Incredible Changes - Cover

Incredible Changes

Copyright© 2013 by Dead Writer

Chapter 325: Money and Power

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 325: Money and Power - David is a apathetic eighth grader who has a very dramatic experience with nature that forever changes his outlook on life and guides his future.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

Geez! I was going to do it anyway!

“Agent Summers,” I told her. “I’m glad you had an enjoyable conference with Mr. Smith, but right now, you do not look anything like a professional, high-ranking Treasury Agent. Unless you decide otherwise, we are going up to my bedroom where I will help you shower, dry off, do your hair, and then redress you in professional attire. I know you already know a lot about me, or you wouldn’t have allowed me to restrain the lead Treasury Agent. We both know that people are watching my house closely. Your walking out looking as if every male agent fucked you stupid would directly impact your career.”

She took my hand to pull me up the stairs and into my bedroom. Her clothes came off quickly, followed by her removing my shorts before dragging me toward the shower. Once inside, she turned to reach down to get me hard. I noticed that her pussy didn’t show any signs that Mr. Smith fucked her, but he got her off multiple times. As soon as I was hard, she turned around, reached between her legs, lined me up, and did her best to force seven inches of my dick inside her before I bottomed out.

“Please fuck me, David. I don’t care about any laws about screwing seventeen-year-olds right now,” she said as she started making short strokes on my dick. “I don’t know who that was, but he wasn’t the same Mr. Smith I outfitted in DC years ago. He is very close in appearance, but he doesn’t have your eyes, nor does he give off the same vibe as you. I needed you inside me then as much as I do right now. Fuck me until you can’t anymore, then we need to talk.”

I don’t think you will be doing much talking, at least not coherently, anytime soon.

After I came inside her for the fourth time, we washed up in the shower and got out to dry off. She locked her arms around me as she started kissing me passionately. We knew there was no way she could fuck anymore today. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy having her naked body pressed against mine for a few minutes. Out in my room, she let me dress her in the professional power suit, designed for women, that was laid out on my bed.

“David, we both have our secrets,” she began as she idly caressed my still naked body. “I know that there is no question that you are the same boy that I met in DC. Watching how you moved to disarm the two agents earlier, I do not doubt that you saved me that day during the op. It is not any of my business to know how you came by the high-security access badge you had at the time, but I do not question that Mr. Smith and you are not the same people. When the Treasury Department began looking into the information provided, that led to today’s op, I cross-referenced times of his appearance to what travel information we had on you. Only during your brief interaction this Spring there is no overlap. When I saw the pictures of you over the last eight years, I recognized you immediately and arranged to be here for this op. I’m glad I did too. You are a sex demon. If I had known back when we first met, I would have let you tear into my wet pussy after you saved me, screw the child protection laws.”

Her rubbing my body had her hot again, but a few flicks over her large clit solved that quickly.

I’m not going to confirm or deny any of what she said.

After deciding she was going to do her best to blow me until I came in her mouth, she told me, “Look. Even if I have undeniable truth about you being anything more than a seventeen-year-old kid, living a middle-class home in suburbia, I have no reason, or responsibility, or need to act on that information. I’m sure I will become further indebted to you as soon as I look into the info Mr. Smith provided. Had this debacle not involved you, I wouldn’t be here now, and thus not interacted with Mr. Smith.”

She didn’t need a ride at all. Agent Summers parked her government-issued car down at the end of the block in case they did find the money they came after. There would be more people arriving to take part in the raid, so she wanted a way to get out of here in a hurry. The clothes we found on my bed closely matched what she wore here today, so she didn’t need to worry about someone wondering why she was wearing an entirely new set.

“You have been so amazing, David, that I do want to give you something in return,” Agent Summers told me before heading out to her car.

When she returned, she put one of the Treasury ballcaps on my head. It was one of their special ones that people can’t counterfeit because the threads used aren’t easily acquired. When sheets of printed money are not perfect, they go to a specific company for destruction. Through some process, they break them down into the cotton and linen fibers, which they then spin into thread. They dye the yarns into the colors needed to make the hats. Some of the ink from the printing process, including the metallic inks, remain embedded in the fibers. Agent Summers pulled out a small light that she moved over the hat. It glowed in a way that “Treasury” stood out. She also had one of their Treasury jackets in my size.

“I hope there is never a time when you will need it, but the bag beside the door has a full set of tactical gear that is also in your size. Mr. Smith is very resourceful to have acquired his own. I don’t know who had it loaded into my car, but obviously, it was someone that wanted you to have it. In the box are also two secure phones that I pre-programmed in my phone number. As with the tactical gear, I hope that you won’t even need to use it. If you find yourself in a situation similar to today, don’t hesitate to call me,” Agent Summers told me.

