A Young Mother - Cover

A Young Mother

Copyright© 2022 by Greven

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - As a computer nerd I liked my solitude. I chose the burbs as a place to live because it gave me everything I needed, quiet and safety. Then one day the people next door kicked their daughter out in the cold and I took her in. I didn't know that one decision would alter my life in so many ways.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Pregnancy  

“Get out.” Someone yelled as I was watching TV. Then I heard a door slam next door. I looked out the window to see little Tracy sitting on the ground outside her home. There were trash bags in front of her and she was collapsed on the ground. “Now what the fuck was going on over there?” I wondered. My neighbors were an odd lot but usually nice enough.

I knew it was cold out there and I didn’t see a jacket on the girl so I went outside to see if I could help. When I got next to her I could hear her crying and knelt to take her in my arms. She fought me for a second till she realized who it was and then she clutched me close and whimpered. I rubbed her back and felt how cold she was so I lifted her up and took her back to my house.

As soon as we were inside she began to shiver uncontrollably. I tried to let her go but she wouldn’t let go of me so I sat on the couch with her in my lap. I was able to pull a blanket around her and just held her till she was a little more aware of her surroundings. Something drastic must have happened for the people next door to go this ballistic. I had never seen them treat any of their kids like this before.

Let me step back and tell you why. My name is Robert and I am an old computer nerd. Part designer, part pirate, part hacker. I had made a living for most of my life helping companies get their systems safe and running. I had my name on a few different software releases, and had made a good living just being myself.

Years ago I decided to move to the suburbs and live out my life of anonymity. Hell, living in the city never changed my life so I decided to live out here. I had plenty of money to do so and even work from home when I felt like it. Even when you’re in your twenties people kind of blow you off a lot when you look as nondescript as I am. Women don’t pay a guy like me any mind unless you like to blow your money on them and I figured escorts were a lot cheaper in the long run.

You see I have always had plenty of time on my hands because I have the kind of face that blends in well. I’m so average they could use me as the control in an experiment. Nothing about me has changed since junior high when I finished my growth. I’m not really good looking, not flamboyant, and not that impressive physically. What I am is intelligent, thrifty, and I try to always be a good person. In other words I am about as exciting as a card board box, but I like it that way.

When I moved out here people noticed right away though. I was a foreign object in their environment that might change the balance, but soon afterwards they found me benign. I was invited to BBQ’s and pool parties. I knew all the kids and helped the parents out with technology. I kept my house and yard immaculate, and helped out when ever needed.

The people next door to me on the left was an older couple whose kids have grown up and moved. The ones on the right though were an ever growing family. Dan and Becky had six kids. They were fundamentalist Christians with some rather strict views on things but overall were fairly nice neighbors.

Over the years we had even become friends in many ways though they thought that living alone was a waste and therefore sinful. They tolerated me though and even excused it since I was always respectful of their beliefs. That and I was useful to watch some of the kids now and then when they needed to get away from it all.

Over the years I also became a good friend to their kids. We all got along and from time to time they knew they could let their hair down around me and know I wouldn’t report them to the parents. Now I would do so if they got too far out there but little things I let slip since they were just kids after all.

It’s because of this that I found their treatment of Tracy rather shocking. I called her little Tracy but she was actually turning into quite the beauty. She was barely fourteen and just beginning to change into a woman. A strawberry blonde with freckles on her nose and green eyes that sparkled, at least they did normally but tonight they were red from crying.

When she was warm and had calmed down I asked her if she was alright. She just nodded. I asked her what those bags were and she mumbled that it was all her parents were going to let her have from her life. “What do you mean sweetie?” She looked up at me with tear filled eyes. “They cast me out. They said I had sinned too greatly and they couldn’t harbor a person like me in their home anymore.” She started to break down. “They said they wouldn’t let a harlot like me bring any more sin into their home so they cast me out.”

Sounds like the holy shit hit the fan somehow. “I want you to stay right here and wait for me. I’m going to get your things and then I will make us some tea and we can work this all out ok?” she simply sat there. I shifted her off my lap and ran out to gather the few bags that were on the lawn and went back home. I walked in and didn’t see Tracy on the couch so I looked around.

