Scrabble With A Twist - Cover

Scrabble With A Twist

by Naughtinicki

Copyright© 2005 by Naughtinicki

Erotica Sex Story: The Master has a date with his slave and her friend, with the intention of introducing them into a bit of ff play. The evenings events are hijacked by the girls, but it is not long before the Master once more regains full control and has them where He wants them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Anal Sex   Fisting   Sex Toys   .

Chapter 1

The evening started with Mary and Anna waiting for Mary's Master, Michael, to arrive. They were both very nervous; they both knew that tonight something was going to happen that they were both unsure of. To this end they had devised between them a way to break the ice and also throw a slight monkey into the works.

Anna had turned up along time before she was supposed to have and so they had opened a bottle of wine to steady their nerves, little did Michael know that it was in fact alcohol free, just in a different bottle! They set the scene, getting the room ready, and lights turned down low, scented candles, each dressed as Michael had instructed them. The toys were out as per his instructions in the other room. The furniture moved around and the game set out all ready for Michael's arrival.

Michael knocked on the door, surprised to find it locked to him, not a normal thing and waited for Mary to open the door, all the time listening to the sound of giggling, coming from the other side of the door. The hairs on the back of his neck rose as he realised that maybe these two minxes' had been up to something he was not privy to.

As he entered he could see that the door to Mary's living room was shut and Anna and Mary were kneeling on the floor in the hall. Michael slowly entered and was customary, before anything else, placed both their collars on.

Anna looked up to him with very nervous eyes and requested, "Can we play a game or two to break the ice before we start to 'play' please?" and it was evident to Michael that she really was nervous. He hesitated but in the end agreed. He saw the sparkle in Mary's eyes as she tried to keep a straight face, and asks if they can lead the way for him. Michael nodded very dubiously, really worried now what these two had up their sleeve. Anna and Mary then led him by a hand each, into the sitting room, and before him laid... SCRABBLE!

The two of them could not keep their faces straight as they led him to the prepared chairs, not surprisingly Michael found himself between Anna and Mary and his 1st letters were laid out already for him, as are theirs he notices. MMMMMMM is all that is heard from his lips, as Anna says, "You go 1st Sir," its very obvious to Michael now that he has been ambushed, but how to get this from what they want to where he wants, is as yet not evident to him, and so he decides for the moment to play along.

The letters before him are not very subtle and so he lays the first word... M... A... S... T... E... R, and whilst looking into Mary's eyes he says, " And I think that this may have been lost of you young lady, but before the nights out, you will wish you hadn't." Anna and Mary share a giggle and Mary uses the S of her Masters word to lay... S... U... B... M... I... T.

Michael reaches into the bag to get his new letters to find that only the right numbers of letters are in the bag for him to take and is not surprised when he sees that there is a ready word staring him in the face. At the same time he notices that Mary takes her letters from a bag between her legs. The thoughts are running through his head like crazy and the girls are finding it extremely difficult to keep a straight face now. Before Anna has a chance to lay her word Michael utters to them both " Be very careful where you take this girls, this game is going to come back and bite you in the arse VERY soon!"

Anna uses the S of submit to lay the word... M... E... A... N... Y, and cannot keep a straight face as Michael replies " Oh its going to be like that is it!" Anna and Mary exchange glances and in unison reply " Yes Master, Yes Sir."

And of course he now has the N for his word... and smiles... once more he has been caught out and so lays the word he knows they want him to lay! N... I... P... P... L... E.

"Oh Sir" replies Anna " One track mind I see" and both of the girls crease up in laughter as Michael is left to wonder just what else these two have in mind for him. Time to take this back he thinks and so says to them both " ok, now that you two can read, I want to see both of your pairs of this word. Tops off, NOW!"

Anna and Mary look at each other and so do as they are told and remove their tops (their bra's were never there as per instruction). Anna and Mary smile and so the next to lay her word, Mary lays down a word off her Masters P, that of... P... E... R... V... E... R... T, which brings the girls to laughter as after his last act of Dominance its seems soooooo apt!

But before Anna can lay her word, Michael rises and taking letters from whosever's tray he can and lays down his word, saying as he does so, " Right girls bend over, this is what's going to happen now and using the M of meany, lays the word... S... M... A... C... K!

With this they both jump up and before they can escape he traps them both in the front room by standing in front of the door and very calmly says to them both, " This game is over now girls... so turn, bend and I will play my kind of scrabble of your butts!"

Chapter 2

"Lets see now, my first word was Master and W/we all 3 know that since I walked in this evening neither of you have taken heed of this matter and so now I am going to Reinforce it... MY WAY!"

