Island for Three - Cover

Island for Three

Copyright© 2009 by Daddycums

Chapter 6: Surrender

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Surrender - An adventurer is shipwrecked with his teenage sister and her best friend. Note: No animals were harmed in the making of this story, except a few fictional rabbits.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Romantic   Incest   Brother   Sister   DomSub   FemaleDom   First   Slow   Nudism  

That conversation had revealed several things to him that surprised, no, shocked him. It came as no surprise that Autumn wanted to spend more time alone with him, but it sounded like she had more than just friendship in mind. He could deal with that; despite the fact that she was a pretty girl, he had the willpower to resist her charms, especially now that he was forewarned. He also had a confirmation that the two girls were more than just friends as well. He wasn't sure how that affected things; obviously Autumn liked both men and women, and if she was already making love to one of the people on the island...

That didn't make it right for him to give in. She was still only fourteen after all.

The most shocking part of the whole conversation, though, was the complete reversal of the girl's personality. With him, she was shy and timid. There in the hut with Cammy, however, she had been bold and even dominating. Could it be that he was wrong about her? Was she perhaps stronger than he had thought? Maybe it was just around him that she turned into a nervous, frightened little thing.

No, Cammy had mentioned before that she was that way at school too. So that meant that it was less about the effect Lance had on her than about the effect Cammy had on her.

He had heard that in a lot of cases, the dominant/submissive roles in a relationship were reversed in the bedroom. Maybe that was the case here. Most of the time Autumn was the submissive one, but when she made love with Cammy...

Made love with Cammy. That mental image returned. He could clearly imagine the two girls lying there in the hut, touching each other's bodies, exploring, fondling, groping...

He shivered again. That thought was having its effect on him physically. It wouldn't do to return to camp sporting an erection, so he had to do something about it. Fortunately, there was a source of cold water nearby. The biggest source of cold water on the planet, in fact. Right now, he felt he needed it. He made his way a couple hundred yards down the beach, then waded out into the sea.

When he returned to camp later that afternoon, the girls had left the hut and were sitting together in the sand talking cheerfully as if nothing had happened. Lance pretended that he hadn't overheard anything; now was really not the time to go into it.

Now that he knew that the girls were planning to leave him alone with Autumn, he wanted no part of it. Things were already spiraling out of control, and he didn't know if he would be able to control himself with the girls plotting against him like that. He still wasn't sure just how far they intended to take things, and he couldn't afford to find out.

He watched Autumn in particular for the rest of the day, though he deliberately tried not to look like he was watching. After the incident in the tent, she seemed to have returned once more to her shy, reserved self. There was something sexy about the vulnerable little girl that he knew; perhaps it was some kind of protective instinct in him, passed on from a primitive age. One the other hand, he had to admit that the voice of the bold, self-confident, aggressive girl had also excited him.

For the rest of the day, she seemed to act a little more affectionate toward him. She offered to help out as he chipped away the rocks in another attempt to make a couple of spearheads, she talked with him more than she used to, and she sat next to him at dinner time. Afterward, she knelt behind him and rubbed his shoulders, which felt altogether too nice. Her new attitude touched him; maybe that conversation yesterday had been good for her, and she had begun to open up to him. On the other hand, he also knew that she hoped for another chance to get him alone, and maybe her new attitude was an attempt to wear down his defenses so that she could take things further the next time.

Or maybe he was being paranoid, and reading too much into it. He couldn't be sure she even knew how to play those games. At fourteen and likely inexperienced in love, she probably didn't even know what she was doing.

He noticed Cammy watching the proceedings with suspicion disguised as disinterest. She did a good job of hiding it, but Lance knew her too well. She had always been a little protective of her friend, and a touch possessive of her big brother. With the two of them acting more friendly toward one another than ever before, no doubt Cammy was getting worried.

She couldn't be any more worried than Lance, though. At least if something happened, it wouldn't be Cammy's fault. Lance had to be on his guard, though, or things could get out of hand very quickly.

When they retired to bed that night, Lance made sure that Cammy slept between them. At least with his sister, the temptation wasn't as strong, though in all honesty, he couldn't deny that he felt a little attracted to her as well. That much he could manage, and even if couldn't, Cammy would never allow him to take advantage of her. With Autumn, he had his doubts. He lay on the mat for the longest time, staring up at the ceiling and wondering if he could stay strong enough to last until they were rescued.

When he awoke the next morning, he found that for all his refusal to be alone with Autumn, he had lost out in the end. Cammy was nowhere to be seen, but he found Autumn curled up against his chest. She slept quietly with a contented smile on her face.

He stared for a moment at her beautiful young, almost childlike features beneath a mop of disheveled yet nevertheless gorgeous hair, with a couple of strands falling over her face. Without thinking, he reached out and brushed them away.

"Mm," she hummed peacefully in that cute little voice of hers. Without waking, she slid her arm up his chest and took hold of his shoulder, snuggling up even closer to him.

That was almost too much for him to bear. He had fought valiantly against his own urges, trying so hard to keep from doing what he so desperately wanted to do, but now with the warmth and softness of the girl's nude body pressed up against his own, he found it difficult to restrain himself. He felt himself growing hard between the legs, not the first time it had happened but particularly inconvenient this time with Autumn right there with him. He couldn't afford to wake her or she would see the results of his unwholesome thoughts, nor could he afford to let her sleep because the longer she lay there the more his willpower slipped away. It just wasn't fair.

