Incredible Changes - Cover

Incredible Changes

Copyright© 2013 by Dead Writer

Chapter 526: Family Honor

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 526: Family Honor - David is a apathetic eighth grader who has a very dramatic experience with nature that forever changes his outlook on life and guides his future.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex  

Mom and dad will give me so much shit when I get home.

I didn’t expect mom to grab me and pull me into a hug as soon as she saw me.

“David, you behaved today as the wonderful man I raised,” mom told me. “You have every right to be bitter, and few would find fault in you destroying the school superintendent on national TV. I found out anonymously that she is the one that spearheaded all the efforts to make your life miserable after Martin broke his hand when trying to hit you. His parents paid her a large sum of money for her time.”

“Mom, you have to come to see the news. They broke in on the TV show with something about David,” Rosie said as she ran into the kitchen.

We turned on the TV in the kitchen just as the anchor said, “Earlier this evening, a person put himself in danger to remove a person from a car that caught fire after slamming into a telephone pole near him. We only recently learned that David Jones pulled the school board superintendent from her burning car.”

“If he hadn’t responded immediately to get her out of the car, she would have burned to death before we could reach her. The wet cloth saved her from inhaling the toxic fumes and prevented her from having more than first-degree burns on her body,” the fire chief said.

“I am proud to have David as a member of our community,” the reporter commented.

They gave a teaser about their story about the superintendent’s parents. In addition to raising twelve children, that old witch’s mom worked the night shift seven days a week at the hospital until they made her retire at seventy-three. They showed a clip where I was in the background clearing the dinner table and then washing dishes as they interviewed the witch’s parents.

“Dang it! I’m never going to be able to sneak into the kitchens at any of my businesses to wash dishes,” I joked.

Dad yelled out to switch over to one of the national news networks.

When we did, they showed footage of me walking down the sidewalk toward the restaurant from the direction of the witch’s parent’s home. You could see the school board superintendent drive past me. As I walked toward my car, the camera had the perfect angle to have me and the pole the woman hit in the frame. You could see her make a U-turn. They showed that bitch aim her car at me and hit the gas. Her front wheel hitting the curb caused her to veer off into the pole. That angle let them capture the flames erupting from the car’s passenger side as I worked to open the woman’s door. Two people commented on the rapid progression of the car fire as I worked to free that bitch. It was fully engulfed seconds after I got her out of her wrecked car.

“Over the years, I’ve heard comments about the extraordinary work Mr. Jones has done building these enormous foster care complexes he funds entirely out of his pocket. When I interviewed some of his staff at one of these facilities, they commented on his selflessness. He ensures that these children in his care have everything they need to reach their full potential,” one commentator noted.

Another commented, “I know that if I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t have risked my life saving a person who publically expresses their hatred of me. If you look closely at this clip, he kept her face covered. Do you think that was to protect her from injury or conceal her identity?”

“I wasn’t trying to get on the local news,” I told my family. “That old witch didn’t like that I wasn’t going to put up with her blocking me. She called or had her cronies do it, the FBI, IRS, Treasury, and who knows who else about me, out of spite. Some good did come out of this crazy mess. I got to talk over school plans with people in the restaurant where I had lunch. I know I didn’t even think about recreational sports like scouting and after-school clubs. I didn’t even know the man I helped today was that witch’s father. He approached me to tell me why no one had built anything on the land where I planned to put the geothermal power plant and sewage treatment facility. We got to talking, and our walk ended up at his home. He had something around his house he couldn’t do anymore and asked if I minded giving him a hand. Since I got all the problems with Darren giving me his money, I have forgotten how I would help the older people in our old neighborhood. I even cut his grass, edged, and trimmed their bushes.”

Mom hugged me again and told me how important it was to keep being the person I was before all this craziness started with me getting Darren’s money.

Early in the morning, Paula called to tell me not to do any more interviews. She said to take April, Ellen, and my siblings, Ariba and Rosie, to the Chrissy Memorial Park this morning. I needed to ensure we packed lunch with plenty of water bottles, helmets, and bikes. I hadn’t been there since Chrissy’s funeral. It is somewhere people need to see me instead of on the news.

All the kids were excited to go somewhere other than our house and neighborhood. Ellen and the bigger girls took care of the younger kids whenever someone stopped me to talk about the new schools. Those I met did seem to suggest that I have STEM and Academy in the school’s name. They didn’t want the city or county’s name anywhere in it.

I didn’t technically need a primary, elementary, middle, and high school, only different buildings like Ellen’s private school if I only had one school name. It could be pre-k through twelfth grade. I fed that through my implant to the computer at home to develop redesigns for a single large school campus.

Some vehemently stated that they wouldn’t let me force them to send their children to my new schools when they opened. I heard reasons like they didn’t want to become indebted to me or let me use it to indoctrinate their kids into my way of thinking. One woman was seething with anger when she rushed up to me.

