Incredible Changes - Cover

Incredible Changes

Copyright© 2013 by Dead Writer

Chapter 306: Tandra and Deidre

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 306: Tandra and Deidre - David is a apathetic eighth grader who has a very dramatic experience with nature that forever changes his outlook on life and guides his future.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

Hmm. What was Tandra going to say?

“Well, that isn’t how I wanted this to go,” Tandra told me. “Brutal little girl, isn’t she. I suspect someone set me up to come here to have me finally talk to you about that day. It was all my fault about lightning striking you. I’ve heard you say how you felt off that whole day and part of the day before. Now I get it. You were the only person who was nice to me all the time. I had some girls who I thought were my friends. We had hung out together for a few months. They shit all over me in front of most of the sixth grade. My mom had another baby, so she wasn’t available to talk to me about it. Dad was pulling double shifts to make up for what mom would bring in if she weren’t out on maternity leave. I had no friends. Well, I think you were sort of my friend, but a lot of good that did me since you wouldn’t have noticed I was there. Deidre was sort of right. I tried cutting my wrists. There was a ton of blood at first, then nothing. When my sister found me with blood in the tub, she got mom. Without even a red mark on my wrists, she thought I got my period way early. I had rolls of fat for boobs and not a hair between my legs. Rat poison, weed killer, antifreeze, gasoline, I tried them all. Made me puke, and my shit stunk worse than anything my siblings ever made in their diapers. I thought about trying to drown myself, but I couldn’t even dive under the water because I had so much fat. I bounced around like a beachball quarter-filled with water. That day I felt a tingle in the air. I’d always been able to know a storm might be coming, but not why. I was leaning against the sign by the old flagpole. I just knew I could cause a huge thunderstorm to rage around me, hit me with lightning, hail, even pull me up into a tornado. When I heard you screaming, it was too late to stop it. Do you have any idea how shitty it feels to summon a massive storm cell with so much power it had to incinerate me instantly, only to see the one person the whole school who was ever nice to me move to intercept the lightning bolt I called to me? I counted David. Twenty-six times you got between the lightning and me. I was running away, trying to make it stop. I turned back to see the lightning bolts from the storm striking you after I became too upset at hurting you that I stopped controlling it. It had to discharge somewhere. I felt horrible the entire time you were in the hospital, and I couldn’t even come to see you for me to tell you how sorry I was. Then when you woke up and came home, I did come by to see you. I felt you, David. I felt your raw power and knew you didn’t even know how strong you were then.”

She had to stop, and I just held her.

“I got scared when I saw the people that I guess people like you call seekers? I overheard them talking to people coming toward your home saying they found someone that had your powers, and you were the strongest they had ever encountered. Their teams arrived to take you by force, and then all the seeker people went pale. They held their heads, and blood started coming out of their eyes and ears. Everyone with them pushed them into the nearest of their vehicles, and they got away from you as fast as they could. No one at home would notice me missing, so I slept under bushes, sometimes in unlocked cars, and many times in your garage. Sometimes the same seeker ones came back. Other times it was different ones. Out of the blue, they would grab their heads, and the blood started to come out their ears. Then one day, this woman, who I could feel exuded confidence, met up with a group that was checking you out. She warned them that if they continued to be near you, it would cause you to pulse, whatever that means, on the specific wavelengths they use to seek you. Then there was something she said about that pulse would follow their tethers they connected to you no matter how weak. Once they touched you, it didn’t matter how far away they managed to get, you would reach them. I don’t think you did whatever pulsing is, but something happened because they started having blood from their ears and eyes right before having seizures. They all got shots before black van ambulances, without sirens or lights, loaded them up and got the hell away from your house. Now that I’ve gotten so tall, I’m not invisible like when I was a short, fat, bowling ball with arms and legs,” Tandra told me. “I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am about what I did to you. I started trying hard to kill myself. A truck hitting me hurt worse than the sawblades at a lumber mill, where I tried to cut off my leg. It sucked, big time. I was almost where it would cut off my leg, and then it snagged on a piece of bone. That tossed me away clear. By the time I came to, there was no sign the blade had done anything.”

