Columbus - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by sam177

Chapter 28

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 28 - A girl forced to join a colony mission has premonitions of doom. What will happen to the girl and the other colonists. What surprises await them on the planet, if they reach it? Note: The codes will change as the story progresses.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Science Fiction   Group Sex   First   Petting   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Foot Fetish   Nudism  

October 12th 2043

I woke up pretty late today but I think I deserved to sleep in. I did feel bad about leaving the wolves alone so long though. I know they can get out if they need to but I still felt bad about it. So I decided to go visit and get them something to eat. Then I looked outside. It's still as bad as it was last night. I could barely see the string of lights. I really didn't want to go, especially with my ankle, but I knew I should. However, I didn't want to have to keep going back and forth. So I decided to move in for a few days and give my cave a trial run as it were. I packed a few things into a backpack, mostly a couple books and things to keep me busy, and then carefully made my way outside.

It was really scary! Really, really scary! I almost turned around and went back. The wind was blowing so hard! There was so much noise from the howling wind and the rain that I couldn't hear myself think! I'm surprised my canopy over the porch hasn't blown off yet. That parachute material is really tuff! I pulled the strings of my hood and the straps to my backpack really tight and opened my door.

Even thought I gripped the rope really tight, the wind practically pulled me down the stairs and took my breath away. I winced as I pulled myself up off the stairs. My ankle really hurt! Slowly I made my way, hand over hand, along the rope, limping the entire way. About halfway it got really scary! I slipped and fell. I managed to hold onto the rope though. I couldn't see either end of the rope, just the lights, so I didn't know which way I was going. I was pretty scared! Fortunately for me, either way was safety as long as I didn't let go of the rope. Very nervously, I continued forward and sobbed with relief when I reached the truck.

As quick as I could, I moved down the side of the truck to the cave and pushed the door open. The door flew open with a bang startling me and the wolves. Once inside I had to force it closed. Then I sank down and sat on the floor. The stooges came over to greet me and I hugged them. After some crying, and a lot of face licking, I forced myself up to get them something to eat. Then I changed clothes, started a fire, and lay down on the bed to relax.

The fire has made the cave surprisingly cozy. The front part is still a bit chilly but the main living area is nice. I'm not saying I'd hang out nude but I don't have to bundle up either. I think it'll be alright for winter as long as my food and wood supply hold out.

Well the Stooges are giving me sad looks so I better go see about dinner.

October 14th 2043

It's still raining outside. It sounds pretty wet out there but not as bad as when the storm first hit. Still something, maybe Anna or "Someone" else, is telling me to stay inside, so I'm going to stay inside. Not that I want to go out in the rain anyway. Still, after being able to roam wherever I wanted for the past few months, I can't help feeling a little cooped up. Fortunately I have lots of books and I've been able to catch up on my reading. I've also watched videos. I introduced the Stooges to their namesakes. I swear Curly did that drop to the floor and run around in a circle that the original Curly did. He tried to move backwards on his back but couldn't manage it. I practically fell off the bed laughing while watching it. The other Stooges all have traits similar to their namesakes too. I think it's hilarious to watch them.

As fun as it's been though, living with the Wolves has also been ... interesting. Most of the time it isn't bad really except when one of us has to use the bathroom. It's so embarrassing being watched! I really wish I'd thought to put in a bathroom door or managed to get one of the bathrooms out of the pods. The Stooges though don't seem to mind. They just go over and do their thing. In fact they seem really interested. Of course they're interested in everything but still ... I'd prefer to have some privacy. I keep shooing them out but they don't stay out. I suppose the bright side - if one can call it that - is they've begun to follow my example and use the toilet area. At least the Stooges do. Wolfie won't. I guess because she still thinks we'll contaminate the water supply. Maybe we are but I hope not. It'd be pretty gross if we were.

Bathing has also been an experience. Sponge baths aren't too bad but I wish I had a tub, not that I know where I'd put it. My cave is pretty full up. Of course if I did have one, it'd still take a while to get the water ready since I'd have to fill and empty the tub by hand.

After taking ages to wash the first night I've decided to just have a whore's bath. (Any comments and I'll sock you.) That'll at least get the essentials even if I don't wash all over.

Sleeping of course has been a delight. The furs feel so good! I have a hard time getting under the furs they feel so good!

October 19th 2043

Well the storm is over. I didn't get any warnings this morning, so I opened the door. The sky is so clear and such a pretty green! The view of the ground wasn't quite as nice. There's broken branches and leaves all over the place. Oh well. At least I'll have plenty of firewood. Fortunately my pod came out okay. The canvas top over my porch blew off but surprisingly it's still in one piece. There are a couple small holes but nothing that can't be sewn back up.

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