Spellman - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by K.H. Elms

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A young high school teacher and football coach moves back to his hometown to escape the drama that nearly ruined his life, taking a new job teaching fifth grade. But a school full of hot young teachers and sexy single moms has plenty of its own drama.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   School   Workplace  

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

I washed Tori’s hair while we showered together, massaging her scalp and neck as I did so. We had spent several hours in her bed, though we didn’t spend the entire time having sex, I’m not a machine. Of course we made love a few times—and it absolutely was making love, no doubt about it—but we also spent a lot of time just enjoying being close to one another again. Even after all those years apart, when we were together that way it felt like no time had passed at all. I had been with Amanda for six years, twice as long as Tori and I had dated, but sex with her had never felt as natural as it did with Tori. Maybe it was because we were each other’s first, and spent those years forming our sexual habits and preferences together. Maybe it was because deep down I never had quite the same passion for Amanda that I did for Tori. Or maybe we were both just caught up in the intense emotion of the moment—her hurt over the situation with Anthony, her intense need to feel loved, my desire to comfort her, and the wonder of finding ourselves reconnecting after so many years apart. Whatever the cause, the result had been incredible.

When I was finished with her hair she turned to kiss me. We kissed until the hot water ran out, letting our hands run all over each other’s wet skin. We stepped out of the shower and dried each other off. Tori got a mischievous look in her eye, and before I knew what was happening she raced out of the bathroom, into her bedroom, and locked the door. I chased after her and knocked on the door. “Hey, my clothes are in there.”

“Sorry, come back later. I need to take some time getting ready. Why don’t you just hang out for a bit?”

With a sigh, I walked into the living room wearing nothing but one of Tori’s pink towels around my waist. Actually, when I thought about it, Tori wasn’t big on pink. It was probably one of Melissa’s towels. Speaking of Melissa, she was sitting on the couch, her planner spread out on the coffee table in front of her. She looked up as I walked into the room and her eyes went wide when she saw me, unconsciously biting her lower lip. “Tori locked me out of her room. My clothes are in there.”

Melissa smiled and nodded. “Remind me to thank her.” Her eyes roamed all over my mostly-naked body. “That’s my towel, by the way.” I knew it.

I looked down at the towel and then back to Melissa, and decided to have some fun. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want it back?” Melissa hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. I grabbed the towel and slowly pulled it loose, exposing myself to her. Her eyes were locked onto my cock. I was still mostly soft, the multiple rounds with Tori had really taken a lot out of the poor guy, but the situation had my blood flowing and he was slowly starting to revive. “Well,” I said, “are you going to come get your towel?”

Melissa stood up from the couch and walked over to me like she was in a trance, her eyes never leaving my cock until she was standing right in front of me. Only then did she look up and meet my gaze. She took the towel from my hand. Then, without a word, she dropped the towel to the floor, sank down to her knees on top of it, and took me into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck, Melissa, that feels good.”

I have no words to describe exactly what Melissa was doing other than to say that she worshipped my cock. She wasn’t intent getting me off as quickly as possible like Tessa had been the other night with her intense blowjob. Instead, for as much time as Melissa spent actually sucking me, she spent even more just kissing all over my dick, rubbing her hands over it in a slow, sensual manner, and even just holding it against her face. She would close her eyes as she kissed and licked and sucked, and then open them to survey my manhood from every angle as she stroked me.

“I was thinking about this dick all night. I could hardly sleep, remembering how it felt against me through our clothes. I must have gotten myself off half a dozen times last night thinking about it. And then today while you were in there with Tori, hearing how you were making her feel, I did it a few more times. For one of them I was standing right outside her door, my ear pressed against it, listening to her tell you how good your cock felt inside her, and all I could do was imagine it.” She smiled up at me, holding my dick against her cheek. “It’s even better than I imagined.” Then she opened her mouth and swallowed me to the root, pressing her cute little button nose into my crotch as my cock disappeared into her throat.

“Holy fuck!” I’d never had a girl deepthroat me before. Tessa had been the closest, but even she had only managed to get maybe three-quarters of my cock into her mouth, but somehow the tiny Melissa managed to take the whole thing. Melissa grabbed my ass to hold me still, shaking her head slightly and humming. She maintained the deepthroat for maybe ten or fifteen seconds before she released me and pulled off.

She gazed up at me, her big green eyes sparkling with pride (and probably also with tears from having my cock shoved all the way down her throat.) “Did you like that?”

