Farm - Cover


Copyright© 2002 by Naive

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Alan had the weekend of his life planned, but being forced to stay on his Aunt's farm wasn't it. Though, things take a turn for the unknown.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Reluctant   Incest   Niece   Aunt   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation  

I'm not sure what I was thinking when Cindy came in. I'm not sure if I was thinking at all. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes since Amy left. But lying there tied to the table made it seem like forever. And, no matter what I thought of my cock wouldn't go down. It just sat there throbbing. Taunting me. Like it had a mind of its own.

"Amy," Cindy stood there staring at my throbbing member, "I thought you said he already came."

"He did." Amy stood there a second with a puzzled look on her face. "I guess I should ask Mom what's up."

Cindy walked over to me her hands slowly creeping up my legs. Her fingertips, little electrodes sending shivers up my spine. Everything was so intense, every touch, every sound: my mind was in overdrive. I wanted to feel everything - to be everything. Painstakingly her fingers moved towards my cock. Lightly she flicked it with her finger, making it throb even more, to her fascination. I could hear Amy and Julie coming into the room, but Cindy was oblivious. All her attention was on my throbbing, waving member. Every flick came with a slick sticky sounding thwack, from the slow leak of my fluids trickling down my scrotum and onto her amused finger.

Julie came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. Cindy stopped, looking a little embarrassed, but Julie just smiled and moved to her side. Taking a finger, Julie wiped some of the cum off my chest and looked at it. "Yep, he came all right." Smiling down at me she put her finger into her waiting mouth and sucked it clean. I was shocked. I couldn't believe she just did that. I mean I'm her nephew, but that didn't seem to bother her in the least. "So, I see that you're enjoying yourself."

"I..." stuttering I tried to think of something to say, but what could I say. I mean her daughter, my cousin, had just gotten me off in less than ten minutes. My resolve and self-control were definitely in question now. How could I face them if I didn't put up more of a fight than I had to this point? It was starting to look bleak for me.

"Don't worry he's fine." Julie stroked my cock a few times. "He's just lucky; he doesn't go down every time he comes. I've seen a few guys like this before, but not many." Julie smiled at me. "It looks like you're going to have to try harder, especially when your body doesn't seem to want to cooperate."

"But, I'm really trying," I sobbed, "I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry honey." Taking a finger Julie brushed back a tuft of my hair. Her eyes seem so kind as they looked into mine. "You're doing fine... You're going to be fine." Taking Amy by the arm she started leading her from the room. "I'll leave the rest to you Cindy." And with that they were gone.

"Well Alan, I guess it's just you and me." Gently she started wrapping her fingers, one by one, around my member. Her soft warm embrace felt like nothing I'd ever felt before. Luckily my cock had stop throbbing, I'd gained that much control at least. My cock seemed to fascinate her as her hand moved in lazy circles around it.

Though I was there in body, my mind was a million miles away. In all my life I'd never expected to be where I was. The feelings. The emotions. It was all so beyond me. But, I could still feel everything, and I knew where I was. I lay their detached, yet totally immersed in the moment. And in that moment I had time to see my tormentor, my goddess. Her eyes intense, yet childlike with curiosity. Moving with the grace of a woman, yet the child within still held - slowly slipping away. Her red locks were caressing her back, as she leaned over me, and in my mind I could still see her there in that pink bra. It was her body that captured my attention; it was my mystery, as mine was hers. Why she found me so fascinating I can't tell you. But her attention was set and locked between my legs, while mine moved carelessly yet diligently over all of her I could see. Watching her face slowly moving closer and closer to my beckoning member, just inches away, something inside beckoned me. Begged me to thrust my cock into her waiting mouth. Yet I couldn't, for as much as I wanted that, I wanted her to take me more: to claim my body, my cock, as hers. Not force her, for I wanted her to force me. Though, in that want I felt wrong. The thoughts were mine, yet weren't.

