The Secret of Bishojan Women - Cover

The Secret of Bishojan Women

Copyright© 2023 by Kin Asdi

Chapter 5

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Paul’s complete savings were spent on a ticket for a vacation on Bishojo, a beautiful planet, solely inhabited with amazingly stunning women. Unexpectedly his fancy holiday turned into an exciting adventure and it made him miss his favorite Halloween party. But who cares being surrounded with hot chicks?

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Massage   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

I couldn’t believe my eyes when we walked into our designated guest room. The large windows gave an un-bridled view of the valley which was partly blocked by the clouds. There was a king-size bed that was cleverly positioned to have an amazing view of the sky. I liked the minimalistic approach; only the necessary furniture was there, no other knickknacks cluttered the room. Cirin’s hands roamed over my chest as she pulled her body against my back she whispered in my ear, “Merilissel is beautiful, isn’t she?”

I coughed, because I needed more time to formulate my answer.

“You know,” she continued, “she has been with a fellow Earthling. That’s why you’re so attracted to her.”

I turned around because I wanted to see her face and I was completely taken aback by her sincere expression, wondering why she wasn’t bothered by it.

Cirin briefly pressed her lips on my cheek. “Haven’t you wondered why she didn’t introduce herself to you?”

I thought back to what had happened, and it did occur to me she hardly interacted with me other than the moments she had no other choice than to do so. “Is it because she has a baby?”

“Yes,” she said as she started to undress, “come, let’s have a quick wash.”

We stood under the large showerhead, enjoying the warm water cascading down our bodies. As I massaged Cirin’s calves she suddenly said, “Bishojan women simply won’t have other children if they have a child under the age of the pituitary shift.”

“Okay, sounds logical but when do they change back to a Neutaria?”

“It differs,” she said as she started to wash my back, “but most of the time the change happens when the child is not depending on her mother anymore.”

Her nimble fingers moved to my stomach, slowly going down searching for my cock. The feather light touches of her fingers caused it rapidly to grow full mast. I couldn’t help myself remembering Merilissel’s delicious breasts and their protruding nipples. I truly would’ve liked to touch her firm bottom when she was pushing the heavy shutters. Cirin started to rock her hips, pushing mine forward. I closed my eyes and let my fantasy go wild, imagining I’m plunging my rock hard girth in Merilissel’s wet pussy. It didn’t take long to reach the point of no return. I loved the way Cirin kept stroking my pulsing member, coaxing every last drop of semen out of me. I sighed deeply as I felt the urge slowly ebb away.

Still, I had great trouble dealing with it all, as if there was something in the air which made me feel so incredibly horny.

She giggled. “Poor you. All that delicious woman flesh around you, only to look at.”

“Cirin!” I moaned, “stop it.”

“Bear in mind, Paul,” she whispered in my ear, “Merilissel is totally focused on her baby and simply forgets to dress properly.”

That remark was like a bucket of ice water dumped on me, realizing it probably wouldn’t have bothered any of the other women, who were living at the Dragan, either. It made me suddenly wary because I probably was the only man in the monastery.

It was quite a remarkable walk from our guest room towards the living area of the Matriarch. I had hoped to meet a few more Bishojan women but I had no luck. I had the scare of my life when we turned into a corridor. There was a Talian guard standing next to an ornate double door. His pristine white suit made his tanned skin look even darker.

His posture changed as soon as he saw me. His hand hovered above his holster as he said with his rumbling voice, “Who are you?”

Cirin walked straight to him and said with a soothing voice, “We are good people. I’m Cirin and he is Paul. The Matriarch is expecting us.”

He nodded respectfully as he responded, “Ciriii. All good.”

Cirin briefly rested her hand on the guard’s massive arm. “Thank you.”

I had watched the scene from a safe distance as I didn’t want to cause any trouble. I was completely surprised how Cirin had wrapped the Talian around her little finger. It was obvious the guard respected Cirin as if she was special. It was quite comical how the giant fiddled with the handle to open the door for her.

She turned to me. “Are you coming?”

With a few big steps I stood next to my sweet tour guide and as we walked towards the door I briefly nodded to the guard, acknowledging him. He growled softly as he nodded as well. I was not sure if it was a good sign, but I was a lot happier the moment the door had closed behind us.

“What did you do?” asked Cirin with a hushed voice.

Nonchalantly I shrugged my shoulders as I said, “I nodded to him.”