I found her holding a knife and working up the courage to sink the damn thin into her belly. I ran over, wrapped my hand around the blade just as she pushed it towards her. She gasped as the blade went no further into her and then she looked at me. She saw the look of shock in my face and then looked down to see the blood from my hand dripping down the blade. She turned white at it and then fainted away. I did my best to catch her but I did just get my hand sliced into pretty damn badly.

I threw the knife away and grabbed a tea towel to wrap around it. The poor girl was out cold so I made sure she didn’t conk her head on anything and took care of my hand. As I peeled the towel away I could see the blood was stopping but I was going to need a few stitches for this one. I called nine one one and told them I had sliced my hand open.

An EMT showed up a little later and saw Tracy passed out on the floor. I asked them to take a look at her because when I sliced my hand open she fainted and I didn’t have a chance to catch her. They felt her head and said she might need an x-ray to make sure she didn’t have a concussion. The other medic was looking at my hand and said I would need some stitches after all.

As we were loaded into the ambulance Tracy’s mother came out to see what was going on. She looked at my hand and was sympathetic but she didn’t even glance at her daughter who was being loaded in with me. I told her they would need her to get help for Tracy and she shook her head. I told her to get a note for me to take so she could be treated at least and she seemed to waver.

The EMT’s couldn’t take Tracy without parental consent and I wouldn’t go till they had it. Soon enough Becky came out with papers giving me authority to do whatever was needed in their absence. We left and while it was a grey area for them legally she had been out cold too long for their liking.

I got stitched up and went to see how Tracy was doing. The doc said she had a slight concussion and would need to stay in the hospital for observation but the baby was fine. That hit me like a huge bomb. He told me that the baby was fine and that she needed to be more careful in the future. THE BABY??? No wonder her parents went off the deep end. As tight as their asses were over little things, something like their little girl being pregnant would send them into a religious freak out beyond compare. Then I thought about it more and realized why she had been so ashamed as to do something so stupid as to hurt herself. They must have thrown a few metric tons of guilt on the poor thing.

I sat down next to her bed and looked at her. Like this she was the cute and innocent little thing she had always been. I thought back over the years, remembering her love of truffle chocolates that I stocked up on around charismas for her since her parents didn’t like the children exposed to such decadent sweets. She also loved to watch anime but only the cute, romantic ones. Once again something her parents hated and forbade.

I wondered how in the world she had gotten pregnant considering what a tight rein her parents had on all their kids contact with the outside world. Possibly at school but since it was one of those private Christian ones I had my doubts. Wherever it was didn’t matter now though. What mattered was this girl’s mental and emotional health which seemed to be at an all-time low.

I was sitting with her when a lady came in who was much too stern looking to be a nurse. “Are you her parent?” she asked in a gruff voice. I shook my head. “No, I’m her neighbor. I babysit her and her siblings from time to time.” She didn’t seem to like the sounds of that. “Do you know where her parents are?” she glared at me. “Might I ask who you are and why you are asking these questions?” Well she didn’t like that one bit. “My name is Miz Howards and I am from youth services. The hospital is required to call us when a child is hurt and not with a parent.” She said with her nose in the air.

I handed her the paper that Becky had given to me. She looked at it and her eyebrow went up. “I talked to the EMT’s. They said the mother was there and gave this to you. Why didn’t they come with her and why aren’t they here now?” This woman was starting to get under my skin in a very bad way. “Could I ask you for some identification of who you are and your right to be asking me these questions?” She really glared at me now. She dug into her case and showed me what looked like an official name tag. “There, satisfied?” I shook my head. “Five minutes on a computer with a printer and I could show you my official looking ID for the C.I.A ... Even if that is official, how does that give you the legal right to be asking me any personal detail about this child’s welfare? You see I take my responsibility rather seriously.”

The woman stared daggers at me and left. I got my mental ducks in a row for when she came back, most likely with a police officer. I sat there and stared at the machines hooked up to Tracy and thought, then I made a quick call to a legal expert I know. I gave him a rundown of what was going on and she told me where I stood. Just as I thought, she came charging into the room about three hours later with a police officer who looked like he didn’t really want to be there. She waved a document at me and looked very triumphant. “As you can see I am now officially here and I demand to you give me the information I want or I will have you arrested.”