Autumn stirred, and he immediately closed his eyes. Maybe if he didn't move she wouldn't wake. Or if she did, maybe pretending to be asleep would keep her from being frightened by the sight of his erection. Or at the very least, she might just get up and leave him there, making no comment about it.

He could feel her rising up, but instead of standing, she merely reclined on one of her arms. Her other hand, which had been flung over his chest, now gently caressed him. Oh god! That felt too good. He could hardly stand it.

"Lance," she whispered, but he stubbornly refused to open his eyes. He couldn't afford to even speak to her right now; he didn't know what he would say. It would be best all around if she just got up and left him there in the hut. Let her go find Cammy, or eat breakfast, or something, anything but stay here alone with him and his mounting desires.

He felt a subtle shift in the position of her body, and realized almost too late that she was leaning in for a kiss. At the last second, he turned his head to the side. Autumn jumped, startled at the sudden movement.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Look, Autumn, I..."

"No, it was my fault," she replied. "I know you don't like me, so I figured this was my one and only chance, while you were asleep."

"Like you?" he asked. "That's not it at all. Autumn, I do like you. A lot. A lot more than is probably healthy, in fact. That's why you can't just go around kissing me like that. I'm afraid that these past few days, my thoughts toward you have been ... well ... anything but wholesome. If I were to let you kiss me, I don't think I could control myself."

"I don't see why that's a problem."

His eyes widened in shock. Did she mean what he thought she meant?

"Lance, I need you," said Autumn. "This is something I've wanted since long before we ended up here on the island. Maybe before we even started the sailing trip. I know I'm shy, and I don't do well around men. That's why it has to be you. I don't think I would be able to go through with it if it were anyone else."

"Autumn, I--"

She didn't let him finish. Despite his protests, she quickly leaned in and kissed him. She held her lips against his for the longest time, and although Lance tried to push her away, he found that his arms refused to move. As if his whole body conspired against him, he just lay there and let the kiss happen. And why not? His body had been wanting this for a long time; only his rational mind still refused. As he enjoyed the beauty of her face, the warmth of her body, and the exquisite taste of her lips, even his mind began to give in.

Eventually she drew back, and Lance felt a kind of disappointment that he knew he shouldn't. He gazed up into Autumn's beautiful eyes, and she smiled back at him. "Now wasn't that nice?" she breathed.

"Oh god, yes," he moaned. "That's just not fair."

She laughed. "I know. I'll do anything to get what I want, fair or not."

He suddenly realized what was happening. Autumn had switched her personality again, and now she was back to the strong-willed dominatrix that she had been with Cammy yesterday. The shy girl had disappeared entirely. That changed things a lot. That was something he hadn't even considered before. So far it had taken all of his willpower to resist the hesitant and uncertain Autumn. Against this new bold and self-confident Autumn, he didn't stand a chance.

He tried to push her away, but somehow his hand just ended up clinging to her hip. She smiled again, getting the wrong impression from his actions (or was it the right one?)

"You see?" she asked. "That's not so bad. You know you want this as much as I do."

"But we can't..."

"Who's going to stop us?"

"What if Cammy comes back?"

"She won't. I told her to take a long walk. A long walk. I'm sure she'll be gone all morning. I can be very persuasive when I want something this badly."

She certainly could! Lance knew he couldn't hold out much longer. She was just too damn beautiful, and soft, and downright sexy. He was certain that no man would be able to resist her charms, especially with her coming on to him so boldly.

She wasn't content to just lie there beside him, either. She climbed on top of him, pressing her body up against his. She took his hands and held them against the ground next to his head, effectively pinning him down.

"If it will make you feel any better, we can pretend you don't have a choice in the matter," she told him with a wink. "In fact, I'd be more than happy to go get what's left of the rope and tie you down. But we both know that you're much too strong for me to overpower you, so I would never be able to do this if you weren't willing."

She lowered her head and kissed him again, and only in his mind did he attempt to put up a struggle. She had the sweetest lips and the softest skin. Even after days of hard work and sleeping on the ground, she was as soft as if she had just stepped out of the shower. Her breasts in particular felt particularly nice against his chest, but that was nothing compared to the sensation of the outer lips of her pussy rubbing against his rock-hard cock. He also found himself enjoying her smell, a surprisingly tantalizing fragrance under the circumstances. Everything about her drove him wild with lust.

"You know in the end you're going to give in to me," she told him as soon as she broke off the kiss. "Why fight it? Whether you take me now or later, it's still going to happen. Why not give in sooner and have that much longer to enjoy me?"

Why indeed? She made an excellent argument. If somehow with some superhuman effort he managed to resist her until they were rescued, everything would be fine. But if he lost out at the last day, he would be just as guilty as if he let her have her way with him right now. And if that were the case, why shouldn't he just surrender right now and enjoy it?

When she kissed him on the neck, a shiver ran down his spine, and he knew at that moment what he would do. Lance slipped his arms around her and held her tightly to him. She moaned with desire and continued to kiss him all over the neck and chest. As she did so, she rubbed her pussy up and down on his cock, leaving a moist trail as she grew more and more excited.

It really was too much for him. He pulled his hands out of her grasp, then rolled her over onto her back. This time he grabbed her hands and pinned them down as he attacked her face and neck with his lips.

"Looks like I don't have to tie you up after all," she giggled.

"Only if you want to prevent me from ravishing your body," he replied with a grin. Now that he had made his decision, he was going to enjoy himself.

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