My brain could hardly function. “Will you marry me?”

Thankfully she took my question in the spirit it was intended. “Not yet, but I’ll take that as a yes.” She resumed stroking my cock. “God this thing is incredible. It’s like the dick of my dreams.” Melissa stood up and then dragged me by my cock, gently, over to the couch. “Sit down,” she said.

Not one to argue with a beautiful woman who has my dick her in her hand, I sat. She dropped to her knees once more and resumed her oral activities. Melissa alternated between tenderly kissing and licking my cock and then forcefully shoving it down her throat seemingly at random, and the surprising contrast had me close to exploding even though I had thought I was done for the day after all those times with Tori. “Fuck. Melissa, I’m close.” I expected her to dive in and swallow me whole again as I came so I could shoot down her throat, but instead she pulled off entirely and started rapidly stroking me, sitting up on her knees and pointing my cock at her face as she closed her eyes. I had never given a girl a facial before, and the realization that she wanted one pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed as I released my load, the drops of cum landing on her forehead, nose, cheek, and chin. It was nowhere near as much as I would have done if I hadn’t already been almost completely drained, but it was still enough to make for an incredible sight. I’m not sure if I preferred it over actually shooting in a girl’s mouth, but I had to admit there was something incredibly sexy about a woman letting you cover her like that, and it was something I wouldn’t mind repeating in the future.

Melissa opened her eyes and smiled up at me with delight (and cum) painted all over her face. She used her finger to wipe some off her face and then licked it clean. “Mmm. Did you enjoy that?”

I was still dizzy from having my soul sucked out of me through my dick. A voice that was not mine answered her. “That was incredible. I thought I’d worn him out but you managed to get another one out of him. How the hell did you manage to deepthroat him?”

We both looked over to Tori, who was standing just a few feet away, leaning over the back of the nearby chair. I don’t know if Melissa had noticed her come into the room, but I certainly hadn’t. “Oh, you know,” Melissa said cheerily, “just takes practice.”

“I practiced on that thing for three years and I can barely get half of it into my mouth,” Tori said. “I guess you’re just a cocksucking savant.”

“Maybe I am.” Melissa grabbed the towel and wiped her face. “Well, that was nice, but now I’m starving. Who’s up for some lunch?”

The three of us ended up at In-N-Out for lunch. I was worried that there might be some awkwardness between us after I had spent most of the morning in bed or in the shower with Tori, and then been sucked off by Melissa, but there was none to be found. If anything, it felt like the three of us were even more relaxed together than we had been the day before.

I learned that Melissa didn’t eat beef, but she was fine with a grilled cheese off the secret menu, as well as some animal style fries and a strawberry shake, while Tori ordered a cheeseburger and fries. All of my morning activities meant I had worked up quite an appetite, so I ordered a 4x4 (animal style) to go with my fries (not animal style). Once again I paid for lunch, figuring it was the least I could do for the ladies after all they’d done for me.

“Do you still need to do anything to finish getting your classroom set up?” Melissa asked me.

“There’s still a few posters I need to hang up, and I want to swing by the party supply store to see if they have any cheap cowboy stuff I can use for the kids.”

“That sounds like fun. Do you mind if I join you?”

“Not at all, I’d love to have you along. What about you, Tor, you want to come too?”

My ex-girlfriend slash current ... something—lover? friend-with-benefits?—shook her head. “I think I’m going to go over to the Stephens’ and talk to Diane, that’s Dayna’s mom, about all this stuff with Anthony.”

“Okay,” I said. “Just text us if you need anything.”

“I will, thanks. I love you guys.”

“We love you too,” Melissa said, and I nodded my agreement.

Melissa and Tori had driven to lunch in Tori’s car, so Melissa hopped in with me and we headed over to the party supply store. I got a couple cowboy hats, as well as a few plastic badges, one of which said “Sheriff” while the rest said “Deputy”. I clipped the sheriff badge onto my shirt and then pulled Melissa over to clip a deputy badge onto her. We continued to shop, and eventually I realized that we were holding hands as we walked through the store. It had felt so natural I hadn’t even noticed when it had happened. Melissa sure didn’t seem to mind. I picked up a few more little toys and some candy for classroom prizes before we left the store. When we were in the car on the way to the school I found myself taking her hand into mine once more, our fingers lacing together. She smiled the whole drive over.

