A Darker Universe - Cover

A Darker Universe

Copyright© 2008 by Mermaid Master

Chapter 9: Tuesday

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 9: Tuesday - Imagine, if you will, another universe, one in which all girls and women secretly long to be submissive slaves, spanked into submission. It is a world where pregnancy is totally controlled and not an issue of concern and STDs do not exist but in which our conventional morality is still the norm. However, that is changing. A new program has been introduced into the schools, NUDEP.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Sadistic   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys  

Jennifer wasn't going to speak of last night's events unless asked. She knew she couldn't lie to Paul but she knew she didn't have to volunteer the truth. She already knew what Paul was expecting her to do. She stood up and walked over to him and laid herself across his lap. She gave him enough to room to adjust her as he pleased.

She wondered if her father had found the letter but knew he probably had, since he was an early riser. She would have to ask Paul, once he finished, to go and see him. "I'm ready, Master."

The radio alarm went off and Peter started listening to the news. He lay there for a minute and then sat up. He glanced at his night table and saw the note there. Picking it up, he immediately recognized Jenni's handwriting and got a bit nervous. He was afraid to open it. She must have snuck in while he was sleeping. He didn't know if he would call the police or just let her go. Bracing himself, he opened the note. The two words stunned him. He felt tears come to his eyes. His little girl was a woman now. He didn't know if he was happier or sadder. It was such a big moment. She didn't belong to him anymore but she would know a joy that not all women did. She was indeed a woman now.

Paul pulled Jennifer further across his lap, still leaving her upper body supported by the bed but allowing her legs to hang free. He once again took a firm but not hurtful grip on her breast and patted her bottom lightly. Then he delivered a vigorous smack to her right cheek. She obligingly squirmed and he followed it up with another to her other bottom cheek. He didn't take long to get into a regular rhythm of alternating on first one side and then the other. He wasn't doing it very hard. When she kicked and squirmed, he smacked her more lightly, hoping she would learn to respond the way he wanted her to.

As soon as her bottom was pink, he stopped. He knew she would get some real spankings in school and he didn't want to overdo it at the very start. He followed it up with rubbing her bottom gently and then expanding his efforts to her thighs and back Meanwhile, he began to fondle her breasts as them pressed against the bed. He had to make an effort to get under her but she responded by pushing herself up with her arms to give him easier access.

She mostly knew where he was wanting to go with this and she knew they had plenty of time before school started and she so knew she would get to speak with her father. She lifted herself up with her arms and moved up. She swung her legs around so she was centered on Paul's lap. Then she wrapped her legs around his back and sat there. She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. She knew from the way she was sitting he could put her into any position he wanted her in.

Paul moaned. Having her in such proximity was almost more than he could bear. He put his arms around her and pulled her in close for a moment and then relaxed enough for her to lean back. He gave her another kiss on her lips, tenderly, conveying his deep affection.

"I want you to kneel before me." His voice was hoarse and there was a bit of a tremor.

She obediently got off his lap and knelt between his legs.

"Suck on my cock," he ordered and then held his breath, waiting to see what she would do.

She looked up at him. She knew she couldn't tell him no but she didn't know how to do it. She gave up because she knew everyone had to start somewhere. She fixed herself into a more comfortable position and started to lower her head. She stopped just before she put her mouth on it and looked back up at him.

"I don't think I can do it. I mean I have never tried before." She smiled. "But if you really want me to Master, I will do it."

"Good girl. Go ahead, put it in your mouth." Paul didn't want to tell her he didn't have much more idea than she did since he had never had it done, either. She was his first just as he was hers. They would learn together.

She took a little of his cock in her mouth, tentatively, not knowing what to do. As soon as he felt her, he instinctively pushed forward but she pulled back. He realized that she would choke if he pushed too far. He took her head in his hands and pushed forward gently. She was able to take a little more of him. It was an unbelievable sensation.

He managed to gasp out, "Use your tongue."

She started to lick him and he thought he was going to explode. He drew out and pushed in again and started to cum. She immediately began to choke and gag and pulled back but he wouldn't let he go completely. She started to lick him with his cock outside her mouth and it was enough. He continued to shudder until the spasms finally subsided.

She was shocked that she was able to bring him so much pleasure her first time. She wasn't sure if he wanted her to continue or if he had something else in mind. She figured one more go couldn't hurt.

She lowered her head on it again this time not having to be reminded to use her tongue. She knew she wouldn't be able to make him cum again but he would at least get some pleasure out of it. She also made sure to go slow to avoid gagging herself again.

This time she didn't need him to help her keep rhythm; she was able to do it herself. She would never have guessed a week ago that she would be doing this.

Paul couldn't believe what Jennifer was doing to him. He wanted to cum again but he couldn't. Finally he stopped her and had her stand. It was such a wonderful experience, he decided he wanted to reciprocate. He glanced at the clock and decided if they were a few minutes late to school, he would just spank her when they got there and take whatever detention he would get for himself.

