Incredible Changes - Cover

Incredible Changes

Copyright© 2013 by Dead Writer

Chapter 191: PT

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 191: PT - David is a apathetic eighth grader who has a very dramatic experience with nature that forever changes his outlook on life and guides his future.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

Did they get the hot tub in at the house? Maybe I could convince someone to figure out how to get one of these tubs wedged into my bathroom or somewhere there would be privacy.

I woke up a bit before Annie because there was someone very gently pushing on my shoulder.

“Hey. If you two stay in there any longer they will take you to the kitchen to use as big raisins,” said a boy, who was maybe eleven, sitting beside the tub in a wheelchair. “The only way to get real food in this place is to walk to the cafeteria or roll in my case because I still can’t walk yet. Believe me, you don’t want to eat what they bring around to the rooms. I can’t believe you pissed off Nurse George and she can’t do anything about it. She really is good at her job, but way overprotective. I got my butt chewed out for sitting on a girl’s bed playing cards with her. We both have oozing places so they make us wear these butt showing gowns. Who even cares what we were wearing? We both have brothers and sisters, so it isn’t like we don’t know what the other has under their gown. Seriously. It isn’t like either of us had the energy to try to play around with each other’s bodies. I was exhausted from climbing up onto her bed.”

I gently woke up Annie as the boy turned off the jets. The boy raised the lid on the toilet seat before handing me a towel for my body and one for my hair. Once I dried off, he backed out into the room and told me to put Annie right on the toilet because her bladder was full.

“How do you know she needs to pee badly,” I asked.

He pointed right at her bladder and said, “As I said. I have sisters. One is special needs. Mom showed me how to check to see if she was going to need to pee soon to know if I should keep her diaper on her until we got to the bathroom or if she would be able to make it on her own.”

Annie really did need to pee very badly. She didn’t seem to care that the boy in the wheelchair was watching her go. He even got the exact amount of toilet paper she needed to wipe.

“Unless she minds, I can help her get dried off while you go next door to get your clothes on. Nurse George came in here and took your other ones into that room,” he told me. “I hope that one day I will have a big pecker like yours. That thing looks huge compared to my little nub.”

Annie ruffled his hair as she said, “It will. He had a little nub around this time last year. Just give it time.”

She told me that she was fine with the boy helping her dry off, there wasn’t much he hadn’t already seen and she was starving. As I headed out the door she told me to see if I could wake Paula up and get her dressed. It would do her good to walk to get her food, even if I had to support her.

You want me to dress her like a female Frankenstein so everyone can see her scars?

“Can you help me get dressed? I want to go eat with you an Annie,” Paula said from where she was sitting up in the bed. “I went potty and then found clothes for me better than those Annie said.”

Once dressed, I saw that Paula had on a bikini bottom that fit snugly over her mound but wouldn’t hide any of the scars up between her legs. The top covered her very firm, pert breasts. It didn’t even need straps.

It was only there for modest anyway. A finger under the edge would have it come right off.

We found Annie’s room empty when we got there. In the hallway outside of the cafeteria I caught a glimpse of her with the boy in the wheelchair off in one of the rooms.

“I’m not using a wheelchair or holding myself up on yours. I don’t care how long it takes me to get there. I’m walking,” the girl said angrily.

Looks like I might as well butt in. I’m getting good at dealing with hard-headed people.

Paula took a rest while I went into the room, lifted the girl out of bed, and took her to sit beside Paula.

“I’m already helping one zombie shuffle her way to the cafeteria, one more won’t slow us down any. You are welcome to hold onto my other arm provided you don’t mind it being on the guy that Nurse George is positive I’m only here to bone my two friends because they are too weak to stop me,” I told her.

She looked like she was about to stand up. Instead she checked that no one was around before pulling down my shorts to look at my long dick. She let the waistband snap back in place once she had seen enough.

“Wow! You weren’t much bigger than me last fall. They said you grew bigger everywhere, but I did have to check to be sure,” she told me. “I don’t mind shuffling along. I like talking and playing with my friend in the wheelchair, but I want to get the heck out of here. That isn’t happening if I’m still in a wheelchair.”

Both girls shuffled along beside me as they used my arms for support when needed.

About the only difference between the two girls and zombies are that they move faster and aren’t dragging a foot along. As hungry as they are, I wouldn’t rule our eating brains over the food delivered to their rooms.

It took us half of an hour to get to the cafeteria. While not all that far away, one of the girls needed to sit down to rest for a few minutes. Of the two girls, I was shocked when Paula insisted that she carry her own tray, even if she obviously had no idea what was on it. Annie and the boy in the wheelchair had already finished but waited for us.

“Paula this is amazing. I didn’t think you would be able to make it here on your own, much less be able to carry a tray with food on it without dropping it. I was exhausted by the time we got in here,” Annie told Paula.

Of course, I out ate them. Surprisingly Paula wasn’t far behind me.