Tandra did go on to say that at least she wasn’t like that vampire woman who turned into a vampire before losing her virginity, and it kept growing back. Pimples didn’t magically vanish either. They were just like pimples on everyone else. Shaving her legs and pits weren’t a problem, though she still got shaving cuts.

“I have no idea how any of this stuff works. I don’t think any of us ever will,” I told Tandra, as I held her to me to comfort her. “Plus, I don’t think you were responsible for the lightning hitting me or how long it took me to recover. I thought about it a lot. When younger, I was always surviving things that should have killed me, like falling off the roof or being hit by my mom’s car. The shield I thought came after the lightning hit me was probably there all along. It kept my body from injury, but as I got older, I think it made me unconscious for longer because of how long it took to recharge based on my size. Now that the lighting activated something inside me, I can control the shield now, so I don’t get knocked out when it protects me.”

“Your mom didn’t see me sneak up here naked, but your dad did. Damn. He is fast. My butt still hurts from where he tore into it before I could get free. He told me he didn’t care who I was. Breaking the rules was getting my bare butt spanked. It made me hot as hell too. He had a big stain on his pants from my juices,” Deidre said, popping into my room completely naked and without knocking. “Tandra, trust me. We may be able to control the storms, but David can pull the energy through him. Be glad you weren’t near enough him for him touch you that day, or they would have found you naked up on that hill too, and no longer a virgin. If I were bigger inside when we first met, we wouldn’t have been able to stop ourselves from having sex, no matter how old I was then. Anyway, dinner is in ten minutes. I like being naked and don’t want to put on clothes. I really won’t mind another spanking.”

I laughed hard as we all dressed before I could say, “Dad isn’t who will be spanking this time. Mom has a paddle specially made to hurt like a motherfucker. It doesn’t leave any marks.”

“We have an appointment after dinner about twenty miles outside of town. I hope you have some form of transportation for Tandra, or else you will have to run the whole way. David lost his driving privileges and is on house arrest. His mom didn’t question why the three of us were going somewhere, only that David and I better be back before they woke up in the morning. Where you sleep, Tandra is up to you, but my guess is at your own home. I can’t tell you why. You will just have to wait and see,” Deidre said as she found the smallest pair of shorts that would barely cover the top of her mound and the bottom half of her butt crack. She tried to say her tits are only breasts. She did pull on a gauze tube top that didn’t do anything to hide them.

Tandra was much more modest than I would have thought with her walking in here naked earlier. She pulled on a sweatsuit that I pulled right back off. When I finished, she had on a pair of tight shorts that didn’t hide anything. They covered her from her hips to above her mound, but only had the barest minimum of lace details to make it appear that they tried to hide the goodies. If she wore panties, they would have done a better job. Her top wasn’t any better. I could see her big dark nipples and areolas showing through it. Again, she did have on clothes.

Why do I just know she had no intention of wearing underwear to dinner, even if in sweats?

Deidre was very talkative at dinner. She didn’t say a thing about her abilities or much about her family. They knew a lot about Tandra, especially how Tandra had been hiding out around the house watching for people coming around. The neighbor across the street kept a close eye on her for safety, as well as ensuring she had safe places to sleep. We all saw the light go on over her head as she realized that she woke up in our garage many times without even knowing how she got there. Anytime it rained or stormed, in soaked clothes, she did try to find a mostly sheltered place to sleep. It dawned on her that not only did she wake up in a dry place out of the rain, she always wore clean, dry clothes that weren’t the ones she had on when going to sleep.

I see she didn’t yet make the connection that they weren’t even her clothes.

“I’ve learned that once you are asleep, you don’t notice anything,” mom said casually. “You do, it seems, have no problems walking to where he led you and helping him strip you, dry you off, and dress you in clean clothes. Anytime you were very sick, he put you in his bed to keep a close eye on you. I guess David isn’t the only one who ignored things going on around him. When he gets back into town, we will let you know so you can go over to thank him. From how he tells it, he was more of a father and mother to you than your own, even if you didn’t know it. No, he didn’t touch you inappropriately, well except whenever you were having your period, and he only did it because you weren’t.”

Damn. That guy is full of surprises.

