Idin Noah - Cover

Idin Noah

Copyright© 2009 by dak

Chapter 11


It had been six months since I arrived in the city, I had been working my way diligently upwards in the guard. I now commanded a troop of about 20 men, our primary duty was to police the workers building the temple, my goal was to make it to the guards who protected The Sons of Cain during the day. I had arranged a drop off point outside the city patrol for Lilith, I had yet to discover what Cains plans entailed.

I was returning from the drop when I was approached by Mathias my second in command, he looked a bit panicked and flustered.

"Idin sir, the captain of the guard have ordered us to reinforce the scouts to the east." He said.

"What? Did he say why?" I Asked.

"No sir just that it was very important and to head out as soon as I found you, I already have the men ready." he said.

"Good, lets not keep him waiting." I said.

I followed Mathias to the outskirts of the city where my men were waiting, we marched immediately west following the trade roads, it was a four day hike to where the scouts needed us. The men speculated on why we had been ordered to go, I told them we would find out when we got there.

On the fourth day I began to worry what was going on, on the road we found signs of a battle, the strange thing was that it looked to me to have been a fight against animals. I had my men hold while I studied the tracks, Mathias approached me.

"What is it sir?" He asked.

"I am not sure, it looks like the scouts fought with animals?" I said.

"Animals sir?" He asked.

I pointed to the tracks.

"Those are animal tracks, It looks like a pair of animals came at them, it looks like they chased the animals into those hills." I said pointing.

"We will follow the tracks." I said.

He nodded and rallied the men, We headed off at a fast clip toward the hills, the tracks got more chaotic as we entered the hills, I held my hand up for the men to be on alert, I could almost sense something but I couldn't pin it down.

I heard something from the rear, it was a gasp, I spun around in time to see one of the last men fall to the ground holding his neck, it had been torn out.

"We are under attack, Circle facing out." I said.

My men instantly snapped to attention forming a defensive circle, I got the sense again and heard movement, once again though when I turned another man was down. I saw something in the trees, a pair of eyes, we locked onto one another for a moment and it howled.

"Mathias retreat, Ill stay and hold them off." I said.

"What sir?" He said.

"You heard me." I said.

I heard the sound and another one of my men was down.

"Now Mathias RUN." I said.

I watched my men turn and run, I waited and sure enough I saw the wolfs emerge from the tree line, there was five of them, they started to charge my men. I leapt on to the lead one taking it to the ground, it wasn't as strong as me, but way more agile, it twisted from my hands, as it twisted free I kicked it hard in the side, it whimpered and flew against a tree.

The other four all stopped their charge at the sound of their leader going down, I stood there ready for the attack. They all looked at me at once, the four seemed to square off, all at once they leapt. Two went high, the others low, I went to the floor, I felt teeth grab into me. We struggled on the floor, I was able to throw one into another tree, leaving me fighting three.

I heard a growl from behind me, instantly the others came off of me, I jumped to my feet, I could feel the damage healing from the attack almost immediately, I prepared for another attack, it never came. The first wolf that I had attacked stood several feet away from me, watching me, it growled low in it throat. Its fur seemed to ripple as if water was flowing underneath it, it groaned and I was faced soon with a man standing in its place.

"Tell your people this is our land, if they come here we will destroy them." It said.

"They aren't my people" I said.

He tilted his head.

"You fight with them, they are yours." He said.

"I am there for a reason." I said.

He tilted his head.

"What are you?" I asked.

"My tribe call this land our home, if you trespass we will kill you." It said.

"Well I get that part, but what are you?" I asked.

"we are the protectors of this land." He said.

I nodded at the man.

"I can respect that." I said.

"Tell them not to come here." He said.

"I can tell them, but they won't listen." I said.

"Than they will die." He said

"They will come at night, many of them, they will be almost as strong as me." I said.

He frowned at that.

"How many?" He asked.

"Five or six at first, if you beat them more will come, in the end they will out number you." I said.

"what do you suggest?" He asked.

"Run, I am working with someone to take care of them." I said.

"this is our land." He said.

"And it will be again, in time, retreat now to reclaim it later." I said.

"And if you fail." He asked.

"I won't" I said.

He seemed to stare at me for a minute, his eyes bearing into me.

"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man." He said, he nodded and him and his wolves went back among the trees.

"What?" I said to his back.


I went back to my office to meet up with Lillian before dark, I walked in to find a very irate Marry, she pointed to the back living quarters leaving me to figure it out. I walked to the back, I typed in my code to the room, opening the door I found five large crates open on the floor, currently four women stood around sorting through equipment. I could hear lillian arguing with someone in the back, the four looked up at me, they seemed to know me as they nodded in unison before carrying on.

I walked toward the back where the arguing was going on.

"I don't care what mother said, I am in charge here." I can hear Lillian's anger.

"Your mother was very clear that you are compromised on this matter." The other voice says calmly.

"Compromised? If anything I am invested in this, its my duty to see it through!" Lillian again.

"Your mother was very clear." The other voice says.

I stood in the door way, taking in the scene, Lillian looked irate, the other women was younger than Lillian, and at the moment much calmer.

"Ladies I hope this fight isn't about me." I say from the door frame.

They both stop and look at me, I can see the look in Lillian eyes, something is going on that she does not like.

"Mister Noah." The woman says.

I tilt my head.

"And you are?" I ask.

"I am Coarlie, Lillian's cousin." She says.

"Younger cousin." Lillian says.

"Elise has placed me in charge of this mission." Coarlie says.

I start to laugh, She frowns at me.

"You are in my city uninvited, thats very preconscious of you." I say.

Lillian smiles.

"Lillian why didn't tell me your little cousin was so cute?" I say.

Coarlie starts to frown at me.

"Elise has placed me in charge here, Lillian is to follow my orders, it is my understanding you had a lead at the harbor as to the location of the Sons." She says.

"Thats great, but you forget who you are speaking to Child, I am in charge in this city." I say.

"Mister Noah, things change." Coarlie says.

I can hear the four women behind me drawing weapons.

"Now we can all help each other, or well like I said." Coarlie says.

I see Lillians eyes widen.

"Oh dear child, Elise sent you to die?" I ask.

She frowns at that, I see Lillian moving back toward the closet, I nod slightly.

"Its a shame to harm someone so young and naïve." I say.

"She said you would be difficult" Coarlie says.

"Computer open the windows." I say.

Suddenly the tv's all along the walls display the sunset from out side, all five of the women drop to the floor screaming, before they notice it is false I am behind Coralie lifting her from the back of the neck, I hold her high above the ground.

The other four seem to notice that it is a fake sunset, they stand for a moment staring at it for a second, they all turn to see me holding a struggling Coarlie above me.

"Now I could tear her limb from limb or I could march her to the roof to see a real sunset, Or I have a closet full of holy items I can introduce her to, which shall it be?" I say

Coarlie struggles but I hold firm.

"Coarlie which shall it be?" I ask.

"Elise won't let you get away with this." She says.

"Get away with what? Enforcing my law in my city?" I ask.

"When the time comes you will pay." Coarlie says.

"Lillian what is she babbling about?" I ask

Lillian moves forward.

"I don't know Idin." she says.

"Coralie what are you talking about?" I ask.

She doesn't say anything.

"Idin the sun." Lillian says.

I look over to the four and in a second they are gone.

"Shit." I say.

"Ill get them." Lillian says.

"No." I say.

"We have some questions to ask Coarlie here." I say.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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