Finding Balance - Cover

Finding Balance

Copyright© 2006 by Douglas Fox

Part 9

Erotica Sex Story: Part 9 - Kyle Martin has to follow in his valedictorian, class president, year book editor older brother, Will Henry's very large footsteps. Kyle works on finding a way to meet the lofty expectations at school, make a name for himself in football, deal with the adulation and girls his on-field success brings and finding love with his friend and neighbor Penny Edwards.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   First   Slow  

Chapter 45

After school Eddie came over to my house. He spent an hour obsessing about all the ways he was going to make himself a fool on our double date tonight. I constantly reassured him that things would be fine. We agreed to meet at Eddie's house after dinner for our date.

I walked over to Penny's house to pick her up and then we walked back to Eddie's house. Eddie's dad was driving us to the movie. Penny and I got in the back of the car when we left, while Eddie sat up front. Mr. Fritz drove us the 1/2 mile over to Stef's house. She squeezed in the middle in the front seat between Eddie and his dad.

Contrary to his expectations, Eddie was fine on the date. He kept his end of the conversation up. Stef laughed at his jokes. We picked up snacks and went into the movie theater. We found seats near the back. We left a seat between Eddie and Stef and Penny and me to pile our coats. I immediately put my arm around Penny who snuggled up to me. Eddie stared at me questioningly. I nodded my head. Eddie put his arm around Stef. She snuggled up to Eddie and laid her head on his shoulder.

The movie was good, but part way through, I started rubbing along the side of Penny's breasts. Soon we were making out passionately. I glanced over and saw Stef and Eddie doing the same thing as us. After fifteen minutes of tonsil hockey, Penny started to rub my obvious erection.

I pleaded, "Please don't do that, Penny."

Penny looked confused. "Doesn't it feel good?"

"It feels too good. I'm about ready to shoot off in my pants. Please stop," I begged.

"Sorry, Kyle. Let's keep kissing," Penny suggested.

We went back to making out. My erection didn't go down, but at least my pants weren't soaked in cold sticky semen. When the movie was over, I used my coat to hide my boner. I noticed that Eddie seemed to need to do that too. My erection finally went down in the lobby while we waited for my Dad to come pick us up.

Eddie and Stef took the back seat on the way home while Penny and I snuggled together in the front seat with my Dad. When we got to Stef's house, Eddie climbed out of the car with Stef. Dad asked, "Where are you going?"

Eddie answered, "I want to walk Stef to the door."

When the door closed, I suggested, "Give Eddie a break, Dad. They want a minute together before the date ends."

"I know, son," Dad answered. "I was just teasing him a little."

Stef and Eddie talked for a little on the front porch before she and Eddie kissed good night. Eddie had a dreamy look on his face when he came back to the car.

I asked, "Did you have a good time tonight?"

Eddie didn't answer for about thirty seconds. He just sat in the back and grinned. Finally he said. "Stef likes me. She wants to be my girlfriend!"

Penny laughed and said, "That's great, Eddie. I guess that means you liked your date tonight."

Dad drove home, stopping at the Edwards house first to drop off Penny. I said, "I'll get out here too, Dad. I want to walk Penny to the door, OK?"

"Sure, son," Dad answered. He drove down the street three doors to our house and parked the car in the garage. I walked Penny up the walk to her front door.

Penny said, "I had a good time tonight, Kyle."

"I did too."

"I've been doing a lot of thinking the last couple days. I wasn't ready before to have a boyfriend after all the trouble I had with Chad. I know you well enough to know I can trust you. Would you like to go steady, Kyle?"

"I'd love that, Penny. I have wanted to be your boyfriend since I got off my grounding after Thanksgiving." I said as I moved my mouth close to Penny's mouth. Her lips met mine. We kissed and hugged, sealing our commitment to each other. After a minute of kissing, the front porch light blinked on and off.

"I have to go inside, Kyle. Call me tomorrow."

"I will, Penny," I said as I watched her go inside. I practically skipped home, I was so happy. I had a steady girlfriend! I went straight to my room, stripped down and relieved the pent up cum in my balls. I went to sleep a very happy guy.

Penny and I talked a little while after lunch on Saturday. I asked if she wanted to get together, but she was too busy. Eddie was still floating on a cloud when he came over to train in the afternoon.

Eddie gushed when we got to the basement, "I can't believe I have a girlfriend after one date. How could this happen?"