One more hug and she left.

Paula came over to tell me, “My head hurts. I don’t know where it all came from, but one second I was wondering what was going on. The next, I knew what to say. I have a lot of stuff that just came to me suddenly. I don’t know what it all means. I’m going to take a nap now that everyone left, finally.”

Molly looked lost. I had seen her go into my dad’s office a few times and come out with a puzzled look on her face. I watched her digging through architectural plans trying to figure something out. She finally stripped off her clothes and started swimming laps.

I called dad to let him know of the shit that went down this morning. He said he was coming home. Molly was still swimming laps when my dad arrived. We went into his office. The heavy gold bar remained on his desk.

Once he swung the bookcase open, he took a look around the edges and said, “That odd man mentioned a remotely triggerable self-defense mechanism for the elevator shaft. I wasn’t expecting something like this, though. I can’t even detect where the solid block fits into the opening. He did mention that their upgrades would make this elevator access, and the one below appears to have always been a solid concrete wall. All indications of it being anything else also disappear. He didn’t tell me how to reset it. I’m not sure we can. It does explain the armored car I noticed leaving the community where the house at the other end of the tunnel resides. It seems we do indeed have someone watching over us.”

I know there are not any bugs in the house because I would have seen the energy coming from them. So how?

Dad and I both got a text message telling us to pick up dinner at a restaurant we hadn’t ever visited.

“Probably good that we do that soon. Your mother has invited Molly’s entire family over for dinner tonight to thank them for watching the babies, and a few of our guests,” Dad told me.

Paula was dead to the world on the couch, and Molly just climbed out of the pool. I explained that Dad and I were going to pick up dinner. We would be back soon. She nodded quickly.

On the way, I told dad, “You know what? I can’t remember the last time I rode in your car since I got the Lotus. For that matter, the last time I rode as a passenger in any vehicle.”

“Welcome to being a teenager with a car, David,” Dad told me with a laugh.

It worried me a bit that we might be going to some mafia-type place you see in the movies. Surprisingly, it wasn’t. They had a mixed cuisine that had America, Italian, Russian, and British foods. We were picking up a sampler that contained each of their dishes. These did take a while to finish preparing.

“Can I get you something to drink while you wait,” a pretty waitress asked.

We both ordered sodas.

An older, though still quite attractive, version of our waitress pulled up a chair to our table and said, “I want to thank you for ordering our sampler platter. We are off the beaten path, so only those who know we are here come to dine with us. We have found our sampler platter is an excellent way for new prospective customers to see if we have a dish they like. It won’t be very much longer for them to finish preparing it. While we wait, we can discuss other things besides food.”

“So how long has your restaurant been in business? I’ve driven past a few times, but never noticed it,” Dad asked.

After some get to know you-type stuff, the lady got down to the real matter at hand.

“I must commend you on keeping company with some pleasant and influential friends,” she began. “It seems they paid their respects to someone that recently departed this plane of existence. I find that they dislike bureaucrats as much as the rest of us, greedy bureaucrats most of all. Unfortunately, our government is unable to keep presidential secrets, so they were significantly adept at releasing their plans to raid your home. Your friends didn’t want to see their gifts go to someone who they didn’t belong. If you so choose, your possession will return from whence they came, and you will again have access to them.”

Our waitress returned to palm the thumb drives to me before giving us a dessert menu, which didn’t list any desserts I would expect to eat. Instead, it was a list of broker services. The third item on the menu noted an expert would select the best of each of the expensive gemstones, in each color, for us to keep. The fourth dessert choice did that for each karat and color of the diamonds. Well, except for those too large for us to have without someone asking a lot of questions. The remainder of the gems would find their way to world markets to sell them. Their broker fee came out of the funds paid to me for that purpose. Another menu item suggested keeping the gold and cash remaining after the broker fees.

“Number three, four, seven, and twelve are our most popular desserts. Five and nine also have high reviews,” she told me.

I told her that three, four, seven, and twelve looked perfect. We would take one of each to have after dinner. The older woman suggested we give number eight a try. That would convert one-quarter of the remaining cash into used bills in one, five, ten, twenty, and fifty-dollar denominations to make it easier to spend. Dad suggested the item that took another one-quarter and applied it to pre-paid debit cards issued by a bank outside of the US, but which worked on the major card networks. It made sense to me.

