The Storm - Cover

The Storm

Copyright© 2003 by rlfj

Chapter 43

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 43 - A family finds safety during a blizzard. Over the next few days they discover the exact nature of their rescue, and how it will change their lives.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Swinging   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

The Andrews met the Jensons in the dining room for breakfast. Only John, Malcolm, and Caroline were dressed, though Caroline’s dress consisted of a short denim skirt and a cable knit sweater, with nothing else under them. Anita and the girls were wrapped in silk bathrobes, though Anita’s was long, ankle length. The twins were wearing very short nightie-style robes.

The Andrews had split apart after John had nailed Cory up the butt, to bathe and dress. Unbeknownst to them, Malcolm and Caroline had spent the early morning doing much as they had, with Malcolm waking his wife up by snuggling up against her from the rear. When Caroline had sleepily discovered the erection pressing against her from behind, she had happily murmured her agreement and lifted her leg, allowing Malcolm to fuck her pussy from behind. Afterwards, contentedly snuggling with him, now wide awake, she had reached behind her and fondled her husband back to life. Rolling face down, she had lifted up and pulled a pillow beneath her hips, then spread her asscheeks to allow him to buttfuck her. Caroline was practically glowing with satisfaction when she rolled out of bed.

Malcolm smiled as he and Caroline entered the dining room from the kitchen, greeting the Andrews. “You ladies are looking positively delightful. You slept well? Or should I ask if you didn’t sleep well?” he asked, emphasizing the word sleep.

Laurie and Cory giggled, and Anita blushed. “Are you sure that we aren’t dressed too informally? This seems a bit much...”

“Nonsense. Wear as much or as little as you wish. Beautiful women could never offend me.” Caroline snorted as she sat down at her accustomed place at Malcolm’s side; Malcolm smiled at his wife and lifted her hand to kiss the palm. “Starting, of course, with you, my dear.”

Phoebe must have been listening from the kitchen, because the next thing to occur was that she opened the door and came through with a large platter of pancakes. “Ooh, goody!” exclaimed Laurie. “Come on!” she told her sister, and she and Cory scampered off to the kitchen. They both came out a few moments later with the rest of the fixings, butter, and several types of syrup, while Phoebe followed with a large plate of bacon and sausage.

The girls sat down, and Phoebe returned with a pitcher of orange juice. “There’s apple and tomato juice for anyone who wants it,” she said, then returned to the kitchen. John noticed approvingly that Phoebe was wearing a long terry cloth bathrobe to cook in. He had been curious about what she cooked in since hot grease and raw skin made for a bad combination.

“I love this restaurant!” commented Laurie. “Not only is the food great, but you get to sleep with the chef!”

Everyone laughed at this, though John hung his head. “I think you’ve created a monster,” he said under his breath to Malcolm.

“Don’t worry, the effect will have worn off by the time you get home,” answered Malcolm quietly. Speaking up, he turned to his young guests and asked, “So what are your plans for the day? Anything special in mind? This is your last full day with us, isn’t it?”

“That’s the plan,” agreed John, interjecting himself into the conversation. He turned to his daughters. “You girls need to be getting you suitcases packed. We’re leaving tomorrow morning. Get everything washed and sorted out. You can’t be taking any of Caroline’s fancy clothing back with you and leaving your ratty jeans here.”

Caroline laughed at this, especially when Cory gave a loud ‘Rats!’ comment.

“That’s okay. It’ll just give us an excuse to run around without any clothes on, while we wash everything and pack. Then, tonight, we can have a going away orgy!” John sputtered in protest at this, and it was everyone’s turn to laugh at him.

“You might want to rethink that,” said Tony ominously from the kitchen. “We got us another storm coming in.” He motioned them in through the kitchen door.

John and Malcolm looked at each other curiously and went into the kitchen, as the women started in on their stacks of pancakes. Tony pointed at the small television set on the kitchen counter; he was seated at the kitchen table with his breakfast. The Saturday morning news show out of New York City was just finishing a segment on an upcoming storm, but the information was too little and too late. Tony summarized the story, “According to the news, we’ve got us another big nor’easter coming our way sometime tomorrow, as bad as last week’s.”

“Can you switch it to the Weather Channel?” asked Malcolm.

Tony nodded and picked up the remote. A few seconds later the 24-hour weather news channel was on, and the topic of the hour was the impending winter storm about to hit the Northeast. Several map forecasts were charted, along with state by state and city by city snowfall predictions.

“Shit,” muttered John. “I think this is where we came in! We can’t do this again.”

“Are you thinking of taking off early?” asked Malcolm.

“I don’t think we have any choice, do you?”

Malcolm stared at the screen a bit longer before answering. “I don’t think you do. If you get out of here by this afternoon, you should be able to run ahead of the storm by several hours, and the farther west you go, the weaker it will get. At the minimum, you’ll be able to get a motel room somewhere closer to home and finish your trip in daylight in your home area.”

“Otherwise, we get snowed in another week up here, right? As enjoyable as that might be, I need to be getting back to work, and the girls have school.” John glanced over his shoulder at the dining room door. “Well, let’s get it over with.” He stood and led the way back to the others.

His wife looked up at him. “Problems, dear.”

John shrugged and nodded. “Change in plans, people. We got us another storm coming in, same as last week. We need to be out of here this afternoon.” The twins immediately began protesting, but he held up his hands to stop the clamor. “I can’t help it. We have another storm, same as last week. Do you want to hike through this one, too?” They silenced at this. “I didn’t think so. After breakfast, you need to get packed. Sort out what goes and what stays and what needs to be washed quickly. I want to be on the road by mid-afternoon at the latest. After lunch if possible.” He sat down to eat his own cooling pancakes.

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