Spring Training - Cover

Spring Training

Copyright© 2004 by colt45

Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - The story of a young mother who wants to get in shape for her class reunion. Asking her son for help, she loses a little weight and gains a whole lot of love.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Light Bond   Harem   Oriental Female   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Lactation   Pregnancy  

Kiki had been living with them less than a week when Debbie's big day came. Her water broke on Tuesday morning while the girls were cleaning downstairs. Calling Mark on his cell phone, Kiki told him to meet them at the hospital and four hours latter the Matthews family was increased by one beautiful baby girl, Eve.

Mark had no problem ditching practice. He had already talked to his coach about the upcoming event and other than grumbling about needing to be there to lay the keel but not to launch the ship, he agreed to let Mark go for a couple of days.

It probably helped that the wide-receiver coach had already talked to Coach Baccus about their young phenom. "He already knows more about the defenses in this league than they know themselves. I have never seen anybody soak up scouting reports like he does. He and Marcus seem to know instinctively what the other is thinking and doing. I swear if Marcus had an itch Matthews would be there to scratch it. If it wasn't such a bad precedent I'd just tell him to show up for the games and forget practice."

Debbie's world couldn't have been better. A beautiful baby girl whose father believed the rising and setting of the sun depended on her smiling face. That same father hovered over the new mother like a wolf guarding his last piece of meat and of course so did her wonderful helpmate/companion without whom the daily chores would have been unbearable.

Having a baby can put a bit of a damper on one's sex life but the soreness was fading and soon Debbie knew she would be able to get that monster back in where it belonged. Oral sex was fine and of course Mark was responsible for kissing and licking away as much of the soreness that he could; he said it was a dirty job but someone had to do it. Still, she had become used to sex as a steady diet and the hunger hadn't gone away, just the frequency.

A couple of weeks after the birth Debbie restarted her workout regime. In addition to wanting to lose the flab she gained while pregnant she found she missed the regular exercise and the proud feeling a well-toned body gave her. Although she didn't insist on company, she was pleased when Kiki decided to join her in the daily workouts. Having developed an internal discipline, she never would have believed a workout buddy was really required, but having someone there to share it with did made everything go quicker and much more pleasantly. Besides, there were the massages after the workouts to look forward to. Although they were not the sexually dynamic events one of Mark's massages were, they had a wonderfully sensual and somewhat erotic feel to them, more like a golden glow than a burning flame.

Their exercise program was relatively low impact for the first few weeks, more to tone and return the firmness lost than the high impact calorie-burner she had embarked on over a year ago. Initially she wanted Mark to review and recommend an exercise program but found that Kiki was well versed in training and rehab, another benefit of her TP training. Mark did examine the program and even had one of the team's trainers review it for safety and appropriateness. His candid and highly complimentary appraisal made Kiki's face blush a deep red.

Without overdoing it to the point of being disingenuous, he let her know in no uncertain terms she had done a much better job than he could have and he was confident Debbie was in the hands of a competent professional. This small act of kindness, Mark told Debbie, was the truth and no great importance should be placed on it, seemed to elevate him in Kiki's eyes from head of household deserving of respect to that of minor god. It pleased Debbie that her son could do such a thing without seemingly conscious effort, but it pained her to see just how much support Kiki's self-esteem needed.

One area where Kiki needed no additional image building was in her massages. Her hands were like steel feathers kneading sore muscles and soothing abused joints. Mark's hands were those of a lover; Kiki's were those of a healer. But, Debbie thought, maybe a little more.

Never in her entire life had Debbie really thought of other women in sexual terms. She could appreciate another's beauty and admire a well-formed body but it was always men who pushed her buttons. It was men who could take her, dominate her and give her the burn of sexual desire. Yet ever since the night Kiki was accosted and they had slept together, Debbie was acutely aware of Kiki's body in more than an abstract and platonic manner. While they had not repeated that night together, Debbie remembered the feel of the girl's body next to hers and the soft lips suckling on her breast. The memories of that night always caused her breasts to tighten and nipples to start leaking milk.

It was difficult to deny the interest she felt, especially when they showered together after their workouts. Mark had insisted they replicate as much as possible the gym and shower room from their old house. The shower they installed was even larger than the original with three massaging showerheads and benches along the walls.

After one particularly invigorating workout the girls were both showering, scrubbing the sweat and dirt from their bodies. Debbie kept turning, trying to be discreet, eyeing Kiki as she lathered the soap over her taut form. She was certainly a pleasure to look at. Slim but perfectly formed legs flowing into slightly flared hips, a tiny waist under breasts that were not huge but beautifully formed with nipples like dark erasers jutting out and slightly upturned. Blue-black hair hanging wetly over her shoulder draped down to the middle of her back. Light brown skin, almost a light olive, without a blemish or mark covered the almost hairless body. Her pubic hair was a small downy patch just barely covering the mound of her sex so sparse it wouldn't have been visible if not for its dark color. She looked like a china doll or fashion model.

The motherly feelings she had during the night they spent together were quickly being replaced by a more familiar burning sensation in her groin. For some reason having sexual urges for another woman didn't bother Debbie; that she seemed to have assumed the role of mother in Kiki's eyes and she had these feeling did. Of course, she thought wryly, having motherly feeling didn't stop her from fucking the young stud who just happened to be her son. Grinning to herself she turned back to the shower.