I explained, "You've known Stef for years. All you needed to do was ask her. Now you should see how silly you were last weekend worrying about calling her."

"I know, Kyle. How can I thank you for helping me get that date?"

"You don't need to do anything for me. I'm just glad it worked out for you. I have some news too. Penny and I are going steady. We decided after we dropped you off last night. Isn't it awesome?"

"I'm happy for you, Kyle."

We went ahead and did our weights and ran our three miles. We hung out and watched a DVD the rest of the afternoon.

On Monday morning, Penny and I sat together on the bus ride to school. I greeted her with a kiss when we sat down. Immediately Mrs. Shirk, the bus driver, yelled, "You two behave yourselves. I'll report you to the principal if you don't behave."

I yelled back, "Sorry, Mrs. Shirk. I didn't know kissing was a problem."

Penny called out, "Sorry, it won't happen again!" We held hands as we rode together to school.

When the bus dropped us off in front of the high school, we walked in hand in hand. I gave Penny a proper kiss just before we went in the door. I put my arm over her shoulder and we walked down the hall to our lockers. I spotted Chad Hurst and two of his friends hanging out in the hallway. I felt Penny stiffen. I whispered, "It will be all right, Penny." as I squeezed her shoulder.

Chad taunted us as we walked past him. "There goes the faggot and the slut."

I spun around and growled, "Knock it off, Chad. I won't stand for someone saying nasty things about my girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend?" Chad sputtered.

"Yes, Chad," Penny explained. "Kyle is my boyfriend."

"You're dating this FAGGOT?" Chad sneered.

I suggested, "Let's just leave this asshole!" I glared at Chad. "Let us alone Chad or you will be very sorry!"

Chad said, "I'm quaking. I'm sooo afraid of a bean pole like you, faggot."

"I'm a football player, Chad. You won't be any problem for me. Just leave us alone!" I exclaimed as we left. I escorted Penny to her homeroom and then went to mine.

The morning went well. Our gang got together at lunch time. The rest of the group was pleased for Penny and me and for Eddie and Stef. It's great to have such good friends. Penny and I walked together to Social Studies for fifth period. After that class, I walked Penny to the center stair well. I was walking down the hall towards German class when I felt a sharp searing pain in the side as someone's fist caught me in the kidneys.

"Take that, faggot," Chad snarled. "Don't you dare to threaten me again!"

I spun around to face Chad. I swung at him with my right fist. It connected. I caught him a glancing blow to his cheek that ended up connecting with his nose. I felt his nose crunch from the blow.

Chad was bent over slightly. My anger at the way Chad treated Penny, the rumors he spread about Penny and the names he called me finally boiled over. I punched him hard in the stomach. Chad doubled over moaning. I grabbed him around the neck at the base of his jaw and lifted him up and slammed him against the lockers, his feet dangling six inches above the floor.

I screamed, "You mother fucker! I told you to let us alone. But you wouldn't. I should kill you, you bastard!"

I was coiling up to deliver another punch to his bloody face when I felt hands grab me. Eddie said, "Stop, Kyle. Let him down!"

I let Chad's feet touch the ground. I let go of him. Chad crumpled to the floor. Jeremy exclaimed, "Jeez, Kyle! I've never seen you so mad. I'm glad you're my friend!"

Chad moaned, "You broke my nose, Martin."

The crowd that had gathered around us parted as Mr. Hess came running to see what had happened. He took one look at Eddie and Jeremy holding me back and at Chad lying on the floor. He declared, "You four. You're going to the office NOW!"

I led the way with Eddie and Jeremy right behind me. Mr. Hess helped Chad up so he could shuffle to the office, in obvious pain. He dripped a trail of blood down the hall. Two other students who witnessed the whole confrontation followed us.

Everyone had seats outside the principal's office except Chad. The assistant principal escorted Chad to the nurse's office. Mr. Shaeffer, the high school principal called the two students who witnessed the fight in first and interviewed them. Then he called Eddie in, followed by Jeremy. Finally it was my turn.

I sat down in the chair in front of Mr. Shaeffer's desk. I explained what had happened and why. Mr. Shaeffer listened carefully. I showed him the welt that was developing on my side where Chad punched me. When I was done talking, he sent me back out to sit outside the office. Chad was back from the nurse. He had gauze stuffed up both nostrils. The blood was cleaned up from his face. His nose and face were starting to swell up.