I held up my hand. “Please, may I actually read what you have there?” she turned red and thrust it at me. It was only proof of who she was and a bunch of legal jargon that said she had the right to ask questions in regards to a child’s safety. I handed it back to her. “Alright Miz Howards, Her name is Tracy Cunningham. She just turned fourteen years of age. Her parents Becky and Dan are my neighbors. I am her legal care giver at this time. I was injured and the sight of said injury caused Tracy to faint. I was too far away to catch her and she struck her head while falling. I immediately called for emergency services. We were bought here and after I was attended to I came here to supervise her condition and care.”

“Nice to see some cooperation from you finally. Now why is she under your supervision and why aren’t her parents here?” I just looked at her. She waited for a few seconds and got mad. “I asked you a question sir, if you don’t answer I will have you arrested.” I looked at the officer and I could tell he wasn’t comfortable. “Miz Howard, I have answered all the questions you have a legal right to know. I have already called my lawyer who advised me to say anything more would legally endanger Tracy. I do not have the permission of her parents to discuss anything more with you.” She shouted at me. “Who do you think you are? How do I know you didn’t abuse this kid and get her pregnant?”

“Officer, I am calling on you as a witness.” I said quietly. “This woman has made accusations publicly of my predetermined guilt in matters. She also was using a very loud voice in a hospital room with an injured and unconscious child.” A nurse came in and glared at the woman. “Would you please leave? You are disturbing people in other rooms with your yelling.” The cop almost choked trying not to laugh. The woman glared at me one last time and as she left I could hear her say “This isn’t over.” I looked at the nurse and smiled.

“Thanks for the save.” The nurse smiled back at me. “I hate people like that. They are given a little power and become addicted to it and abuse it.” I just shrugged. “I know, I’ve seen it a lot too. That’s why I wasn’t going to give in to her. She’s in a position that can save a child’s life or ruin it. She could also save a family, but for some reason she has decided to take on anyone who doesn’t meet some kind of image in her head.” The nurse looked at me speculatively. “I can see where she is coming from here a little. I mean a man comes in with an injured and pregnant girl with what could be considered defensive wounds to his hand. It does look little like a situation where her service could be needed.” Damn I hadn’t looked at it from that vantage. “I guess you’re right. It does look rather messed up when you say it like that.”

Then I looked at the nurse and she smiled. “But then very few people would have called for an EMT to bear witness to something like that. Usually they keep it quiet or come in by themselves, leaving the girl alone. No, I don’t think you’re that kind of guy, and if she was any judge of character she could see that too.” Then she looked at Tracy. “So what is her story if you don’t mind me asking?” I shrugged “Her parents are extremely religious. I guess they discovered that she was pregnant, went crazy and kicked her out. I took her in since I’ve known her since she was little.” She snorted. “Heck I didn’t know what was going on till the doctor told me she was pregnant. It didn’t take much to realize what must have happened.”

The nurse nodded. ‘She’s going to need a lot of support and help. Between her family and having a baby she’s going to be under a lot of stress. No wonder she tried to do that.” I looked as innocent as I could. “Do what?” The older woman just arched an eyebrow at me. “You have a sliced open palm and she has a small cut on her abdomen. I have been around long enough to recognize the situation. You are a good man to get hurt stopping her. The question is are you strong enough to keep doing things like that?”

The real situation sank in as she said it. For the first time the weight of it all hit my shoulders and I could feel them already sagging. Then I looked at that sweet face and my shoulders gained in strength. “Yeah, I think I am.” I looked up but the nurse was already gone. I scooted a chair next to the bed and drifted off in an uneasy sleep. When I woke up I sore and stiff. Sleeping in a chair can have that effect on a body. It was just becoming light outside when I discovered why I woke up. Tracy was up and she was laying there crying. “Hey little one, why the tears?” She looked at me and then at the hand I was reaching towards her with. “Oh Mr. Robert, I’m so sorry to have hurt you like that.” Then the tears grew in volume.

I took her hand and stroked her hair. “Well I’m glad that I was able to keep you from doing something like that. Nothing in this world is so bad that it can’t be made better.” She shook her head. “No, my family told me to leave and never come near them again. They said I was no longer a part of them and they would deny me if I said or did otherwise. Even my brothers and sisters can’t talk to me ever again.” The poor girl was crying so hard she couldn’t say anymore. “Tracy, you aren’t alone. I am here with you and I will do everything I can to make your parents come to their senses.” She looked at me with the most despondent look I had ever seen. “They won’t take it back. Father said I had sinned too greatly. That they would never allow me to be near them again.”