"Lie on the bed," he ordered. Obediently she got back in bed next to him. He climbed over her, and knelt between her legs. He pushed her thighs further apart and began to kiss the insides of her thighs, gradually working his way higher. Finally he hesitated and then very gingerly put his mouth against her moist slit. He didn't really know what to do but he figured that what would work for him would work for her. He started to lick her and, though he was still a bit queasy about it, she didn't taste bad. Then she started to respond which encouraged him all the more.

Jennifer was in heaven, she couldn't believe Paul was doing that. It was the most pleasure she had ever had and it was all she could do to keep from moving. She kept shifting her upper body but kept her lower half still. She didn't want to force him to quit, she wanted it to keep going.

She didn't care what time it was, all she cared about was here and now. It didn't take long before he had her on the verge. He knew because her moans were getting more frequent and louder. She tried to keep from it, to keep the pleasure going but she couldn't control it. With a final moan she exploded.

Paul felt like he was getting drenched in her fluids as he felt her cum. He redoubled his efforts to maximize her pleasure. She had been holding still and now she was wriggling like crazy. Finally she calmed down and he looked up at her and smiled. They were both covered with fluids and sweat but he glanced at the clock and realized there wasn't enough time to take a shower. Then he realized that they really didn't have a choice. He couldn't go to school smelling like this.

"Quick, let's go get showered and dressed. We're late enough as it is."

"Getting dressed only applies to one of us." She winked at Paul and walked over to her closet. This time she was going to take some clothes with her so she could get dressed at the end of the day. She stuffed a set of clothes in her backpack.

"Go ahead and get the shower started, I'll be there in a second." She walked over to the pile of clothes and picked up the robe Mr. Burns had given her the day before. She slipped it on and walked out the door.

She only had a few minutes so she had to make it quick. She walked downstairs to where her father was normally seated in the mornings. He was there as she had guessed. She came up and sat down beside him. "Did you get the note?"

Peter looked at her and smiled. "Yes I did and from the healthy glow on your cheeks, I can see that your new life agrees with you." A shadow passed over his face. "Jennifer your mother was the love of my life. But she also needed a firm hand and I was pretty sure you did too. You are young yet and Paul is likely to be just the first. But he is good for you. You have excellent taste in boys." He grinned. "And speak of the devil, here he is."

Paul came into the room looking a bit embarrassed. "Sir we are too late for the bus. Can you give us a lift?"

Peter gave him a sly look. "And just what made you late?"

Both Paul and Jennifer looked at each other and turned red.

"Never mind." He laughed again. "I will take you to school. When you get there, give Jennifer a spanking for making you late. I'm sure it was her fault."

Paul started to protest and Peter told him, "Son, it's ALWAYS her fault. And when it's your fault, she gets the punishment anyway."

Paul looked confused.

"You'll learn. Now let's get going." Peter gave Jennifer a swat on her bottom through the robe as she headed for the door.

Jennifer squealed much more than the swat would warrant except that her bottom was already sore.

"I see Paul has already given you a morning spanking. Good work, Paul"

Paul didn't know what to say so he just smiled. "Thank you for your support, sir."

Peter told them, "OK, kids, let's get going."

Jennifer ran back to her room quickly and picked up her backpack. She couldn't afford to forget it now, being in the program. She hurried back downstairs and met them in the car.

She sat in the backseat and gave Paul the front seat. She was less likely to be seen in the back. "Why exactly do I have to always take the blame? What if I haven't done anything wrong?"

Paul started to answer, "Well you don't really have to take the blame if you haven't..."

Just then Peter interrupted. "Jennifer, do you know what a slave is?"

"Sure, it's somebody who is owned by someone and has to work and doesn't get paid."

"That's the old way of looking at a slave. Today we have a little bit different way of viewing it. Did you know your mother was my slave?"

Jennifer didn't know what to say. Her mother?

Jennifer was confused. Her mom a slave? All she could picture in her head was pre-civil war slavery. "What do you mean a slave? She was your wife." Then it occurred to her she wasn't asking the right question. "How do you define slave?"

"I am giving you to Paul for a week. I was the one who told Mr. Burns to do that. I want you to experience it. I think it will do something to you that will affect you for the rest of your life. I wasn't so sure about Paul but it seems that this is a case of a duck being tossed ruthlessly into a pond and left to sink or swim." He turned and winked at Paul who grinned back at him.

"You can be used however Paul wishes. Your job is to please him. You don't get to make decisions about whether or not you are to blame. You get punished any time it pleases Paul. You get to do whatever he doesn't want to be bothered with. That's what slaves are for. And in return? You are going to find out that in slavery you will find a freedom to be yourself which is more than most people, hemmed in by rules, ever discover."

She mumbled to herself but she did so louder than she thought. The two passengers in the front could hear her. "But Paul wouldn't punish me for his own pleasure, he loves me. Paul wouldn't treat me like that, I just know it." But she did feel a growing need to please him. No matter what he asked, she felt like she could find a way to do it. She felt two identities dwelling within her, one that needed to please Paul and one who told her she didn't need to please any man, he was meant to please her.

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