Mr. Shaeffer called Chad into his office. I sat quietly for ten minutes while Chad told his side of the fight. I was worried about how this was going to turn out. Chad's face made a convincing case that I had done most of the punching. I wondered how much trouble I was in.

Finally Chad was escorted to a chair at the opposite end of the office. A secretary called Chad's mother to come pick him up and take him to the hospital. I sat and waited for my fate. Finally Mr. Shaeffer called me back into the office.

Mr. Shaeffer said, "I have talked with everyone. Almost all witnesses confirmed what you said happened, Kyle." I breathed a sigh of relief. "But I cannot allow students to fight, regardless of who started the fight. You will stay at the office until the end of school today. I am calling your parents and you to a meeting with me tomorrow morning at 8 am. Expect that you will receive disciplining from this incident."

"I understand, sir. I'm sorry I over-reacted when Chad hit me. I will try to do better in the future."

"I never would have expected Will Henry's little brother to be involved in a fight. I'm very disappointed in you, Kyle."

I said, "Yes sir. I'll try to do better." I wanted to protest that I'm not Will but I decided that I didn't need to make that point right now. I punctuated how different I was from Will with my fists that afternoon.

I sat quietly in the office during the final period. I hung my head, trying to forget the afternoon's activities. I walked dejectedly to the bus, knowing how much trouble I was going be in when I got home. Penny tried to comfort me on the ride home. It didn't help much. I went to my room to study when I got home.

When my Mom got home, I went through my story of what happened. After dinner, I explained everything to my Dad while Mom listened. I was restricted to the house, no TV, MP3s or computer until after the meeting tomorrow morning. I also wasn't allowed to go to my scout meeting that night.

The meeting Tuesday morning with the principal went better than I expected. Mr. Shaeffer basically agreed that Chad Hurst had started the fight. But, as I expected, I was still to be disciplined for hitting back. I would serve a three day in-school suspension, starting immediately. Chad was given a five day out-of-school suspension. I was escorted to a small room off the guidance suite, where I spent the rest of the day.

Penny sat down with me for the bus ride home after school. I gave her a hug and a quick peck on the cheek while Mrs. Shirk wasn't looking.

Penny said, "I've collected notes from friends in all your classes, Kyle. We'll go over what you missed today when we get home."

"How did you know what happened to me?"

"Kyle. Everyone knows about you beating up Chad. Most are pleased about it too. Except for a few close friends, Chad's standing in our class has disappeared. No one is going to have anything to do with him when he gets back from his suspension. You on the other hand, are a hero."

"Hah, a hero. I feel like an idiot. I should have held my temper instead of breaking his nose."

"I appreciate your support. You're a wonderful boyfriend."

Penny and I retired to my bedroom. She spent the next hour and half reviewing all the notes and assignments from my classes. Penny and I were still studying when Mom and Lizzie got home.

Mom did a double take when she saw Penny sitting on my bed when she walked by my bedroom door.

"Kyle Martin, what do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be grounded!"

I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Penny came over to help me keep up with my school work. She brought notes and my homework assignments. That's all we're doing, Mom."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Kyle. I jumped to the wrong conclusion."

Penny asked, "Can I keep doing this tomorrow and Thursday? Please, Mrs. Martin?"

"I guess that will be OK, Penny," Mom said.

Penny stayed a few minutes longer and left all the notes she had collected. After dinner Mom and Dad sat me down to talk further. They decided since I didn't start the fight and ended it the best way I knew how, I would be grounded while I served my in-school suspension. Penny was still allowed to come over with notes and assignments from my classes.

I spent the next two school days studying the lessons Penny brought me and completing all my homework assignments. I had no intention of making in-school suspensions a habit, but I certainly had enough time to complete and thoroughly check all my assignments. The teachers were shocked when I turned everything in on Friday. Penny and I decided to get together Saturday afternoon to work on our Social Studies project.

Chapter 46

I forgot one important fact about that Saturday afternoon when I invited Penny to my house to work. That day was my brother Andy's birthday party. He was having eight yelling, boisterous, knock everything down 12 and 13 year-olds to his party. Penny and I shut the door to my room, but Andy's friends made too much noise to work. We decided to go over to Penny's house for some quiet. Will and Abby had the good judgment to leave earlier, even though this was their last day home before the next semester of college started.