"Alan," her eyes fell onto mine, "I want you to say that this is mine." Taking her thumb she slowly rubbed some of my pre-cum into and around the head. It was lightning: sensations wracked my whole body. If she had asked me anything I would've given her anything, any answer she wanted. It was like she was reading my mind. The funny thing was it had been so different with Amy, I was able to hold something back which now I couldn't. Cindy had me right where she wanted me, whether she knew it or not.

"It..." My voice hung, dead in my throat. The words were there, but something or somewhere inside I still had a little pride left. Some fight between want and self-respect held my tongue. Looking away I stared at the ceiling trying to think of anything, or anyone to take me away from here. But, tender fingers pride away at those thoughts and dragged me back to there probing request. Cindy gently massaged my sac as her other hand laboriously worked away at my member. In her hands I was putty, clay waiting to take shape.

"Come on Alan," licking her generous lips, "just say it. If you do I'll make this one cum you'll never forget." It was too much. I could feel my will caving. Nothing I could do or say was going to change the fact that in the end she was going to get me to do whatever she wanted. I had no choice, so I gave into fate.

"It... it's yours." My voice cracked. "It's all your Cindy. It belongs to you."

"Good boy!" Cindy beamed at me. "I knew you could do it. But, now that it's mine I'm going to take my sweet time making your cum." The wicked smile that cracked her face destroyed any illusion of innocence she held over me. She knew just what she was doing, and now I belonged to her. Letting out another defeated sigh, I laid my head back waiting for the torture to begin. "Don't worry Alan, I promised to make this memorable and one of the best comes you've ever had - and I will."

"Just do whatever you want, you're going to anyway." Closing my eyes and shaking my head I continued. "It's not like I can stop you."

"Aw, don't be like that Alan." Cindy sped up the pace of her stroking. "I know you like this." Unbidden my body reacted to her movements and pace. I felt like a toy, but I'm not sure I didn't like it. That's what was so confusing. Did I really want to be here? Were these feelings really mine? All I know is at that moment, I wanted nothing, but for Cindy to make me cum. In that there was no turmoil, no question, and I knew soon she would do just that. Though her words struck a cord, she was right, somewhere inside I did like it. It was maddening not knowing how I really felt, or what was going on in my own head.

True to her word Cindy was giving me an experience I wasn't soon to forget. Her hands were mesmerizing, and beyond any expectation. I was hers - mind and body. They were like magic, and soon I was to be the rabbit she pulled from her hat. And, as she moved over me, I knew I was ready to leap out of that hat at any moment. My body tensing over and over: balancing on the edge waiting to explode.

That's when her grip tightened - squeezing me back. The feeling was intense, almost painful. It was like someone pulling the golden ring away just as you reached it. I was devastated, but all I could do was grunt and grown in protest. Never before had I been so close and had it ripped away. This was totally new. After a couple seconds Cindy started up again, just like before. Frustration took on a whole new meaning for me: a wanting that burned a hole so deep inside. Cindy just ignored my pleas and begging. Surprising how little it took to reduce me to begging. Reaching the edge again, I felt a need to let my juices flow more then ever before. That wanting flame had burst from a match to a torch. But again, as I felt that tense wonderful crest coming closer, the evil witch clamped down her claws on my helpless member. 'AAAAHHHHHHhhhhhh... ', I wanted to scream. Clamping my teeth down I fought the pain, but that flame, that burning pit, just grew deeper and stronger.

I'm not sure how many times Cindy brought about my crushing defeat, but inside I was a raging inferno. It was so bad that my body was shaking on it's own. All I could think of was that moment - the moment stolen from me over and over. Cindy was a demon and a goddess. I hated her and loved her at the same time. Nothing was anything - I was Zen with my cock: we were one (at least that's all I could think of). Frustration and denial were everything. So close yet so far. Tears were running down my cheeks here and there - it was that bad. I've never needed something so bad as I needed to cum right then. It was beyond words, just as I was beyond speaking.