I let her rant, and when she wound down, I said, “I have no control over the public schools. I only offer to allow any student who wishes to attend my school to do so on my dime. No one is forcing you to change where you send your child. They will learn at any school you choose. Children attending my school will have access to resources that the public schools can’t afford to provide.”

“That is not what the school board sent out in an email this morning,” she told me.

“Are they planning to close the public schools when mine open?”

Deer in the headlights.

I left her there, re-reading the email from the school board on her phone. It didn’t take long to find it. I didn’t get that email because I don’t have kids in public school. They didn’t even bother to make it sound like they were only theorizing about me closing the public schools down when mine opened. Everything in their email was an outright lie, including stating that I called all the news outlets because they wouldn’t let me steamroll them into getting my way.

I sent it to Paula. She said once she fucked off her sheer pleasure at being able to respond to their lies, she would take care of it.

The kids had a blast at the park. We headed home a bit past one.

Molly sent me a message to go to the parking area where we built the drone. I had plenty of time to redesign the school buildings because it would take months to excavate the sewer pipes and get the utilities in place. My “boss” would be there to tell me where to get started with an excavator and then use one of the monster bulldozers that had already arrived.

I spent the rest of the week digging on a fifteen-foot deep, hundred-yard wide, and ten-mile-long trench. Once we had dug a hundred square yard section, we brought the monster dozers to move the dirt.

Teams drove in long steel I-beams and then welded on thick steel plates to keep the walls from collapsing.

The news about the school board soon became old news.

After the fourth of July, Ariba said that she missed her great aunt even though things weren’t great. Ellen needed to go on vacation. I asked April if she wanted to take a trip. She did, but not with me. April convinced my parents to spend two weeks at my mansion in Hawaii with my little brother and sister.

It surprised me when Bambi came over to ask if I would take Bart with me on the trip. She wouldn’t tell me why, but I suspected. I asked Dee and Tee, but only Tee said he wanted to come. I hadn’t paid enough attention to find that Bart and Rosie had gravitated toward each other.

The bond he had with Chrissy transferred over to Rosie.

High School had become hell for Bart because when Chrissy died, there wasn’t anyone telling the girls Bart was hands-off. He did date a lot. The girls wanted more than him eating their pussies and fingering them to keep them from trying to rape him.

Rosie started having terrible nightmares and didn’t tell anyone or ask for help. One of the times Rosie slept over at Camden’s house, she started screaming out in her sleep. Dee and Tee had to go somewhere that had them leaving at five in the morning. Bart heard her screaming and went to check on her. As soon as he held her, she was at peace and slept soundly. The next night the nightmares returned. They got so bad that Rosie woke up, went to Camden’s house, and climbed into bed with Bart. Somehow Bart knew the nights Rosie would have nightmares and she slept in his arms.

Dee came over two days before I left for the trip and asked if she could sleep in my bed with me.

“Please do all you can to ensure Tee can do it with as many girls as possible. He isn’t having any issues pushing up against any girl in the pool that will let him. Since school let out, we’ve almost had sex at least three times a day. Bambi watched us like a hawk and always knew when to interrupt us before we started doing it. Look, you knew that Tee had been inside me many times before we hit puberty and that it wasn’t us having sex. Bambi told me that our doctors explained that it was a coping method for us because we are different from most people. She said that when Bart hit puberty, she had this unquenchable need to have sex. The itch went away when Bambi teased Bart and made him cum. When we met you first, she said that her itch went away and didn’t come back,” Dee explained. “Tee and I don’t want to do like we did when we were younger. We want to screw each other raw, sleep, and do it all over again. Bart has only had sex discretely with a few girls that needed sex as much as he did, but who would lose everything if anyone found out? Since school let out, they can’t use their excuse that they are working on a project together to come over to do it at our house. Ariba’s elite sisters and cousins will be thrilled to have Bart in their beds while you visit.”

I found that Skylar and Mary had married off most of the girls who had become women in the last year and wanted to marry a man and have his children. The problem was that the men didn’t have the balls for children.

What is it with men in elite families not having the sperm that can make babies?

Given Skylar, Corwin, and Mary being the heads of all elite families, these men couldn’t get away with saying that their wives were the infertile ones or just making their wives turn up dead somewhere.

All these girls loved me dearly but didn’t want to have sex with me or bear my children. However, Skylar and Mary needed someone who was no threat to their husbands and had no avenues to pursue to blackmail them. Both were surprised when I said Tee was coming on the trip without Dee. He and Bart wouldn’t be a threat to any of their sister’s elite husbands.

Amelia showed up the day before the trip as a surprise.

She came with me to check over the government group re-boring the holes toward their waste dumps. While she didn’t come here to have sex, she didn’t turn it down either.