We found a note on the refrigerator when we got to Penny's house. It said her parents had gone shopping for the afternoon and were going to have dinner out tonight. They left Penny a frozen dinner to heat up.

We spent an hour and a half researching the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine. Penny eventually had enough. She was sitting on the bed taking notes while I Googled on the net. Penny said, "Kyle, come over here. I'm tired of working on the project. Sit here beside me."

"OK, sure thing, Penny." I said as I sat down on the bed beside her.

"I really had fun last time Kyle. Do you want to make out for a while?"

My eyes lit up. "Sure Penny, I'd like that!" We slid together and hugged each other. We kissed for a while. We paused, panting for breath. I exclaimed, "Wow!"

She purred, "I know, Kyle. I feel the same..." She took another breath. " ... the same way." She lay back on her bed and pulled me on top of her. We continued kissing. I slid my hand over her left breast and gently rubbed it. Penny wasn't wearing a bra! It felt great! Penny squirmed a little and moaned as I caressed her breast. We continued for a few minutes.

The next time we paused to breathe, Penny asked, "Take my shirt off, Kyle." We sat up for a few seconds and I pulled her T-shirt over her head. I pulled my shirt off too. Penny lay back down and pulled me on top of her. Her nipples pressed into my chest. The feelings were incredible. We kissed madly. I squeezed her breast while I rubbed my thumb across Penny's nipples. Penny couldn't concentrate on kissing anymore. It was too much.

"Oh God, Kyle," Penny moaned. "Keep doing that!" I sat up a little and brought both hands onto her breasts. I caressed them for a few minutes while Penny lay there and moaned. I bent down and kissed around Penny's right breast. I kissed the nipple and then sucked the tip into my mouth. I suckled like a baby. Penny ran her hands through my hair as I worked on her breast. Then I switched sides to the left breast.

Penny held my head up and exclaimed, "That is fantastic, Kyle. I've never felt like this before." She pushed me over on my back. She ended up on top of me. We kissed, our tongues swirling between my mouth and her mouth. My painfully erect cock was trapped between us. It was pressing against Penny's belly and crotch.

Penny held her head up and asked, "Kyle, is that what I think it is pressing into my pussy?"

I looked away a little. "I'm sorry, Penny. I can't help it. You're driving me crazy."

"It's OK, Kyle. I don't mind. Actually I guess I'd mind if you didn't get horny while we were doing this. Does it hurt, Kyle?"

"No. I'm just really excited right now."

"Kyle, can I see it?"

I was startled. "You really want to see me cock?"

Penny rubbed her hand up and down the bulge in my pants. "I'd like to see it. I've never seen a boy's, uh ... cock," Penny said, finally getting the last word out.

I pulled the zipper down on my jeans and started to fish my cock out. I couldn't get it out, my pants were too tight. "I'll have to take my pants off to do this, Penny. Is that OK?"

"Yes, it's OK, Kyle," Penny said as she stared at my crotch. I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off. My cock stood straight out from my body, pushing my boxers out six inches. Penny sat back with her knees tucked under her. I lay down on the bed. I pulled my boxers down and hooked them under my balls so my cock stood up.

Penny said, "Wow. I didn't know they are so big."

"It's six and a half inches. That's just average sized, I've read."

"Can I touch it, Kyle?"


"I'd like to see what it feels like, Kyle."

"Um, OK, Penny," I said.

I shuddered when Penny tentatively touched her finger to the tip of my cock. She ran the finger down the backside of it. After that, she wrapped her fingers around it, barely squeezing it. She squeezed the head. Penny said, "It's so hard, but the tip is really spongy." She squeezed the tip again.

Penny inquired, "How does a boy, uh, jerk off?"

"I'll show you." I took my cock in my left hand and started to rub up and down. "This is how I do it, Penny."

"Can I try, Kyle?" Penny asked. I let go of my cock. Penny gently wrapped her hand around it again. She moved it up and down. The stimulation was nearly too much. I willed myself to calm down. I managed to keep from cumming instantly. Penny rubbed up and down for a minute or two. Finally I couldn't resist any more. My balls churned. My cum shot out of my cock and landed on my chin. Spurt after spurt. The final dribbles ended up in my pubic hair. Penny stared at the whole process, amazed.

"Is this how it always is, Kyle?"

"No. This is much better than usual. It feels much better when someone else does this. Thank you, Penny."