Finishing her shower and shutting off the water she turned toward the towel rack finding that Kiki already had her hair wrapped in one towel and another draped around her body knotted just above her breasts. She held out a towel to Debbie as if to wrap it around her.

"Let me dry you off," she said. With the towel in both hands she began to rub Debbie dry starting at the shoulders and working her way down to the feet.

"T-Thank you, Ki." Debbie's breath felt a little constricted. The gentle ministrations of the soft towel over her body reawakened the burning sensation in her groin. Her breasts constricted and pale drops of milk formed on her nipples. As she stood, Kiki's eyes filled with the sight of these milky-white dew droplets. Her eyes became very round and a soft sigh issued from her mouth. Debbie stood stock-still like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, her breath coming in ragged gasps. As if mesmerized, Kiki's head bent forward, her mouth slowly approaching the leaking teat. Tentatively a small pink tongue jumped from between slightly parted lips lightly touching the engorged nipple and milk began welling from the nipple.

Stifling a groan Kiki's eyes closed and as her tongue retreated, the lips parted wide sucking the entire nipple and areola into her waiting mouth. Her arms went around Debbie pulling her towards the softly sucking girl. One of Debbie's arms snaked around Kiki's shoulders while the other gently cradled the back of her head, holding the nursing woman tightly to her breast. Debbie felt the milk within her release and gush out into the waiting mouth, the arm around Kiki's back explored the slim body to the extent it was able. Debbie began cooing to the trembling woman.

Suddenly Kiki's eyes fluttered open and her head snapped back releasing the nipple. A look of shear panic crossed the elfin face and she tried to draw away. Smiling Debbie held the girl by slipping her arm down to Kiki's waist and with the hand still holding Kiki's head guided her to her mouth. A gentle kiss soon turned passionate with Debbie's tongue lashing out from open lips slashing into the girls accepting orifice. Their tongues met and very soon Debbie's ardent embrace was being returned. Lips locked, Debbie dropped her arm from around the slim waist, snaking it between them she began to undo the knot holding the towel in place. As the knot came free Debbie gently pulled the intervening cloth out from between them and dropped in to the floor. Her arm shot back around the younger woman harshly pulling them together grinding naked flesh against naked flesh. Kiki's hands dropped from Debbie's back and grabbed her soft pale ass in a death grip pulling their hips together grinding pubic mound into pubic mound.

Debbie's entire body was trembling with excitement. Her hands roamed over the slim body pressed tightly against her, the milk gushing from her teats making their bodies slippery as they moved against one another. Breaking their clinch but keeping her arm tightly around the slim waist Debbie led the girl from the shower into the massage room. As if drugged, the younger woman moved with the tall blonde keeping tightly pressed up against her side. Reaching the massage table Debbie gently pushed the trembling woman onto the table and down on her back. Releasing her grip she positioned herself between the outstretched legs and stared down into the inviting vee. Kiki's vagina was plainly visible through the sparse pubic hair. The small pink lips glistened wetly as they pooched out from her mound. Debbie began to kiss and nibble the insides of the thighs moving from the knees to just outside the flower-like lips. Kiki moaned and closed her eyes placing her hands lightly of the sides of Debbie's head neither guiding nor resisting, just resting there.

Debbie began to lightly lick the exposed cunt lips doing exactly what drove her crazy when Mark did it. Kiki shuddered and moaned tossing her head from side to side. Finally Debbie's tongue dipped into the little honey pot tasting the fresh juices waiting there. The taste was exciting, the aroma intoxicating: the unmistakable smell of a woman in heat. Her tongue delved deep into the slit gathering all the juice she could and drawing in into her mouth. When she had cleaned it out enough, her tongue found the tiny nub near the top of the slit and started to lightly caress it. Kiki began to buck wildly on the table, legs closing to hold Debbie's head trapped in their embrace, her entire body went rigid, trembling with the violent climax. After a moment or two her body relaxed and Debbie climbed onto the narrow table, stretched out next to the panting girl and held her tightly.

Kiki's eyes opened and she looked at Debbie with an adoration she had never seen before, unnerving in its intensity. Softly they caressed each other, hands moving over soft skin, tracing hips and bellies, fingers tracing the shape of breasts. Kiki rolled over on top of Debbie pelvis to pelvis and began to gently kiss her. Debbie's hands roamed lightly over the slim body above her.

Breaking the kiss Kiki moved down to the neck kissing and nibbling as she traveled. Down from the neck, around the breasts, kissing and licking the engorged nipples then proceeding across the belly to the navel where her tongue delved into the small indention. Debbie's breathing became fast and shallow, her breath hissing out between clenched teeth. Past the navel to the venus mound teeth gently tugging on the patch of downy pubic hair. Continuing on to where the tongue and lips gently teased and tasted the sweet nectar of Debbie's cunt. Kiki slowly inserted one finger into the wet opening reaming it slowly like a small cock. Debbie's body was set on a hair trigger and when the tiny tongue tentatively pushed into her cleft Debbie's orgasm hit her like a tidal wave. It flashed in her cunt and burned through her entire body. Her mind went blank and her body shuddered. The feeling was incredible.

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