“I’m glad to see that some of Chrissy remain in Rosie, even if only the tiniest bit. Her mother always said you would go beyond anything I could ever imagine keeping Chrissy safe. She was right. I never expected that you were as powerful as she suspected. It took me a while to track Chrissy’s mom down. When I did, she had no idea that she ever had a daughter or knew anything about her past life. I couldn’t find anything other than the truth. Both Chrissy and her mom died that day in the explosion. Rosie and her mother weren’t them anymore. Rosie being the exact age Chrissy and on the same day of the year that your parents should have adopted Chrissy wasn’t lost on me, nor was it on others that watched things closely around your family. My DNA is a closer match to Chrissy than Rosie’s. They wrote it off as a coincidence after seeing that she wasn’t anything like Chrissy. I’ve had people with particular gifts check Rosie out for any signs that she could have ever been Chrissy. These people are better than excellent, and they concluded there was no way Rosie could have even been Chrissy. There wasn’t any Chrissy in there. I still had a nagging feeling that Rosie had to be you playing god and making her your little sister as she should have been back long ago,” Amelia told me once we were away from eavesdroppers. “I was here doing some checking up on things when I saw Rosie started looking exhausted even though she was sometimes sleeping for over twelve hours. One day I noticed that she was back to being full of energy and her usual happy self. The next night I saw her slip out of your house around two in the morning and go over to Dee and Tee’s house. Seeing her starting to hang out with Bart and no longer looking exhausted all the time confirmed what I had suspected.”

What Amelia told me I had never heard before. Horrendous nightly nightmares began plaguing Chrissy around the time she turned ten. The night after they moved here, the nightmares stopped. They came back whenever I was away from Chrissy for more than a week. It was one reason for Chrissy turning into a bit of a sex addict. She would screw until she was too exhausted for the nightmares to affect her sleep.

When Chrissy met Bart, she still had nightmares, but they were more the garden variety, like standing in front of her class in her underwear versus having her skin, slowly and painfully, eaten away by skin-eating bugs.

A few months before Chrissy and her mom “died,” Chrissy stopped having nightmares. Amelia saw how Bart and Rosie are now as close as life-long siblings, not as Rosie’s best friend’s older brother. Bart seemed to have gotten over losing Chrissy as well.

Amelia did finally get to what she wanted to discuss.

“When the elites learned the true nature of my Chrissy’s mom’s employers, anyone not paying close enough attention got killed along with their bosses. My team, those you brought to us, and ones with unique talents were safely away from the fallout. We’ve managed to survive on what we had saved and the accounts we found hidden away by our now-dead employers. We’ve completed a few contracts referred to us by your digital friend, but those are few and far between. The group asked me to beg you to become our master in a matter of speaking. The Japanese would refer to us as Ronin, warriors without a master. That isn’t who we are, David. You have those who dislike you and are too stupid not to fear the fate that will befall them if they try to hurt you, your family, and your friends. We can be the ones that make sure these people don’t get the chance to have a mad David hunting them down for their stupidity. We won’t kill anyone, but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t do it to save their asses.”

Why didn’t I know about what happened to them before now?

After tearing into Amelia for not coming to me when it happened, I set the teams up with an account that would always have a hundred million dollars. I didn’t tell her that the money came from the orphaned accounts when those like Chrissy’s mom were exterminated. It only seemed fitting.

She did tell me that at least three from her team would be watching out for my family on their trip. Only those from these teams, like Anna, could be around me without putting themselves in danger. People who would cause problems already knew about Amelia’s ties to Chrissy, her mom, and thus me. Deidre and Annalise were safe as well. Others depended on the situation. Women like Celine and Sherry would be assumed to be my friends if we get seen together. Amelia had already planned on how to work it all out. Over the next year, people would see me with members from all teams that now worked for me. It wasn’t about my safety but about protecting these teams’ lives.

With all the changes in how the elite families now did business, it wasn’t a problem for us to visit Elise in their home. It felt good to get behind the controls of one of the space jets again. Ariba, Bart, and Tee seemed confused about why they had to wear pressurized flight suits but put them on anyway. Rosie didn’t mind, even if she had no idea why. Ellen told them only that it would be a surprise.

Unlike other times, we couldn’t stop at the ISS, but we did fly up to get in orbit with it so that the kids got to wave at the astronauts. I hadn’t planned to get into space, but some world government decided they wanted to track me. Multiple satellites had a lock on me up until I passed seventy-thousand feet. The man-in-the-machine pinged me that I needed to make a statement to those attempting to be nosey.

He guided me to one of the spy satellites that the government tracking me had rented to have a better look at something. I got in position in front of one of these satellites, got the girls up into the cockpit, and had them moon the satellite as the man-in-the-machine ensured the high-resolution camera focused on the Jones girl’s bright white asses. The girls decided that wasn’t enough, so they moved around so that you could see their faces, hands, and bare butts as they waved. All three giggled away as they turned to pose in the nude but kept their hands and arms covering everything.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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