Penny ran a finger through the pool of sperm in my belly button. She stared at the creamy white substance on her finger. "This is what sperm looks like."

"That's it," I answered. Penny wiped her fingers off with a Kleenex. Then she wiped the cum off my chest. I pulled my boxers back over my rapidly shrinking cock.

"That felt really great, Penny," I said. "Thank you." I sat up and gave her a long kiss. I rubbed one hand on the crotch of her pants, trying to stimulate her pussy. I squeezed and felt a breast while we kissed. When we paused from our kissing I asked, "Can I help you have an orgasm Penny?" while I rubbed her crotch.

"Uh, what did you have in mind, Kyle?"

"You made me come with your hand. I would be willing to do that for you, if you want me to," I suggested.

"I'm not sure, Kyle. I don't want to have sex or anything today. I'm not ready for that."

"I understand. All I am offering is to do us to stroke your pussy and clitoris so you have an orgasm. I didn't bring a condom. I'm not ready to have sex either."

"Put your pants back on, Kyle, then we can try this. We have to stop if I say so, OK?"

"Absolutely, Penny. I don't want to force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. I just want you to enjoy what we are doing as much as I enjoyed your hand job."

Hesitantly, Penny said, "OK, Kyle. I'll let you try this."

I pulled my jeans back on and zipped them up. "Can I help you get your pants off, Penny?"

Penny took and deep breath and unzipped her pants. I helped her pull them off. She was wearing very cute pink panties trimmed in lace. They had a distinct wet spot at her pussy. Penny asked, "Now what, Kyle?"

"Lie down and spread your legs, Penny." She did it. I sat down between her legs. I put one hand on her knee. I gently rubbed a finger up and down her panties along the crease produced by her labia. I wanted to make sure that she would feel comfortable. "Is this OK?"

"This feels nice." I continued rubbing her pussy through her now soaked panties.

"I'm going to slide my fingers under your panties. Is that OK?"

"I guess, Kyle." I slipped my hand under her pink panties. I rubbed my finger along the crease of her now bare pussy lips. My hand was getting quite wet. I used my thumb and index finger to spread her outer lips open. I rubbed her inner lips with my pointing finger. I spread her lubrication around, to make the feelings more intense. Penny was moaning now and shaking a little. I moved onto the next phase. I carefully rubbed my finger in circles around Penny's clit. I felt it start to poke out. I slipped my finger down to Penny's hole to get more juices. I swirled the juices around and over her clit.

My rubbing was having the desired effect. Penny's breathing was ragged. She was starting to squirm from my actions. I ran my finger down to her hole and circled the entrance with my fingertip. I rubbed her clit with my thumb. Slowly, I pushed my wet finger into Penny.

"OOhhh!" Penny moaned. I rubbed her clit again.

"Is this OK, Penny?" I asked as I pushed my finger in deeper.

"OOHH! Kkkkkk ... kyle ... don't stop ... oohh..." Penny moaned as I worked my finger in and out while I twiddled her clit with my thumb. Penny was shaking and panting now. I stimulated her clit some more while I pushed my finger in and out of her pussy. Penny suddenly thrust her hips at my hand and shrieked. "EEEeeeeee" Her pussy squeezed down hard on my finger while lubrication poured out of her.

After shaking and panting for a half a minute, she collapsed onto the bed, satiated. I pulled my hand out of her panties and licked her juices off of it. Penny lay there with her eyes closed, slowly bringing her breathing back to normal. She had a huge grin on her face.

When she opened her eyes, she looked at me. "Kyle, I had no idea it would feel like that. I've given myself orgasms before playing with myself, but it wasn't anything like this. Thank you, Kyle."

I stared into her eyes. "I am glad you like that. I wanted you to experience how good your hand felt on my cock." I lay down beside Penny and slipped my arm around her shoulders. I gently kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear lobes. As Penny's senses returned, she started to return my kisses. After a couple minutes, Penny sat up. I sat up too.

"Kyle, how did you learn to do that? Chad and I tried this, but it wasn't anything like this."

"I learned a little from a couple girls I hung out with last fall. Part of it I learned by listening to what my brother told me. Will told me to always make sure your girl cums too if she helps you climax."

"You are so different from Chad. The one time he and I did this, he was trying to pull my panties down and have sex with me. When he got off, we were done."

"I'm not Chad!"

