Incredible Changes - Cover

Incredible Changes

Copyright© 2013 by Dead Writer

Chapter 362: Aloha

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 362: Aloha - David is a apathetic eighth grader who has a very dramatic experience with nature that forever changes his outlook on life and guides his future.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

I think I can find ways to keep myself distracted for two more days.

I was up at oh-three-thirty to get ready for PT. April had me lift her to get into bed with Winter, and Officer Martin was there waiting to go down to PT with me.

“I know the drill instructor was being a dick about loading you up, and you rubbed his face in it. I heard some grumbling because he made it known that we had gotten soft if a seventeen-year-old kid quite literally ran laps around us. I know that you won’t be very popular at PT this morning, but I’ve heard that he will have a large assortment of gear for you to have when running,” she told me.

Down on deck, I saw that they had a supply of rucksacks, simulated and actual weapons, and simulated ammo.

Not wanting to cause a scene, I asked to speak to the gunnery sergeant running PT today.

“What can I do for you, sir,” he asked.

“I wish I could say that I’m not a sir because I work for a living, but I can’t since I’m too young to get a real job. I would prefer you just call me David or, if you must, Mr. Jones,” I told him. “Yesterday was the first time in a while that I can recall breaking a sweat or getting a bit winded in a long time. I don’t want to look as if I am showing off, but I wondered if it would be acceptable to work out wearing a loaded rucksack where applicable? I haven’t done much exercising lately and wanted to do something that makes me work for it. Yesterday I felt that I showed off when I didn’t mean to do it all.”

We had ten minutes before starting PT, so he took me off to a gym section. Inside he found me an adjustable weight vest that he said weighed one-hundred-fifty pounds. I put it on under my shirt, per his suggestion. I only noticed I was wearing it from how it restricted some of my movements. Not enough to slow me down. Just know that it was there.

“Marines,” he yelled out to get everyone assembled. “Mr. Jones has decided to up his game to push himself a good solid workout. I’ve spoken to him, and he is not attempting to show up any Marine. That won’t keep any of you from running with rucksacks today. He is just going to be wearing a loaded-down one when possible. It is about his keeping himself in what is peak physical shape for him.”

That got some grumbles, but I did see some of the Marines give me a look of respect as I strapped on the rucksack before we started any exercises.

“Good god, David, really?” one of the Seals asked. “You have one-hundred and fifty pounds on your back, and you are still keeping pace with us. At least you are breaking a sweat today, and I can see your muscles flexing.”

After running as hard as I can, carrying the minigun and ammo can, plus wearing the rucksack and weight vest, I felt more on par with others. I still out-distanced them by a mile before the gunnery sergeant had everyone stop and form back up.

I had already set down the gear and rucksack when the gunnery sergeant called me over and said, “As I mentioned before, David here was working out with us to exercise himself to the point of feeling the burn. Many know that he had another sixty pounds in his rucksack over yesterday. We all saw him not crushing it like yesterday and breaking a sweat. David asked permission to add some challenges to his workout. What you didn’t know is that David is wearing a one-hundred-fifty-pound weight vest under his shirt. Except for the added weight of the minigun and ammo, he was doing everything with an additional three-hundred pounds. That is more than David or any of you on deck weighs. It is too bad that he won’t consider joining any military branch as he could carry his gear, mine, and me from a hot zone and do it while running a six-minute-mile pace.”

I still had the weight vest on when four of the seals decided to see if the weight slowed me down. It didn’t noticeably to them, but it restrained my flexibility to move how I wanted. They did manage to land some hits and kicks on me when all four attacked as one. Once I had one of them temporarily unable to rejoin the fight, the others joined the first Seal on the mat in short order.

“Damn, David. Are you sure we can’t find anything to convince you to join up?” asked one of the Seal’s commanders. “First, I find that you could carry any of us from a hot zone at a sprint, and now I learn that you know one of the rare techniques that would block out the pain without drugs. Can you release my men, please? Something has come up, and they are needed urgently to discuss a matter.”

After removing the temporary nerve block that had them unable to move, each thanked me for showing them that I’m not untouchable.

As I headed inside, I pulled their commander over to ask, “Would it be helpful if I phoned a friend to do what you need without any risk to your team?”

“I’m sure you would do just that, which is why my team is departing before you can get the chance. I sincerely appreciate the offer,” he told me. “My team needs to earn their keep and show that they have learned something from their sparring sessions with you.”

It is their job.

After I put the weight vest away, I hurried up to shower. Carla was waiting for me, naked, to join me in the shower.

“No need to rush to eat today, David. The enlisted mess said they would let you have the leftovers from breakfast if you promise not to start washing dishes, again,” she said. “I know that I’m putting my career in jeopardy and could end up in jail. Only a few in my life have I felt so comfortable around that I am willing to drop my defenses to allow myself to pursue physical closeness. I never had the chance to consider if you were someone I wanted to trust to touch me anywhere, sexually or otherwise. Before I could even process that you touched my chest, you were getting me dressed. David, I need you to fuck me like I am any other woman you would take to show what a real man can make a woman feel. I know you have the stamina and staying power.”