"So Mary you are to bend forward so that you are in front of Anna. You Anna are to kneel in front of her and hold her hands. If Mary moves or gets up I will add strokes to your punishment. By holding her hands you will hopefully help her to stay down."

"Mary, after each stroke I want you to look Anna in the eye, kiss her, on the lips mind, and state the number of the stroke and thank her, EACH TIME! Do you both understand me?"

"Yes Master, Yes Sir," the two girls answered in unison.

"Ok then, W/we will begin. Mary you will strip completely and Anna you know what to do."

Both girls looked at each other sheepishly. The Master was back in control now and both were not too sure just how much trouble their little game had got them into.

Anna knelt on the floor, very much glad she wasn't going first and also glad that she was at least still half dressed, but guessed very shortly that the roles would be reversed and soon she would be bent naked herself, and oh my god Mary and her were about to kiss for the first time!

Mary removed the last of her clothes and was very aware that she was naked in front of the other two and slowly bent so that she could hold Anna hands, nervously she smiled at her as they grasped each other and waited for her Master to start.

They didn't have long to wait; Michael was stood to the right of Mary and with no hesitation at all smacked Mary's left check VERY HARD.

God that hurt, no gently spanks. This was the thought that ran through Mary's head, and before she forgot Mary looked Anna in the eye, slowly leaned forward and very hesitantly kissed her softly on the lips, and said with a very unstable voice " One, Thank You Anna."

"I only just heard that young lady, next time do it quicker, as I have no wish to take all evening doing this and I want you to say it loud enough so that W/we can all hear." Barked Michael.

"Slap" down came another really hard hand onto Mary's left cheek. This time Mary was quicker to lean forward and kiss Anna and utter the phrase she needed to say.

This went on until after the 6th slap Mary was really grasping Anna hands as the hard spanks she had received shook her to the core. It had been a very long time since her master had slapped her so hard and in this position.

"Do you think she has had enough Anna?" Michael asked her. Anna looked at Mary and when Mary winked back at her, quickly replied " No Sir, I don't." This brought a quick gasp from Mary and when she tried to pull away was shocked to find that Anna was ensuring that she couldn't get up.

Anna smiled at Mary and said " Well you haven't have you?"

"No," replied Mary quietly " But you weren't supposed to tell him. Its your turn!" and with that she stuck her tongue out at Anna.

"Well then Mary you really will have a reason to thank Anna then for these next ones" and with that withdrew his belt from his trousers.

"Oh no" gasped Mary as she realised that the hand was now going to be replaced by the belt and she grasped Anna hands all the more harder.

"Same again Mary, but instead of counting numbers you will spell out just who I am. Is that clear" instructed Michael, and Mary replied with a quick nod and a very plaintive " Yes Master."

" And Anna remember if she gets up, the extra strokes will be added onto yours" this made Michael laugh and made Anna look at Mary and mutter " Don't you dare!" Mary smiled back mischievously and said just loud enough for Anna ears " just you stop me!"

It wasn't long before the 1st belt stroke landed. And God did it hurt. When Mary pulled against Anna hands it wasn't in jest but for real. Mary leaned forward and kissed Anna, surprised that this time Anna also leaned forward to receive it.

"M, Thank you Anna"

This happened again and again as strokes A. S. T. and E landed. Each time Mary felt the belts strong sting and each time had to pull hard against Anna hands to stay down. Anna was very sure that Mary wasn't playing when she pulled against her hands and so any flip remark she may have ordinarily made she kept to herself. Was that tears she could see welling in Mary's eyes? It definitely looked like it to her. God those strokes must be hard. From where she was sitting she could see Michael pulling the belt back, but to how hard it looked on impact, her only guess was Mary's reactions. And these told her they were hard.

Michael pulled back his arm further; he was going to make sure these two thought twice before pulling a stunt like this again. As he lifted his arm back, he spotted the bottle of drink in the corner and the two empty glasses that up to now had gone unnoticed. Had these two been drinking? Surely not, they knew his rules. And with that left go the last stroke for Mary with his belt with a lot more force than he had originally intended.

"Ahhhhhhh" Mary screamed and Michael wasn't surprised when Mary managed to pull herself up from Anna and drop to her knees in front of him, crying in pain, her head in Anna's lap.

Michael looked down at an expectant Anna, " What did I tell you young lady, about helping Mary to stay down?"

"That strokes would be added to mine Sir" Anna whimpered. At the same time stroking Mary's head as she slowly started to calm down.

Michael dropped to his haunches and lifted Mary's head up from out of Anna's lap. As he did so he leant forward to kiss away the single tear that had fallen down her cheek.

