Kelli, Mike and Friends - Cover


Kelli, Mike and Friends

by macvic

Copyright© 2005 by macvic

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa, Mult, Teenagers, Consensual, Romantic, NonConsensual, Reluctant, Coercion, Blackmail, Heterosexual, Humiliation, Swinging, Group Sex, First, Oral Sex, Petting, Sex Toys, Exhibitionism, Size, School,

Erotica Sex Story: Breaking rules is bad, being caught is worse and the punishment can be hell. Hell can even get worse or if you are very lucky, turn into something wonderful, although sometimes it comes from an unexpected source. Kelli was a cheerleader and thought she could break the rules. She was given only one chance, and it was going to be hell. She was lucky, there was someone involved who put her through hell and when it looked like hell could get a lot worse for her turned it into heaven.

The story of Kelli and Mike is split into three parts

Hell - has all the non-consensual elements with mild Blackmail/Coercion, Humiliation, Toys and Size elements and covers her descent into a feeling of despair.

Recovery - The next part is a romantic tale of her discovery of Mike and immediate recovery from the events in Hell.

Heaven - Is the continuing romantic tale of the developing love between the two of them and their group of friends into their future.

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