Black Mountain Morality - Cover

Black Mountain Morality

Copyright© 2004 by Erotica Author

Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - This is an ongoing serial depicting life in Black Mountain, Mississippi. It involves all the seven deadly sins. A soap opera centered around the leading citizens of Black Mountain.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Humor   Cheating   Slut Wife   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Black Couple   Black Female   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   Violence  

Portia Handy exploded through the door of her best friend's room. Her parents were not aware of Portia's unsatisfactory conversation with Jason earlier. She had to tell her best friend before she told her parents.

"Amy, I am going to kill that son of a bitch." She threw her violet overnight bag on the bed and turned on Amy. "That motherfucker told me that it was tough shit I was pregnant. Get an abortion he says!"

"When did Jason tell you this?" Amy wasn't shocked at this; she knew Jason's reputation and had never given Portia's attempt at forcing him to do the right thing any hope.

"I stopped at his locker after school to talk to him about our baby." Portia screamed at her friend. "Amy, he told me that he didn't want to see me any more and to just take care of it." She broke down into sobs.

Amy hugged her friend and let her sob, wetting her Avril Levine tee shirt. I'm glad I'm still a virgin. I couldn't stand this. No boy is worth this grief. "Portia, come on. It'll be all right."

Portia pulled back and stared at Amy through tear-stained eyes, "Amy, I hate Jason McKinley. He's a bastard, and I'm going to kill him."

"Come on, Portia, you can't be serious. You would go to jail for like forever."

"Some one has to stop him. I'm like the seventh girl he's gotten pregnant in the last year." She paused, running out of steam, "Amy, I know I can't kill him, but on the way home from school I was thinking that I could cut his balls off."

"Portia! You can't be serious."

"Oh, I am Amy. I'm going to take a pair of garden shears and cut his fucking balls off. I'm going to be the last girl he gets pregnant."

"You can't do this, Portia. You'll get almost as much jail time." She giggled, and went on, "Unless you get a female judge."

"This isn't funny, Amy. You're my best friend; you have to help me."

Amy began to wail. "Portia, my mother would kill me if I cut some boy's balls off."

"Amy, get real, I'm not going to have you cut his balls off, but I need some help."


"Yes, Amy. All the way home I was thinking about how to do this. I thought about all those mystery books I've read, and I asked myself how they would have done it in a book."

"Portia, are you nuts, this guy is a football player! Don't you think he's going to put up a fight if you're trying to cut off his family jewels."

"I figured out how to do it, Amy, so he wouldn't struggle." Portia began to smile for the first time.

This worried Amy. "How?"

"My father carries a tranquilizer gun in the back of his squad car. He's used it to put down dogs. One good shot in the ass and Jason will be out cold. Then I cut his balls off."

"Portia, this is crazy. They'll know who did it. You'll ruin your life."

Portia cackled with laughter, "I'm not going to cut his dick off, though." She moved her face nose to nose with her friend. As she calmly spoke her breath warmed Amy's face. "I want him to look down at his useless dick every time he goes to piss. I want him to think about Portia Handy, a girl who put a stop to his fucking young girls and leaving them pregnant."

Amy trembled, "God, Portia, you're serious. Are you really going to do this? And when?"

Portia beamed at her. "You bet, honey. I am going to turn this rooster into a pullet, and I'm going to do it after the game on Friday. He always has a party at his parent's lake house. It's about ten miles out of town on Lake Lily. It's always a wild party with lots of beer his parents supply. They skinny dip in the lake and have sex every where."

Amy is shocked. "How do you know this?"

"It was at one of those parties. Jason took me down to the beach and fucked me."

"How did you get to one of the parties?"

"Bill Martin."

"Your neighbor? He's like twenty-one!"

"I was sunning myself one day in the back yard, and he talked to me over the fence. He invited me, so I went."

"What did you tell your mother?"

"I called Angie and got her to cover for me."

"Why her?"

"Her parents were out late and I didn't have to worry about my Mom calling and talking to her parents."

"So what happened at the party?" Amy was drawn in by Portia's intensity.

"Bill was a jerk and got drunk almost immediately. He kept pawing me and kept trying to kiss me. He had really bad breath. He finally got pissed at me and wandered off."

