Genie Chronicles - Cover

Genie Chronicles

Copyright© 2005 by Joe Brolly

Chapter 11

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Jack Phillips has no idea that in the small puzzle box he has inherited from his Aunt is a treasure beyond price; a Genie servant, ready to grant his every sexual wish. Join Jack as he solves the box's puzzle and embarks on a life heretofore only imagined, pushing the boundaries of a Sex Genie's powers.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Celebrity   Robot   Genie   Spanking   Light Bond   Swinging   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Body Modification   Transformation  

Tuesday morning Jack was awakened by the feeling of large, fluffy feathers swirling around his cock and balls. Agreeing that he probably deserved it, he closed his eyes and tried to relax and let them do their thing. He couldn't resist squirming, though, and only then did he discover thick, soft silken ropes lightly restraining him at ankle and wrist. He knew he could demand to be set free at any time, but he found being tied added a new level of excitement to his stimulation. He squirmed to an orgasm several long moments later.

When his cock had finished squirting all over his stomach, he opened his eyes and looked around for Genie. He found her perched on the other edge of the bed, hiding behind a pillow held hugged to her chest. He could only see her eyes over the top, but the way they crinkled at the corners, he could tell she was grinning.

"Very funny. Now how about untying me and cleaning this off so I don't drip on the way to the bathroom." His semen and the ropes disappeared, and he jumped up to go take a leak. Once he was done, Genie joined him in the bathroom at his invitation and they hopped in the shower, where Jack introduced her to the mundane but quite effective massaging hand shower. One arm holding her against his chest and cupping a luscious breast, he used the other to aim the massaging stream against her clit. His arm around her soon had to support most of her weight as her knees buckled from the incessant warm watery thrumming against her clitoris.

Once her first orgasm of the day was satisfactorily complete, they finished getting clean, dried each other off, and got dressed. Genie chose to dress herself this morning in a denim mini-skirt, v-neck t-shirt and sandals. "Anything under that skirt?" Jack asked lecherously.

"What do you think?"

Jack had a lot of work to do, but decided they should take care of a couple of other things first, most importantly getting some actual food into the apartment. They headed out the door toward the car, and Jack handed over a pad of paper and a pen. "Jennifer, would you mind making a shopping list as I call some stuff out?"

She blinked in mild surprise at his use of her 'public' name. "Sure, Jack." After doing a mental inventory of what was in his kitchen - a quick task - he called out items they needed as he drove to the Grocery store near by. When he was done, she asked, "Master, can I ask you a question?"

Jack was in turn a bit surprised by the honorific. "Of course. Is something wrong?"

"Well, I still have somewhat of an internal dichotomy between my base nature as your purely subservient Genie, and the fairly free-spirited, self-reliant individual you wish me to be."

"Is that causing you some discomfort, or going to cause you to go schizo and start boiling rabbits in pots of water, or... ?"

She grinned and rolled her eyes. "No, nothing like that, Master. I simply need more direction as to how you would like me to be in public, and even with you in private, as your companion. As I have said before, at root I must always be your willing servant, but..." she shrugged.

Jack gave a heavy sigh and thought for a few moments. "Well, it's only been a few days, but I can already say without hesitation that I want you as my girlfriend, my lover, my best friend and my mate for the rest of our lives. I want you to get as much enjoyment out of your abilities as I do. As I said before, I do get off on the Master/Slave thing a bit, but even that I want to happen as a little diversion in our relationship. I never want to think of you as an actual slave. I want you to be as much of an individual as you can while being all those things. Does that help?"

She smiled a happy, teary smile. "It does, Jack. Thank you."

He smiled happily back. "You are quite welcome." A thought occurred to him. "Will this allow you to use your powers by yourself?"

She shook her head. "In general, no. That isn't allowed. That would pretty much be making me an autonomous Genie. It can allow me some latitude to use them with and for you, though."

"What, you mean like tickling me awake with feathers without me asking."

She grinned. "Yes, that would be one example. You actually gave me leeway to do that our first day, if you member."

"To tickle my genitals with feathers?!"

"No, to wake you up in interesting ways."

