The Crystal Rainbow - Cover

The Crystal Rainbow

Copyright© 2008 by Nyasia A. Maire

Chapter 11: Thunder

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 11: Thunder - A runaway boy and an orphan girl dream of one another. They feel a strange connection. Is it a dream, or is it real? A wrinkled, old woman with a heavenly voice gives the boy shelter. He grows to manhood and helps the old woman search for the heir to a magical crystal bracelet that holds the power over storms and rainbows along with many secrets. And, where there is power, there are those that covet it and will do anything to make it their own, which is exactly what an ancient evil plans to do.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Magic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   Paranormal   Vampires   Slow   Transformation  

Hearken to the booming thunder as it rumbles across the heavens,
much as the thudding heart of a lover pounds wildly within its breast.

A Fool's Book of Wisdom

Christine stared sullenly out of the train compartment's window.

"How can this be happening? One moment, I am in a state of sheer bliss and the next, I awaken to find myself feeling utterly embarrassed by knowing that Helen witnessed Erik and I in a compromising situation. I cannot believe that Helen saw us. I cannot believe she saw the passion that Erik and I shared. Yet, she says nothing about it now. How did she find her way into our dream? And, as if Helen seeing us were not bad enough, now, Erik chooses to ignore me. He pretends that nothing happened between us. How could he? How can he? What is wrong with him? Or, is there something wrong with me? Am I the one with the problem? Did I misinterpret the look in his eyes? Did I alone feel the overwhelming power of the sensations caused by the touch of our skin upon skin? Perhaps, I allowed my loneliness to trick me into believing he feels something for me other than lust. He is, after all, just a man and I have seen what men do when given the opportunity. I was so certain that he had feelings for me, but there he is. Just look at him! Look at the way he sits there! He looks so cocky, so pleased with himself that I just want to scream at him! I want to sink my nails into his eyes and tear the gloating expression from them. I want to slap that smirk from his lips. Argh! Men! They are so insufferable! And yet, I wish that Helen did not interrupt us. I wonder ... I wish..."

She wanted to release her frustration and confusion by screaming, but knew that she could not, so she silently sat there and fumed. She sat and stared unseeingly at the rapidly passing countryside, as her disappointment fermented into annoyance, which swiftly matured into outright fury, which she directed solely upon Erik.

"He is such an arrogant prick! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!"

Further and further, her mind spiraled into an inferno of rage against the man. She became so lost in her endless loop of fuming that she failed to hear Helen's words. Nor did she notice the words, which issued from her lips in response. The old woman's departure did not make a dent in her awareness, but the man's sudden movement and subsequent touch upon her arm, did. The slight pressure of his hand upon her instantly stilled her roiling emotions and she focused upon him with a clarity she found almost frightening.

"Now he wishes to talk? Well, Erik, it is too little, too late! The time for talking is past. I have nothing to say to you anymore. In fact, I do not need to be here! I am a grown woman now. I make my own decisions, not you. Why am I still here anyway? I am not beholden to you, I am leaving!"

She allowed her fiery gaze to run briefly over the man and she moved to stand. The world swirled before her as her mind overloaded on the sensations of the moment. She felt his hands take hold of her upper arms and thrust her back into her seat. She winced as her head snapped backward and cracked against the wood paneling of the compartment's wall. The pain caused a bright flash of light, which temporarily blinded her. However, the warm press of his hands upon her arms aroused her shocked mind and prompted her to struggle against his commanding hands. Realizing the futility of her actions, she ceased her struggles and allowed his hands to restrain her. The fire of her anger surged and burned so hot through her that it seemed cold. She struggled to breathe, but the heavy, frozen weight, which pressed upon her chest made it almost impossible. A small part of Christine's mind listened in horror as her mouth moved and the words she expelled fell like blocks of ice from her lips.

"Monsieur, if you do not release me, I shall be forced to scream..."

"No! No! No! It is not supposed to be this way! Oh, Erik! Why do you torture me so? Why can you not remember me?"

And, then just as the cold began seeping into the last bit of Christine's mind, Erik's mouth crashed down upon hers sending a firestorm of desire throughout her body. As the heat spread, it burned away the heaviness from her heart and she unknowingly lifted her hand to cup his unmasked cheek. As his searing kisses ravaged her mouth, the young man's passion claimed her as his own and she surrendered to her yearning to live forever in the sweetness of this moment.

"Oh, Erik! Yes! Yes! My God! You do remember! Yes! You do!"

As those last thoughts burst from her mind, her body and soul took over to revel in the sensations burning through her. The young woman succumbed to her overwhelming need to discover more about what she could touch with her hands and with her lips. And, as she pushed aside caution, surrendering herself to the passion, thunder rumbled in the distance unnoticed by the man and woman. However, someone leaning against a wall nearby did notice it. The body lurched upright at the sound and froze. Then, with a shocked gasp, began to run.

"Oh! Fuck! No!"

◊ ○ ◊ ○ ◊

Helen unseeingly made her way down the length of the train cars. Passing from one car to the next, not noticing anything around her. Her mind focused on the task she must soon undertake. She bumped into a metal rail, which blocked her path and blinked. She stood looking at the receding train tracks and countryside.

"Hmmm ... I am fortunate for the railing or I might have walked right off the train. Well, I had best return to see if Erik and Christine are reconciled. I would not want things to get out of hand. No, that would not do at all. Not that I do not trust Erik, but..."

She chuckled and turned to walk back through the train. After moving through several cars, Helen paused in the middle of a gently rocking corridor. She rested her aching body, leaning against the wall for support. A groan almost escaped her lips and her hand began to massage the valley between her breasts.

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