"How did you get home?"

"Amy, two minutes after he walked off, Jason sits down and starts to talk to me. He told me he hadn't seen me around and got me another beer."

"How many beers did you have?"

"That was my fourth." She giggled as she recalled the handsome senior paying attention to her. "I was feeling good. Jason chatted with me, and when he put his arm around me I snuggled in."

Portia paused and a dreamy look came into her eyes, "Then he kissed me. Amy, his lips were so soft. I kissed him back and soon we were sucking face."

"Shit. That sounds hot."

"Oh, Amy it was. He pulled me onto his lap, and we kept making out." Portia leaned in close to Amy's ear, and whispered, "I could feel his hard dick under me."

"Oh, God." Her story was turning on Amy.

Her lips almost touched Amy's ears, "He was huge!"

"Oh, god, Portia. What did he do next?"

"He asked me if I wanted to go swimming."

"Did you have a suit?" Amy knew she didn't, but didn't want to make her friend sound like a slut.

"No, he said no one ever used a suit at one of his parties, everyone went skinny dipping."

"Portia! Have you ever been skinny dipping?" Amy certainly never had.

"No, no boy had ever seen me naked before, but, Amy, this was Jason McKinley asking me to take my clothes off. We were down to the beach and I was naked in a minute. I saw that there were three other couples in the water and one on the beach having sex."

"Who?" Amy was looking for some juicy gossip.

"I couldn't see, the guy's back was to me, and he was fucking this girl doggy style so I couldn't see her face."

"God, Portia, was that hot being naked and watching a couple fuck?"

"Yes, I was kissing Jason in the water and watched them over his shoulder. You know, Amy, I think maybe Jason arranged us so I could watch and have it get me hot."

"So what happened then?"

"We got out of the water and lay down on a towel. We started making out and before I knew it I was on my back and he was licking my pussy."

Amy cried, "Oh, Portia, I fantasize about a boy licking me all the time. It's my favorite fantasy. When I... ?" Amy lied to Portia, it wasn't a boy she imaging licking her.

Portia grinned at her friend, "What? When you what?"

Amy blushed, "When I get off, you shit." She laughed at her admission.

Portia got sidetracked from her story, and leaned close to Amy's ear, "How often do you get off?"

"Some." Amy was embarrassed.

"How often? Twice a week?"

Amy hesitated.

"More than twice a week?"

Amy nodded slightly.

"More than four times a week?" Portia's warm breath was causing Amy's breath to quicken.

She nodded again.

"God, Amy, once a day?"

Amy whispered in Portia's ear, "Everyday."

Portia's breath brushed Amy's ear, "Me too."


Portia almost silently said, "Yes, I have to everyday. Usually before I go to bed."

Amy's words rustled softly, "Me, too. I like to do it before I go to sleep."

"Amy, I don't think I can wait until we go do bed." Portia was dripping.

"I don't either, Portia." Amy's panties were wet and her nipples ached.

"Do you think it would be too weird if we did it together?" Portia was on fire. Her recollection of Jason's long cock plunging into her for the first time was causing her pussy to become ready for another hard fucking.

Amy hesitated and then pulled off her tee shirt, exposing her pink bra holding up her small tits. Portia quickly followed and was wearing a white sports bra over her larger breasts. The nipples made small bumps in the cups.

Amy pushed down her shorts and Portia saw her small matching bikini panties. Portia lay back on the bed and removed her running shorts. Amy saw Portia was wearing full white panties.

She rubbed the front of her panties and said to Amy, "My mom only lets me wear these. She said that if I want 'bad girl' panties I will have to buy them myself."

"Portia, I am so hot." She stroked the front of her panties until the pink became dark with the saturation of her moisture. "You're so pretty, Portia."

"Amy, you are too." She slipped her hand down the front of her white undies to find her wet pussy. "I need to cum, Amy."

"Me, too." Amy's hand was now inside her panties also. "Move over and let me lay down next to you." She lay down beside Portia and stripped of her panties and tossed them on the floor. Portia's landed on top of hers.

Amy spread her legs and threw one over Portia's so they touched physically, warm flesh to warm flesh. Both girls began to masturbate.

"Amy, what are you thinking about?" Portia slipped one finger inside and felt how wet she was.