Oh, yeah. Well, take as much leeway as you can, just don't do anything too freaky without warning me first."

She grinned naughtily and said, "Whatever you say Master."

By this time they had arrived at the shopping center, and Jack got lucky and found a spot close to the grocery. He got out and was getting ready to close and lock his door when a flying redheaded mass leapt into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, nearly knocking him down. She covered his face with kisses, ending with a heart stopping one on his lips, then said, "I am taking advantage of the autonomy you have allowed me to say that I love you, Jack. And that's from Jennifer, not just Genie."

Jack didn't hesitate. "I love you too, Jennifer AND Genie." They kissed again, but were interrupted by a wolf whistle. Jennifer in her enthusiasm to wrap herself around Jack had forgotten the fact that she was, indeed, going commando under her short skirt. Now, with legs around Jack's hips, her skirt was bunched up around her waist, completely exposing her glorious moon to anyone that cared to look. She blew a kiss to the whistler before jumping down and casually adjusting her skirt. Jack then took her hand and they walked into the store.

The shopping adventure Jack expected began almost as soon as they walked through the automatic doors, although not quite as Jack had figured. He grabbed a cart and they hit the first department, which in this particular store was produce. Jennifer wasted little time in exploiting her new personal discretion by noting just how many different phallic-shaped fruits and vegetables there were. She made some very suggestive comments concerning an impossibly large zucchini, and by the time they got to the carrots, she was stiffening Jack's rod by demonstrating with a long, thick specimen just how well she was able to suppress her gag reflex.

She had looked around to make sure no other customers were watching before putting on her little show, but this didn't prevent a produce boy from bustling through the swinging doors from the stockroom with a tray of strawberries in his hands. He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes going very wide at the sight of Jennifer, who was in turn frozen in surprise with a carrot down her throat.

Jack's mortification was real for a second, then he whispered plenty loud enough for the guy to hear, "Jennifer, put that away, you are gong to get us into trouble." He left it up to her to decide what putting it away meant.

Although he didn't feel a tingle, she picked the most risqué way he could think of to put it away, anyway, as she slowly removed it from between her lips, shrugged to the young man and said, "Sorry, we'll take this one. I'll put it away, now," and then slowly lowered it to between her legs, moved it up under her skirt, and started to insert it. She had to lift up the front of her skirt as she pushed the vegetable in, and her hand and wrist were the only things preventing the wide-eyed boy from seeing the complete show. Once it was all the way in, she pulled her skirt down and patted it straight, then walked calmly over to him and perused the tray of strawberries that was currently being used to hide a raging erection. Picking a carton, she smiled happily at the guy, said, "I just love strawberries," and brought them back to the cart. She looked innocently at Jack. "What's next on the list?"

"Uh," he cleared his throat, "onions, I think." She went over to the onions, moving for all the world like she walked around with a large carrot shoved up her all the time. Jack rolled the cart after her, using it to try to conceal his own massive erection. When they got to the onions, he murmured, "Is it really in there?"

"Of course," she murmured back, looking over the onions. "It would be cheating, otherwise."

"Didn't you have to cheat to even fit it in? That thing is longer than I am, even at your new 'normal'."

"Perhaps, but that's a different kind of cheating."

"Is it... uncomfortable?"

She gave a small shrug as she handed him an onion in a plastic veggie bag. "It's a bit cold," she looked up into his eyes and gave a small secretive smile, "but it's warming up quickly."

They continued shopping, and Jack was really glad that he had thought to have Jennifer make a list, as he was now having trouble concentrating on what they needed. They progressed slowly, as Jennifer had to examine almost every product in the store, and their cart wound up containing a lot of stuff that wasn't on the list. Apparently word of Jennifer's little show had spread, as there seemed to be quite a bit of restocking and shelf straightening in whichever aisle they happened to be.

Otherwise their shopping experience was fairly uneventful - if you can call shopping with an incredibly hot woman who had a giant carrot shoved up her twat uneventful - until they reached the checkout line. Business was fairly slow this morning, and there was only one line open. There were a couple of people in front of them, so Jack's eyes automatically went to where they always did when standing in line at the grocery; the beautiful celebrities on the glossy 'pop culture news' magazines, and the beautiful and scantily clad models on the fitness and fashion magazines. He gasped when he saw they were looking back, the celebrities vogueing for him and blowing kisses or suggestively sucking on fingers with collagen-enhanced lips, while the models flashed him brief and tantalizing shots of ass and tit from beneath their revealing dresses and skimpy bathing suits.

