A Great Summer - Cover

A Great Summer

Copyright© 2023 by Nancy Bloom

Chapter 9: Double-header

The bright orange Honda Fit moved silently down the street with the lights off and pulled smoothly into the driveway without a sound. The car door opened and a young woman with dark hair and a slim figure leaned forward and carefully slipped off her shoes, taking them in her hand.

She got out of the car, closed the door quietly behind her, and went around to the back of the house, looking around furtively as she walked. She arrived and carefully slid a key into the back door which she pulled open carefully and quietly.

Once inside the kitchen she made her way to the refrigerator, opened the door, the light from inside illuminating her face. She wore a big smile and her cheeks seemed to almost glow as she stood in front of the cool air for long seconds, lost in thought. A slight noise caught her attention and she quickly shut the refrigerator enough to turn off the light but not all the way.

The basement door opened slightly and the girl ducked so the large center island mostly blocked her from view although she peered out around the side. She expected to see her brother emerge, although why he’d be up so late when he had baseball practice in the morning, she couldn’t quite fathom.

Instead, a woman emerged, wearing a sheer nightgown from which large, upstanding breasts thrust, the nipples distended. The woman looked to the kitchen and to the hallway that led to the stairs going upstairs, and then moved into the hallway. Her feet were bare and she padded along the floor with barely a sound, heading down the hallway and out of sight.

The girl stood, opened the refrigerator again and looked inside. “Yay,” she said spotting the bowl of chopped carrots and celery left, no doubt, by her mother. “Now,” she said taking a crunching bite of a carrot stick and smiling mischievously, “Why is Aunt Lucy sneaking out of the basement half naked? I guess I’m not the only total slut in this family.” With this last thought came the memory Brad on the picnic blanket at the golf course, under the big tree by the eighth tee box, her favorite hole on the course, now for more than one reason. She remembered Brad’s big body, so strong, his thick cock, and yet, afterwards, he had started weeping gently as he expressed his love. She smiled. “I am all that.”

She walked over to the door which her aunt left slightly open and the immediate acrid smell of wet pussy came to her nose. Her little brother apparently did a good job, which did not surprise her after their own lessons. Just the memory of her boyfriend, the sexy image of Aunt Lucy with her ridiculous fake boobs, and the smell sent a wave of arousal through her body. “God, I’m such a tramp,” she whispered to herself popping the last bite of the carrot stick in her mouth and then taking some celery from the bowl.

She paused, debated with herself and finally shrugged her shoulders as she turned to the door which led to the basement rather than to the hallway which led to the stairs and her room. She opened the door and crept quietly down, the soft glow of a light came to her eyes along with the sound of water running.

She arrived in the finished basement and spotted the open bathroom door as the source of both the light and the watery cascade. She walked across the room and over to the bed, its covers thrown on the floor, the sheets crumpled and twisted, the smell of sex very raw, sweaty, hot.

She sat down on the bed, took another bite of celery and rubbed the palm of her hand over one of her small breasts, the sensation of it through her shirt sending a small shudder through her boyish body.

After a while the sound of water stopped and shadows played out against the bathroom door. Eventually a young man with a thick head of hair and a firm young body stepped into the doorway.

“Late night visitors?” said the girl with a grin as she put a carrot stick between her lips.

“Shit!” said the boy with a start, squinting into the darkness. “Nan?”

“Yes, Tommy, it’s your sister, not your aunt.”

“What are you doing?” he said pulling a towel from a rack in the bathroom and wrapping it around his waist.

“That’s what I was going to ask you, I saw Aunt Lucy coming up from down here.”

“What are you doing out so late?” said the boy taking a step toward her. “Don’t you have school tomorrow?”

“Don’t try to change the subject, little bro,” said the girl with a laugh. “Tell me all about Aunt Lucy. Did she come down her to play board games with you?”

Tommy came over and sat down next to her, “Can I have a carrot?”

She nodded and he took one.

“It started the first night after work, I went to her room instead of the basement because I forgot she was coming.” He took a bite of the carrot.

“And?” said Nan with a grin and raised eyebrows.

“She comes down almost every night now.”

“Well, I can’t say I blame you, she’s pretty hot with those giant titties. Makes me look like a little boy.”

“You’re beautiful,” said Tommy, turning to her and bobbing his head up and down.

“Not as beautiful as Sarah though,” said Nan with a shrug.

“No one is as beautiful as Sarah,” said Tommy with a smile as he thought about his sister’s best friend. “But you’re very pretty. Brad thinks so too. He’s crazy about you.”

“I know,” said Nan with a smile and the memory of their sex, his big, hard body, his wonderful cock immediately sending a wave of sexual excitement through her.

Tommy looked at her and bit his lip.

“What?” asked Nan.

“He told me he’d marry you.”

“He said that?” asked Nan running her fingers through her hair.

Tommy nodded, “He said that no one ever got under his skin like you, that you drive him crazy.”

Nan smiled again, “I do have that effect on men. So, you think I’m prettier than Aunt Lucy?”

Tommy’s nostrils flared and he nodded his head, “Much.”

Nan ran her fingers along his chest, he was getting so muscular from all the landscaping combined with his baseball workouts.

“Oh, Nan,” he gasped and suddenly they were kissing, his lips searching for hers but then roaming, finding her chin, her neck, then up to her lips again with gentle persistence. Then he kissed her nose, her eyelids, her forehead, and back to her lips for more again. “Nan, Nan,” his breath coming in pants now.

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