Dan and Don - NIS in a Change of Body & Change of Universe Tale - Cover

Dan and Don - NIS in a Change of Body & Change of Universe Tale

Copyright© 2005 by ApeMan

Chapter 23B

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 23B - Fifty year old Dan wakes up in the body of fifteen year old Don. Interesting things ensue! Oh, Dan is an ex-soldier... And he finds himself living as a 15 year old boy and in the Program. You know - the NIS Program. Well, Dan does have some problems with this. But then, so do some of his friends. And Dan proves to be quite a help in an emergency. Well, that is - once he gets out of the hospital - as Don!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   DoOver   Interracial   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism   Slow   Caution  

He and Cindy had an escort made up of Susie and Donna. Susie marched ahead and Donna trailed behind. There were some guys looking at Cindy, but none of them seemed eager enough to ask for a request of her - not with Don walking alongside her.

Not quite conversely, but certainly in a related way — girls were giving Don's body quite a number of passing examinations. However, the presence of the three girls walking along with him seemed to keep them at bay. He cranked his head around several times and noted the way they were being tracked. Oddly, it seemed as though there were more girls watching them than guys.

This is way the hell strange! Who's more on display — Cindy, or me!?

As they got to their second class Tasha Thomas came up to the door and gave Don a good looking over. The look came back into her eyes before she seemed to control it. That particular aspect of her took on a hooded aspect. She seemed to be thinking about what she wanted and planned to do once opportunity arose.

Cindy leaned into him and whispered as they passed through the door. "She's going to get to you some day. And I don't think there's anything you can do about it." She chuckled under her breath.

Dan looked at her and wondered what Cindy found so funny about another girl wanting the very same guy she so wanted.

Is it something in the water? It sure as hell can't be my personality. I'm prickly at best. And this damned program is making me damned near crazy with worry.

As they headed towards their seats Dan saw Sergeant Major Johnson and felt at least a modicum of familiarity creep back into his awareness. The uniform was that of a SF soldier and the man himself was familiar from several deployments they'd made together.

Bart Johnson looked out and saw the two program participants take their seats. Don Nichols had his apparent collection of female admirers surrounding him. He'd heard some rumors that the Nichols boy was a young jock who'd had plenty of female fans. That did seem to be the case, but the young guy didn't seem all that comfortable with all of the female attention being directed at him. He appeared to be overtly nervous and almost looked like a soldier out on a mission that was going badly. He was looking around at everything surrounding him. Well, it was probably the program having its effects. If he'd been thrust into something like the program he was awfully sure that he'd be acting about as nervous as young Don.

But then, there was what he'd witnessed earlier that morning. He'd monitored the whole stripping business from just inside the school doors. He'd seen who'd directed that entire action. And he hadn't missed its final act, as the Nichols kid had gone through a couple of movements that had defused a potential problem. His motions had been precise, economical, and to the point. He'd come to rest in an alert stance that had just shouted to everyone that he was trained and capable. There was definitely something about the kid. He seemed very competent and confident for someone so young — when it came to organization and the demonstration of force. But, here he was acting nervous as a cat in the dog pound. There was a contradiction there somewhere. He wasn't sure what its source was, but it was there. He shook his head for a moment. He'd been thinking like he'd typically have done when evaluating a fellow soldier. He chuckled a moment — the Nichols kid certainly wasn't a soldier.

Bart turned back to his desk and looked at the report that Dr. Prescott had asked him to write. He'd only just begun it, but it was already two pages in length. He had to agree with the principal. There was definitely something weird about their new program officer. He'd met several such officials from neighboring school districts and none of them had been the least bit unusual. One had been a former Naval officer and he'd admitted that guiding the program could be more difficult than commanding a military exercise from bridge of a warship. Each of those several individuals had struck him as being rather normal people performing a somewhat unusual job. But here, they seemed to have gotten themselves a very unusual character to guide the initiation of the program at Morgan County High School. Well, perhaps it did take all sorts to make the world go around. But, that didn't mean he had to approve of how some of them went about keeping up that spin. And it had been entertaining to watch that idiot get dragged away while the deputy had pointed one of the new electronic stun guns at his head. He wondered what happened to Snottingham once he got shoved into the school's offices. He'd walked to his first period class before he could observe anything happening in there.

The bell rang and Bart left his temporary office to go over to the door. One last student came through the door as he reached to close it. The boy looked embarrassed at being caught late but Bart just pointed to a desk and the boy nodded and took his seat as Bart closed the door. He felt no real need to enforce strict discipline on these teenagers placed temporarily under his supervision. He looked around and noted his two ROTC students were sitting in alert expectation of having things happen. He smiled a bit at that. Some of the kids in the unit were going to make good soldiers if they stayed interested in their military studies.