"See anything you like?" Jennifer whispered to him. He could only nod, eyes going from one cover to another. "Isn't she a lot smaller than that?" he murmured, pointing to a celebrity on one of the pop magazines, another long-maned redhead who he had always been fond of. She had somehow lost the top of her dress, and a few finger tips were the only thing hiding her nipples. "The running joke on her TV show is how flat she is."

"She has a new child, and her breasts have gotten several sizes larger while breastfeeding."

"Would she like them to stay that size?"

"Well, she's lamented on many occasions the fact that they will disappear after she stops, but, as you say, their small size is a running comedy element on her show."

"Well, have them stay that size, firm and perky, after she stops breastfeeding. They can find another running gag. She is much hotter that way."

"Hot, eh?" Jennifer teased.

"Absolutely. The only thing better on one of those covers would be you. You put them all to shame." It sent a thrill through him to know that was absolutely true. She started turning red at the praise, but then it was their turn to check out, and her blush disappeared as Jennifer prepared for her finale.

The bagger boy was studiously trying to ignore them when he thought they were looking his way, and staring intently at Jennifer when he thought they weren't. When they reached the conveyer belt and Jack started unloading the cart, Jennifer made as if she'd remembered something, reached down, and slowly removed the carrot. She shrugged at the boy and said, "Can't shoplift this, now can I?" and laid it with the two other carrots they were purchasing as they passed on the belt.

Jennifer had been situated so that no one else saw the removal, including the checkout girl. The girl had also apparently not heard Jennifer's comment, most likely because she was partially deafened by the popping of her chewing gum. Thus as the carrots approached on the belt, she picked them up, weighed them, rung them in, and sent them on their way to be bagged. The bagger boy watched them with wide eyes as they approached, and then reached out with a shaking hand to pick them up and put them in a bag. Only then did Genie reach in, retrieve her special carrot, give the boy a cheeky grin, and take a big, crunchy bite. The young man involuntarily winced, groaned, and a wet spot suddenly appeared on the front of his pants. Luckily his grocery boy apron concealed it from casual view.

Once everything else was bagged, he asked bravely, "Do you want to drive up for this?"

"Yes, please," Jennifer said before Jack could form an answer.

As they walked out to the car, Jack said, "You certainly decided to start naughty, didn't you?"

Jennifer shrugged and gave him a wicked smile. "Well, I figure I have a long way to go to make it back to 'especially, extra naughty' so that you can repeat the punishment that I know you want to repeat, so I thought I had better get started."

"I'm starting to think that you WANT me to do that again."

"I do... eventually. I've never been so aroused."

"In all your three days?" Jack said with a grin.

She shrugged.

"I see. So I have a lot of this to expect whenever we go out in public?"

She smiled her wicked smile again.

They pulled up to receive their bags, then Genie gave the bagger boy one more bit of entertainment, as somehow her skirt had ridden quite high by the time he came up to her window to accept the tip that Jack had given to her to give to him. "Bye! See you next time!" She waved as Jack pulled away.

They returned home, and after unloading and putting away the groceries, Jack made Denver omelets and toast for them both for brunch. Mopping her plate clean with her last bite of toast, Jennifer said, "That was yummy, Jack."

"Thanks! Glad you liked it." They cleaned up the dishes, and then he said. "Can you amuse yourself while I do some work?"

"Sure. Can I help?"

"Ummm, not at the moment," he grinned, "but maybe when I start working on Forbidden Indulgences' stuff."

She grinned back and padded over to turn on the TV. He watched her perfect ass sway beneath her skirt, sighed, and went to his desk. He worked for an hour updating a couple of clients' websites, and then an hour and a half putting a draft of a flyer together for another. He had been checking on Jennifer every twenty minutes or so, and had developed a suspicion that she was quickly becoming addicted to soap operas, some of which were not in English. E-mailing the flyer off to the client, he called Jennifer over.