“You have some steel nerves,” she said in awe. “They don’t like males that much.”

“I guess it’s because I’m with you. Seems he really likes you a lot.”

“Cirincendil!” a rich, mature voice boomed through the corridor, “what took you so long?”

I had to look twice before I could believe my eyes. A very old lady, dressed in a ruby red gown, stood hunched in a door opening, watching us with fiery eyes. Time hadn’t been friendly to her as she rested her hands on a wooden stick, to support her bent back. Her face was wrinkled, and her mouth was pressed in a thin line, expressing her impatience.

“Matriarch,” said Cirin meekly, “my sincere apologies.”

She harrumphed. “And why have you dragged this Earthling all the way to here?”

I took a breath to answer that question but Cirin squeezed my hand as she responded, “Paul would like to see the brewery.”

It was quite disconcerting to be scrutinized by her. Her black eyes seemed to pierce straight through me as she looked at me. “Is that so, young man?”

“I would, Matriarch. May I express my gratitude for your hospitality? The guest room is absolutely fabulous.”

Her bellowing laugh showed her yellowed teeth. “I like him, Cirincendil. He will be a fine specimen to enrich the Bishojan gene pool. Now, come, you both.”

She turned abruptly; her long gray tresses of hair followed like a thin curtain behind her. Her voice echoed as she continued, “Cirincendil needs to have a proper meal; her change is impending.”

I was impressed by the Matriarch walking speed. Her cane was hitting the wooden floor with a loud thump every step she took, and it didn’t take us long to reach the enormous dining room. I was not prepared for the scenery which unfolded right in front of my eyes.

In the room where several long tables which were occupied with Bishojan women and their daughters. As one they all stood abruptly and a chorus of a rich variety of voices chanted, “Welcome Matriarch.”

The old woman grumbled something inaudible and as she hobbled towards the empty table she said, “Calaerthel, Rivaltnith, don’t let your mother wait any longer.”

Two young girls squealed softly as they ran towards Cirin, who had her arms wide to catch them in her embrace.

I was listening to the soft snoring of Cirin while I admired the many stars in the black sky. There were some purple flares of the nebula visible that made the view even more spectacular. It had been an emotional evening for Cirin to see her daughters again. Cala, the youngest one, was a funny, witty little girl who quickly made friends with me. Her playful brown eyes made her a sweet girl and within minutes she sat on my lap, stealing food from my plate. The older one, Riva, was a lot more reserved and had eyes only for her mother. She was close to the change from being a teenaged girl to a grown-up woman. Her dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes made her look amazing, but it was clear she was still a girl at heart. Riva was the one who had shed tears when the two were sent back to their rooms. Cirin clearly had trouble seeing her eldest daughter cry. Later when we were back in the guest room, I hugged her tenderly until she fell asleep.

Now I was still awake, wondering what Cirin was expecting from me. She was on the verge of change, to be with me and presumably to get pregnant. The idea was exciting yet strange, knowing my future daughter would live a life as a Neutaria.

I heard a soft noise coming from the room’s door. My heart was in my mouth when I saw it slowly opening, wondering who the hell was about to sneak in. I let a sigh of relief as soon as I recognized the two trespassers: naughty Cala and nervous Riva.

“Hey you two,” I whispered as they slowly tiptoed towards the bed.

Cala boldly climbed on the bed and said softly, “We want to be with you and mom.”

“Okay,” I replied, “try not to wake up your mom.”

Without saying a word Riva walked to Cirin’s side of the bed and snuggled up to her mother. Cirin woke up but as soon as she realized her daughter was next to her, she protectively wrapped an arm around her daughter and kissed her on the shoulder.

Meanwhile Cala had crawled in bed between me and Cirin and moved her back against me. A smile crept onto my face, knowing she had convinced her sibling to pay us a visit. I turned towards her, my chest against her small body.

“Paul?” She whispered.

“Yes, Cala?”

“Thank you for not getting angry.”

I moved a few strands of her hair out of my face as I said, “No problem. Go to sleep sweetheart.”

She yawned. “Night Paul,” she murmured softly.

“Night Cala.”

“Your face is prickly,” a perky voice sounded next to my ear, “why is that?”

It took me a few moments before I fully understood what I’d heard. A finger was prodding at my cheek just as my eyes were focusing, I saw the ever so cute Cala staring at me. She had her chin rested on one hand while the other was exploring my face. I cleared my throat, realizing it was still very early in the morning.

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