"Have I made my point little one?" he enquired, " Are W/we now back to where W/we should have been when I first arrived?"

Mary nodded and leaned into him and quietly whispered " Yes Master."

Chapter 3

Michael jumped back to his feet.

" Good, good " he laughed " Then lets get Anna back to where she should be as well. "Anna strip and do as Mary did. And Mary this time you get to hold Anna hands."

The girls were quick to get into position. Mary was very glad to be given a break, whilst Anna breathed in deeply trying to prepare for what she knew would be coming next.

As Anna leaned forward she gave a very flippant " Ready Sir"

"Are W/we now" replied Michael " lets just see how ready. Open your legs."

Mary couldn't help but snigger at Anna once more dropping herself in it, would she never learn! Anna hesitantly opened her legs as instructed and at the same time stuck her tongue out at Mary.

Her smile turned to embarrassment as Michael ran his finger down the crease of her bottom right to the core of her sex, slowly rubbing his finger against her clit and then slowly putting first 1, then 2, then 3 fingers inside her.

"Oh we are ready aren't we. What was it that got you so ready Anna? Was it seeing Mary being dealt with or was it her kisses?"

Anna couldn't answer, the embarrassment of her pleasure being so vocally demonstrated as well as the rolling orgasm that was starting to build as Michael's hand worked in and out of her pussy was beyond her ability to reply to.

Michael withdrew one of his fingers and as he turned and winked at Mary drew his finger back up her crease and slowly but firmly pushed one of his fingers into her anus. Anna gasped in surprise at this unexpected intrusion and gripped Mary's hand all the harder. Michael continued to tease Anna for a few minutes more before withdrawing his hand.

He leant forward and offered the fingers that had been inside Anna pussy up to Mary's mouth. Mary gulped, she had never tasted another woman before, at the same time Michael with his other hand grabbed Anna hair and pulled her up so she could watch, and instructed Mary to lick his fingers clean.

Both girls were in a trance, Mary for the 1st time tasting what another woman tasted like and Anna as she watched Mary lick her own juices off Michael's fingers. Michael by this time was not exempt from the sight before him, he felt himself harden as Mary licked his fingers clean. Enough of this he thought I need to get the mischief out of Anna and get full control of these girls back.

Michael withdrew his fingers and straightened up, letting go of Anna hair as he did so.

"Right then Anna, as you say, you are ready now," Anna moved to straighten herself, shutting her legs as she did so. " Oh no Anna" cried Michael, " Such a beautiful view needs to be admired." And with that he gently tapped between her thighs till once more she stood with her legs open. Michael turned to Mary and directed with his head for her to look between Anna legs. What they both saw was that she was dripping all down her legs. They both smiled and Michael leant forward and gave Mary a quick kiss on the lips.

"Right Anna, W/we don't say Master now do W/we. My title for you is Sir, but as I have the distinct feeling that tonight's little trip into mischief was just as much your idea as Mary's I feel you need just the same as she!"

"So tell me Anna, just what you have to do now?" Michael enquired

"I have to kiss Mary and then count out the number and thank her Sir" replied Anna with more bravado than she actually felt.

"You do my sweet," Replied Michael " But remind me, what was the next word, you had me spell girls? Oh yes, I remember it was nipple. So, Mary let go of Anna hands and I want you to pinch Anna nipples instead. But be warned Mary if Anna rises you will like her get strokes added, so be sure to hold them nipples firm."

Mary liked this idea greatly and was very quick to let go of Anna hands and reach forward to clasp both of her nipples.

Anna on the other hand wasn't so keen on this but Michael's hand firmly resting on her back left her no choice but to stay put. As Mary clamped onto her nipples a soft sigh was all that came from Anna. Was it pain? Was it pleasure? Neither Mary nor Michael could guess but by now this question was irrelevant.

All too soon Michael's hand landed and once more Anna and Mary found themselves exchanging kisses and with each stroke that landed Anna pulled against Mary's fingers tightly fixed to each nipple. Whether this helped or not, but Anna found the pleasure/pain mix much to her liking and was in fact quite disappointed when Michael finished after just 6. The feeling though was short lived though as the 1st of the belt strokes landed. It was so hard that Anna pulled very hard against Mary and a shaft of intense pain shot through her nipples as Mary pulled against her to hold her down.

"Oh Sir," Anna cried out " Please Sir, this is too much."

"Is that so Anna?" enquired Michael, " It's a shame then that you have 6 more to come then. In future you and Mary will think twice before pulling such a stunt, won't you?"

