Incredible Changes - Cover

Incredible Changes

Copyright© 2013 by Dead Writer

Chapter 474: Go To The Principal’s Office

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 474: Go To The Principal’s Office - David is a apathetic eighth grader who has a very dramatic experience with nature that forever changes his outlook on life and guides his future.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

Some parents weren’t happy that I kidnapped their kids to run around the world ringing in the new year, but they could get over it.

Why is it that the ones that are mad about me taking their kids on a once-in-a-lifetime trip don’t have the money to go to those places with their kids?

Elena and I went home shortly after the stroke of midnight.

Camden’s family had chosen to throw a New Year’s Eve party for Becky, Chrissy, and my family. The kids were all sleeping over there, so my house was empty. Even the staff had taken off for the night.

Except for my parent’s suite and staff rooms, Elena and I did our best to christen every room in the main house.

There is something to be said for watching porn in the movie theater where you can screw right along with the porn stars.

After eight in the morning, we dropped into my bed after a quick rinse in the shower. Elena was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. I didn’t think I was tired, but I was waking up around two in the afternoon when Elena slid over me to slide my dick into her. She laid down on my chest and went back to sleep.

“Aunt Elena,” Ellen said softly as she gently shook Elena to wake her up. “Grandmother said to get you two up and showered for dinner.”

Elena wanted to know why Ellen started calling her Aunt Elena.

Ellen giggled before saying, “April is my sister and aunt. Your dad adopted two of April’s sisters, my half-sisters and half-aunts, so they are your sisters too. That means you are my sister. But you’re also sort of their mom. It is all too confusing, and I don’t want to be rude because April will get onto me about it.”

While Elena and I showered, Ellen told me, “It was fun last night. Dee and Tee invited boys and girls from their school over. After we screamed Happy New Year, I kissed a few boys, and I don’t like champagne or bubbly grape juice. I’m glad you didn’t take me on your trip because then I wouldn’t have gotten to swim naked with the boys at the party. I didn’t know boys could have so many different types of wieners. Dee said it was like a girl’s boobs. I thought boys needed to have hair and big balls to get longer than boys with hair down there. Oh. You have to see this. I didn’t even notice that I now had a lot of hair. Some boys asked the girls why I had all this hair but no boobs.”

Ellen pulled down her panties and showed that she did indeed have the start of a small bushy triangle. I don’t remember much hair there the last time I saw her naked. Her chest still hadn’t started to grow back in again.

After I rinsed out Elena’s hair and started putting in conditioner, I said, “Ellen, everyone’s body develops at their own pace. Some boys will have hair, a grown dick, and big balls but won’t shoot out anything when they get theirs. That boy has something coming out now when he gets off. It is the same for girls. Some already have their period but barely have any signs of breasts and are still bald as babies. Other girls are fully developed and won’t have their first period for years.”

“Oh, I see now,” Ellen said as she started playing with herself without even noticing.

I was about to tell her to do that in private when Elena whispered in my ear, “You see her doing it all the time, so it is no big deal. Some doctors say that kids will play with themselves around others when they know those there love them. I’ve never seen a girl play with herself that wasn’t doing it to put on a show. Ellen is too honest to pull something, and I want to watch out of curiosity. It isn’t like she didn’t see your dick slide out of me when we were getting out of bed.”

Ellen didn’t take long to get herself off from her clit, and then she started fingering herself, getting off three more times. Elena and I were dried when Ellen got herself off her again.

“Have fun?” I asked as Ellen sat there with two fingers buried in her pussy.

Why do you look like the cat that ate the canary?

Ellen blushed, pulled up her pants, and ran from the room.

“That is new,” I joked as Elena, and I dressed.

After breakfast, Elena borrowed one of the cars from the underground garage and headed home.

Dad pulled me off to talk and said, “You appear to have shocked the hell out of the students in your AP Language class. Some parents aren’t happy, but what can they do about it? Their kids are all eighteen, or almost eighteen. People will find something to complain about.”

School started the second semester on Monday. I was in the gym when asked to come to the office.

“David,” the dean said. “You’ve helped us out of a bind and are one hell of a teacher. The students in your classes love you and can’t wait to come to your class each day. The job was always meant to be temporary, but we’ve had to move things ahead of schedule. A group of parents have joined together and demanded your termination, effective immediately. One of them complains that you treat a subset of the student body better than the rest. The others got pissed that you took their kids worldwide without their permission. They know you are licensed to pull any child into your custody for any reason and take their parental rights away. What pissed them off was that you were not technically an employee but an unpaid volunteer substitute teacher. They have no idea that we filled the positions over the break and no longer need you to help us fill in as teachers. As they demanded, the complainers will learn that I have no basis for banning you from coming on the grounds. First, you have a daughter enrolled in our school. Secondly, your construction company built this school. Both give you unrestricted access to the school grounds, as with any parent of an enrolled student.”

I laughed and said, “I guess never having brought anything to put on my desks is a benefit and saves you some boxes. What about the language students? They worked so hard so far this year.”

“Both classes are being given full credit for the Fall and Spring semesters. They will no longer have a language class during that period. We have adjusted their schedules to provide them with a different elective,” the assistant dean told me. “The additional classrooms allowed us to enroll more students and hire more teachers. Your trips abroad with both classes proved their mastery of each language as expected. We are letting your students’ parents take it up with those who took issue with your kindness and generosity.”

The woman who worked in the office asked, “Can I take that to mean that there will be no further complaints about our using Ellen and April transportation services for our upcoming school trips?”

“Why would that be a problem anyway?” I asked.

“Because you own that company. Teaching at the school and being paid to transport students on a field trip caused a conflict of interest,” she told me.

