Toby's Detour - Cover

Toby's Detour

Copyright© 2022 by MorrisG

Chapter 3

At breakfast, Toby was told his sister and aunt were on their way to see him. They were bringing nice clothes so he could change out of his orange jumpsuit. They wanted him to look nice for his meeting with the DA. Toby’s public defender was already at the courthouse and would meet them when they arrived.

“It’s good to see you outside of jail, Toby. We hope to make that permanent.

“Let me go over the agenda. We’ll present the DA with information we’ve collected. We want to convince him to drop the charges instead of going to trial.

“I do need to warn you that your parents will be attending.”

That news upset Toby. “What? Why would they be here? They’re part of the problem.”

“Calm down. You are still a minor, and they are your guardians. It is their right to be here. Typically, a parent would attend to ensure their child’s rights are upheld. But I think your parents are attending to beef up the DA’s case. So be forewarned.”

Toby closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He thought about those self-help books he read. Three things stood out. When someone bullies you, stay calm. Do not allow others to browbeat you. Remember that you deserve respect.

“Alright, alright. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time and I’m sorry I got upset. Can my aunt and sister stay?”

“Yes. They are a part of our team. There will also be several paralegals attending. One for our side, and at least one for the DA. The DA will probably bring an assistant or two. The court will have someone here to handle the audio and video...”

“Wait, this is being recorded? Like for television?”

“Yes, and no. We insisted it be recorded. If our case dopes goes to trial, we think the video will bolster our case. But no, the video isn’t for public release.

“Oh, and you are aware another lawyer has joined our team, correct? She and our paralegal are running an errand this morning. But they’ll arrive before the meeting begins.”

“Really? I thought she would’ve quit since Mr. Clarke passed. Who is going to pay her?”

“Pay? You misunderstood. She works for an advocacy group that helps those who have been wrongly accused. They offer their work for free. And I must say, she is exceptional. I am delighted she’s on the team, and you should be as well.

“So, take a seat and I’ll summarize our presentation.”

Mr. Kane opened a box sitting on the table. He passed out professionally prepared presentations. Then he spent about forty minutes going over how they would invalidate the DA’s case.

The material was excellent. Toby understood it and didn’t need to ask too many questions. He was optimistic again.

A few minutes before the meeting started, the new lawyer walked in. She was a gorgeous young woman who had the prettiest smile. And Toby didn’t need to be introduced.


Mr. Kane argued against Toby’s idea. Esmee thought it was a grand idea. Mr. Kane, against his better judgment, gave it. But he insisted that if the meeting wasn’t going well, he would take over. Thus, Mr. Kane would begin the meeting, then Toby would take over and use the presentation material to defend himself against the DA’s charges.

Toby asked for a sheet of paper. He jotted down half a dozen suggestions from the self-help books he had read at the jail. He thought he would these reminders during the meeting.

Esmee asked to look at the list. She nodded and smiled. And added two more points: act with honor, speak the Truth.

That is so Esmee.

Toby nodded and smiled, too. Solja and Aunt Jamie wanted to see. Then they were smiling.

The DA, Charles Jeffries, strutted in ten minutes late. His team walked in behind him. Richard Kane might have been a mere public defender, but he knew the DA’s intimidation tactics and wasn’t surprised by their tardiness. Before the DA’s team could sit, Mr. Kane turned on the large monitor and begin.

“If the camera operator will ensure the correct date and time are noted, we will begin. As a reminder, this meeting is being recorded. If you would like a copy of the video, make sure you add your name and contact information to the paper my assistant is passing around. She will provide everyone with a copy of our presentation materials.”

That was as far as the meeting went before the first interruption. Toby’s stepmother saw Solja. She decided her daughter should sit with the others from the DA’s team.

“Solja, dear, it’s unsuitable for you to be sitting with that crowd. Come sit with your father and me.”

Solja was about to respond, but Toby held his hand up. Solja was surprised. Toby wasn’t the confrontational type.

He was typing on his phone. “Ah, here it is. From the Oxford dictionary, suitable is an adjective meaning ‘right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation.’ Since Solja is a valuable member of our team, it is certainly right and appropriate for her to be sitting with this crowd. Thus, it isn’t unsuitable.”

Esmee had the fingers of both hands covering her lips to keep her from giggling. It mostly failed, since you could see the mirth in her eyes.

Mr. Kane just sat wide eyed.

Solja and Aunt Jamie had looks that were way too smug.

Toby turned towards Solja. “I’m sorry, sister. I wasn’t implying that you must sit here. You’re an adult, and you can sit your lovely self wherever you would like. I won’t take offense.”

“No worries brother dear. I like it here just fine. And mother, I thank you for your offer, but no. It’s not happening.”

The DA’s team didn’t look pleased.

The DA’s team was constantly interrupting with questions. Mr. Kline had encouraged both sides to ask meaningful questions. But Mr. Jeffries seemed more interested in being demeaning and disruptive. Early on, even Toby’s father joined in the abuse.

“Let’s be honest, son. You may have found some people who will say you’re a good kid. But the truth is, you are a problem at school, and now that’s expanded beyond school.”

“Let’s address that, father. First, please define the word problem. Do I have poor grades? Do I get into fights at school? Have I been suspended? Have I had to serve detention?”

“I can’t give you specific details. You know your mother handles school issues.”

“I assume you mean your wife, my stepmother. So, Stepmother, are you saying that I’m a problem in school? Don’t answer yet.”

Toby asked Esmee to summarize his school records. She smiled when she said that Toby had never been suspended, had never served detention, had no disciplinary notices, and in high school had a GPA of 4.72.

Aunt Jamie added, “I remember one time in sixth grade Toby got in trouble. He had four tardies in two weeks. That was just after his mother died. His father went to the office early, and he left Toby to get himself up and ready for school. Thankfully, I found out about it. I bought Toby an alarm clock. You would have thought his dad would have bought him one.”

The defense team moved on. Solja wanted to talk about the mother who just knew Toby was a pervert. Solja thought what she found was humorous.

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