"Yes Sir," whimpered Anna. " But Sir, this is unfair. Mary didn't have her nipples held, just her hands. Please Sir, may I hold her hands instead?"

Michael pondered this for a moment, it was obvious that she was feeling these, but he wanted to ensure that she got to a state of submission like Mary but not break her, especially as he had the whole of the evening ahead of him. He came to a decision.

"Ok Anna lets be more fair then shall W/we! You can take the 6 you are allotted like this or you may take 10 in the same way Mary did."

Anna whimpered, what a choice! Either way she was in trouble!

"Ok Sir," Anna finally replied " Please may I have 10 the other way"

Michael leaned over and kissed Anna now slightly rosy bottom, and smiling replied

" How can I deny such a sweet request." Mary could not help but smile sweetly and wink at Michael as she once more took Anna's hands.

"Well Anna, now that you have 10 to come, we will need to find you something with that many letters to spell." Michael pondered a minute and then decreed " I know lets have you spelling NIPPLES SIR, as that's what got you into this mess."

"Yes Sir" replied Anna, but she couldn't help but reply with a hint of laughter in her voice.

And so it went, with each stroke Anna kissed Mary and spelt her required words. Strokes 7,8,9 and 10 really hurt but it was only Mary's steadfast grip (there was no way she was going to take any more free strokes off Anna) that she stayed down.

By the end of this both Anna and Michael were ready for a break. Anna dropped onto the floor to sit beside Mary and Michael walked over to pick up the discarded wine bottle. Both girls looked at each other in alarm and now regretted the fact that they hadn't discarded it out of sight earlier. As Michael turned to the girls, he questioned them with his eyes as to what had been in it. Both girls were quick to state that it in fact was alcohol free and that they knew full well that to drink was one step too far for them both. The fact that Michael knew this to be true, led him to believe them both but thought that he could use this to his advantage.

"Is that so?" he commented, " Well now that its empty it can become a toy for me then can it not?" Both girls looked at each dumbfounded, not knowing just what he was implying. Michael gave a hearty laugh and said, " Oh girls, am I going to have some fun with this!"

Michael sat on the floor between the girls and pulled both of them towards him and cuddling them. " Are you two now back in a place of submission that means you will both behave?"

" Yes Master, Yes Sir" they both answered together. Anna and Mary also shared a knowing smile and winked at each other. They were most definitely exactly where they both wanted to be.

Chapter 4

Michael sat back against the sofa, and as the girls moved to stay with him, Mary brushed against the bulge in Michael's trousers. " Master" Mary sniggered " It would seem you are in a state that you like as well." And with that she stroked the bulge more firmly through his trousers.

" MMM" sighed Michael as he guided her hand to the buttons on his trousers and Mary needed no more instruction, but undid his trousers and pulled both them and his underpants completely off. At the Same time Anna had undone his shoes and was removing his socks, so that he was naked from the waist down. Both girls found Michael's hand in their hair and were not so gently guided down towards Michael's now very hard, very erect penis.

Michael moved slightly so that he could spread his legs more and with his eyes instructed Mary to go between them. Mary started to lick his balls, gently sucking one ball into her mouth and gently humming. Anna was above and slowly took Michael into her mouth and started to give him head. Mary withdrew and licked down further, running her tongue along that line that ran from his balls to his anus and without needing to be told started to rim his arse.

The only sounds coming from the room were the ohs and ahhs made by Michael as both girls did that which they knew he liked and neither was surprised when before too long Anna felt Michael's hand tightening in her hair, and her mouth forced down as far as it would go as Michael came in her mouth. To her surprise Michael quickly stated " Don't you swallow that Anna I have other things for that" and with some difficulty Anna tried not to swallow.

As Michael regained his control and allowed Anna up off him, he signalled for Mary to come closer as well.

"Now W/we know that the two of you can kiss, I want you to share this, and so Anna you are to let Mary kiss you in a way that she can share that which is in your mouth."

Both girls turned and looked at him in horror, and Michael couldn't help but let out a canny laugh " Come on, lets get to it!" he cajoled.

With that Anna and Mary turned and shared in a French kiss, prolonged by the fact that as their lips met, Michael placed a hand on each head and held them there.

"Now wasn't that nice," Michael teased as he let them come apart. Mary and Anna shared a smile; neither of them finding in fact that it had been as bad as they had anticipated.

It didn't take Michael long to regain his composure once more, and once more fully dressed instructed Anna to go into the kitchen and make refreshments for them all. With Mary at his feet his eyes once more came to rest on the empty wine bottle beside them. Mary turned to see where his eyes had gone and drew a quick breath when she saw what he was looking at.

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