Her friend didn't respond right away, but worked her pussy rapidly. She finally turned to Portia and said, "You."

"Me? You think about me when you get off?"

"Yes, I do. Portia you're the most beautiful girl I know."

Portia turned on her side facing Amy, "Really? That's so sweet." She watched Amy growing more aroused. "I think of you sometimes too." Her fingers were floating in a lake of pussy juice.

Amy's eyes stare into Portia's, "Oh, Portia, I love you."

Portia leaned into Amy and just before their lips touched said, "I love you too." She pressed her lips softly into Amy's and opened her mouth. Amy's opened hers so they could kiss each other as they had only kissed boys before.

Portia's hands came off her pussy and she took Amy in her arms and the girls began making out. Amy gave up her pussy to embrace Portia. Hands found backs, asses, breasts, and finally pussies.

They each noted the moisture in the other's pussy. Fingers found clits and made familiar motions on them. The girl's lips never separated until their orgasms made them cry out.

"Portia, I'm cumming... yes, rub me... make me cum... it's so good."

"I know Amy... I'm cumming too... your fingers are so hot... rub my clit, baby... make me cum too... yes, I'm cumming... it's so fucking hot."

The young girls merged together. They were for a brief moment inseparable. Their bodies, bathed in a soft sheen of sweat, had no border.

After a few minutes Portia kissed Amy again. "That was incredible, Amy. You made me cum so hard."

"Oh, Portia, it was. I've never cum like that." Her breathing had returned to normal as she said, "Can we do this again, when we go to bed? I hope we didn't make too much noise."

"I want to do it again, Amy, over and over. I love you."

Amy snuggled in and shivered before she asked Portia, "What is it you want me to do to help you cut Jason's balls off?"

The Chief stopped at Jones' desk outside the lock up. "I need your keys. I want to talk to the reporter in the lock up."

"What reporter, Chief? All we got is the high school girl you had Nick arrest."

The Chief's blood thickened, "That little girl, Jones, is a reporter for the Citizen."

"Nick didn't say anything about her being a reporter." Goose bumps arose on Jones as she thought about reading the paper tomorrow. No one in her family knew of her love of sweet young girls, especially white girls, and now it might be front-page news tomorrow.

"Fuck, I must have forgot to tell him when I had her brought it. Who has she talked to?" One more thing to cap a crappy day, the Chief thought.

"I put her in with the two hookers Nick arrested at the Ramada. I searched her and handled the booking, so I think that's it."

"Well, that can't be too bad. Give me the keys, I want to talk to her."

Jones produced the keys. Her hand was shaking as she passed them over to the Chief. He looked at her oddly, but had enough on his mind to worry about Jones' problems.

Wendy was napping on the bench, she was still alone, and the rattle of the keys in the lock woke her. The Chief walked across the hall and picked up the folding chair leaning against the wall. He carried it inside and sat down.

"You okay?"

Wendy resisted temptation and replied, "Yeah."

"Listen, I want to apologize for earlier. I had a fucking bad day and took it out on you."

"Oh, yeah?" An apology caught her attention.

"Yeah, I sometimes think I'm getting too old for this. I've got a daughter that just told me she's pregnant by a fellow who doesn't give a shit about her. I've got a drug case that may involve a couple of the leading citizens of Black Mountain trying to set up an innocent kid and then accidentally trapping the daughter of the richest man in town. Listen, Ms. Walker, I am here to apologize and drop the charges."

Wendy was sitting up now not believing what she was hearing. The Chief was offering an apology and a tip. In her worldview cops don't apologize. She softened her tone and replied, "It's alright, Chief, we all have a bad day now and again. So you know Horner was set up?" But he said by two of the leading citizens. If I'm right about the coach then who else is involved?

Hardy looked over the small woman who so irritated him earlier. She seemed softer now, maybe not so unreasonable. "Ms. Walker, I'm going to tell you a story, but you have to give me your word that you won't quote me. You'll have to say, 'police sources' or 'city officials, ' got it?"

Wendy didn't hesitate, "Sure, Chief, no names."

Hardy told Wendy the whole story, everything he knew. Wendy was surprised that she had guessed correctly about the Coach. She didn't know about Gardner and his role in getting the Coach to plant the drugs.