Dan had taken his seat and watched as his former trooper seemed to ponder things in the classroom and the office. He realized that this was the second occasion during which he'd seen the Sergeant Major that morning. He glanced around and noted Vince and Abe coming in together. They were discussing something and when they saw Don they both nodded as they moved to take their seats beside Tasha.

Dan paused a moment with his eyes resting on Tasha as she greeted the two guys. And just as quickly her eyes came back to rest on Don. And the same look still resided there in her dark eyes. That little girl already knew exactly what she wanted and she was bound and determined to get it. He turned away and glanced around the rest of classroom. He immediately noticed that three other girls were looking him over. Don's body was fit. He'd probably overdone things this morning with his kicks. That demonstration along with what everyone could see between his legs was likely combining to bring on all of the attention that he was now noticing. He was attracting too much attention to himself. He could feel it getting onto his nerves. He was now anxious about what he might have generated with that damned none too subtle demonstration. He cranked his head around again and now there were five girls staring at him, not counting Tasha and the three seated beside him.

Damn! I've been stupid. I can't do not much of a damned thing about personal relief and I've collected all of this attention to me. What an idiot!

He noticed Bart Johnson watching him and now he realized that he just might be acting a little too nervous. Well, he did have some things to be nervous about. He'd never been placed into such a situation as he now found himself in.

Shit! Wait till word gets around about what happened in first period. The way Cindy got off is gonna have girls wanting my attention. I was too damned good in doing that for her. Damn, damn, damn. I'm outah control. This whole situation is outah control.

He turned his attention in close and found the three girls exchanging glances between watching him.

Donna leaned into him. "What's wrong, Don? Why are you so nervous?" She seemed to be honestly concerned.

He glanced around again and then answered her. "There are too many girls staring at me. It's making me nervous." There, he'd been honest about that part of it.

Donna glanced around and apparently noticed that he was correct. She nodded. "Well, Don — you're naked and you do look really nice when you're naked." She grinned at him.

He subvocalized a groan.

It has to be something in the water.

Sergeant Major Johnson walked around in front of his desk after having closed the classroom door following the ringing of the bell. Dan knew the questions were coming. At least with what had happened during the last period he could be sure that Cindy was satisfied and so they could get on with their coursework without him having to perform in front of so many kids.

The first question got directed to him. "Mr. Nichols, do you need relief?"

"No, Sergeant Major. I'm still on my medications."

Susie giggled. Dan turned to her and gave her a look that he hoped would shut her up.

Bart Johnson turned to Don's stepsister. "Is there something you'd like to share with us, Miss Michaels?"

Susie sat up straight. She frowned at his question. "That's not the name I use. I go by Waters. That's my grandparents' name. If I didn't know my grandmother, I'd go by Michaels. But my grandmother has always been nice to me and so I prefer to be addressed as Susie Waters. Of course, if I'd known about my father I might have chosen to be known as Michaels." She was scowling at the thought of what her biological father had tried to do to her.

Sergeant Major Johnson realized she was talking about the lowlife who'd attacked her in front of his house. He'd missed that incident. But his wife had described the aftermath. He glanced to Don and was surprised at what the boy did. He gave Bart a pass / cease hand signal. That was something that no fifteen year old kid should know. And it had been emphatic, with a hard stare from the boy. Bart slightly rocked back on his heels as he considered how a kid could learn such things. Oh well, another mystery. Maybe he could ask the boy about it at the end of class.

Bart shook himself slightly. He looked to Susie. "I'm sorry, Miss Waters. Perhaps you should speak with the school administration about having your records modified to reflect the name you prefer." He smiled at her to let her know he was sorry to have offended her.

She nodded and smiled back, even if the smile was restrained.

Bart paused as he wondered about the giggle that had started this little interaction. It wasn't important. He turned to the Richards girl who'd been following this strange interaction. He wondered what she was making of that business. But, he had a question for her. "Miss Richards, do you need relief?"

She turned to look at her friends for a moment. He noticed small facial gestures from both Donna Rhodrick and Susie Waters. Then, she turned to Don Nichols and looked him over. This seemed to be some sort of interesting group dynamic. Group dynamics were important to the understanding of how any small military unit functioned. CSM Bart Johnson has paid close attention to such matters in his career and he was seeing something similar here with these several students. His thoughts along those lines were interrupted by Cindy Richards.

"Yes, Mr. Johnson. I do need some relief."

Several students who'd been in the first period English class now gasped or muttered expressions of their surprise. Bart Johnson looked around and realized that something odd might be happening, but he wasn't sure what it might be. Still, the girl's response had been clear enough.

"OK, do you want to take care of yourself or do you need some assistance with achieving your relief?"

Cindy was now standing and moving forward to make use of the desk where Bart was standing. He moved aside and gestured to her to make use of the empty desktop.

She looked at the Nichols boy and turned to Bart. "I'd like assistance, Mr. Johnson."

"Oh, OK. Do you want someone in particular or do you want to choose from volunteers?"