I tried to remember all the things a guy I went to school had to say about this. I was in college getting my masters in programing and he was a seminary student working on his history degree. We used to have these long, but friendly, arguments about faith and religion. That was one of the ways I had been able to get along with her family better than others, I had a knowledge of what they believed in.

“Tracy, you should know no sin is so great it can’t be forgiven. The atonement made that possible. I will do my very best to remind your father of the tale of the prodigal son.” She shook her head. “I am pregnant.” She wailed. “How can he ever forgive me?” I gripped her hand and she looked at me. “A child is a blessing, always. You are a blessing to those around you and the child you are creating inside of you will be a blessing to those around it.” She never let go of my hand but her other hand went to her small tummy. “But father said...”I placed a finger over her lips. “Your father spoke out in anger. Anger clouds the heart and the spirit. He forgets his teachings and what he knows to be true in his anger, just as you forgot yours in your sadness.” She looked at me confused. “Thou shalt not kill. That includes killing yourself. Please don’t ever forget that again.”

She smiled a little for the first time. “You stopped me from that. You let yourself get hurt rather than see me do that to myself. Why?” There was a need in her eyes. She needed to know there was someone out there who gave a shit. “Because Tracy you have always been a light in my life. There is so little light in this world, I couldn’t let your spark go out if I could stop it.” The fear and pain melted away leaving a very tired little girl laying in a hospital bed. She drifted off but she wouldn’t let go of my hand, and I wasn’t pulling it away.

Once it was late enough in the day I called my lawyer. She was good with keeping me just inside of the law in my work, and I knew if anyone could help me do this legally it was her. I told her my situation and she asked me if I was serious about taking care of Tracy. “Robert, are you ready to handle a pregnant girl if her family won’t take her back? And what about after the baby is born, will you be ready for that kind of responsibility?” I had thought the same thing all night and told her I was. She told me she would have things ready as soon as she could. I told her where I was, where Tracy parents were and how to get in touch with them, and then she went to work. I told Tracy what I had told everyone else and she said she would go along with my story.

The doctor came by and talked to us. He wanted to do a few tests and get both an x-ray and an ultrasound done to make sure they were both alright. This meant that it was getting late in the day when a young lady came in to see me. She had papers with her and asked a nurse to be a witness to them. When she left I had full parental rights to Tracy for now and permanently pending a hearing and investigation by the courts.

After the doctor told us that Tracy and the baby were nice and healthy he recommended that Tracy get a good doctor to take care of herself and the baby. Then we got the paper work done and headed to my house. On the way Tracy asked me what all of the papers were for and I told her that until her family said otherwise I was now the one responsible for her. She looked at me with a kind of shocked face. “You mean like you have adopted me?” I hope I didn’t make her feel bad again but the truth had to come out sooner or later. “Well not quite. We aren’t changing your name or anything, but when it comes to school, or doctors I am your legal guardian.” She looked at me with a small smile on her face. “Guardian.” She said very quietly. “I like that.” Then she looked out the window as we headed home.

Now my house was originally a three bedroom house. One of the rooms was mine, another was my office, and the last was a guest room. My house wasn’t a mystery to Tracy as she had been over many times over the years. I told her to take her things into the spare bedroom and get settled in. I then called out for Pizza as I didn’t have time to make anything. Tracy came back and looked a little low. “What’s wrong sweetie?” She looked like she didn’t want to complain. “Um, could I take a shower? I still smell like the hospital and it make me feel icky.” I showed her were to shower and pulled out some extra towels. “Tracy, you don’t have to ask permission to shower and such. If you’re hungry eat, if you’re tired sleep, this is now your home and you have a right to do as you please as long as you don’t go into my office when I’m not in there.”

She smiled at me and nodded as she headed off for her bath. I got things ready and cleaned up a few spots of blood I found in the kitchen from the night before. Just after the food arrived Tracy came into the kitchen dressed in a heavy, ankle length cotton gown. She looked embarrassed as she sat down and I set the food down. “I’m sorry Mr. Robert but this is the best I have anymore.”

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