"I know. Guys your age don't have a reputation for caring about how a girl feels."

"I know. They're stupid. You made me feel good. Why shouldn't I help you feel the same way?"

"You amaze me sometimes, Kyle. You're special. I'm glad you are my boyfriend."

"Thank you, Penny. I am glad you are my first serious girlfriend."

"You make me feel comfortable in a way Chad never did. I was nervous every time we got undressed and made out. He scared me. I trust you completely." Penny leaned in to me and gave me another kiss, slow but really passionate.

"I should probably get home, Penny. I'll see you at school on Monday."

"See you later, Kyle," Penny said as we dressed again. I headed for the chaos of my brother's birthday party at my house. Andy and his friends were in the basement, so I went to bedroom. I bumped into Will in the hallway.

"Will, can we talk for a few minutes?"

"Sure, Kyle, what's up?"

"Let's talk in my room. It'll be quieter there."

Will and I had a seat on my bed. "Will, how are you and Abby doing?"

"We are working out our problems. We aren't back to where we were in November, but we are talking again. Thanks for helping us work on our problems. You're a good brother."

"Thanks, Will. I have a question for you. How did you know you were in love with Abby?"

"Ah, the big question. Is this question about anyone in particular?"

"Of course. Penny is my girlfriend. Who else would it be?"

"You did do some pretty heavy things with some other girls in the fall, Kyle."

"I know."

"How do you feel about Penny?"

"It's weird. I think about Penny constantly. I get excited when she's around. It feels so wonderful when we make out. I even enjoy it when I help her orgasm. We did that this afternoon. I loved it when she cried in ecstasy."

"You two didn't have sex did you?"

"No. I got her off with my fingers. She was so happy."

"Kyle, you are answering your own question about love. I feel the same way about Abby that you are saying you feel about Penny. As Abby and I have gone together longer, the feeling has gotten more intense."

"Do you think I am in love with Penny?"

"I can't answer that. You have to figure that out for yourself. Just be patient with her. Show Penny that she can trust you."

"It's funny you said it that way. 15 minutes ago that is exactly what she said to me. That she feels comfortable with me."

"Be patient with her. Make her happy. Give your relationship time to develop. You'll have your answer about love eventually, Kyle."

"That is what I'm trying to do, Will. Thanks for talking."

"No problem 'bigger brother.'" Both of us laughed at Will's joke. He went back to his room to finish packing for college.

Chapter 47

Tuesday after school Penny and I got together to work on our Orange Revolution project.

I remembered news I forgot to tell Penny earlier. "I got great news at scouts last night. I am getting a promotion. Mr. Clark, our scoutmaster, asked Eddie and I to be Troop Guides for the new scouts who are joining next month."

"What's a Troop Guide?"

"Eddie and I will each have six new scouts in our patrol. Our job is to teach these new kids how scouts work, what a patrol does, and help them get to First Class rank in their first year in scouts. Mr. Clark says we are going to have the next most important jobs in our troop beside the Senior Patrol Leader. We get to shape the future for our troop."

"Congratulations, Kyle. That's wonderful. Are you ready to get started on our project."

I answered, "Yes, let's get started."

We had to turn in all our notes in tomorrow so Mr. Norris could check our work. Penny and I needed to do some more research to get things right. We went straight to my bedroom to work. I fired up the computer to Google the information we needed while Penny copied down our findings on the index cards.

Each card contained a fact or a quote with a footnote referencing our bibliography cards. Penny fire away a question and I read the results back for her to write. After half an hour, I was feeling a little amorous and probably a little goofy too.

Penny asked, "How many children does Viktor Yushchenko have?"

"Five children and two grandchildren." I leaned over and give her a kiss. "Lucky guy isn't he."

"Kyle! Pay attention to our work." she protested. I gave her another quick kiss.

"When was Yushchenko the Prime Minister?"

"1999-2001. This is interesting. The no confidence vote was 296-12 to throw him out as Prime Minister." I said. I hugged Penny while she tried to write and nibbled on her ear.

"Kyle! We have to finish this. Stop it."

"I'll stop if you give me a kiss." I insisted.

Penny gave me a quick kiss. "Now, who did Yushchenko run against?"

"Viktor Yanunkovych. He is a Russian speaking Ukrainian. He suceeded Yushchenko as Prime Minister for President Leonid Kuchma. That is from Wikipedia."

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