Who needs to use a bed? You can’t weigh over a hundred and ten pounds.

As I turned her to face me and pick her up, my heat-seeking missile locked onto her exhaust. After blowing open her access hatch, I started working to lubricating her chassis.

When I felt she was good to go, I started using her pussy to jack off my dick to get us both off. She wasn’t having any of that and began fucking me without me doing more than holding butt. We only stopped for her when she came and then finally when I was going to cum. She didn’t like it very much that I made myself pop out right before I started firing my load against the metal shower stall wall.

As we were relaxing on her bed, as she was exploring my dick with her fingers and mouth, she said, “I’m glad that I chose you to be my first, and so far, the only one I’ve ever wanted, lover. In the heat of the moment, I wanted your sperm inside me even when I know I am fertile. You didn’t let me choose, for which I thank you now that I can think about something more than your long cock in my pussy. As many are finding, you exceeded expectations.”

Do you think that me being your first fuck, even if you only came twice, exceeded expectations? See if this is something you expected.

Before Carla knew what was happening, she had her third cum from her clit and fifth from me attacking her g-spot. Then I fucked the shit out of her as I fed her all the energy she needed and made each cum last no less than fifteen seconds. When I put my dick to her lips for me to cum, Carla moaned and started almost convulsing as my load blasted into her mouth. I didn’t do anything but feed her what she needed to enjoy one of the longest cums I’ve seen a woman or girl have without me controlling it.

I quickly used some of April’s wet wipes to clean us both up before dressing us.

“Ready to go eat now?” I asked.

She laughed, sounding like what I would expect to hear from a fairy, before saying, “I already had the best meal I’ve wanted and never trusted anyone to feed me. I don’t have to report to my duty station until thirteen hundred hours. Now that you have educated me about how it feels to have a real orgasm, I think I’m going to explore giving myself one and then take a nice nap. I’m tired for some reason.”

I stripped her as quickly as I dressed her, got a towel under her butt, and whispered in her ear, “Nobody is in the berth but the two of us. So, unless you decide to torpedo your career by talking about being with me, you don’t need to worry about getting in any trouble for allowing me to play forward with what others have taught me. They can do their best to try to interrogate me, and I won’t say a word, even if you were there telling everything.”

Leaning in, I sucked on both of her nipples to get her motor running. Dipping her fingers in her juices, I lubed up her button. I watched her start rubbing around and then stop in frustration. I took her hand, got her fingers wet again, and then showed her how to scratch her itch. When I saw her orgasm energy building quickly, I waited for what I knew would happen. She hit Nirvana. Her body jerked all over her bed as she came and came. With her mind in the game and knowing what to expect, she would start to finish one cum, and the lightest touch would start another. She was in excellent shape, but her body could only burn off that many calories before running down. I tucked her into bed, made sure she had her alarm clock set for nine-thirty and set two alarms on her cellphone to get her out of bed.

She pulled me down to hug me and seemed to glow when I gently kissed her forehead.

Right as I headed out the door, I was “intercepted” by a doctor.

“Mr. Jones, David,” the doctor began. “Officer Nibbons is my patient. We had a very long talk yesterday and given your late departure for chow, I will assume she decided to move forward with her plan. I’ve come to let her know that she is excused from duty today as I expect she will need to have another chat with me that may extend into her duty schedule.”

I gently turned the doctor around, hooked her arm in mine, and started walking toward the mess hall. She didn’t look very pleased for me to redirect her from Carla’s quarters.

When we were in an area where the ambient noise would keep others from hearing us, without being next to us, I said, “Please don’t break Carla’s trust by telling me if I am right that she isn’t on the Autism Spectrum, but has many behaviors in common with those with Autism. It is why she didn’t react negatively to find me naked in the female head after I arrived and was comfortable being naked in front of me. I don’t know what you two discussed, and she never mentioned talking with anyone about me. I can guess, though. I made her want to be as close to me as possible because I made her feel calm. She needed skin-on-skin contact with me as I didn’t make her skin crawl when I helped with a problem with her dress whites before dinner with the Admiral. We had a friendly chat while I was showering after PT. I think she got up too early to get a chance to talk to me for a bit before I went to get breakfast. Carla could barely keep her eyes open, so I got her to get on her bunk to get some more sleep. She was out like a light. Her alarm clock was already set for nine-thirty, and I set two on her cell phone. I’m pretty sure that she would insist that she is reporting to her duty station today.”

She stopped to look me in the eye and said, “David, I am concerned that her vagina soreness from her first time having intercourse would be noticed and cause her fellow officers to question why. That would be a very uncomfortable discussion for her and her career.”

“Why? She didn’t mention having sex with anyone, but that is a personal thing I wouldn’t expect her to tell me, even if Carla feels very comfortable around me. I mean, I know the discomfort a girl can have from sex when their partner is a bit too energetic before she is ready. I didn’t see any signs of her walking side to side or showing any of that discomfort. Are you sure that she had sex? I mean, we were both naked in the head, and I did sneak a peek. I’m not a gynecologist, but I did something stupid when I was fifteen, and mom made me work at an underwear and bathing suit outlet. I’ve seen hundreds of women and girls between their legs. She didn’t look like she had sex anytime recently.”