Not much after we ordered “dessert,” we had cardboard boxes with our food inside. Mom arrived home before us, so she had the table set for everyone. The adults had wine glasses. For a place that provided the services I needed to turn the gems and diamonds into money, they had fantastic food. We barely had enough left for mom to take for lunch tomorrow.

After Molly and her family left, April climbed up in my lap and fell asleep. She didn’t stir a bit while my parents and I watched a movie before the time for them to go to bed. As I put April down in the crib with my brother and sister, mom told me how impressed she was that I didn’t get pissed off at the whole mess this afternoon.

I expected that Paula was sleeping over, but mom told me that Steve came to get her because Paula still had a big headache when she woke up.

I went to check emails before bed. I was replying to some when Trudy came in around eleven. She sucked on my dick as I continued answering the few emails the AI in my computer couldn’t. When I finished, Trudy slid up my lap to mount me, pulling her shorts and panties to the side. We fucked like that until she started to strip. We moved onto my bed, where I spent a few hours licking, kissing, and fingering her until she asked me to fuck her, cum inside her, roll us onto my back. Trudy wanted me to do my best to keep my dick inside her as we slept. I awoke in the morning to find Crystal riding my dick. I could tell that something was up, so I rubbed her back and butt as she fucked me. After an hour, I couldn’t help myself from going off inside her. She came at the same time.

“I love you, David,” Crystal told me. “I miss sleeping with you. I never sleep as well as when you hold me in your arms. I had to be sure that sex with you felt the same as it did the other times. I’ve worried that you didn’t still love me after the three gorgeous girls you had here recently. I know it is insanely stupid, but I couldn’t shake off the feeling. It is probably due to Annie’s grandmother coming here to visit with her dad about something very urgent. Her grandmother gives me a bad vibe, and her talking about you made me need to be with you. Trudy understood and left just after your parents. Annie’s grandmother expects us at Annie’s house, but that old witch can wait until you pound me hard in the shower, we dress, and eat.”

Didn’t I already meet this woman or someone else like her in Annie’s family? Man, I can’t remember.

After pounding Crystal’s pussy for close to an hour, we got out of the shower. An hour later, we were walking into Annie’s house.

Annie’s grandmother had her back to me, so she didn’t see me come in. She was speaking in a language I already knew before coming over here today. I heard about all the changes which happened as a result of the heads of families dying. She made comments to the effect that Annie needed to take on a role in their family to seize the opportunity from the void of leadership in the elite world presently. She went on and on about how it was her right to demand Annie do as she said.

“Pardon my rudeness for speaking out of place. I don’t know anything about your family business ventures, but Annie is like a sister to me. She and Crystal took care of me when I wasn’t doing it myself. What I do know is that I met Darren last Spring, and again a few days before his unfortunate death. What I can tell you is that there is no leadership vacuum at the top. The three heiresses to families who named Darren their heir apparent now sit together at the top of their world. We both know you aren’t in the same social class as them. After those at the top met their maker, the three women came to my house and stayed for part of a week, but you already know rumors of this, or you wouldn’t have come here to try to arrange a meeting with them through Annie. I protect my friends where I am able, and this is one of those places I can speak with absolute confidence. I will keep Annie out of that world. I don’t know how to contact Corwin, Skylar, or Mary, but I’m pretty sure I can find out,” I told her in the same language.

She turned around with a shocked look on her face. From the reactions of Annie’s family, this woman didn’t get shocked by anyone very often. Her face paled when she recognized that I looked almost exactly like Darren and Mr. Smith. I doubt that she crossed paths with Darren.

“No, I am not Mr. Smith, if that is your first question. If you had come to my house yesterday, you could have met him. He was here dealing with other matters. Annie barely lived through a horrific car accident. I was there with her as they fixed her broken bones and mended her body. Why would you place her in a position where she will take the fall for you screwing up or get killed by someone making you know they are displeased with your way of doing business?” I asked.

In heavily accented English, she said to Annie, “I find myself needing to apologize for trying to force you to do as I expect. How our family has always done things is not a fit for you. You have chosen your friends wisely. He is still merely a grown child in my eyes, as are you. The three young women who sought his protection were already feared before they became women. Now they are the most powerful in the world. Now you too are under his protection. I will not challenge his words.”

That is interesting. I scare the shit out of this old witch.

“Annie? Do you want to tell me something? When did we become lovers? I’m sure I would have remembered,” I asked her. “If you want to take our friendship to that level, I think we need to discuss it in private. I’m pretty sure that Crystal will have something to say on the matter.”

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