"I'd like Don to help me, Mr. Johnson."

Dan couldn't believe it. First — there was the very fact that she wanted relief after what he'd done for her in the first period class. He glanced over to Donna and Susie and saw only slight surprise on their faces. Uh-oh! Maybe he'd missed out on something about Cindy! Second — she wanted him to do it — again!

CSM Johnson turned to him. "Well, Mr. Nichols. I think that's a reasonable request — as I understand them. Please get up and assist Miss Richards."

Dan couldn't keep the groan from being heard. He tried to cover it by quickly getting up and rushing forward. But, Cindy was looking at him with a question in her eyes.

He got up to her and leaned forward to ask her what she thought she was doing. "What are you doing, Cindy?"

"Oh Don — I've missed your attention for so long. Now, I've got a chance to enjoy it nearly all day long. What do you think I'm doing!?"

Dan blinked through Don's eyes. Where could this kind of behavior be coming from?

Holy shit! She's become desperate and's now actin' like a nympho!

He slowly drew back and glanced back at Susie and Donna. What he saw might be considered alarming. They looked eager to see their friend get what she wanted. And they might also be eager to join in with what they expected he was about to do with Cindy. Another glance and he noticed Tasha's stare again. She might have appeared feverish, what with how her eyes were gleaming in anticipation of what she too expected to witness.

He turned back to Cindy and again found her willing and waiting for his attentions to her needs.

Hell! Once again into the valley I must venture.

This time he drew her up for a kiss on his own initiative. She moaned and writhed in response to his attentions. He quickly broke the kiss and dropped his mouth to her right nipple and once again began by exciting her with a finely applied technique of teasing her. Cindy let out a groan of ecstatic delight as she felt his lips and tongue play with her breast. At the same time he again slipped a finger into her. And then he added a second finger into her vagina. Cindy grunted and then groaned even loader in response to this extra stimulation.

Dan wondered how long it would take for him to get her off this time around. She had seemed as though she'd been sated during their last class, but here she was wanting more! He took his two fingers and again searched for her g-spot. He found what he thought was it and began an alternating pattern of tapping on it and rubbing across it with his two digits. At the same time he ran his thumb around and across her clitoris.

Things happened quickly. Cindy squealed in yet another orgasmic release. Her body convulsed and lifted up from the desk upon which she'd been lying. He'd gotten her to her release in another rapid sequence of events.

He pulled back and away from her for a few moments to watch her eyes fluttering as she experienced her first orgasm of this new session of his pleasing her.

Damn! She has to be the most excitable girl I've ever run into. No woman I've ever touched has been this quick off the start!

He now lowered himself down along her body and kissed his way around her mons, trailing licks and kisses against the aroused flesh of her inner thighs.

He centered his attention on her very wet slit. He licked up its length and again Cindy let out a loud sigh of satisfaction. He lowered his tongue to the entrance of her vagina and inserted it into her with a twisting manner of entry. This time she didn't sigh — instead, she gasped. He kept up the twisting action of his tongue and sealed his lips to her lower ones. And he started sucking while still tongue-fucking her. He didn't even have to touch her clit this time around. Cindy squealed yet again and went into another orgasmic release. He rode out that set of vaginal contractions and convulsions around his tongue without any problem.

For her third orgasm he mainly paid attention to her clitoris.

For her fourth orgasm of that session his attention to her turned to sucking and nibbling on her right breast while fingering his vagina and clit.

For her fifth orgasm he slowly stroked up and down along her thighs as he lightly kissed her labia and clitoris. He finished that one by sucking in her love button and again nibbling on it with his teeth.

Her sixth orgasm...

Her seventh orgasm...

Dan was getting to be quite curious about what had ever happened to that five minute rule as he kept causing Cindy to lose herself in abandonment to her orgasms. He was still wondering about this as he took her into her eleventh or twelfth orgasm. He'd kinda lost count of what he'd done for her as things just kept on happening.

It was as she subsided from this latest orgasm that she pushed him away from her overworked pussy. "No. No more, Don. Please stop now. I can't handle any more of that. Please stop, Don." She was gasping and sobbing as she laid there atop the desk in the dying throes of her last orgasm.

Dan pulled back and looked down at her. She was a bigger mess than she been in the earlier English class. He was sure that he too was a bigger mess.

He looked to Bart Johnson. "Sergeant Major, I'd like to suggest that Donna and Susie take Cindy to the restroom for a bit of a clean-up — if that's OK with you?"

Bart Johnson looked at the clock and realized that he'd allowed the Nichols boy to treat the Richards girl to better than fifteen minutes of attention. He'd never seen anything quite like that. It must've been the literal novelty of it that had caused him to lose track of time in the way that he'd done. Well, he hoped that was what it had been. He'd have to keep all of this in mind as the day passed along. His wife might enjoy some benefit from what he'd just witnessed, he thought...

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