So, what if when I looked was before we had sex when I was washing her body?

We walked in silence, and right before the enlisted mess, she said, “I see. It is very comforting to know that your honor and discretion are as they briefed me. Officer Nibbons is very adept at using her unique mental talents in ways that greatly benefit the Navy. I’m an expert interrogator, as well as a psychologist. My decades of training tell me that you haven’t lied about anything we’ve discussed. What you have divulged about you and Officer Nibbons being naked in the head is already common knowledge. Due to the berth assignment, it was unavoidable. We overlooked it due to reports of your being unaffected by seeing naked women. As a parting thought, I am willing to throw away my career and do time in prison if you feel the need to spend time with a mature woman.”

Being near a female head in a nearby hallway I knew was infrequently used, I guided the doctor inside. The place in my head showed the doctor already had a tampon in to keep from making a wet spot. She was beyond horny from talking to Carla about the possibility of Carla giving me her virginity. I hugged her as I thanked her for keeping Carla’s best interests in mind. I moved the doctor over in front of the couch before I let my fingers lightly graze the skin of the doctor’s arm toward her hand. It was all the doctor needed to cum for close to a minute, all on her own. I caught her as she went limp as soon as she started to cum and set her on the couch.

“Sorry, doc,” I joked once she finished her cum, and the effects of her massive orgasm wore off. “I don’t need to ask if it was good for you, do I? That is all you are going to get. You did that all yourself. I’m going to go get food before they throw it out or put it away.”

I hurried from the head and into the kitchen in the enlisted mess before she recovered her wits.

“Someone called ahead to say to keep something warm for you when you were able to make it down. From what we’ve heard, we didn’t bother putting anything away. We might have enough to fill your bottomless pit, but I doubt it,” a chef joked. “If you will stay away from the dishwashers, we could use your help cutting up the beef for dinners. I saw the video from a competition you did where you used a sword. I’m curious to watch you use a knife on real flesh.”

Now that isn’t something I’ve thought about doing it before. Maybe I can be a butcher somewhere once I turn eighteen?

I looked over their knives and then said, “Before I agree, do you have some sharpening stones? The edges on your knives are completely screwed up.”

They had two dozen different coarseness of sharpening stones. Between bites, I showed them the proper angles to use each stone for these knives. I then took a few others to show them how to guard the sharpening rod to set the proper angle to re-hone the blade. Some I saw were too bent or had chips out of them.

“How long until we need to start on the meat for dinner?” I asked.

If I helped, we could start at noon. Otherwise, the chefs needed to begin in an hour.

I put the damaged and broken knives into the bins for things to be recycled. I did not want to delay getting dinner going, so I used the knives I had already sharpened to cut up what they said they needed to get the first round of dinner cooking.

I smiled and told them, “I’m going to find a machine shop with a forge. I shouldn’t be too long if they have what I need.”

Near the nuclear reactor and engine room, I found the machine shop that had what I needed at the far end of the carrier.

“I know you shouldn’t be in here, and I might catch hell for it, but I’m curious what you can do. We do have a forge powered by heat from the reactor, but I think you will find the induction forge a better choice,” the sailor in charge of the machine shop told me.

He is probably right. If I had the time to melt the metals down and suitable powders, I would go that route.

It was nice finding that they had a large warehouse of many different formulations of steel with specific mixtures of additives and with set purities. I grabbed sheets of what I needed to make a good solid core and the hardened edges that were as close to the Toledo swords as I could get to make some meat cleavers and similar chopping knives. I had to dig around to find as close to what I would separate from Kera for slicing knives.

With only a few hours, I cheated a bit to use their hydraulic presses to flatten each sheet and then the brake to bend it before heating it again. I quickly had folded the metals I was using to the thickness I wanted for the various types of knives I had in mind. Off in a dusty corner, I found something else to help shortcut the process more, jigs that would shape each into the exact angles needed. The induction units heated the metal faster than a forge, and I used pressure to forge-weld the harder metals on the edges. Using the place in my head, I saw that the metal grains ran in the proper directions, and the forge welding with pressure worked better than with a hammer. I soon had all the blade shapes laid out to where I heated them a final time and quenched them in oil.

I’m not putting the scalloped edge on the trimming and slicing knives. They don’t need it.

I let the metal cool as I rushed back to help chop and slice up enough meat to get them ready to put the next batch on the stove and in the oven.

Back in the machine shop, I took all the blades over to the punch press. I had each ready for a handle.

“We can do handles, David. Give us a few minutes, and we will have them ready for an edge,” an older sailor said as they spread the unsharpened blade out to various sailors.

I watched them cut the wood shapes from a template. They quickly drilled and riveted all the blanks. I did let the petty officer that arrived take one of each to go try to sharpen them. He seemed to know what he was doing, but only time would tell.

From muscle memory, I put razor-sharp edges on each of the knives, heated them with a blowtorch, and then quenched them a final time before honing them one last time. The sailors in the machine shop had taken the ones I finished to polish them before I noticed.

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