Somewhere in her head the messages are getting to her conscious mind to get what her body needs and lots of it.

The shuffle back to their rooms took almost an hour. Paul, Annie, and the girl with us all needed to take a lot of rest breaks, and restroom breaks, on the way back to their rooms.

I was reaching down to lift the girl up into her bed when Nurse George stopped me and said, “Huh uh buddy. I just changed that bed. She smells so much I can smell her all the way over here. I got nothing but shit from everyone who felt like it was their turn to tell me what they thought. They told me you were an extra set of hands, so by God I’m going to have you helping every chance I get. You know, I don’t even care who washes her. When you finish, get her powdered up the same as if she was a baby or you will have to deal with her next yeast infection.”

When I turned to ask Jaana if she wanted me to help her take a bath, I found her standing there naked. She saw that Nurse George finished talking so she gently pulled me toward the bathroom. The number of times she farted found her sitting on the toilet as I got the water started.

I’m glad my shield is at least blocking the smell of her shit. It was bad enough that she gagged a few times before wiping her butt.

Only when I turned to check on her, as she wiped her butt, did she start blushing.

After she adjusted to the water temperature I asked if she wanted me to wash her all over.

“I can do it all by myself, but I wouldn’t complain if you washed me.

Ok. How can she still have a little girl’s body when she is older than Chrissy?

While she relaxed in the warm water, I had the place in my head show me only the puberty hormones in her body and the chemicals that would trigger her going into puberty. I didn’t see any and yet I still felt sure that her brain would release a huge amount of the GnRH stuff that caused puberty to start. Washing her twice, at her insistence, did a world of good to make her smell much better. I got her dried off, powdered using a liquid baby powder, and dressed in a gown before sitting her in a chair to braid her hair so she looked even cuter.

“You forgot to put on the lotion before powdering her,” she told me as Jaana’s node crinkled in disgust.

Paula appeared at the door with a tube of something and a note.

“David use this on Jaana. It is an herbal lotion possessing salve like properties, soothes sore muscles and moisturizes the skin. Her favorite scent is that of roses. It smells like roses with a hint of lavender to help her sleep,” Molly’s note said.

There was a message on the back of the note for Nurse George that caused her to leave in a huff.

If you think you caught hell about me being here, just go try to bitch about Molly’s concoctions.

Not wanting Jaana to get any ideas, well more ideas since there was obvious moisture between her legs that wasn’t there a minute ago. I quickly did her front before having her lay down on her stomach on top of her gown. I stated at her feet. She was out before I made it down her knee up to her left butt cheek on her. I quickly rubbed the lotion over the rest of her body. Before getting the hospital gown on her I put an arm under hips, lifted her up slightly, and then rubbed more of the liquid powder on her from above her pubic bone to back around to her tailbone.

Fortunately, she is still a little girl, everywhere, so I don’t have to spread her vulva open to get powder over everything in there.

I got her gown snapped at the shoulders and tied everywhere else. I did it correctly so her cute little butt wasn’t on display to everyone. I rolled her onto her back and put up the safety rails before leaving.

“Can I speak with you a minute please,” Nurse George asked.

She walked me into the staff break room and waved at a seat.

Once seated, she said, “You really deserve an apology for how I’ve been a total bitch to you. I’ve got a lot of baggage I don’t need to bring to work with me. The moment I saw you come out of Paula’s bathroom I judged you based on you being a teenaged male. A few minutes of watching you with Jaana confirmed how badly I misjudged you. Do you know that she hasn’t once let anyone here bathe her, not even her friend Richard? No matter how much pain she was in, she firmly insisted that there wasn’t anything wrong with her arms. Only when she didn’t have the energy to fight us did she allow anyone to even give her a quick sponge bath. You treated her like she as your invalid little sister you’ve take care of all her life. She has been here a while and I’ve never seen her go to sleep before seven PM, not even when her physical therapy sessions made her so limp, she was a ragdoll. You couldn’t have missed the signs of her interest in having you rub her genitals. Even with her asleep you rubbed over them at the same pace as you did the rest of her body. I fully expected her to be seeing her release right now, if she hadn’t fallen asleep. You are aware that pre-pubertal girls can climax?”

“As a matter of fact, I do happen to know that. I even know about the Tanner Stages and she is still in Tanner Stage 1, as is Richard,” I replied.

I saw her eyebrows go up at that.

She finally got up, put her hand on my shoulder, and said, “As long as I don’t see any reason to distrust you, I will leave you responsible for caring for your friends. We may call on you to help with others here that tend to give us hell. Something about you causes them to trust you almost instantly. Not that Jaana is a good measure. She prefers to be naked over wearing a hospital gown.”

“I don’t think I can blame her. Those things suck,” I told her.

When I got to Annie’s room to her rinse off the sweat I found a very buff, and damn good looking, female orderly there drying her off. One look at Annie told me she was in good hands.

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