"Yes, Jack?"

"Want to help me now? I have some ideas for the Forbidden Indulgences site that you can assist me with."


Jennifer pulled up another chair, and they worked the rest of the afternoon and into the evening on a basic design for the website, taking a break for a couple of homemade hoagies for dinner. Jack put his basic design ideas down first, then utilized Genie's abilities to tune what he had in order to best tantalize and titillate their target audience while still keeping the site as tasteful as the subject matter would allow. The names of some of the products weren't going to help, Jack knew. They were just too tawdry. There wasn't much he could do about that now, though. FI was a major customer for the manufacturers, and perhaps in the future they could use their purchasing power to get them to slap a more tasteful name on their products. He made a note to mention that at their next meeting.

Finally around eight o'clock Jack called it a day. They had a pretty good basic layout for the site, and tomorrow he planned to add in the sample products they borrowed from FI. He was trying to decide what to do next when the phone rang.



"Hey, Skip! Long time no talk to. What's up? How's Sharron?"


"Great! How's the new house?"


She did, huh?


"That sounds like fun. Can you hold on for a second?" He put his hand over the receiver and asked Jennifer, "Would you like to go over to the new house of some friends of mine and help break in their new hot tub Saturday night?"

"Uh, Sure." Jennifer looked a little nervous.

Jack put the phone back to his ear. "It's a plan as long as I can bring my girlfriend."


Jack laughed. "Yes, believe it or not."


"Ok. What do we need to bring?"


"Are you sure?"


"Ok, well, we'll see you then."



He hung up and grinned at Jennifer. "I can't wait until they meet you. Skip will freak. Sharon probably will, too. Have you got your Jennifer Holiday background worked out?"

"Mostly. I haven't decided on a college degree yet."

"Well, you'll think of something. You should probably do so by Friday, though, so we can discuss it. I can't go there on Saturday not knowing anything about Jennifer Holiday."

"Ok, Jack." She still looked nervous.

"Something bugging you?"

"I'm just a little apprehensive about meeting your friends, I guess."

Jack waved that off. "Don't be. You'll win them over immediately, I'm sure, especially Skip. Just be yourself," he paused, then grinned, "although you may want to hold off a bit on the 'yourself' that visited the grocery this morning."

She turned a bit red, but grinned back. "I'll try to hold off as long as I can, but..." She rose from her chair and threw a long dancer's leg over him to straddle his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gave him a sultry look between waterfalls of dark silken red hair that now framed her face and continued, "I am a Genie built for sex, after all." She made that special head toss to move her hair out of the way and then lowered her lips to his. Jack had no problem figuring out what to do with the rest of his evening after that.

Jack awoke the next morning to the erotic weight of a woman's body laying straddled along his legs, and the incredible feeling of a mouth working on his cock. He looked down lazily, and was shocked to find that the red mane of hair rising and falling over his cock was not Jennifer's, but the TV star's on the magazine cover from the previous day's grocery trip. He looked beside him to find Jennifer, lying on her side, head propped up in her hand, grinning impishly at him while her other hand played between her legs.

Jack wasn't sure why, but above and beyond the sexual excitement of waking to a fantasy - this beautiful, naked TV star laying atop his legs while performing oral sex on him - having Jennifer watch with obvious enjoyment was an incredible additional turn-on. So, although she wasn't as skilled as Jennifer, the star's ministrations in addition to the rest of the erotic overload quickly had Jack approaching blast off. Try as he might to hold out, she was soon swallowing spurt after spurt of his cum. She continued sucking until she had the last drop, then finally removing her mouth from his shaft and sat up. She gave him her own thousand-watt smile, cupped her now nicely proportioned breasts, said, "Thanks for the boobs," and disappeared.

Jack turned to Jennifer. "Was that really her?"

"Not exactly. She is currently in bed asleep, as she is several hours behind us. But that is how she would have actually been in the scenario I created."

"Ah. And is she into girls?"

Genie frowned at the non sequitur. "No, not really, she's done the usual practice kissing with friends when she was younger, but..."

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