New Cheerleader - Cover

New Cheerleader

Copyright© 2008 by nancy_priss

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Daughters best friend wants to make me her bitch.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Blackmail   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   FemaleDom   Humiliation  

Carrie woke to the sound of her alarm. She had slept like a baby last night. She got up and went directly to her new maid's quarters, which was a small bedroom connected to the master suite where her father slept soundly. Her mother was also sound asleep. It was just after 6am.

Carrie stood by the door and surveyed the damage. Nancy had obviously crawled in bed exhausted; her her mini maid costume was crumpled in the middle of the floor, her heels and stockings beside it. Her hair was a mess and she had not even washed her husband's cum off her cheek. It had been one hell of a weekend, and hell was only beginning for her bitch mother, Carrie mused.

Carrie knelt beside the bed and trailed her hand up her mother's thigh and stuck a finger in her slit. Nancy knitted her brow and moaned softly, as if dreaming, but she did not open her eyes. Carrie smiled and moved her finger until it rested against her slut's clit and then softly began teasing her mother's love bud. Then her finger became more insistent and the teasing became rougher; her nail scratched, then her thumb and finger squeezed hard on the nubbin. Nancy's eyes flew open as she gasped, her lips forming an ooh, as she rapidly sucked in air. Carrie gave her a warning glare and put her finger to her lips to shush her pet.

"Get up slut," she said. "You have chores to do before school."

Nancy forced herself fully awake and pushed herself up to a sitting position, her eyes flitting from Carrie's feet (that's 'Miss Carrie' she reminded herself), up to her knees and then finally her somber face. Her daughter was so stern now; she really was her mistress. This was no game, thought Nancy. "Yes Ma'am" was all she said as she awaited her instructions.

"Nancy today is another day of training. It is the first of many weekdays for you and while they will all be different, many will unfold similarly so pay close attention and learn. You will be punished for mistakes, which should help you learn fast. Ok, are you with me so far, bitch?" Carrie paused for her subject's confirmation.

"Yes Ma'am, your bitch understands Miss Carrie. I will pay attention and learn to do as you ask."

"You will learn to do as I and Miss Helen demand of you, slut! Now try again!" Carrie demanded, slapping the side of the bed with a short snappy flogger she had retrieved from Nancy's top bureau drawer.

"Yes Ma'am, your slut will learn to do as Miss Carrie and Miss Helen demand of their slut, Ma'am," Nancy intoned/ She was learning. Life would apparently be one day after another of training and instruction for her, she thought to herself.

"Ok, slut, you will set your alarm and rise at 6am each day, then shower and dress. You will find all the uniforms, thongs, stocking and whatever you need here in your room. You will make sure that you launder them often enough so you never run short, or you will find yourself parading around and working in the nude. Am I clear?!"

"Yes Ma'am, your slut understands that she will rise early and prepare for work and always keep her uniforms cleaned and ready for wearing for her new position."

"Or?" Carrie demanded.

"Or, uh, she will be punished?" Nancy replied.

"Punished severely!" Carrie corrected and continued. "Slut you will learn fast and not be lazy because your new Mistresses will not tolerate a lazy slave bitch. We have discussed your habits and know that you have let yourself go, like so many middle age housewives do, so we intend to be very hard on you right from the start. Tell me that you understand and agree that this is best, you slutty cunt bitch, or I will start with a beating right now!"

"Please Miss Carrie, your bitch understands and will do her best to learn and begs that you not punish her yet, Ma'am. She further agrees that your decision to be hard on her is what is best for her, Miss Carrie, and accepts your decision as final," bleated out a frightened Nancy. She wondered, as she trembled, why she was getting wet down there. She dismissed it as a reaction to the drugs that she had learned they had been using on her this weekend to make her so horny and acting so slutty.

"Ok, ok just be sure you keep on your toes, bitch. Now you will shower and check for stray hairs everywhere on your body. Then dress as the maid and go make breakfast for everyone. Make sure your uniform includes this new collar from now on. You should wear it in public as well, since it is not too wide and has only the one ring on it. Most people will just think it is jewelry rather than a sign of your servitude. But we know better don't we mommy?" she added rhetorically.

"You then wake daddy and see if he wants a blow job before breakfast. After breakfast is over and Ed is off to work, Helen and I will prep you for school and explain what you will be doing as our cheer mascot. Now move it!" she yelled.

Later Nancy was scurrying about the kitchen, some errant white traces on her neck and uniform betraying her earlier action in the master bedroom. Apparently Ed was adjusting nicely to his wife's new demeanor.

Carrie sat in the wife/mother seat, directly across from her father, a different seat than she usually used. Rose was preoccupied with her school and only peripherally aware of the recent changes as evidenced by her other family members. She did begin to get those strange feelings when her mother leaned over and removed bacon from the oven, giving her and all who cared to notice a shocking view of her rear-end as it enveloped the teeny white thong strap traveling up her ass crack.

Presently, Rose's friend from class knocked at the door and they were gone off to school. Following that, Ed dabbed some egg off his lips, grabbed his briefcase and was also out the door. There was no kiss good bye for his wife, but that had been dispensed with long ago, and after last night he subconsciously had altered his mind's perception of Nancy from wife, with obligations, to maid-prostitute, to be used and abused.

Ed left the house without a care in the world, eager to see his Helga and discuss the strange events that would change their relationship. As he got closer to his office, however, he decided against having that conversation. It was better, he thought, to leave it as two mistresses instead of exchanging his wife and mistress. He decided that he much preferred to remain unmarried with two cunts available to him. It was good to be the king, he laughed aloud in his car, remembering the old Carl Reiner movie.

Carrie sat and enjoyed her coffee as her mother-maid cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. Once, as Nancy was carrying a tray of dirty cups to the sink, Carrie snapped her fingers and pointed down to her coffee mug. Nancy paused and started to continue to the sink until she heard her Mistress repeat her signal and the light came on in her foggy brain. Nancy stopped and returned the tray to the table, brought the coffee pot back and filled Carrie's cup. She then stirred in cream to her eldest daughter's satisfaction before returning the pot and resuming her trip with the tray. Upon returning to the table to finish the cleanup, Carrie grabbed her by her new collar and pulled her face all the way down to the cleared table in one hard jerk so that her chin bounced off the hard surface. It wasn't hard enough to chip a tooth but it got the message across. When your Mistress calls, you had better come and come now!

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