats the narrow strip of material between my cheeks and the constant feel of it brushing against my rosebud, along with the cool breezes caressing my now basically bare ass, keep me feeling slightly aroused for a lot of the day. It is very distracting but also quite nice.

During lunch break, I’m walking around a corner of the building and a gust of wind blows my skirt right up before I can catch it. I push it back down and look around to see who might have been watching. The only person looking my way is Juliette Martin who’s a couple of years above me. She smiles briefly in my direction before moving away, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

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