I laughed hard at that one.

When I calmed down, I said, “I don’t own that company at all. April and Ellen do. One of my various companies may have funded it, but they are equal partners in an LLC incorporated on an island in the middle of an ocean. The island has no age requirements for corporation owners, provided they own land there. Paying Ellen’s corporation to provide transportation for a trip she goes on may cause issues if someone wants to push things. I suspect she or the company would donate the services for the trip.”

I did have to get the few things I had on my desk in the gym. Since the class had already started, it was easy to slip in and out unnoticed.

I went home, changed clothes, and walked to the neighborhood construction sites. I found where the contractors and some of the kids from the foster care complex needed some help holding up framed wall sections. In other places, they needed someone to carry in drywall and lumber. I just wandered around helping out anywhere I found someone who needed an extra hand. I was talking to some Spanish-speaking day laborers when the foreman for this house walked in.

“Hey, boss, what are you doing here holding up walls? Don’t you have school to teach?” he asked.

I replied, “I was only helping them out while they found people to pay to do what I was doing for free. At least they couldn’t fire me or lay me off because they weren’t paying me, nor was I faculty. I decided I might as well come down to see if I can lend a hand around here today. It isn’t like I’m going to pull a muscle or strain myself. I don’t even need to be very smart as long as I can stand still where they tell me to hold something or carry in sheets of drywall.”

“For a rich guy, you sure don’t act like one. Never had a boss come down to do more than bitch about something or stand around looking important. Can’t say that I’ve had any just walk in like they are any other construction worker and help where someone is needed,” he explained. “Now I know why people say you are a good guy. That goes pretty far in my book.”

“He called you the boss,” one of the day laborers said. “You don’t look like a boss.”

“I own the construction company developing this neighborhood. My schedule changed, and I found myself with nothing to do today. I came to see if I could help a bit,” I explained. “It seemed like a good idea to me.”

They laughed and told me they didn’t care if I was the boss, his wife, his wife’s boy toy, or whoever, provided I kept hauling around sheets of drywall. If I could get them strapped down the right way, I could carry in a dozen sheets in one go. More than that, I had a hard time getting them where needed.

I was back at the school in time to walk the kids home.

“Dad? Are you feeling ok? Kids were asking me if you were sick because you weren’t there to teach any of your classes,” Ellen asked, showing concern.

“I was helping the school out because they didn’t have enough teachers. They could enroll new students and hire more teachers with all the new classrooms. The school now has all the teachers they need to teach the classes I was teaching,” I told her.

As we met up with Chris, Vicky, and Ronny, I saw how many people got quiet as we approached. No one was coming to talk to me, but they were all looking at me.

I waited until we got to the meeting spot and said, “Can you believe that some of the parents are mad because I took my AP language class to Japan, Egypt, and New York City to ring in the New Year? We were only gone for the day. Oddly, there wasn’t a single complaint about me spending over ten thousand dollars per student getting them new clothes. The funniest thing was when they said that since I’m no longer a teacher, there is no conflict of interest if they hire April and Ellen transportation for school field trips to places like Washington, D.C., or Philadelphia.”

“Conflict of what?” Ellen asked.

“A conflict of interest is when a person has multiple things that work against each other. The school said that if I was still a teacher there and they hired April and Ellen Transportation, Inc., then it would be a conflict of interest,” I explained.

Ellen thought it over for a minute and then asked, “I still don’t get it. Why would that be a conflict of interest? The school wasn’t paying you to be a teacher and gym coach. April and I own the bus company. You are the driver, and we don’t pay you either.”

“That is why it was so funny,” I explained. “Now, you, on the other hand, will make things interesting. If they hire the bus company for a trip that you’re going on, they are paying you.”

She gets the idea, just not the punchline.

I had to explain to Vicky, Chris, and Ronny why I wasn’t teaching school anymore. I made sure to add how people called the school to demand they fire me. We all laughed when I told them how the school never hired or paid me. All I did was teach some classes while the school hired more teachers.

“I didn’t like grading homework any more than you enjoy doing it,” I joked.

One mom looked distraught when she came over to ask, “They fired you? I thought all the kids in your language classes loved you being their teacher. I know my daughters said you were the best gym teacher, and they didn’t mind you seeing them naked in the locker room. My girls loved how they could talk to you about things they won’t discuss with my husband and me. You always gave them your honest opinion and suggestions.”

“I’m pretty sure that all the kids I had in my classes have my phone number, and everyone knows where I live. For the most part, I will be walking Ellen to and from school every day that I’m not out of town or too busy for some reason. There are plenty of places around the school where I could talk with them privately but still see everyone. If it is more private, I can come to your house, or they can come to mine,” I explained.

I got a hug, and then the mom said, “That is incredibly generous of you, David. We might have to take you up on that. You have helped both of my girls more than years of therapy.”

“I’ve been told I’m a good listener,” I joked.

“Mommy? Can we go over there today? I need to talk to David about something personal,” one of her daughters asked.

“Not today, dear. Your sister has her doctor’s appointment in half an hour,” her mom told her.

“Does Tina have anything she needs to do this afternoon besides homework? Tina and I can talk through what is bothering her, and then she can hang out with Ellen and Vicky until you can pick her up. I know we have plenty of clothes she can change into to keep from getting her school uniform dirty,” I offered.

Her mom asked if I minded babysitting for a few hours. That got her a nasty look from Tina.

I replied, “I wouldn’t have offered it if I didn’t mean it. If things take longer than you expect, Tina can crash in one of the spare bedrooms tonight.”

Tina’s mom and I exchanged phone numbers. I sent Ellen and the others ahead so I could walk with Tina.

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