Blenders - Cover


Copyright© 2007 by ShannonQ

Chapter 27

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 27 - A race of Krothons find Earth. One being, #1142, decides to be a Breeder. It turns itself into a beautiful woman and sets out to find a suitable human male so she can help build up their race. These half Krothon/half humans want to takeover the world but in a peaceful means, not war. They posses superior genes, strength and intellect. Will they be successful in their endeavor?

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Squirting   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Body Modification   Violence   School  

It was Olivia that pushed the relationship between her and Tim. He was overly shy with the opposite sex. He didn't know where to start with a woman. He was too frightened of being rejected though he was handsome enough to have many girls falling at his feet. He couldn't pickup the subtle signals a female would send that she was interested in him. Thus he missed many golden opportunities with other women. His mother worried about him being a gay man in the closet.

Olivia decided on the direct approach. At 3am on New Years Day after driving several inebriated partiers home, she parked her car in an enclosed downtown lot and jumped into his.

"Home James," she smiled.

"Home?" he kind of shriveled.

"Right up past Sacred Heart Hospital you'll see eleventh street. Turn down there and go a half a block. I have an apartment in a two story brick building."

He followed her directions. It was starting to snow heavily and he almost lost control of the car as it mounted South Hill. By the time he was at her building Tim was shaking like leaf.

"Park over there and see me to the door," she commanded in a sweet voice. He did what she told him and walked her to flat. Once inside the hallway it was warm. Both shook the snow off of them as they mounted the stairs. Inside he found a comfy apartment with nice furniture and clean as a whistle. She hung up her heavy woolen coat then helped him out of his.

"It really looks bad out there tonight," she said. "It's not safe to drive now."

"When I went to the party there wasn't a flake in the sky. Then driving all of those people home safely it started snowing. By the time we started here it was coming down like crazy," Tim added. It was the longest string of words she had heard him speak since they met.

"Take off your shoes, get rid of that tie and sit wherever you want," she told him. "I'm getting out of this dress. I'll be back in a flash. If you want a cold drink there's 2% milk, orange and apple juice or bottled water. I don't drink any liquor. I hope you aren't a smoker."

"No I'm not."

"Good! The kitchen is over there. Help yourself to anything you want," Olivia said, unscrewing her expensive looking ear rings. She got out of the little black dress, pulled down her panties, unhooked her bra and put on a white silky robe that almost fell to her knees. She pinched her nipples several times so when the silk settled on her breasts they would tent out so he could see them starting at him.

Tim was having a glass of apple juice when Olivia appeared before him in that silky robe. She settled beside him sitting on the arm of the recliner. she lightly glided her nails along the back of his neck. She could feel him shaking with chills because of her tender raking. She made sure that Tim saw plenty of leg sticking out of the front slit of her flimsy garment.

"I looked out the bedroom window, it looks like you're stuck with me for the night," she cooed softly into his ear. "It's coming down worse than before. So what should we do?" She had turned her gene to have sex with him and now she was into overdrive.

"It's kind of late, it's past 4am."

"Tomorrow is a holiday. A new year. Let's go to bed."

"I thought I would be sleeping on the couch," his voice shook.

"Don't you want to cuddle with me?" she asked innocently. "After all it is very cold outside and I'm still chilled to the bone." Olivia began to unbutton his shirt. She could feel him stiffen up. She scanned his brain and found he was terrified beyond words. "I won't hurt you," she leaned down and kissed him on the ear.

"W-we just met tonight." he sounded horrified. No woman, girl, lady had ever been so forward toward him. In one way, he felt elation that such a pretty woman would be this seductive to him. In another, he didn't think he could perform.

Tim sat there letting her undress him. He couldn't move. Couldn't resist. Didn't want to. He watched her fall to her knees and work his belt open. Olivia reached in and felt his erection. She pulled it out and felt the pulse he was emitting in her tiny hand. She crawled between his legs and put it into her mouth. He exploded immediately. It caught her complete by surprise. She looked up at him with a smile and swallowed his semen. Without taking her eyes off of him, she licked him clean.

"Lets go to my bed," she stood up and offered her hand. Like being hypnotized, he took it and allowed himself to be led to her room. Tim had masturbated before and sometimes it took over a half an hour. but just the touch of her lips on his cock sent him into a higher state than he ever felt in his entire life. It was only seconds but so much better than he could have ever hoped.

Tim seemed to be in a trance as he barely notice her yanking his shorts off and staring at his erection. He was amazed that he was hard so soon after he came minutes ago.

"Mmmmmm," she smiled, taking hold his erection. "Nice!" She got up and let her robe slip off her shoulders. She stood before him and had him sit down. He stared at her little black patch between her legs. "I think you owe me your tongue. I taste pretty good. You'll like it," she smiled. She took the sides of his face in each hand and guided it to her sex. His warm tongue touched her engorged lips causing her to gasp. He felt encouraged by the that sound and licked it once again. She put her hands to the back of his head not allowing him to move. Olivia closed her eyes as Tim ran his tongue into her pussy. "Ooooooooo, don't stop." she squealed. "Don't you ever stop. It feels fantastic."

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