"Alan," Cindy waited until I looked up at her, "you're looking a bit rough there, so I'm going to get you off now." Smiling at me she lowered her mouth right next the tip of my cock. Puckering her lips she blew lightly across the top. Fire, lightning, pins and needles it was all of them at once. Dropping my head back I growled like a trapped animal. "Come on Alan. Look right here." Cindy slipped her tongue out of her mouth and wet her lips with just the tip. "I want you to see this." Opening her mouth wide she slowly lowered it over my cock. Her hot breath played around my tender flesh. Tentatively, her tongue touched my member, smooth velvet wrapping and caressing me. Sealing her mouth around me her tongue gently moved and writhed around me. It was heaven. It was Hell. In my ears I heard thunder, the floodgates washed open. A white-hot knife of pain and pleasure drove through my skull as I screamed, 'More! More!' My muscles were tense and shaking as blinding sensation sucked me down into that eternal abyss of darkness.

"Alan, are you alright?" Aunt Julie was sitting beside me looking a bit concerned.

"I just had the strangest dream." Trying to sit up was a bad move. A wave of dizziness washed over me. But, still I had time to notice I was still on the table, naked. Guess it wasn't a dream.

"Just lie still." Julie gently pushed me back flat. "I think Cindy got a little to adventures for your first time. You seem to have passed out." Cindy walked up looking totally relieved that I was awake.

"I thought I killed you there for a second." Even through her smile I could still see the worry.

"I think I'm fine. Just a bit tired."

"Well, I think we'll let you rest for a little bit before we continue." Julie rubbed my chest; it was comforting even if her words weren't. "You just rest for a bit. You're going to be just fine."

"Do we really have to go on?" Sighing I looked into her eyes.

"Why are you giving up?" Julie asked a bit surprised.

"No," shaking my head, "I'm not giving up."

"Good!" Giving me a little wink she and Cindy left me alone.

I'm not sure how long I laid there, but I know I fell asleep. When I woke, I was once again tied down to the table. Samantha was there beside me sitting in one of the chairs reading a magazine. Her long dark hair was tied back and I could see her high cheekbones and beautiful light caramel colored skin. An emerald glint flickered from her eyes as she read.

"Anything interesting?" I asked. She jumped a little and turned to me wearing the most stunning little smile.

"Nothing as interesting as what's coming up." Raising her eyebrows a few times, she broke out into a wonderful smile that only made her seem that much more attractive. Samantha wasn't what I would call my type, but just looking at her stirred a reaction. But, I guess it was too slow for her, because she reached over and started rubbing my cock. Out of all of them I figured her to be the most reserved, but from how she was acting I wasn't so sure.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to go again."

But, Samantha just looked at my raging hard-on and grinned. "Oh, I think your ready." Giving me a wink she started walking away. "But, I'm not yet. Be back in a second handsome." It was weird. That one statement made me feel energized. She thought I was handsome. Weird as it may seem that was the first time a girl about my age has told me that. Lying there, tied to the table again, I couldn't help wonder what they were going to try next. Thinking back to all those stories, I tried to prepare myself for anything. But really, I was sure Samantha wasn't going to do anything to awful. What was I worrying for? At least that's what I thought until she came back in wearing this tight leather outfit and carrying a large bag of toys.

"Don't worry Alan," taking a pair of nipple clamps from her bag, "we're going to have fun." That's when I really started worrying. "Now this might hurt a bit." If there's ever been an understatement - that was it. Maybe my nipples were sensitive or maybe she put them on to tight, but I know they hurt like a bitch. Even though they hurt my body wasn't reacting that way. My dick was stone. Samantha hadn't even laid a finger on it and it was already leaking. Somewhere inside my mind and body weren't clicking. It was like they were on different wavelengths. "I see you like this kind of thing."

"No," I said trying to figure things out myself, "it hurts."

"That's not what your body's saying." Samantha giggled. "You seem to like this more than you think." Taking two of her fingers and running them down the length of my member she pulled them away covered in my sticky pre-cum. Boldly she shoved her fingers into her mouth sucking them clean of my fluids. "Mmm... tasty!" Every second that passed I could see how wrong I was: Samantha only seemed quiet. Really she was probably the wild one. She did look really good in leather though.

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