I parked the car and started to get out, but Melissa stopped me. “Ryan, I don’t really know yet what exactly we’ve got going on with you and me, and with you and Tori. I like you a lot, but I’ve never been in a situation like this before.”

“Neither have I. And I like you a lot, too.”

She smiled. “Good. I want to keep going and see where this leads, but I think that when we’re at the school we should keep it strictly friendly. Not that I expect you would do anything unprofessional in the first place, but I don’t want there to be any cause for the other teachers to be talking, you know what I mean?”

“Yeah, absolutely. As hard as it might be to restrain myself from flirting with you, I think I can handle it while we’re at the school. That is, as long as I still have opportunities to spend some more-than-just-friends time with you outside of work.”

“That can definitely be arranged, Mr. Dillon.” I could tell that she wanted to lean over and kiss me, but she settled for a subtle squeeze of my hand before letting go and getting out of the car.

I went to my classroom to finish putting up the posters and put the stuff from the party supply store in the storage cabinet. Melissa went over to her classroom right across the hall to finish working on a few things herself. I checked my email and then spent a bit of time trying to figure out how to get it to forward to my phone. I didn’t expect to be getting any urgent emails that would need my immediate attention, but I thought it would be useful to have access to it if necessary. The first night of Meet the Teacher was on Thursday, and I didn’t expect to be back here until then, so I wanted to be able to get any emails that might come in the meantime.

The school had set up twenty minute slots for families to sign up for. Given my twelve students, that would be four hours of meeting kids and parents spread over the two nights, but it was set up for me to be there for three hours each night, from five until eight, to provide a little bit of scheduling flexibility. Ten of the twelve families had signed up so far, with my first appointment at five-twenty on Thursday night. One family had taken the seven-forty slot on Thursday night, so I’d be here until at least eight. Luckily all of the appointments on Friday were in the earlier slots. If nothing changed I should be out by seven that night. I sent a quick email to the two contacts I had for the students that weren’t signed up for a slot yet—Elijah Carter and Rosemary Carlson—reminding them about Meet the Teacher and linking the sign-up form.

When I finished and looked up from my computer I found Melissa standing in my doorway. “You have such a cute concentration face,” she said.

“Thank you, Miss Dixon.”

She made a face and then stuck her tongue out at me. Damn she’s adorable. “Alright, I guess this whole ‘not flirting at work’ thing is going to be harder than I thought.”

“I’ll try harder to not be so cute when I concentrate.”

“That would help, thank you Mr. Dillon. Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, let me just shut down my computer.”

We walked out to my car, where I opened the door for her. “I think that counts as flirting too, Mr. Dillon.”

“It’s not flirting to open the door for a woman, it’s just good manners. But if you are worried about people talking, do you think that maybe we shouldn’t be driving to and from school together?”

“Well, luckily no one is here right now, but it’s not likely to be a regular thing. I’ll just drive with Tori like I usually do. But even if we can keep things between us under wraps, it will be harder to hide the fact that you and Tori used to date. Given that, though, it would make sense that we’ve become friends. You reconnected with an old girlfriend, and I’m her roommate. Very easily explainable as a friendship thing.”

“I suppose that works for now. What about when we go out though? You said there’s several other teachers that you usually hang out with outside of work. What happens if we go out to a bar or a club or whatever? Do we pretend there’s nothing going on then too? What if one of the others isn’t as interested in being circumspect and wants to dance with me or something?”

She frowned. “I guess I hadn’t really thought about that. I’ll have to think about it more and talk to Tori, but it’s probably fine. I trust those girls to not gossip outside our circle if I ask them not to. As for the other part, do what you want. I’m already kind of sharing you with Tori right now, and it’s not like you’re my boyfriend. We’re not exclusive.” Now it was my turn to frown. “Oh don’t give me that face. I’m not seeing any other guys right now and I’m unlikely to meet someone anytime soon. There’s only one guy I’m currently interested in having in my bed, and he’s driving me in his car right now.”

“All you have to do is ask.”

“I know, but I’m sort of enjoying the anticipation and build up. This morning was a nice preview though. I still think that staying over after dinner on Friday sounds pretty good.”

“By the way, I totally forgot about Meet the Teacher when I asked you and Tori over for dinner Friday night. I’m still happy to have you, but it’s going to be sort of a late meal if we have to wait until we’re done at the school. As of right now I should be done by seven though.”

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