"Why would they set up this kid, Sean Avery?"

"I don't know for sure, but I've got a guess."


"I think they were throwing me a bone. An easy, high visibility arrest in exchange for laying off Jason McKinley."


"You sure are new here. McKinley is the greatest football player to grow up here in fifty years. He's also got the biggest set of balls. He's gotten seven or eight girls pregnant at the high school in the past year. My daughter was one of them. I was going to make him pay for it in a way only a chief of police can. I think Gardner and the Coach were trying to give me a big arrest in exchange for laying off their star player."

"No, shit!" Wendy was getting drawn into the story.

"Yeah, that's went things went wrong, and the janitor moved the pot to Horner's locker."

"Why not arrest Lombardo?"

"Football is too big here for that, especially winning coaches. If the Coach was five and five last year he'd be where you are right now, but he's got four straight state titles, and so I can't touch him."

"That's some story, Chief. What do you want for it?"

He laughed for the first time. "You are quite the little reporter. I want you to forget anything that happened between you and me. The arrest, your time here, how you got treated, erase all that from your mind. It didn't happen. In return you get this story and maybe more down the road."


"You're free to go. Let's go up front and get your things."

"Great, I've got to get to the paper."

Clarisse Gardner was President of the Black Mountain Society Club. Not bad for the wife of the high school principal. Most of the previous presidents had been the wives of the more wealthy businessmen in town. It was the job of the Society Club to prepare young women for their entry into the upper reaches of Black Mountain society. The Club was started in the twenties and the women who learned the ways of the world at the club sent their daughters when they turned sixteen. Sometimes members would invite girls whose mothers weren't members, but the young lady had to be quite special to earn this privilege.

The members of the club taught the young women, how to dress, behave, and converse in the highest circles of society. Each member was matched with a young lady to personally supervise her entry into society.

Clarisse had taken Anna Freeberg, the club's first Jewish member, as a protégée. Anna was one of those girls whose mother hadn't been a member, but Clarisse had been taken with her when she saw her at a department store where Anna's mother was buying her some school clothes. The girl was gorgeous and Clarisse was taken by her modest figure and bright smile. She had approached her mother and invited them to lunch where she made the offer to her daughter to become the first Jewish member in the club. Jews weren't banned, but no one had ever asked one before, because there just weren't many living in Black Mountain, Mississippi.

The acceptance of a girl whose mother had never been a member required careful handling for the mother wouldn't know what else went with the manners lessons. The adult members of the Black Mountain social club also instructed the young girls in the art of lesbian sex. The mothers who had been members, of course, knew this. They had been through the training as girls, but new members had to be handled carefully, lest an un-indoctrinated mother learn of the special lessons each girl received.

Clarisse and Anna had been shopping the entire afternoon, doing serious damage to her father's credit card. Clarisse's position as wife to the principal made it easy to pull the young woman out of class to go shopping. Anna's father was a vice-president at the Black Mountain State Bank and could afford to have his daughter outfitted as she should be, and her mother had told her father that the bills would be large. Boxes littered Clarisse's bedroom as they tried on their purchases.

"We're going to have so much fun this Saturday, Anna. A day at the spa is one of the wonders of life."

"What do we do?"

"Oh, honey, everything, facials, massages, hot tubs, and being pampered like women should."

"It sounds like a lot of fun. I've never been to any thing like that."

"It's a real bonding experience, honey. You'll get to know the other girls and their mentors. It's our get acquainted getaway at the start of the school year."

"It sounds exciting. What should I wear?"

Clarisse smiled to herself, "Oh, just something casual." She didn't tell Anna that when the group arrived at the spa they shed their clothes and spent the day naked. This shopping trip and their private time spent trying on the clothes would determine if Anna actually went on the trip to the spa. Her participation would depend on her reaction to Clarisse's introductory lesson in love.

"Get undressed, honey, and let's try on some of our new things."

Anna pulled off her dress and was slightly embarrassed at being in her bra and panties before Clarisse, who never hesitated in stripping off her dress and to stand before Anna in only a thong.

Anna's hand went to her mouth, as she gasped, "Oh, my," at the sight of Clarisse's bare ass and breasts.

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