Tandra smiled when she said, “So I didn’t dream about the man that bathed me, nursed me when I was sick, held me when I needed someone to hold me, and the other things I was sure were dreams. I always wrote it off as fantasizing what it would be like if I had a dad who didn’t only work, sleep, and fuck my mom. Sorry, have sex with my mom.”

After the girls and I had cleaned up from dinner, well the mess the babies made, dad told me, “You can take your Camry to go wherever Deidre is taking you. After managing your latest near-death experiences, I doubt you would have any issues going anywhere, but I saw Deidre’s motorbike. I don’t care if she did ride that halfway across the country to visit. I would be a bad adult for letting her go off in the dark on that thing. You and Deidre better be back in before I leave for work. You’re babysitting tomorrow. Molly and her sisters are busy. While the girl who babysat today would love to come back tomorrow, it is probably best that she not. I don’t think I need to explain my reasoning.”

“Tandra, if you are here in the morning, you can join David and the streaking Deidre swimming naked in the pool with the babies. Make sure to go have David get you some bathing suits too before you go on your adventure,” mom said.

Knowing her exact sizes, now, I only needed colors and patterns she hated. There weren’t many, so I quickly have her three one-piece and four bikinis that I knew would make any male that hit puberty get wood. Once we packed her new clothes in a duffle bag for her to take home, we were off.

Deidre didn’t need to tell me where we were going. I could feel where the epicenter of a storm that was going to spawn multiple tornados at that exact spot. The area was in an abandoned attempt at a man-made lake to be the center of a vast industrial park. It seems the developer spent such a long time trying to make the lake hold water that they went bankrupts. The town jokes that it drains water out faster than a monster downpour can fill it. That explained why it was perfect. A three-mile-wide bowl of dirt that is sixty-foot-deep at the center, covered in a rebar lattice and small areas of concrete, couldn’t any better of an area anywhere for hundreds of miles. In the developer’s effort to make the lake usable all year long, they had used all the excavated rock to line the entire bottom and painted it black before putting in the rebar to try to use concrete to make it a like a big pool. It was always ten to twenty degrees hotter than the area around it. When we had a big storm come through, the difference in temperatures was more extreme, and tornadoes would form over the bowl and throw stuff around inside. Rarely did tornadoes manage to keep up their strength once out of the valley that never became a lake.

The tornado that took out Molly’s home and part of Trudy’s didn’t come from this place.

“Go ahead and strip now, Tandra. No one will be anywhere around here when the storm fires up in about thirty minutes. We should be in the center by then,” Deidre said as she stripped as soon as she got in the car.

I let Tandra undress me. Her clothes weren’t much anyway.

The storm was close to an hour and a half away. The girls filled the time with Deidre teaching Tandra about their shared abilities, without doing anything to make the storm arrive or build faster.

Even without it being much more than dark clouds, I could feel the lightning building inside it calling out to me.

Is it reaching out to tell me how strong it will be and that it will spawn multiple tornadoes?

It hit me then that the girls could feel the air becoming unstable enough for them to make it a storm, but not the thunderstorm itself.

“You two can’t feel it can you,” I said. “Some of those like me can sense storms that are a long way off still. The one coming won’t need any help at all from you two. I know you said that, Deidre. I also know that you would be trying to pump it up a bit too. This one is going to be big and last a while.”

Both girls were surprised that I sensed the storm. All they could do was tell when it got within ten miles as that was the limit of their abilities.

Once bored with Deidre teaching Tandra about their shared talents, so we worked on where Deidre was going to be on my body. Deidre said Tandra was going to end up with her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. My dick buried inside Tandra was a given. It took some gymnastics, but I had Deidra on my shoulders with her calves in my armpits with Tandra able to reach up to hold Deidre, by her butt, if required. My dick was swinging in the increasing breeze. Neither were horny, yet.

Today is going to be the first time I’m in a storm with two girls and not have to reach out to shield them.

We hadn’t even felt the first raindrop, saw any hail or felt any lightning when a tornado formed at the leading edge of the storm. It headed right at us. I could tell that Deidre was scared out of her mind, Tandra’s face was emotionless, so I couldn’t get a sense of what she was feeling.

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